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JFL You heathens have put me off wanting to have sons -- and prove IncelTears right



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
@Akarin said he smells of cum ( https://incels.is/threads/i-smell-of-cum.36783/ ).

Lots of you guys here admit to fapping into your underpants then just wearing them for the next month; fapping into the bedsheets and sleeping in it; fapping into a cum sock and keeping it for the next year; @Grotesque , being the biggest animal here actually has a shit rag/T-Shirt and probably pisses into a glass to avoid walking 7 feet to the bathroom.

This is absolutely revolting.

Were I lucky enough to have a gf and be faced with having a son, I'd hate to have that unhygenic subhuman wandering my house, putting his cummy fingerprints over my food, peeing into my glasses; and leaving skidmarks in his pants that I then have to search for in his room to put into my relatively-clean, but definitely-shit-free washing machine.

My OCD couldn't handle having a son like you guys who admit to brushing your teeth once every 3 months. Some of you guys don't even shower more than once a week. You literally wake up in your fumigationworthy room, push the blankets off you, which I imagine aren't even flexible anymore because of the ingrained cum and sweat, go sit at the PC and then just watch YouTube and browse this website all day while your dumb-ass enabling parents serve you meals all day.

I couldn't handle a son like that.

Also, your lack of hygiene, lack of social skills and lack of having approached women (not all of you) literally prove IncelTears right. Yes, I can hear that not having a gf makes you lazier but it shouldn't drive you to LDAR. Some of you guys took the LDAR meme too literally (because of autism) and probably are beyond hope even if a girl were to take a liking to you now.
i love cumming into my pyjama bottoms
yeah, I thought it was satire but some people actually take this shit serious. This site is dangerous for autists
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Dumb post. I tried for years, making my hair, working out, developing friendships, buying branded clothing. Why would I continue doing any of that when it was a complete waste for 3 years. Nowadays I've stopped regularly showering and changing my clothes, but tbh what's the point? I wasn't getting any pussy at my best, might as well be my worst.
@Akarin said he smells of cum ( https://incels.is/threads/i-smell-of-cum.36783/ ).

Lots of you guys here admit to fapping into your underpants then just wearing them for the next month; fapping into the bedsheets and sleeping in it; fapping into a cum sock and keeping it for the next year; @Grotesque , being the biggest animal here actually has a shit rag/T-Shirt and probably pisses into a glass to avoid walking 7 feet to the bathroom.

This is absolutely revolting.

Were I lucky enough to have a gf and be faced with having a son, I'd hate to have that unhygenic subhuman wandering my house, putting his cummy fingerprints over my food, peeing into my glasses; and leaving skidmarks in his pants that I then have to search for in his room to put into my relatively-clean, but definitely-shit-free washing machine.

My OCD couldn't handle having a son like you guys who admit to brushing your teeth once every 3 months. Some of you guys don't even shower more than once a week. You literally wake up in your fumigationworthy room, push the blankets off you, which I imagine aren't even flexible anymore because of the ingrained cum and sweat, go sit at the PC and then just watch YouTube and browse this website all day while your dumb-ass enabling parents serve you meals all day.

I couldn't handle a son like that.

Also, your lack of hygiene, lack of social skills and lack of having approached women (not all of you) literally prove IncelTears right. Yes, I can hear that not having a gf makes you lazier but it shouldn't drive you to LDAR. Some of you guys took the LDAR meme too literally (because of autism) and probably are beyond hope even if a girl were to take a liking to you now.

legit. They aren't trycels like us, Invis. They should be gassed tbh.
I laughed way harder at this post then I should have. When its over it over, no need to worry about hygiene.
I dont think they are serious though...
I was seriously wearing my cumshirt in the Hello CuckTears! video.
I hope they're not actually serious because behavior like that is absolutely degenerate and should result in lashings at the very minimum.
People are only gross like that because their parents did a bad job raising them. If you had a son and did a halfway decent job they wouldn't be that gross, and they probably wouldn't be incel either.
I think there's two people who you may be talking to.

