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Blackpill You would gladly accept a 30 year old roastie



Sep 13, 2019
JFL at anyone denying they would accept some below average looking roastie who was chads cumdumpster for years when you get older.
Agepill is the essence of the blackpill. Its everything. As you get older you will realize you need to grasp onto anything and everything that will save you from the truly horrifying fate of dying alone and incel.

Going too long as an incel will make you truly crazy. Saying you would deny a roastie in older age if you could is like an african kid saying he wouldnt eat a low quality processed meal.
Keep fucking coping, roasties are beyond us in SMV in ways we can never imagine. We would cut off our hand to get one when the agepill strikes.

There are two kinds of people who say this:
1: Youngcels who dont know the pure horror and agony that the agepill will eventually inflict them with
2: Oldcel coomer freaks with extremely low T who live alone in the woods who will resort to other sick, twisted and degenerate ways to stay content and release
you think we would all betabuxx just out of desperation despite all the blackpill awareness we have? doubt it tbh
In the words of Sean O'pry: Keep coping you utter subhuman.
you think we would all betabuxx just out of desperation despite all the blackpill awareness we have? doubt it tbh
yes, if we had the option. dont ever underestimate the agepill and what it can do to a man.
Given a choice I don't think many would turn them down, no. It's easy to type about pride and self-respect but when faced with the chance I have a hard time believeing someone would honestly choose inceldom. Of course it doesn't matter as she won't want you anyway.
No. I would never. Only as a ONS and never as a wife. Getting married in 2020 is a mistake.

t. Oldcel
Given a choice I don't think many would turn them down, no. It's easy to type about pride and self-respect but when faced with the chance I have a hard time believeing someone would honestly choose inceldom. Of course it doesn't matter as she won't want you anyway.
Einstien IQ
No. I would never. Only as a ONS and never as a wife. Getting marries in 2020 is a mistake.

t. Oldcel
being in a relationship=/ married
what is it with americancels and thinking being married is the only way to be in a relationship :feelshehe:
some who lack self-love may do. I don't think I would tbh
I'd just continue to escortcel at that point. No real attraction would exist in such a relationship anyway, best to just to cut out the middleman, or in this case the middlebitch.
Einstien IQ

being in a relationship=/ married
what is it with americancels and thinking being married is the only way to be in a relationship :feelshehe:
well i mean casually date sure. but once she starts mentioning marriage and shit i'm leaving
As long as she doesn't have kids, sure.
Jfl LOL at you if you think i Betabux a parasite.
well i mean casually date sure. but once she starts mentioning marriage and shit i'm leaving
There is no reason for any man ever to get married. What are the rewards? what are the risks?
Even gigachad statusmaxxed moviestars like Johnny depp can get fucked by some lesbian psycho who wants money and fame
Jfl LOL at you if you think i Betabux a parasite.
:bluepill: :soy:
JFL at anyone denying they would accept some below average looking roastie who was chads cumdumpster for years when you get older.
Agepill is the essence of the blackpill. Its everything. As you get older you will realize you need to grasp onto anything and everything that will save you from the truly horrifying fate of dying alone and incel.

Going too long as an incel will make you truly crazy. Saying you would deny a roastie in older age if you could is like an african kid saying he wouldnt eat a low quality processed meal.
Keep fucking coping, roasties are beyond us in SMV in ways we can never imagine. We would cut off our hand to get one when the agepill strikes.

There are two kinds of people who say this:
1: Youngcels who dont know the pure horror and agony that the agepill will eventually inflict them with
2: Oldcel coomer freaks with extremely low T who live alone in the woods who will resort to other sick, twisted and degenerate ways to stay content and release
absolutely retarded dumbfuck post. if I was so desperate I would rather go to my ancestral maternal shithole and settle with a village girl, in the shithole many parents will marry off JBs for relatively cheap(few thousands).
absolutely retarded dumbfuck post. if I was so desperate I would rather go to my ancestral maternal shithole and settle with a village girl, in the shithole many parents will marry off JBs for relatively cheap(few thousands).
Massive low T youngcel cope
also most dont have this option. think before you post idiot
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I doubt it, I'd rather fuck escorts than betabux unless she was a young pretty kissless virgin.
JFL at you thinking 30 year old roasties are interested in us.

