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Blackpill You have a weak mind

Your face acts as a propeller in life. If you're born with a decent face, you'll be fuelled by positive reinforcement every day. We wouldn't be weak with a better face.
Because you are genetically weak, you had to cower in fear your entire life to get by. Avoiding conflict was the only way to survive. You became skillfully invisible as a way to cope, but now you are so invisible you are lost in plain sight. But above all, you are fundamentally weak. When you face challenges you just wanna kill yourself. Suicide is your first instinct. You second instinct is to masturbate it all away. You don't have what it takes to best a normal man at anything, not even with words, because you lack the will, the spirit, the drive. You have nothing in you at all, not even the knowledge that you have nothing to lose, because you just want to hide in a corner to masturbate it all away that badly. You know where you belong-- you belong at the bottom, with an oppressor's foot stomping at your back.

And the weakest part of you, is that desire TO STAY WEAK. You actually WANT to be the weakest incel in the room. To stay helpless, because you have been so traumatized by everything that happened, that you feel that extreme self-victimization is the only way to stay safe.
My reaction to this:
200 1
If i had a stronger mind i would probably kill myself
I think that internal motivation and drive is determined primarily by genetics
Yep. Drive to self improve and cultivate directly comes from genetics. And I'm even wondering if neurodivergence prevents even more those functionalities.
I suffer unimaginably myself, and I am trying to project my pain onto others (within the limits of the law).
Thanks to this I feel better.
Because you are genetically weak, you had to cower in fear your entire life to get by. Avoiding conflict was the only way to survive. You became skillfully invisible as a way to cope, but now you are so invisible you are lost in plain sight. But above all, you are fundamentally weak. When you face challenges you just wanna kill yourself. Suicide is your first instinct. You second instinct is to masturbate it all away. You don't have what it takes to best a normal man at anything, not even with words, because you lack the will, the spirit, the drive. You have nothing in you at all, not even the knowledge that you have nothing to lose, because you just want to hide in a corner to masturbate it all away that badly. You know where you belong-- you belong at the bottom, with an oppressor's foot stomping at your back.

And the weakest part of you, is that desire TO STAY WEAK. You actually WANT to be the weakest incel in the room. To stay helpless, because you have been so traumatized by everything that happened, that you feel that extreme self-victimization is the only way to stay safe.
I will destroy it
I have already died

Now time to rise
No. Normies actually want incels to stop 'a pity party', to 'self-improove' and to contribute to society ( like working as a male nurse, volunteering at old people house etc ).
They want incels to accept their fate, accept their place in society and do low jobs.
And maybe you even be granted with a single mother in her 40s for your active position.
On the other hand, normies absolutely hate subhumans who are lazy, hedonistic and preoccupied with self-hate and self-pity...
Nature has to balance it out I guess and we just lost.
I can beat most normies in videogames because that's what I've been doing most my life
I can beat most normies in videogames because that's what I've been doing most my life
Ive been playing games since I was a kid and Im still shit at them
I'm like top 1% in most games I play
All the skills you need in order to be good at gaming I am terrible in

Theres not one thing in life Im genuinely good at
The most beautiful poem I've ever seen.
I am going to write a high effort post sometime this week about how your work ethic is determined by your genes
Work ethnic is also partially due to external stimuli, which is related to genes. If you look like Chico, you are far more likely to work hard as hard work pays off way more than if you are a manlet subhuman.
:bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain: :bigbrain:

Very relatable
yeah true i am also a low iq retard autistic cel
Fleshlight + gun oil h2o
I always dreamt of becoming an Orwellian dictator and purposefully targeting facts of life that normcattle adore.
Fuck no wtf man. Just because you are a weak man doesn't mean that I am like that

I fucked up my colleague a few years ago because he was being a cunt

I also fucked up my bullies at school

And I will fuck up anyone who threads on me

Don't push me bitch because I'm fucking crazy once you start pushing me
WTF so accurate, so brutal. Always avoiding conflicts incel trait
Because you are genetically weak, you had to cower in fear your entire life to get by. Avoiding conflict was the only way to survive. You became skillfully invisible as a way to cope, but now you are so invisible you are lost in plain sight. But above all, you are fundamentally weak. When you face challenges you just wanna kill yourself. Suicide is your first instinct. You second instinct is to masturbate it all away. You don't have what it takes to best a normal man at anything, not even with words, because you lack the will, the spirit, the drive. You have nothing in you at all, not even the knowledge that you have nothing to lose, because you just want to hide in a corner to masturbate it all away that badly. You know where you belong-- you belong at the bottom, with an oppressor's foot stomping at your back.

And the weakest part of you, is that desire TO STAY WEAK. You actually WANT to be the weakest incel in the room. To stay helpless, because you have been so traumatized by everything that happened, that you feel that extreme self-victimization is the only way to stay safe.
Darwinist andrew tate bs.
Not even a second
It's called learned helplessness.

