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LifeFuel You have been liberated from morals

Things are not going the way you are describing.

For example, I had your same thoughts, but I am lazy and I have not enough will to power to overcome morality.

For lazy people like me, morality is a shield against what could possibly hurt me. I need morals, because I need to take advantage over it.
Or is it the Christianity that you Americans follow that goes against a Pope figure...
The true Christianity ?
Everyone who is able to recognize how this pope is a Jesuit and an antichrist is highIQ
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Things are not going the way you are describing.

For example, I had your same thoughts, but I am lazy and I have not enough will to power to overcome morality.

For lazy people like me, morality is a shield against what could possibly hurt me. I need morals, because I need to take advantage over it.

Everyone who is able to recognize how this pope is a Jesuit and an antichrist is highIQ
He´s a Jesuit and he portrays himself as a high entity, role playing as some savior, and that qualifies him for being an anti-christ figure.
There is no doubt about it.
I never liked Catholics, since they perverse some elements of what being a Christian is.
Like for example:
Worshiping God, and not an old fart.
Praying to Jesus, and not his mother or god´s children ( Archangels, Cherubim )
Or chanting verses to honor Lucifer. ( L0L that happened in Vatican btw )

These are all basic principles of what being a Christian is all about.
But then when Pagan Europe was converted to Christianity, there was massive division within many Countrys since they all had their differences in their faith.
They went on a rampage against each other.
A few Genocides were made by killing your fellow brothers, over a foreign cult brought by a Judaic branch.
Christianity IS that branch.
All Abrahamic religions should be nullified and forgotten.
That will never happen btw, since many low IQ retards breed like rabbits.
And a couple of intelligent folk won´t do the trick against a vast majority of people that want this crap to exist.
The ideal world is a secularist society with no corrupt bastards in charge.
Also no sodomites, no LGBTQ*S+ garbage, no leftism, no rightism, only one system that works right.
Then we can build something that is worthwhile, without having the worries of some deranged power hungry psychopaths wanting to destroy it by sheer envy of not having their way.
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Oh no no no no, man you fell for the (((Pagan))) meme no bro, lmao. Over. Christianity is an Anti Semetic Religion by its very nature. The Ashkenazi Jews we know today, and Semites in the common term, are not the same as the 12 Tribes of Judah in The Bible, or the Galilean People Jesus Came from (Which originated in Europe). The Bible refers to Jews we know of today as pharisees, The Synagogue of Satan, fake Jews, etc. They are a mongrel race that originated from the south of Israel, and are descend from Canaanites, Edomites, and Babylonians.

Pagans can't pretend the European Christian Accomplishments were pagan, there's a reason why Europe was growing, and it wasn't tree worship. Jews think paganism is far less dangerous than Christianity, and there's a reason why they spend thousands of years trying to counter it and infiltrate it and destroy it, and sadly it seems like they did, and also by creating tons of controlled opposition to oppose it aswell.
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Why do the most powerful people in the world have a extreme disdain and hatred for Traditional Christianity, but seem to be just find with modern degenerate paganism. Really makes me think. When The Jews start attacking The Brothers of Odin and other sex having moral lacking heathens i'll change my mind about em.
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Also every modern push and argument against morality, is plain and simply Judaism in nature. Also i'm not saying Modern Christians are good, most lack morality and belong on a cross aswell.