At 30, they might consider Chadlite if they can't get Chad, or normie for betabuxxing.
absolutely retarded dumbfuck post. if I was so desperate I would rather go to my ancestral maternal shithole and settle with a village girl, in the shithole many parents will marry off JBs for relatively cheap(few thousands).
Also this.
Einstien IQ

being in a relationship=/ married
what is it with americancels and thinking being married is the only way to be in a relationship :feelshehe:
Because no foid that age will LTR without marriage in mind. Women who are looking for LTRs at that age are looking for betabuxxers. 30yo foids are looking for bailouts and a wageslave.
Because no foid that age will LTR without marriage in mind. Women who are looking for LTRs at that age are looking for betabuxxers. 30yo foids are looking for bailouts and a wageslave.
what? there are PLENTLY of relationships that never go to marriage.
not every country is retarded like the US
Massive low T youngcel cope
also most dont have this option. think before you post idiot
keep coping dumbfuck cuck
yeah because being sexless your whole life sounds very nice. you are fucking retarded
ur a literal retard lmao, there is escortceling u utter fucking tard
JFL at anyone denying they would accept some below average looking roastie who was chads cumdumpster for years when you get older.
Agepill is the essence of the blackpill. Its everything. As you get older you will realize you need to grasp onto anything and everything that will save you from the truly horrifying fate of dying alone and incel.

Going too long as an incel will make you truly crazy. Saying you would deny a roastie in older age if you could is like an african kid saying he wouldnt eat a low quality processed meal.
Keep fucking coping, roasties are beyond us in SMV in ways we can never imagine. We would cut off our hand to get one when the agepill strikes.

There are two kinds of people who say this:
1: Youngcels who dont know the pure horror and agony that the agepill will eventually inflict them with
2: Oldcel coomer freaks with extremely low T who live alone in the woods who will resort to other sick, twisted and degenerate ways to stay content and release
Maybe you can take the 30 yo roastie who has had a fun life on the carousel. I would rather die than let a person like that enter my life. I am not afraid of the agepill. Let it come. What i am afraid of, is losing whatever dignity i have left to satisfy a used up hole who has not had and will never have any principles in life.
keep coping dumbfuck cuck
die an incel then but keep your "pride"
can only imagine your T levels, probably very similar to the soycucks you like to talk about
Maybe you can take the 30 yo roastie who has had a fun life on the carousel. I would rather die than let a person like that enter my life. I am not afraid of the agepill. Let it come. What i am afraid of, is losing whatever dignity i have left to satisfy a used up hole who has not had and will never have any principles in life.
99% of women had fun on the carousel.
you saying u would reject 99% of women when you turn 30?
either ur gay, have way too much coping pride, or have no sex drive.
die an incel then but keep your "pride"
can only imagine your T levels, probably very similar to the soycucks you like to talk about
keep coping faggot, enjoy fucking a used whore lmao
keep coping faggot, enjoy fucking a used whore lmao
every woman is technically used, a lot. even gigachads like decaprio, hugh hefner and dan bilzerian fuck "used women"
im sure ur so much more alpha than all of them :feelskek: keep coping with muh "pride"

What the fuck are you smoking? Copeed?

The following will happen if you accept a 30yr old roastie

1 Accept 30yr old roastie, because you have run out of choices
2 She doesn't accept you because she was,is, and will always be above you (SMV fucks you to volgograd and back)
3 She forces you to betabuxx, if she doesn't financially rape you
4 Cucks the living shit out of you by fucking chads still, because women can't lose
5 You will become a host for her and whatever chad spawn she brings along
6 You become the lowest excuse of a man because incel > cuck

We maybe Incel BUT we are NOT cucks.
there are PLENTLY of relationships that never go to marriage.
In the eyes of the law in many states, if you cohabitate for 2 years, you are considered in a common law marriage and your gf can do shit like collect alimony and child support.

What the fuck are you smoking? Copeed?

The following will happen if you accept a 30yr old roastie

1 Accept 30yr old roastie, because you have run out of choices
2 She doesn't accept you because she was,is, and will always be above you (SMV fucks you to volgograd and back)
3 She forces you to betabuxx, if she doesn't financially rape you
4 Cucks the living shit out of you by fucking chads still, because women can't lose
5 You will become a host for her and whatever chad spawn she brings along
6 You become the lowest excuse of a man because incel > cuck

