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Blackpill You know what’s funny? The whole “go out and do things and meet people in new places” thing seemed like a solution, before the blackpill



Oh why don’t you go take dancing lessons? Maybe you’ll meet a nice girl and you can dance together

Why don’t you go to the library? Find a nice smart girl and you can talk about books

Why don’t you go to a festival with some friends? Meet new people, maybe your friends can introduce you to some girls

To a red pilled incel, this shit is amazing, it feels and sounds like a worthwhile solution to his perpetual loneliness and rejection by women. Heck, even at university, the whole GO AND MEET PEOPLE AT CLUBS AND SOCIETIES, have fun, enjoy yourself! And a girl will come along! Sounds fucking amazing, as if it could be true

But then you go out and actually do these things. Not just once, but many times, each time thinking, “surely, this time it will be different. SOME girl will eventually like me, right?”

So you take dancing lessons. If you’re lucky they’ll do the all boys and girls dance with each other thing and you get to hold all the pretty girls. Then you notice how feebly they hold your hands. They avoid eye contact. They’re awkwardly fake smiling not to draw attention to themselves, how uncomfortable they are with you touching them practicing couples dance moves together. When it’s time to switch partners, they IMMEDIATELY move away from you with relief that you touching them is finally over.

Every single girl in the class behaves the same towards you

Then you go to the library. Generally not a place for really attractive foids to go through, but hey this time you’re lucky and you spot a decent looking young girl you’re attracted to.

You approach for conversation. Those same eyes, cold and calculating, uncomfortable that you approached them. The eyes of disappointment that you’re not an attractive man. Any responses she gives are monosyllabic. No eye contact. She is intensely conveying with every fiber of her non verbal being that she wants you fuck off and leave her alone. If you’re an autist you might even ask for her number at this point, at which she will definitely leave, and say she has a boyfriend. You pushed her too far.

You try the festival. You get the one, possibly even two friends/acquaintances/people remotely your age who may be interested in a festival. All girls have partners. Nobody is looking st you, nobody is interested in you, and you are all but invisible to the women around you. You are worth nothing. Any approaches are met with polite monosyllabic responses. There was never going to be anything happening. Ever.

So you get home after all these things you’ve tried. Going out into the greater world and meeting people, doing things that people do, and you wonder.... was that at all worth it? The experience was not at all how I was told it would be. I didn’t meet new people, I didn’t have fun in a group while chatting with a girl I may take interest in, and I certainly wasn’t shown any romantic interest from any girl.

You wonder

Is this worth it? Am I really having a good time at all?
No, people want you to put time wasting effort and doing shit you dont like only for the girl to say Hi because you are her classmate.
Oh why don’t you go take dancing lessons? Maybe you’ll meet a nice girl and you can dance together

Why don’t you go to the library? Find a nice smart girl and you can talk about books

Why don’t you go to a festival with some friends? Meet new people, maybe your friends can introduce you to some girls

To a red pilled incel, this shit is amazing, it feels and sounds like a worthwhile solution to his perpetual loneliness and rejection by women. Heck, even at university, the whole GO AND MEET PEOPLE AT CLUBS AND SOCIETIES, have fun, enjoy yourself! And a girl will come along! Sounds fucking amazing, as if it could be true

But then you go out and actually do these things. Not just once, but many times, each time thinking, “surely, this time it will be different. SOME girl will eventually like me, right?”

So you take dancing lessons. If you’re lucky they’ll do the all boys and girls dance with each other thing and you get to hold all the pretty girls. Then you notice how feebly they hold your hands. They avoid eye contact. They’re awkwardly fake smiling not to draw attention to themselves, how uncomfortable they are with you touching them practicing couples dance moves together. When it’s time to switch partners, they IMMEDIATELY move away from you with relief that you touching them is finally over.

Every single girl in the class behaves the same towards you

Then you go to the library. Generally not a place for really attractive foids to go through, but hey this time you’re lucky and you spot a decent looking young girl you’re attracted to.

You approach for conversation. Those same eyes, cold and calculating, uncomfortable that you approached them. The eyes of disappointment that you’re not an attractive man. Any responses she gives are monosyllabic. No eye contact. She is intensely conveying with every fiber of her non verbal being that she wants you fuck off and leave her alone. If you’re an autist you might even ask for her number at this point, at which she will definitely leave, and say she has a boyfriend. You pushed her too far.

You try the festival. You get the one, possibly even two friends/acquaintances/people remotely your age who may be interested in a festival. All girls have partners. Nobody is looking st you, nobody is interested in you, and you are all but invisible to the women around you. You are worth nothing. Any approaches are met with polite monosyllabic responses. There was never going to be anything happening. Ever.

So you get home after all these things you’ve tried. Going out into the greater world and meeting people, doing things that people do, and you wonder.... was that at all worth it? The experience was not at all how I was told it would be. I didn’t meet new people, I didn’t have fun in a group while chatting with a girl I may take interest in, and I certainly wasn’t shown any romantic interest from any girl.

You wonder

Is this worth it? Am I really having a good time at all?
Brutal blackpill tbh, all social stuff is useless to incels, possible lifefuel as well because we don't have to spend money on shit and that makes the merchant angry.
No use trying to talk to people about this, they'll never understand. So my advice is to keep doing your own thing, whether you meet women or not.
I never got the "Just go to the library bro!" type of advice.
Do I go to places like a library and bother femoids that obviously don't wanna be bothered? Unlike you my problem isn't whether or not they're unattractive, it's just that they're not fucking interested, they're there for something, not to be flirted with by a 2/10 subhuman ethnicel.

And that goes for all advice along those lines. "Just go to the park bro!" and do what? "Just go outside bro!" "Just go to the store bro!"
I can see how that works for Chad, he just needs to go somewhere and a foid will go up and talk to him and try to flirt, but i'm and ugly subhuman ethnic, if I approach femoids their immediate thought is "Oh god, leave me alone!".
just go out and let people humilate you br0
You need a healthy social circle first. It's over.
All these hit way close home, seriously
Only go outside and meet people if you’re NT.

It’s a waste of time and effort for autists. You’ll just humiliate yourself.
Then try tinder. U gotta pay for it.

Feel worse after losing time n money
When boomers and such give this advice, it mostly worked for them. Thus, I can't fully rage when they give this shitty advice.

Society completely changed in the 90s, and fully reached the point of no return in the late 00s, when technology improved to the point where females could communicate with anyone they wanted 24/7. There is no reason for any females to ever be bored. They can always go on their phone and receive instant validation. An ugly guy can't personaliteehee his way into a female's heart because he has no chance. There is zero reason for a female to ever acknowledge an ugly genetic shit like me.

The only tiny hope a lesser male has is running Just Be First game, but even that is a mammoth underdog pipe dream today.

If you're ever at the point where you feel the need to go outside to start relationships, it is OVER. You've already lost.
The "go out and meet people" advice is the same as the "take a shower and get a haircut" bullshit normies spew, it's useless and doesn't work for people like us.
You forgot the part about getting rejected by a hooker

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