- Joined
- Nov 17, 2017
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You will never feel a tranquil warmth diffuse across your cheeks as an immaculately formed femoid gazes longingly in your eyes.
You will never feel the humiliation of realizing that she was eyefucking the Chad behind you. This is because you never wear glasses despite being partially blind, since you believe that it is personality and not physical attributes that enables one to enjoy success in their endeavors. One day your assiduous showering regimen will pay off and you will attain perfect vision.
You will never come home from a tiring day, have your wife rush into your arms, and engage in animated conversation with her while Chad escapes your residence from the second floor bathroom window.
You will never amorously snuggle with your wife as she closes her eyes and pretends you are Chad.
You will never sense the pleasurable tingle of your erect nipples perforating your 13 EUR polyester-blend shirt from H&M as you lecture a recalcitrant stranger on the internet about the negative social ramifications of coalescing into communities of like-minded individuals with whom you don't agree.
You will never experience an overpowering sense of accomplishment when smugly asserting your status as a tax-paying citizen on an anonymous online forum while an incel gleefully squanders your hard-earned simoleons on vidya and ketamine.
You will never look lovingly into the obsidian eyes of your kinky-haired firstborn child in the delivery room while your Nordic wife and your Nordic parents rejoice in the miracle of life.
You will never feel magnanimously heroic as you rush to shield femoids in your gender and sexuality studies graduate course from the hail of bullets discharged by an ascending gentleman.
You will never have itinerant femoids act devastated at your funeral in order to entice Chad into taking advantage of their emotional vulnerability.
It is over.
You will never feel the humiliation of realizing that she was eyefucking the Chad behind you. This is because you never wear glasses despite being partially blind, since you believe that it is personality and not physical attributes that enables one to enjoy success in their endeavors. One day your assiduous showering regimen will pay off and you will attain perfect vision.
You will never come home from a tiring day, have your wife rush into your arms, and engage in animated conversation with her while Chad escapes your residence from the second floor bathroom window.
You will never amorously snuggle with your wife as she closes her eyes and pretends you are Chad.
You will never sense the pleasurable tingle of your erect nipples perforating your 13 EUR polyester-blend shirt from H&M as you lecture a recalcitrant stranger on the internet about the negative social ramifications of coalescing into communities of like-minded individuals with whom you don't agree.
You will never experience an overpowering sense of accomplishment when smugly asserting your status as a tax-paying citizen on an anonymous online forum while an incel gleefully squanders your hard-earned simoleons on vidya and ketamine.
You will never look lovingly into the obsidian eyes of your kinky-haired firstborn child in the delivery room while your Nordic wife and your Nordic parents rejoice in the miracle of life.
You will never feel magnanimously heroic as you rush to shield femoids in your gender and sexuality studies graduate course from the hail of bullets discharged by an ascending gentleman.
You will never have itinerant femoids act devastated at your funeral in order to entice Chad into taking advantage of their emotional vulnerability.
It is over.