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TeeHee You inkwells need to understand it’s just as hard for women to get a boyfriend.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17749
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Deleted member 17749

Deleted member 17749

176cm, sub4 face, Autistic, ethnic, 24yo KDV
Mar 29, 2019

Teehee I get approached by boys all the time but Chad never does and when I tried to ask Chad out I got rejected.

Never asked one of those guys out , So she wasn't even rejected
Teehee I get approached by boys all the time but Chad never does and when I tried to ask Chad out I got rejected.
Women can't be lonely or alone. Women can't be incel. Women can't be equal to men. Now get out of my face before i beat you :chad:
Screenshot at 2019 11 20 21 50 24
''Please don’t put us on pedestals.'' Please stop that teehee and yet they love it.
Translation: its as hard for a 5/10 foid to get a giga chad as it is for a sub8 male to get a looksmatch
I still don't know what to think about chadsexuality. Is it mental ilness or rather natural state of cumdumpster?
When she says boyfriends , She means 8+/10 males. The rest aren't real men for her
Screenshot at 2019 11 20 22 11 38

THERE'S TOO MANY CHOICES GUYS! Be grateful that you're part of the trash heap instead of being the poor femcel who has to sort through the trash heap looking for chads.
OP example is like some 3/10 girl whining that she is too shy to approach 9/10 chad, whilst rejecting not just 3/10 guys, but even 6/10 and 7/10 guys.

What they fail to realize is that while they sort of experience the same emotions, it's only a very small amount of it. They don't understand the difference in magnitude and context.
What a fucking joke.
I guarantee you there are literally hundreds of men at her feet after this post.
View attachment 170429

THERE'S TOO MANY CHOICES GUYS! Be grateful that you're part of the trash heap instead of being the poor femcel who has to sort through the trash heap looking for chads.
We don't even qualify as men in this probably fat pink haired cunts mind
I still don't know what to think about chadsexuality. Is it mental ilness or rather natural state of cumdumpster?

Natural, sadly.

Men are the same. One Direction aren't swiping right on anything below a 10. It's just that most men will never have the choice.
Poor hole can't get chad after rejecting 1000 of normie orbiters.
I hate women so much it's unreal
Just strike a conversation with oversexed gigachad and feel rejected because he didn't kissed you on the spot.

That's totally comparable to the experience of most of incels like me and Uninstall who approached hundreds of ugly foids and got rejected.
Okay, I admit;
It's hard for them to get chad boyfriend

Sub8 men aren't even considered human
"BOYS, girls are just like you"

Understandable if she’s sub5 in high school,but if she’s in uni it should be extremely easy to at least get Chadlite for a night.
Never asked one of those guys out , So she wasn't even rejected
Exactly JFL she is probably average or below, and yet she expects chad to come grovel at her feet, whilst rejecting every sub 7 man all the time, delusional narcissistic pieces of shit all of them.
Water is wet.

Seriously though, it should be just as easy for a man to have someone to have sex with. It has always been easy because there were always hookers.

On the opposite, until recently most women never experienced easy casual sex. Now they have it, and they whine about the fact that this has nothing to do with finding a long term partner.

Can we just agree that casual sex is easier to get for women, that this is why to have it most men must pay, and that it does not bring fulfilling relationships ?

And since women have it, can men also have it ? That is, can we agree that prostitution should be a human right and can we stop shaming men who use it ?
I guarantee you there is at least 4 or 5 guys in her life that want to be her boyfriend, but they don't live up to her standards.
Stupid hole wouldnt last a day in the shoes of a sub-7 male.
I guarantee you there is at least 4 or 5 guys in her life that want to be her boyfriend, but they don't live up to her standards.
I'd say more. This is the age of social media.
I guarantee you there is at least 4 or 5 guys in her life that want to be her boyfriend, but they don't live up to her standards.
When they say "I can't get a boyfriend" it really just means "I can get Chad to commit he will only pump me"
I guarantee you there is at least 4 or 5 guys in her life that want to be her boyfriend, but they don't live up to her standards.

men below 8/10 don't exist

small, VERY RARE exceptions are made for perfect guys that appear at the exact right place and time (i.e not you)
small, VERY RARE exceptions are made for perfect guys that appear at the exact right place and time (i.e not you)
I knew of one such case of a guy getting lucky like that. He got with her at the end of high school by a stroke of luck, and after high school ended she was giga cucking him the whole time. Then she dumped him and he turned beta AF after acting like he was the shit for getting lucky.

I hate phaggots like that ngl.
I can't spend more than 5 mins on TwoXChromosomes without wanting to punch a hole in my monitor.

:y'all: y'all stop because all of guys around her dont have a good personality,haircut and smelly
fuck! these days you need to in jason mamoa's body with Einstein's brain, kevin hart's sense of humor and bill gates' money to get a gf
She's kinda right tbh The whore thinks men = chad, we incels don't even exist on her mind
I be she has atleast a couple of decent dudes orbiting herI FUCKING HATE FOIDS.

Teehee im so fucking lonely, oh no not you eww. Chaaad, chaaad, oh Chad, I am so lonely waaah while the army of whiteknight orbiters validate her FFUUUUUUUUUJCK THIS GAY EARTH

I’d be her boyfriend, but no she probably doesnt even look at short people or ugly

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