The people who originally witnessed the mythology that lead them to believe in Nordic Mythology would be absolutely disgusted by the (((Pagans))) of today.
Natsoc is norse paganism with christian moralism (see the sonnenrad in my sig). Just as it did with ideology, National Socialism combined elements of both paganism and christianity to forge a superior philosophy
I see...
Well i have nothing more to say.
The points you made are accurate.
I just have two more questions.
You called Sephardi and Mizrahi jooz, goys right ?
I find that ludicrous.
I know Khazars ( Ashkenazim ) come from the old Khazaria, in the eastern block of Europe, and a bit of Asia aswell.
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Since you´re well versed in all of this, can you clarify that for me?
Now it's been awhile since I researched into migration patterns completely, but if I remember correctly, The Ashkenazi Jews we know today before the 10th Century and around the time of Jesus, were already a mongrel stock of people, who descended from the south of Israel and are a mix between Canaanites, Babylonians, and Edomites. At this time in their history the verbal talmud, and it was around 500AD, which I think is the 6th Century/Middle Ages where Rabbis decided that simply spreading Talmudic law through their word alone would not work very well, and they decided to write it down, and by this point I believe they had long migrated to the north of Israel and were still pretty nomadic, in Europe, and then about 500 years later this is where they settled in Khazaria? For a bit? It's this time period i'm probably least well versed on, as i'm more well versed on the past, but I know that they eventually started migrating to various different nations and countries, and constantly causing trouble and getting kicked out and doing all kinds of Jewish Satanic shit as they do.

But yeah unless i'm something happened i'm unaware, which is possible, Ashkenazi Fundamentalist Jewish Supremacism is the main driving group of Jews and power, and their origins are pretty well documented, and they're not of the 12 tribes of Judah, or anything of that. They have spread Judaism to other people, for example a lot of modern Israelis are basically their military/sex slave second class cast. You don't see Ashkenazi Janitors, police officers, farmers, etc, you always see a different kind of Jew or Goyim doing that work for them, because they consider themselves to be the superior and truly "Human" people, and everyone who is not Ashkenazi is below them.
Is Catholicism any different from Christianity ?
I know they spend their time worshiping the Virgin Mary, and Saints more, than the son of god.
I have one Catholic Church close to my door, and that´s what they do.
That in of itself is a great sin according to the bible, since it plays in the Idolatry territory.
Catholicism is a form of Christianity, but it does differ. I believe the main 3 types of Christianity are Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. They all are quite different, Protestantism probably having the most difference between, because there isn't a solid soul Protestant Church, and Protestant just means, "Not Catholic or Orthodox, but still Christian" it's quite complicated right because there's no Authority to tell people what to do, and that is the problem right? That's why in The Third Reich they proposed and a had a plan for a Unified Protestant Reich Church.

The way I view it is that the most literal translation of the bible is probably the most accurate, and the only thing you should follow is people who are that, and people very well versed in that, but sadly there aren't many people very well versed in that. Another problem comes from canonical biblical books of the bible that are mentioned in the bible, but for some reason are not actually in the bible, such as the book of Enoch, and Jasher, which have some pretty interesting and deep lore about Earth, and our past.
You should only worship Jesus, no one else.
Or is it the Christianity that you Americans follow that goes against a Pope figure...
The true Christianity ?
Yes you should only worship and pray to God The Father, Son, or Holy spirit, nobody else, and according to the lore its kind of similar to how like there's a theory and some mythology about how Twins share the same soul, or connected subconscious, that's basically what it's supposed to be like with Father, son and Holy Spirit, it's like all the same soul, but 3 different minds, which is why Jesus actually prayed to God and talked to God because even tho he's God, and they share the same soul, they're two beings, probably with a different set of rules in place set by the father.

And there is no American Christianity, that all Americans follow sadly, there's tons of various different Catholic and Protestant churches, most of which are terrible and harmful to society, and not true Christianity. There's exceptions, even in some Catholic churches, but most are degenerate or pacifist.
Morals are for normies who have sex. The only reason I don't break any laws is because there are legal repercussions.
Uhhhhh, normies who have sex lack morals tho. There is no morality in having promiscuous sex, and pumping and dumping, etc
Natsoc is norse paganism with christian moralism (see the sonnenrad in my sig). Just as it did with ideology, National Socialism combined elements of both paganism and christianity to forge a superior philosophy
Pagan influence played a very very minimal role in National Socialism, people who exaggerate that role probably haven't read Mein Kampf, or looked into the majority of the beliefs held in Germany at the time. I'm not saying there wasn't any paganism, it was just so minimal and not even from a religious or spiritual perspective, and was more from a cultural or historical one, none of which was contrary to Christianity. Christianity was a core aspect to National Socialism, of course with the backing of the state to make sure it doesn't fall apart, because Christianity cannot work properly and effectively without some form of Authoritarianism to back it.

