jerrycan dan
autistic retard
- Joined
- Jul 22, 2018
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If you're like me, you're sitting here browsing incels.is. You might have headphones on and be listening to music, maybe because music triggers your brain's reward system or maybe because there's the humming of a fan, air conditioner, computer parts or traffic going into your ears that stresses out and annoys you. Either way, your ears are there monitoring your surroundings and your brain is responding to what you hear (largely in a way that you have zero control over, you cannot help getting stressed out by mechanical humming and traffic because your brain interprets it as being an unnatural sound). You might have recently watched pornography because it satiates your desire to shoot goo inside a woman and reproduce, you might be performing maintenance strokes on your dick out of boredom while you read for the dopamine because your brain associates good feelings in your peepee with reproductive success. You feel uncomfortable because it's kind of humid.
You leave your room because you feel thirsty and you want to get a drink.As you walk you think about how your legs are basically moving on autopilot, you're telling them to go forward and they're going forward. You think about taking them off autopilot and moving your foot from side to side from the sake of it, but then you realise that you couldn't be bothered to. Thinking about your body doing stuff on autopilot makes your mouth dry and you have to blink manually for a bit until you forget about it, which is annoying. As your mouth is dry you think about your pronounced overbite and how your jaw development has been completely fucked since you were a teenager, you will forever look like a weak low-T bastard in the eyes of women because men who look like you have not been reproductively successful in the past, and are thus unattractive to women.
Your brother must have dropped a spoon on the kitchen floor or something, because as you're pouring out a drink your mum angrily walks up behind you and confronts you about the spoon, which she has left on the floor so she can complain to someone about it. The spoon being on the floor is bad because of disease, you have to use the spoon because you need to eat to live. Your mum has chosen to get into a conflict situation with you intentionally because she is frustrated and women seek conflict for the sake of conflict when they feel bored with life, something which is not rational at all but is instead a part of primate social behaviour. You turn around to confront her about the spoon, doing this so that your face meets hers. If you're not too much of an autist you make eye contact with her as she continues to complain at you, air is coming out of her voice box and is coming out of her mouth in different types of sound, all of which you have assigned "words" (blocks of sound that mean something, multiple words are separated from one another by a pause) to. Your mum has positioned the muscles in her face a certain way to let you know that she is annoyed, you know this means she is annoyed because millions of years of primate social behaviour mean that you have assigned that emotion to that expression. Because your mum complaining at you triggers a stress response in your brain that is unpleasant, you seek to resolve the conflict immediately by spouting your own series of words at her, picking the spoon up from the bacteria-laden floor and walking away (the fact you have turned your back to her while doing this has ended your brief period of eye contact and signifies to your mother that you are no longer communicating with her, she does not talk to you). Your brain is full of stress hormones from the ordeal, your inner monologue is using words to review the situation that just went down. You think to yourself, still using little units of sound played out in your head, that she hasn't kicked you out of the house (which you live in to protect you from the elements/violence from other people) yet because you are her son and she has an interest in preserving her genes by looking after her progeny).
A few minutes later you get a phone call from your dad, who lives a city away from you and wants to talk to you because it makes him feel a connection with his progeny (which he has an interest in being good to because it's passing on his genes, historically those who have looked after their progeny have had a better chance at passing on their genes and creating the bulk of the next generation). He has had brain surgery and is now disabled, you wouldn't call him retarded as mostly his motor skills have been affected, but his memory is often very bad. The way he experiences reality and does things has been deeply affected by damage to his brain, he has a much harder time moving his legs on autopilot like you've done continuously for the past evening, he would also be far less likely to remember the details of the encounter with your mother this long after it happened because of his memory. Perhaps his short-term memory and inner monologue has far clarity after his brain was damaged, although given you are still able to have a conversation with him still it can't be game-over.
He asks you how your day went after you do the same. Neither of you are doing this because you care about how each others' mundane days went, you are doing this to connect by speaking to each other over the phone. If you were together in person, you would be making eye contact, talking with your hands and making facial expressions to expand on the message conveyed by your speech. You say you did well on an exam but not perfectly and that it was on law, which you have a hard time being interested in because of how arbitrary many of its rules are. You are only doing an exam involving law because your degree choice changed, you couldn't do IT because you have too low of a spatial IQ to do bridging maths course associated with it (the processing power of your brain limited you basically, something which is material, part of your physiology and something which you have no control over). Your dad acknowledges that you don't like studying laws and, as if trying to be encouraging, says that you don't have to be perfect because you're not a machine.
You think about machines, such as the computer you were using a bit ago, the fan that was bothering you and the phone you're on now. What they are able to do is limited severely by their structure, in the case of stuff like phones and calculators what they can think about is limited by their structure too. Just like what you've done this whole evening was dictated by your brain structure, your endocrine system, your bone structure, along with stuff like your height, face and frame that dictated your life and put you in the situation you are in now. Every human interaction in your life was dictated by primate social cues hardwired into people's brains, and if you're enough of a diagnosed autist you may have suffered because it wasn't hardwired into yours thoroughly-enough. All of this would be completely arbitrary if it were not for the millions of years of natural selection that moulded it, yet it dictates how you think, how you feel, how you do things, how you move and how you communicate.
