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You literally have to be perfect

  • Thread starter CopeWithTheRope
  • Start date
DealingWithIt said:
This guy was in my class at school, he's been with that girl for 8 years and they're engaged. There's always hope.


It means nothing

a man in my street is 5 feet aproximately and was dating a girl for about 10 years

today he is alone
DatingStrike said:
It means nothing

a man in my street is 5 feet aproximately and was dating a girl for about 10 years

today he is alone

Trying to tell incels good things can happen is like trying to tell a flat earther that we live on a globe.
CopeWithTheRope said:
To ever have a female genuinely sexually attracted to you you have to be PERFECT. 

-At least 6'3" 
-At least 7/10 face
-Body of a god (think Zyzz)
-At least 10" cock

Now things like making six figures help too. But the reality is a female will continually look for that perfect male even when she's been with someone's for years. Once the opportunity arises she leaves her current man for the next best thing. Unless you're perfect there is no point in dating or marriage. You'll end up cucked. 

If you don't meet all the above criteria it's pretty much over. No female will have that raw instinctual attraction to you. Most men are ugly as fuck, at least us here on incels.is realize this. The blackpill is the path to enlightenment. 

Oh bless us all Saintblackops2cel

Less not exaggerate things.

6 ft and or can vary base on looks
6/10 attractive   is too 20%
Body have to be just tone  which is the bare minimum
Cock size need to be fat or close to 6 ft. 

Think about it his face is good looking that is usually enough their to make her like the rest of your body. Really how many times have we heard of women losing interest just because a guy dick  was not monstrous in size
DealingWithIt said:
Trying to tell incels good things can happen is like trying to tell a flat earther that we live on a globe.

you took 1 example of 1 relationship that overpassed 5 years of duraction

out of the other 99 ones that dont achieve that duraction

Saleem said:
Less not exaggerate things.

6 ft and or can vary base on looks
6/10 attractive   is too 20%
Body have to be just tone  which is the bare minimum
Cock size need to be fat or close to 6 ft. 

Think about it his face is good looking that is usually enough their to make her like the rest of your body. Really how many times have we heard of women losing interest just because a guy dick  was not monstrous in size 


He believed in what they said
Stop coping...........................................sexual attraction is just based on face. Height/frame/dick size/$$$ doesn't matter.
DatingStrike said:
you took 1 example of 1 relationship that overpassed 5 years of duraction

out of the other 99 ones that dont achieve that duraction

In the UK where I live: The overall divorce rate fell to 9.8 per 1,000 married men or women, the lowest level since 1975

really handsome guys make up a tiny percentage of the population and there are hundreds of thousands of marriages here every year, av erage guys get married all the time. And below average guys get married to below average girls all the time. Girls become dependent on guys a lot, there's such a thing as genuine human connection you know.

EVEN IF relationships and marriages can fail it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Better than a life of lonliness and wanking. Surely the act of wiping up puddles of cum out of your hairy belly button is becoming too familiar of an activity.
DatingStrike said:
Adding up more:

To ever have a female genuinely sexually attracted to you you have to be PERFECT.

-At least 6'3"
-At least 7/10 face
-Body of a god (think Zyzz)
-At least 10" cock
- At least a little famous
- Have money
- Get out

6ft is fine. I never once saw a good looking guy rejected for being on regularly tall.  Height can vary depending on looks you Do not always have to be 6 ft.

7/10 I guess that could be the standard but I think 6/10 make more sense. Only 7% of the male population is a 7% according to studies done by ok cupid

Just be fit not buff

Do not need to have a 10 inch cock. You do understand that literally having over an 7 inch cock is less than 1% of the population right. 

Game could help but it is not a requirement

Have some money. All depends on your looks again.

It all varies base on your looks. Most of these requirements would eliminate 99% of the male population, so I disagree with them
DealingWithIt said:
DatingStrike said:
you took 1 example of 1 relationship that overpassed 5 years of duraction

out of the other 99 ones that dont achieve that duraction

In the UK where I live: The overall divorce rate fell to 9.8 per 1,000 married men or women, the lowest level since 1975

really handsome guys make up a tiny percentage of the population and there are hundreds of thousands of marriages here every year, av erage guys get married all the time. And below average guys get married to below average girls all the time. Girls become dependent on guys a lot, there's such a thing as genuine human connection you know.

EVEN IF relationships and marriages can fail it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Better than a life of lonliness and wanking. Surely the act of wiping up puddles of cum out of your hairy belly button is becoming too familiar of an activity.

that is to say : accept any of them, do everything and never be alone regardless the situation = mangina and cuckold thought

always try to find water in Atacama's desert, always try even if you are the ugliest

DatingStrike said:
that is to say : accept any of them, do everything and never be alone regardless the situation = mangina and cuckold thought

always try to find water in Atacama's desert, always try even if you are the ugliest


I...didn't say that? At no point did I say you should accept anyone lol. ah forget it I'm not even incel I'm just lurking lol. I thought I'd try and lift some spirits but I don't think it'll work.
DealingWithIt said:
I...didn't say that? At no point did I say you should accept anyone lol. ah forget it I'm not even incel I'm just lurking lol. I thought I'd try and lift some spirits but I don't think it'll work.

youre probs from incel tears  :'(
tenta said:
youre probs from incel tears  :'(

Nah I watched a documentary on youtube called "shy boys" and it gave me the feels so I thought I'd come and see what was going on.
DealingWithIt said:
Nah I watched a documentary on youtube called "shy boys" and it gave me the feels  so I thought I'd come and see what was going on.

lol like half that documentary is full of autistic cunts who arent even that bad looking
tenta said:
lol like half that documentary is full of autistic cunts who arent even that bad looking

lol yeah I thought that, seemed like more of a mental thing. The dude with the long hair just seemed completely hopeless though imo
DealingWithIt said:
lol yeah I thought that, seemed like more of a mental thing. The dude with the long hair just seemed completely hopeless though imo

yeah he looked a bit too androgynous
You're overexaggerating but yeah, if you're below a certain threshold of looks no woman will ever be truly attracted to you. She might find you "cute" and still enjoy your company but she's not gonna have any real lust for you.
lol such cope. you know full well normal and below average guys get laid without much problem. shit like this is why no one takes us serious. all you have to be is white and not a huge sperg.
Lots of guys in relationships and having sex. We're the minority, it's as if we have a plague.
Krispinwah said:
lol such cope. you know full well normal and below average guys get laid without much problem. shit like this is why no one takes us serious. all you have to be is white and not a huge sperg.

Those women are settling. Once a Chad comes a along she forgets about her normie. There's no raw sexual attraction to sub 8 men.

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