Another example some people say is proof they were pagan is, I believe there was a theory that we originated from the North Pole held in The Third Reich, that's not really a pagan belief, there's theories that the garden of eden is actually located at or around the North Pole aswell, a lot of nordic mythology lines up quite similarly to Christianity in a lot of ways.
Now it's been awhile since I researched into migration patterns completely, but if I remember correctly, The Ashkenazi Jews we know today before the 10th Century and around the time of Jesus, were already a mongrel stock of people, who descended from the south of Israel and are a mix between Canaanites, Babylonians, and Edomites. At this time in their history the verbal talmud, and it was around 500AD, which I think is the 6th Century/Middle Ages where Rabbis decided that simply spreading Talmudic law through their word alone would not work very well, and they decided to write it down, and by this point I believe they had long migrated to the north of Israel and were still pretty nomadic, in Europe, and then about 500 years later this is where they settled in Khazaria? For a bit? It's this time period i'm probably least well versed on, as i'm more well versed on the past, but I know that they eventually started migrating to various different nations and countries, and constantly causing trouble and getting kicked out and doing all kinds of Jewish Satanic shit as they do.

But yeah unless i'm something happened i'm unaware, which is possible, Ashkenazi Fundamentalist Jewish Supremacism is the main driving group of Jews and power, and their origins are pretty well documented, and they're not of the 12 tribes of Judah, or anything of that. They have spread Judaism to other people, for example a lot of modern Israelis are basically their military/sex slave second class cast. You don't see Ashkenazi Janitors, police officers, farmers, etc, you always see a different kind of Jew or Goyim doing that work for them, because they consider themselves to be the superior and truly "Human" people, and everyone who is not Ashkenazi is below them.

Catholicism is a form of Christianity, but it does differ. I believe the main 3 types of Christianity are Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox. They all are quite different, Protestantism probably having the most difference between, because there isn't a solid soul Protestant Church, and Protestant just means, "Not Catholic or Orthodox, but still Christian" it's quite complicated right because there's no Authority to tell people what to do, and that is the problem right? That's why in The Third Reich they proposed and a had a plan for a Unified Protestant Reich Church.

The way I view it is that the most literal translation of the bible is probably the most accurate, and the only thing you should follow is people who are that, and people very well versed in that, but sadly there aren't many people very well versed in that. Another problem comes from canonical biblical books of the bible that are mentioned in the bible, but for some reason are not actually in the bible, such as the book of Enoch, and Jasher, which have some pretty interesting and deep lore about Earth, and our past.

Yes you should only worship and pray to God The Father, Son, or Holy spirit, nobody else, and according to the lore its kind of similar to how like there's a theory and some mythology about how Twins share the same soul, or connected subconscious, that's basically what it's supposed to be like with Father, son and Holy Spirit, it's like all the same soul, but 3 different minds, which is why Jesus actually prayed to God and talked to God because even tho he's God, and they share the same soul, they're two beings, probably with a different set of rules in place set by the father.

And there is no American Christianity, that all Americans follow sadly, there's tons of various different Catholic and Protestant churches, most of which are terrible and harmful to society, and not true Christianity. There's exceptions, even in some Catholic churches, but most are degenerate or pacifist.