1) The ones who have given up
2) The ones who haven't given up

If you are (1) then it's fine if you do that. You do you, bro. Don't expect me to come clean your shit up. Don't expect a gf to fall on your lap.

If you're (2), then you can't complain. Basic hygiene is a requirement for any relationship (normie and up). If we're sub-5, then we need to try even harder than normie tier guys. Doing this will just lead to further self-defeat.
If you find boys disgusting, I hope you will never have a daughter
legit. They aren't trycels like us, Invis. They should be gassed tbh.

...with a 3/10 IncelTears feminist locking the gas-chamber doors for maximum kek.

>lack of having approached women

this is what pisses me off most about volcels

NEVER trying cos they are not better looking than chico

They make the whole community look like autistic nutjobs.

if your son end up unhygeniccel is your fault.

If he so much as watches non-Bleach/Naruto anime, I will bury him in the backyard.
Oh ok.

So hygiene is only a thing you'd worry about if you had a gf?
No, hygene is something I'd worry about if I were good looking enough for a gf. As I am now, I'm like an unpolished shit. Polishing won't change anything.
I cum into my underwear every night until it gets all crusty.
just because some incels here decide to live like slobs doesnt mean we all do.
Low IQ thread. Men brush their teeth, floss, and bathe more often. There's even been studies done on this.
who the fuck care what I do in my house
...with a 3/10 IncelTears feminist locking the gas-chamber doors for maximum kek.

They make the whole community look like autistic nutjobs.

If he so much as watches non-Bleach/Naruto anime, I will bury him in the backyard.

What would you do if you had a daughter and she was a total weeb?
holee sheet wtf did i just read
Just LOL @ believing boys have worse hygiene than girls.

Femoids, by their very anatomical structure, are infinitely grosser than males. To have sex with one you literally have to stick your dick into a funky hole that's half an inch from an unclean shithole. As for skidmarks lol, femoids literally stuff their underwear up their arse. You speak like a dude who has never lived with femoids.
What would you do if you had a daughter and she was a total weeb?

Daughters don't matter so much cuz they can't be unattractive or undesirable. Guys don't care about a girl having nerdy interests.
Just LOL @ believing boys have worse hygiene than girls.

Femoids, by their very anatomical structure, are infinitely grosser than males. To have sex with one you literally have to stick your dick into a funky hole that's half an inch from an unclean shithole. As for skidmarks lol, femoids literally stuff their underwear up their arse. You speak like a dude who has never lived with femoids.

Female's lack of hygiene is more "involuntary". They can't wipe downwards because they barely have a taint and the pussy is too close - I imagine the space ABOVE a woman's butthole to be full of E-Coli. Men can wipe up and down until clean.

Men's lack of hygiene seems to be voluntary, out of laziness or tantrum.
Female's lack of hygiene is more "involuntary". They can't wipe downwards because they barely have a taint. Men's seems to be voluntary, out of laziness or tantrum.

lol. Wiping doesn't clean an asshole. If your asshole is an inch from your genitals, it's incumbent upon you to clean your damn asshole. It's so disgusting I wouldn't even want to have sex with a girl irl. And it's easier for femoids because they don't have body hair.

lol. My sister hardly ever showers-- one reason femoids shower less is because it fucks up their hair, so it's a big to-do. Guys can hop in the shower and it takes 5 minutes. The concept of shower caps is beyond the female mind. And my Mum leaves shit round the toilet every day. That isn't something femoids care about because they don't have to stare into it when they piss like men. This is just WAW crap, dude. You've obviously never lived with women/girls.
lol. Wiping doesn't clean an asshole. If your asshole is an inch from your genitals, it's incumbent upon you to clean your damn asshole. It's so disgusting I wouldn't even want to have sex with a girl irl. And it's easier for femoids because they don't have body hair.

lol. My sister hardly ever showers-- one reason femoids shower less is because it fucks up their hair, so it's a big to-do. Guys can hop in the shower and it takes 5 minutes. The concept of shower caps is beyond the female mind. And my Mum leaves shit round the toilet every day. That isn't something femoids care about because they don't have to stare into it when they piss like men. This is just WAW crap, dude. You've obviously never lived with women/girls.
Man speaks truth. I also know a girl who hardly showers. For the most part cumrags are too busy painting their faces and putting on fake lashes for whatever fucking reason to actually brush their teeth or anything.
Were I lucky enough to have a gf and be faced with having a son

You're contemplating a future in which you have a son with a girlfriend rather than with a wife and have the gall to accuse others of being heathens? Hypocrisy if I've ever seen it.