We maybe Incel BUT we are NOT cucks.
people always get mad when their sweet blackpill copes get dispelled
I would accept if she has no kids and is attractive, otherwise nope
In the eyes of the law in many states, if you cohabitate for 2 years, you are considered in a common law marriage and your gf can do shit like collect alimony and child support.
well in that case, with those retarded cuck laws, it obviously changes my whole argument
In the eyes of the law in many states, if you cohabitate for 2 years, you are considered in a common law marriage and your gf can do shit like collect alimony and child support.
So if a 30 year old roastie shows "interest" in one of us in the future, what is the correct move to extract as much sex as possible without losing any money long term?
I would accept if she has no kids and is attractive, otherwise nope
how the hell will you ever get an attractive foid as an incel? sounds like massive standardcel/volcel. just like foids themselves
It's easy to type about pride and self-respect but when faced with the chance I have a hard time believeing someone would honestly choose inceldom.
I don’t want to think about the fact that I would choose to be with a 3/10 roastie but if it’s that or where I’m at now, yeah, I’d probably betabuxx. Fucking brutal to think about. Absolutely brutal.
So if a 30 year old roastie shows "interest" in one of us in the future, what is the correct move to extract as much sex as possible without losing any money long term?
in a non cucked country like america, you can just be in a relationship.
my parents never married and they still live together. US seems extreme in the marriage regard
I don’t want to think about the fact that I would choose to be with a 3/10 roastie but if it’s that or where I’m at now, yeah, I’d probably betabuxx. Fucking brutal to think about. Absolutely brutal.
its very brutal. whats even more brutal is dying incel
2021 replace 30 years old roastie with 45 years old ethnic land whale single mum. Of course the 2 types of cels who refused it is still relevant in OP mind.
people always get mad when their sweet blackpill copes get dispelled
The only possible way you can create a logically sound argument is by applying soo many conditions to the premise that it borders on the absurd.
how the hell will you ever get an attractive foid as an incel? sounds like massive standardcel/volcel. just like foids themselves
I won't, Its a hypothetical situation you cuck.
The only possible way you can create a logically sound argument is by applying soo many conditions to the premise that it borders on the absurd.
nah i just cba discussing with the small part of the community who view vaginas as gross, all foids as ugly and are content with their inceldom and cope by thinking they are better than cucks and call everyone else a cuck.
I won't, Its a hypothetical situation you cuck.
so you only accept attractive women? volcel gaycel detected. you are just like foids with their standards
its very brutal. whats even more brutal is dying incel
People are calling you cucked, but frankly you’re just being a based realist, and people are too blinded by their screens to realize that tbfhngl
nah i just cba discussing with the small part of the community who view vaginas as gross, all foids as ugly and are content with their inceldom and cope by thinking they are better than cucks and call everyone else a cuck.
It is objectively better to be an Incel than a cuck on almost every level.
so you only accept attractive women? volcel gaycel detected. you are just like foids with their standards
You're fucking retarded, your question states that shes 30 years old, why would I want a foid who's 10 years older than me and not even attractive? that's a huge difference in age.

If she was around the same age as I am, then obviously my standards would be way lower and i'd accept a below average looking one.
People are calling you cucked, but frankly you’re just being a based realist, and people are too blinded by their screens to realize that tbfhngl
:feelsYall: Yeah, i notice when you confront blackpill copes, all they can come up with is "cuck"
The reality is there is alot of coping in this community, sadly. Blackpill should always be about the raw, cold truth. Even if it makes you feel like shit.

1:step one: call everyone and everything a cuck
2:step two: say "rather incel than cuck!"
It is objectively better to be an Incel than a cuck on almost every level.
read above
You're fucking retarded, your question states that shes 30 years old, why would I want a foid who's 10 years older than me and not even attractive? that's a huge difference in age.

If she was around the same age as I am, then obviously my standards would be way lower and i'd accept a below average looking one.
i said when YOU GET OLDER
read again fucking dumbass
:feelsYall: Yeah, i notice when you confront blackpill copes, all they can come up with is "cuck"
The reality is there is alot of coping in this community, sadly. Blackpill should always be about the raw, cold truth. Even if it makes you feel like shit.

1:step one: call everyone and everything a cuck
2:step two: say "rather incel than cuck!"

read above
I’d rather be balls deep in a foid than be incel, even if that foid was a 3/10 roastie. If a 3/10 roastie was legitimately, genuinely interested in me, I’d be a fucking monkey to turn it down, I’ll never get another chance, let alone this dumb hypothetical one. Call me a cuck, idc.
i said when YOU GET OLDER
In that case, how is this even a blackpill you moron? you're stating the obvious, obviously when an incel becomes older he wont expect to get with prime 18 year old foids and will settle for a below average old roastie, anyone saying otherwise is coping.

Everyone already knows this.
In that case, how is this even a blackpill you moron? you're stating the obvious, obviously when an incel becomes older he wont expect to get with prime 18 year old foids and will settle for a below average old roastie, anyone saying otherwise is coping.

Everyone already knows this.
Lol everyone knows this yet many people in this thread denied it and said it was cucked. Nice try to put the blame on me for not reading the thread and also defending these retards calling this "obvious fact" cucked
Lol everyone knows this yet many people in this thread denied it and said it was cucked. Nice try to put the blame on me for not reading the thread and also defending these retards calling this "obvious fact" cucked
Like I said, they're COPING. they know its true deep down

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