Uhhhhh, normies who have sex lack morals tho. There is no morality in having promiscuous sex, and pumping and dumping, etc

Pagan influence played a very very minimal role in National Socialism, people who exaggerate that role probably haven't read Mein Kampf, or looked into the majority of the beliefs held in Germany at the time. I'm not saying there wasn't any paganism, it was just so minimal and not even from a religious or spiritual perspective, and was more from a cultural or historical one, none of which was contrary to Christianity. Christianity was a core aspect to National Socialism, of course with the backing of the state to make sure it doesn't fall apart, because Christianity cannot work properly and effectively without some form of Authoritarianism to back it.

Another example some people say is proof they were pagan is, I believe there was a theory that we originated from the North Pole held in The Third Reich, that's not really a pagan belief, there's theories that the garden of eden is actually located at or around the North Pole aswell, a lot of nordic mythology lines up quite similarly to Christianity in a lot of ways.
Very interesting.
My Country in the past, after many others banning jooz from their homeland...
Mine accepted them as refugees for a short period of time, it was the same with crusaders ( Portuguese being crusaders themselves ) and french Templars, since their King went insane.
Then, they started to "joo" around and promoting their "liberation" a.k.a degeneracy, and performing blood libel which is drinking the blood from christians.

You can see how evil these weak rats are.
And they will encourage their children to turn wicked as themselves.

Oh yeah, since you mentioned those different types of Christianity, what about Jehovah´s Witnesses...
Surprisingly, my village has been increasing in numbers related to that "cult".
They worship Jesus, and that´s their free will, i guess.
But something about them seems kinda weird.
They dress like hipsters L0L

When it comes to protestants, where i live they´re very arrogant, and also act like hipsters just because they can´t afford a Big Church like the Catholics have.
Don´t know much about it...
All i know is the room is white, those long chairs, some flowers, and one cross at the middle.
That´s their place.
They act like the "chosen people" just because they keep it very simple...
You see all religions to me are poison to the mind, or a heavy filler on life, that may cause more harm than good.
The only good aspects about Christianity are the morals that are preached, that´s about it.
The rest leave it in the book.

God The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yes.
That´s the Holy Trinity according to scripture.

I have some members in my family, that if you looked at first glance you automatically would think they´re jooish.
They fit that stereotype in appearance, and they got that attitude and humor, its very jooish.
They were brought up as Catholics by their parents.
In the past they had to either convert to the native´s culture, or run again, before they got ostracized again.
Some stayed and converted, simple as that.
It reflects, because in Portugal there are a lot of descendants from Sephardi jooz, and they don´t even know about it.
Its quite sad really, living and not knowing their roots.

To end my message, do you know the story of Fátima ?
I´ll leave this here, so that you may get an idea.
Its part of our culture.
Have a good read.

Its been fun talking to you.
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Very interesting.
My Country in the past, after many others banning jooz from their homeland...
Mine accepted them as refugees for a short period of time, it was the same with crusaders ( Portuguese being crusaders themselves ) and french Templars, since their King went insane.
Then, they started to "joo" around and promoting their "liberation" a.k.a degeneracy, and performing blood libel which is drinking the blood from christians.
You can see how evil these weak rats are.

Oh yeah, since you mentioned those different types of Christianity, what about Jehovah´s Witnesses...
Surprisingly, my village has been increasing in numbers related to that "cult".
They worship Jesus, and that´s their free will, i guess.
But something about them seems kinda weird.
They dress like hipsters L0L

When it comes to protestants, where i live they´re very arrogant, and also act like hipsters just because they can´t afford a Big Church like the Catholics have.
Don´t know much about it...
All i know is the room is white, those long chairs, some flowers, and one cross at the middle.
That´s their place.
They act like the "chosen people" just because they keep t very simple...
You see all religions to me are poison to the mind, or a heavy filler on life, that may cause more harm than good.
The only good aspects about Christianity are the morals that are preached, that´s about it.
The rest leave it in the book.

God The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, yes.
That´s the Holy Trinity according to scripture.