You will NEVER be able to escape biology, not for one second of your life. You can try to be objective and rational in your thought process, but the way you think (internal monologue, memory, emotions or lack thereof) is dictated by your brain structure, physiology and hormones. You are stuck in a meat prison that you will never be able to escape, and what you do during every waking hour (which in turn influences what you dream about, if you dream) is dictated by the specifics of how that meat prison is structured. The fact that you think in words which come out of your voice box, you think in images that were taken in through your eyes (which only take in a certain portion of the light spectrum), you think of people on a social context with labels and feelings applied to them, and you remember things in certain ways (putting things into categories is a result of our brain structure, for instance) means that even inside your head you are stuck in a flesh prison. The way you do everything is the result of the way your body is structured, and you have no control or choice in any of it unless you rope and stop existing entirely.
Assuming a person is the sum of what is innate and their experiences, how much of "you" is actually raw, untainted being, and how much of "you" is just a meat machine with a meat brain doing meat things in a certain way? You probably get that "being there" feeling when you're not thinking about anything, it's like the brain's version of a refrigerator humming because it's turned on. Even that is probably a function of the way your brain is structured, just like all of your emotions, memories, thoughts, feelings, sentiments, conversations and everything else you do with your brain. You are limited by that and you will never escape the confides of it. Everything that does something on its own without needing to be physically pushed like a rock (calculators can churn out numbers, computers can search the internet, plants grow, animals run around and eat grass) is limited in what it can do by its structure.
Everything you have ever done, do and will do, from the day you are born until the day you die, will be dictated by your biology. You will never be truly rational, objective or neutral, because your attempts to do that are done through, and in many ways the result of, your brain structure. Every interaction you have with anyone is ruled by primate social rules and facial expressions which are mostly arbitrary, but that you can't block out. You can't block out the sensation that somebody with a face for an avatar on incels.is actually looks like that avatar, you can't stop putting things into words, you can't stop thinking of people as "mum", "dad", "mod", "chad", "greycel", "stacy", you can't stop your interactions from being governed by social cues even as your typing because if you get too autistic (which means unable to function socially because you're fucked neurologically) the topic of the conversation will shift to how socially-incompetent you are. Even the most fucked, dead-end, non-reproducing failures of people are governed by their own biology for every second of the day.
EVERYTHING is governed by biology. You will NEVER escape it. Biology governing social and sexual success is just the tip of the iceberg, every tiny little thing you do every second is governed in some way by a facet of your biology. Your consciousness are stuck in a prison made out of flesh that you can never escape, and you will forever be limited in every way by it.
You leave your room because you feel thirsty and you want to get a drink.As you walk you think about how your legs are basically moving on autopilot, you're telling them to go forward and they're going forward. You think about taking them off autopilot and moving your foot from side to side from the sake of it, but then you realise that you couldn't be bothered to. Thinking about your body doing stuff on autopilot makes your mouth dry and you have to blink manually for a bit until you forget about it, which is annoying. As your mouth is dry you think about your pronounced overbite and how your jaw development has been completely fucked since you were a teenager, you will forever look like a weak low-T bastard in the eyes of women because men who look like you have not been reproductively successful in the past, and are thus unattractive to women.
Your brother must have dropped a spoon on the kitchen floor or something, because as you're pouring out a drink your mum angrily walks up behind you and confronts you about the spoon, which she has left on the floor so she can complain to someone about it. The spoon being on the floor is bad because of disease, you have to use the spoon because you need to eat to live. Your mum has chosen to get into a conflict situation with you intentionally because she is frustrated and women seek conflict for the sake of conflict when they feel bored with life, something which is not rational at all but is instead a part of primate social behaviour. You turn around to confront her about the spoon, doing this so that your face meets hers. If you're not too much of an autist you make eye contact with her as she continues to complain at you, air is coming out of her voice box and is coming out of her mouth in different types of sound, all of which you have assigned "words" (blocks of sound that mean something, multiple words are separated from one another by a pause) to. Your mum has positioned the muscles in her face a certain way to let you know that she is annoyed, you know this means she is annoyed because millions of years of primate social behaviour mean that you have assigned that emotion to that expression. Because your mum complaining at you triggers a stress response in your brain that is unpleasant, you seek to resolve the conflict immediately by spouting your own series of words at her, picking the spoon up from the bacteria-laden floor and walking away (the fact you have turned your back to her while doing this has ended your brief period of eye contact and signifies to your mother that you are no longer communicating with her, she does not talk to you). Your brain is full of stress hormones from the ordeal, your inner monologue is using words to review the situation that just went down. You think to yourself, still using little units of sound played out in your head, that she hasn't kicked you out of the house (which you live in to protect you from the elements/violence from other people) yet because you are her son and she has an interest in preserving her genes by looking after her progeny).
