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Blackpill You know what's brutal?



Waiting for info.
Nov 9, 2023
What's brutality? Brutality is having to go to the mall, see couples with interlinked hands, and for a brief second, have to bite your lip to stop the tears. Brutality is realizing you haven't touched a female in months, maybe years, and it feels traumatic. Brutality is realizing you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental health care when a hug would cure it all. Brutality is falling in love with your 41 year old psychologist just because she's nice to you.

There are no canyons deep enough to engulf the feelings loneliness, rejection, and inadequacy that come from inceldom. True incels that were born this way. Love will never come our way, and our lives will be spent single, unadmired, and unwanted. It doesn't get easier from here on out. It gets worse as I age. This is the timeline of misery.

The life of a truecel:

What's brutality? Brutality is having to go to the mall, see couples with interlinked hands, and for a brief second, have to bite your lip to stop the tears. Brutality is realizing you haven't touched a female in months, maybe years, and it feels traumatic. Brutality is realizing you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental health care when a hug would cure it all. Brutality is falling in love with your 41 year old psychologist just because she's nice to you.

There are no canyons deep enough to engulf the feelings loneliness, rejection, and inadequacy that come from inceldom. True incels that were born this way. Love will never come our way, and our lives will be spent single, unadmired, and unwanted. It doesn't get easier from here on out. It gets worse as I age. This is the timeline of misery.

The life of a truecel:

Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells. Interlinked. Cells.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DEl4O1eSsE
It is what it is, eventually you become numb to it and don't care anymore.
I hate seeing couples in public. It just makes me feel depressed and bitter. :feelsbadman:
What's brutality? Brutality is having to go to the mall, see couples with interlinked hands, and for a brief second, have to bite your lip to stop the tears. Brutality is realizing you haven't touched a female in months, maybe years, and it feels traumatic. Brutality is realizing you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental health care when a hug would cure it all. Brutality is falling in love with your 41 year old psychologist just because she's nice to you.

There are no canyons deep enough to engulf the feelings loneliness, rejection, and inadequacy that come from inceldom. True incels that were born this way. Love will never come our way, and our lives will be spent single, unadmired, and unwanted. It doesn't get easier from here on out. It gets worse as I age. This is the timeline of misery.

The life of a truecel:

Beyond Brutal.
Don't ever leave your incel cave
Brutality is realizing you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental health care when a hug would cure it all.
Going to therapy is not the solution to ending male loneliness, forcing women to be with us is the real solution
In my local mall you only see subhuman Romanian immigrants. They dress like black ghetto men.
What's brutality? Brutality is having to go to the mall, see couples with interlinked hands, and for a brief second, have to bite your lip to stop the tears. Brutality is realizing you haven't touched a female in months, maybe years, and it feels traumatic. Brutality is realizing you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental health care when a hug would cure it all. Brutality is falling in love with your 41 year old psychologist just because she's nice to you.

There are no canyons deep enough to engulf the feelings loneliness, rejection, and inadequacy that come from inceldom. True incels that were born this way. Love will never come our way, and our lives will be spent single, unadmired, and unwanted. It doesn't get easier from here on out. It gets worse as I age. This is the timeline of misery.

The life of a truecel:

My existence
My parents pumping out another ugly asian in america where they know it will get annihilated
And their all 5’7 or under
Brutality is realizing you haven't touched a female in months, maybe years, and it feels traumatic.
Have you ever?

Brutality is realizing you're in and out of psych wards, spending thousands on mental health care when a hug would cure it all.
Relatable. I kept being redirected to mental health services when I just needed human touch.

Brutality is falling in love with your 41 year old psychologist just because she's nice to you.
Sort of relatable. I had a male psychiatrist for a while. He left later and was replaced with a female. She was about 10 years older than me. I felt very warm the first time I talked to her because she had an unusually caring and feminine voice.

However she soon let me go because my condition was "not acute enough" even though nothing had improved. I went home depressed, I wanted to fucking rape her for doing that.

I'm an incel and apparently even 30 minutes per month of (non-sexual) interaction with a female is too much to ask from society.
I hate seeing couples in public. It just makes me feel depressed and bitter. :feelsbadman:
I agree, Chads and normies are all in relationships so easily, but it's impossible for us

Just goes to show how over it is for us. :feelsrope:
Going to therapy is not the solution to ending male loneliness, forcing women to be with us is the real solution
high IQ

I told my psychologist at university about my inceldom. She told me I should focus on my studies for now, and that I'm still young. It didn't really help and I got serious urges to cut because it made me so depressed. I hate my life.

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