I have some members in my family, that if you looked at first glance you automatically would think they´re jooish.
They fit that stereotype in appearance, and they got that attitude and humor, its very jooish.
They were brought up as Catholics by their parents.
In the past they had to either convert to the native´s culture, or run again, before they ostracized again.
Some stayed and converted, simple as that.
It reflects, because in Portugal there are a lot of descendants from Sephardi jooz, and they don´t even know about it.
Its quite sad really, living and not knowing their roots.

To end my message, do you know the story of Fátima ?
I´ll leave this here, so that you may get an idea.
Its part of our culture.
Have a good read.

Its been fun talking to you.
Yeah basically don't get me wrong. Most Christians, protestant, catholic, probably even orthodox, are all shit, not real Christians, and are degenerates who are only Christian in name. Just about every major Church has been infiltrated and corrupted by Jews. Protestant and Catholics being the major ones. I don't really know much about Jehovas Witnesses tho, however the reason why I stick with it, is because the most evil and powerful people hate it so much, that it must be good right? If not why would they attack and destroy it so much.

That and it seems to line up almost perfectly with Evolutionary Biology in the sense that is a great system to be utilized to help grow a species, of course optimally combined with some form of Authoritarian government, such as National Socialism.
Pagan influence played a very very minimal role in National Socialism, people who exaggerate that role probably haven't read Mein Kampf, or looked into the majority of the beliefs held in Germany at the time. I'm not saying there wasn't any paganism, it was just so minimal and not even from a religious or spiritual perspective, and was more from a cultural or historical one, none of which was contrary to Christianity. Christianity was a core aspect to National Socialism, of course with the backing of the state to make sure it doesn't fall apart, because Christianity cannot work properly and effectively without some form of Authoritarianism to back it.
National Socialism was largely social darwinist in nature and applied this ethic to the collective. One of the key pillars in National Socialist ideology is its progressivism and idealism. The idea of improving the race through selective breeding (although its proportions have been vastly exaggerated by Jews) played an important role in National Socialist Germany, and there were a few hundred thousand sterilizations of genetically defective people carried out under the supervision of the third reich during its reign. You could argue that this is the resurrection of a pagan ideal, as they used to practice eugenics as well, while the christians outlawed such "barbaric practices". The fact that most nazis, or rather those that voted for them, were christian doesn't say much as that was obviously the case before the NSDAP rose to prominence as well. I think it's much more instructive to look at what the leading figures of the NSDAP thought. Hitler was a confirmed Nietzschian and kept a copy of Nietzsche's will to power in his personal library. The idea of the Übermensch as an ideal to aspire toward emanates from this book. As for Goebbels, well

They sure don't seem like bible thumping fundamentalists that hold every word of the bible holy to me, and that's not even getting into Rosenberg and Himmler and the seemingly overtly hostile sentiments they seemed to have for Christianity
Yeah basically don't get me wrong. Most Christians, protestant, catholic, probably even orthodox, are all shit, not real Christians, and are degenerates who are only Christian in name. Just about every major Church has been infiltrated and corrupted by Jews. Protestant and Catholics being the major ones. I don't really know much about Jehovas Witnesses tho, however the reason why I stick with it, is because the most evil and powerful people hate it so much, that it must be good right? If not why would they attack and destroy it so much.

That and it seems to line up almost perfectly with Evolutionary Biology in the sense that is a great system to be utilized to help grow a species, of course optimally combined with some form of Authoritarian government, such as National Socialism.
Something that is hated by evil crooks, don´t let that ratio define if its on the good side, or the bad one.
Sometimes it is, other times its not.
It depends on what we´re talking about here.
In this instant, it IS.
So i guess that pretty much covers it bro.