Just kidding, of course. Well, sort of.

At any rate, I've always found the issue of hygiene a fascinating one when it comes to the trials and tribulations faced by the members of our sad little tribe. The exhausted meme of our critics assuring us that were we only to bother to wash the dried ejaculate caked on our pubic hair, or the years worth of shit-stains from our clothes, we'd be normal human beings living as normal human beings do is ridiculed for a reason: no man who is actually and authentically ugly has the luxury to live like a slob and somehow survive.

Those of us who are truly repulsive have to take pains to ensure our clothes are clean and pressed, our faces shaven, hair combed, our nasty human odors scrubbed away. People hate the unattractive and will take any and every opportunity to indict them in order to have them exiled them from the world of the healthy and happy. If you don't want to be cast out as an ugly man, you need to make damn sure you are beyond reproach. Because you can be removed from your employment if you smell bad, if you're disheveled and unkempt...but we are still too polite to relegate someone to the dole if the only faux pas he's guilty of is one Nature's made on his behalf.

Actual human beings can have an occasional lapse in hygiene without concern regarding either their professional or private lives. Back when I worked at a camp for the disabled during my college days, we had a counselor who showered about once a week. Despite the fact he spent said week covered in diseased shit and piss, he still kept his job during the day, still fucked female counselors during the night, and the only price he had to pay was a couple of jokes at his expense noting the fact he smelled like death. Not that the women taking his cock cared, of course.

So we monsters will continue to be cleaner than the most immaculate men knowing that if we neglect to do so not only will we go to bed alone, which we would have done regardless, we'll do so hungry and cold and, in all likelihood, dead before the sun rises.

The hardship of the abomination is that he has to strive to be better than the best of men for the sake of glimpsing a shadow of the dreams reserved for the lowest of animals.
I piss in soda cans, cum in my bedsheets, never get haircuts, wear the same clothes all week and don't shower often. I never attracted any cunts when I was clean. Why should I give a shit anymore?
Also you know what's more repulsive then a dirty man? A pussy that's had numerous manwhore's semen injected into it.
I piss in soda cans, cum in my bedsheets, never get haircuts, wear the same clothes all week and don't shower often. I never attracted any cunts when I was clean. Why should I give a shit anymore?
Also you know what's more repulsive then a dirty man? A pussy that's had numerous manwhore's semen injected into it.
How the fuck can these autists not shower? My hair is greasy as fuck by the end of the day and I NEED a shower.

But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with coming in the clothes you wear or bedsheets. It’s natural.
Peeing in your glasses?
I am hygenuc but only because I still leave my house on a daily basis & I feel gross after a while

I had to laugh while reading this post tbh.
Just lol if you don't have a cumshirt. I mean, come on, are you even joking.
The most logical thing would be to do sperm spinning and ensure that you have a girl.
That way you can ensure she has life in ez mode and can focus on bettering herself.
>he doesn't keep all his children in a rugged sock under his bed.

Disappointed in you @FACEandLMS I expected better from you smh.
It's the LDAR lifestyle, non OCDcels have no reason to keep up appearances or be hygenic. It's easier actually
>he doesn't keep all his children in a rugged sock under his bed.

Disappointed in you @FACEandLMS I expected better from you smh.

A cumsock is ok as long as you use it once then throw it away. Like a sock with a hole in it becomes one but lol@keeping it around for weeks. You guys aren't doing yourselves any favours, esp since most of you are 4.5-6/10, NW1, 20 yo guys.

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