It is a bit hypocritical to hate women if you think about it logically but i think a lot of people are just trying to compensate for the out of control gynophilia or vagina worship that characterizes our society. We are at a point now where women can get away with anything, including murder (no hyperbole here, we know it happened). This is just plain insanity.
To me the biggest difficulty in hating women is that i now realize that the reason they appear to have no moral fabric whatsoever is that they are too stupid to understand even morality. Women are not capable of objectivity in principle, they are purely subjective creatures, and as such they only understand things in a very superficial way. This is why they see no value in a man besides his physical appearance, and with the increased feminization of our society a lot of men have sunk to this level as well. It's just hard to me to hate something i know for a fact is intellectually inferior to me a priori. What i hate is society, not women specifically.