A few minutes later you get a phone call from your dad, who lives a city away from you and wants to talk to you because it makes him feel a connection with his progeny (which he has an interest in being good to because it's passing on his genes, historically those who have looked after their progeny have had a better chance at passing on their genes and creating the bulk of the next generation). He has had brain surgery and is now disabled, you wouldn't call him retarded as mostly his motor skills have been affected, but his memory is often very bad. The way he experiences reality and does things has been deeply affected by damage to his brain, he has a much harder time moving his legs on autopilot like you've done continuously for the past evening, he would also be far less likely to remember the details of the encounter with your mother this long after it happened because of his memory. Perhaps his short-term memory and inner monologue has far clarity after his brain was damaged, although given you are still able to have a conversation with him still it can't be game-over.
He asks you how your day went after you do the same. Neither of you are doing this because you care about how each others' mundane days went, you are doing this to connect by speaking to each other over the phone. If you were together in person, you would be making eye contact, talking with your hands and making facial expressions to expand on the message conveyed by your speech. You say you did well on an exam but not perfectly and that it was on law, which you have a hard time being interested in because of how arbitrary many of its rules are. You are only doing an exam involving law because your degree choice changed, you couldn't do IT because you have too low of a spatial IQ to do bridging maths course associated with it (the processing power of your brain limited you basically, something which is material, part of your physiology and something which you have no control over). Your dad acknowledges that you don't like studying laws and, as if trying to be encouraging, says that you don't have to be perfect because you're not a machine.
You think about machines, such as the computer you were using a bit ago, the fan that was bothering you and the phone you're on now. What they are able to do is limited severely by their structure, in the case of stuff like phones and calculators what they can think about is limited by their structure too. Just like what you've done this whole evening was dictated by your brain structure, your endocrine system, your bone structure, along with stuff like your height, face and frame that dictated your life and put you in the situation you are in now. Every human interaction in your life was dictated by primate social cues hardwired into people's brains, and if you're enough of a diagnosed autist you may have suffered because it wasn't hardwired into yours thoroughly-enough. All of this would be completely arbitrary if it were not for the millions of years of natural selection that moulded it, yet it dictates how you think, how you feel, how you do things, how you move and how you communicate.
You will NEVER be able to escape biology, not for one second of your life. You can try to be objective and rational in your thought process, but the way you think (internal monologue, memory, emotions or lack thereof) is dictated by your brain structure, physiology and hormones. You are stuck in a meat prison that you will never be able to escape, and what you do during every waking hour (which in turn influences what you dream about, if you dream) is dictated by the specifics of how that meat prison is structured. The fact that you think in words which come out of your voice box, you think in images that were taken in through your eyes (which only take in a certain portion of the light spectrum), you think of people on a social context with labels and feelings applied to them, and you remember things in certain ways (putting things into categories is a result of our brain structure, for instance) means that even inside your head you are stuck in a flesh prison. The way you do everything is the result of the way your body is structured, and you have no control or choice in any of it unless you rope and stop existing entirely.
Assuming a person is the sum of what is innate and their experiences, how much of "you" is actually raw, untainted being, and how much of "you" is just a meat machine with a meat brain doing meat things in a certain way? You probably get that "being there" feeling when you're not thinking about anything, it's like the brain's version of a refrigerator humming because it's turned on. Even that is probably a function of the way your brain is structured, just like all of your emotions, memories, thoughts, feelings, sentiments, conversations and everything else you do with your brain. You are limited by that and you will never escape the confides of it. Everything that does something on its own without needing to be physically pushed like a rock (calculators can churn out numbers, computers can search the internet, plants grow, animals run around and eat grass) is limited in what it can do by its structure.
Everything you have ever done, do and will do, from the day you are born until the day you die, will be dictated by your biology. You will never be truly rational, objective or neutral, because your attempts to do that are done through, and in many ways the result of, your brain structure. Every interaction you have with anyone is ruled by primate social rules and facial expressions which are mostly arbitrary, but that you can't block out. You can't block out the sensation that somebody with a face for an avatar on incels.is actually looks like that avatar, you can't stop putting things into words, you can't stop thinking of people as "mum", "dad", "mod", "chad", "greycel", "stacy", you can't stop your interactions from being governed by social cues even as your typing because if you get too autistic (which means unable to function socially because you're fucked neurologically) the topic of the conversation will shift to how socially-incompetent you are. Even the most fucked, dead-end, non-reproducing failures of people are governed by their own biology for every second of the day.
EVERYTHING is governed by biology. You will NEVER escape it. Biology governing social and sexual success is just the tip of the iceberg, every tiny little thing you do every second is governed in some way by a facet of your biology. Your consciousness are stuck in a prison made out of flesh that you can never escape, and you will forever be limited in every way by it.
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