Our comments made this thread, a fine one.
Mods should pin this up.
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National Socialism was largely social darwinist in nature and applied this ethic to the collective. One of the key pillars in National Socialist ideology is its progressivism and idealism. The idea of improving the race through selective breeding (although its proportions have been vastly exaggerated by Jews) played an important role in National Socialist Germany, and there were a few hundred thousand sterilizations of genetically defective people carried out under the supervision of the third reich during its reign. You could argue that this is the resurrection of a pagan ideal, as they used to practice eugenics as well, while the christians outlawed such "barbaric practices".
Eugenics isn't incompatible with Christianity, and it's not Pagan either.
The fact that most nazis, or rather those that voted for them, were christian doesn't say much as that was obviously the case before the NSDAP rose to prominence as well. I think it's much more instructive to look at what the leading figures of the NSDAP thought. Hitler was a confirmed Nietzschian and kept a copy of Nietzsche's will to power in his personal library. The idea of the Übermensch as an ideal to aspire toward emanates from this book. As for Goebbels, well
People take a few quotes from some select members of the party, and then use this try and justify that somehow they were these super secret anti christian pagans. Compare Pagans of Today, of any stripe, even the most so called noble and traditional pagan you can find, and compare it with any "paganism" you can find during this time in this country, it is incomparable. The Majority of of the party was not Pagan, and I just find it funny how the only way people try to justify it as being so is by some select quotes from Himmler and Goebbels as if they're even comparable as I said, or major in any way shape or form, or representative of the party as a whole.

As for Nietzsche, yes there were many MANY aspects taken from his ideas and philosophy, but this isn't pagan, and it that wasn't worshipped as much as it is by larpers today. Nietzschism is not National Socialism, but it does take from it.
They sure don't seem like bible thumping fundamentalists that hold every word of the bible holy to me, and that's not even getting into Rosenberg and Himmler and the seemingly overtly hostile sentiments they seemed to have for Christianity
Many "fundamentalists" aren't really fundamentalists, they're a joke, and as controversial or odd as what i'm about to say is, as odd as it may seem, National Socialism was as close as we got to an actual Christian Fundamentalist State.
Eugenics isn't incompatible with Christianity, and it's not Pagan either.

People take a few quotes from some select members of the party, and then use this try and justify that somehow they were these super secret anti christian pagans. Compare Pagans of Today, of any stripe, even the most so called noble and traditional pagan you can find, and compare it with any "paganism" you can find during this time in this country, it is incomparable. The Majority of of the party was not Pagan, and I just find it funny how the only way people try to justify it as being so is by some select quotes from Himmler and Goebbels as if they're even comparable as I said, or major in any way shape or form, or representative of the party as a whole.

As for Nietzsche, yes there were many MANY aspects taken from his ideas and philosophy, but this isn't pagan, and it that wasn't worshipped as much as it is by larpers today. Nietzschism is not National Socialism, but it does take from it.

Many "fundamentalists" aren't really fundamentalists, they're a joke, and as controversial or odd as what i'm about to say is, as odd as it may seem, National Socialism was as close as we got to an actual Christian Fundamentalist State.
I think you're misunderstanding my argument, I'm merely saying that the nazis didn't hold Christianity holy in any regard, not that they were defacto pagans
I think you're misunderstanding my argument, I'm merely saying that the nazis didn't hold Christianity holy in any regard, not that they were defacto pagans
What definition of holy are you using? Also most disdain against Christianity that was held at the time was because of the actions of so called "Christians", Hitler was very much a Christian for example, and when people who call themselves Christians attack you and are against you, would you not question your faith? I'm sure Hitler did, albeit not to the exaggerated level as some so called "private transcripts" seem to lead people to believe.

Fake Christians are the some of the biggest enemies of Christianity, and society, they recognized that, but they also recognized the true cause behind it, and it wasn't Christianity itself that they recognized as that enemy, like some siegefag larpers of today do, it was Jewish Infiltration of Christianity, and Christian Institutions, and Marxism, which of course is another hand of Judaism.

If you don't question Christianity from seeing all the so called Christians out there who are doing degenerate and destructive acts against society you're low IQ, but if you think that's what inherently Christianity is, you fell for the Jew.

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