This is the reason why incels have a hard time developing social skills and why most chads are more socially intelligent than an incel can ever be "whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken away from them".
Because you are genetically weak, you had to cower in fear your entire life to get by. Avoiding conflict was the only way to survive. You became skillfully invisible as a way to cope, but now you are so invisible you are lost in plain sight. But above all, you are fundamentally weak. When you face challenges you just wanna kill yourself. Suicide is your first instinct. You second instinct is to masturbate it all away. You don't have what it takes to best a normal man at anything, not even with words, because you lack the will, the spirit, the drive. You have nothing in you at all, not even the knowledge that you have nothing to lose, because you just want to hide in a corner to masturbate it all away that badly. You know where you belong-- you belong at the bottom, with an oppressor's foot stomping at your back.

And the weakest part of you, is that desire TO STAY WEAK. You actually WANT to be the weakest incel in the room. To stay helpless, because you have been so traumatized by everything that happened, that you feel that extreme self-victimization is the only way to stay safe.
I failed at social experience, I failed at romantic experience, I failed at educating and cultivating myself to face the world with a decent knowledge and personality, I failed at having any kind of normal interests, I failed at being normal.

There is one thing I promised not fail, it's to prove life that they never ever gave me what it takes to thrive in my own way, I want to show whoever brought me to this life that I'm simply a victim of my existence.

I will not make any effort anymore, I've tried enough. Everything the others have, I should have got it naturally just like them, I never had to "self-improve" in the very first place.
Because you are genetically weak, you had to cower in fear your entire life to get by. Avoiding conflict was the only way to survive. You became skillfully invisible as a way to cope, but now you are so invisible you are lost in plain sight. But above all, you are fundamentally weak. When you face challenges you just wanna kill yourself. Suicide is your first instinct. You second instinct is to masturbate it all away. You don't have what it takes to best a normal man at anything, not even with words, because you lack the will, the spirit, the drive. You have nothing in you at all, not even the knowledge that you have nothing to lose, because you just want to hide in a corner to masturbate it all away that badly. You know where you belong-- you belong at the bottom, with an oppressor's foot stomping at your back.

And the weakest part of you, is that desire TO STAY WEAK. You actually WANT to be the weakest incel in the room. To stay helpless, because you have been so traumatized by everything that happened, that you feel that extreme self-victimization is the only way to stay safe.
You are correct. I will see fit to the change I want.
cope, why haven't you made money off of it yet then?
For professional play you need to be top 0.01% not just top 1%, the other way would be streaming it and having an interesting personality which doesn't apply to me.
The amount of self loathing i see here is more cringe worthy and depressing than actually being an incel, which reminds me of another forum dedicated to ropemaxxing
High IQ and extremely relatable post, every sentence hits my core deep.

Guys like us in the past were sent to war and died violently on the battlefield or were excluded from the tribe for being useless and weak. Forgotten forever for eternity. We really shouldn't be here. We have no place in this world.

But here we are, so we might as well rot and cope till we can.
lol, this reads so much like a /r/theredpill post I genuinely can't tell if this is satire.

As far as the work ethic/motivation being genetic or not debate goes, people invest time and effort into something if they believe there is a reasonable chance of a reward. If someone continuously puts time and effort (and god forbid, money or resources) into something that is yielding no results, then that person is either extremely mentally ill or just retarded.

Would shaquille o'neal have had the motivation to try and get into the NBA if he were 5'2? No, because he's not retarded and would know no amount of practice or effort would get him into the NBA. The smarter thing to do would be to invest that time and effort into a goal he'd be more genetically suited for. Of course, even if he did have just as much motivation to get into the NBA then it wouldn't matter because he'd fail anyway.

I did an enormous amount of cold approaching when I was much younger because I thought if I just played "numbers game", then statistically I'd get a gf eventually. That's what gave me an insane amount of motivation initially, or at least that's where half of my motivation came from (the other half was essentially FOMO, but I'll get into that later). Then after many many rejections (including many from fat ugly women), i finally accepted it just wasn't going to happen and I lost motivation to approach. For years after I did a little cold approaching here and there, but not a whole lot. Personally I regret doing any of it. That time would have been better spent doing just about anything else, even playing video games or watching anime, at least then I'd have spent my time doing something I actually enjoyed.

Getting back to the point though, suppose if a magic genie increased the chances of every cold approach leading to a gf from essentially 0% to 1%, and everyone was aware of this. Almost everyone here, including some very high inhib low T guys, would start cold approaching like crazy. 100 cold approaches would make it statistically likely you'd be successful, and I can easily do that many in a fairly short time period. In fact there were multiple months back in 2006 and 2007 where I probably did well over 100 cold approaches. Bottom line, in this hypothetical scenario, everyone's motivation would skyrocket (despite genetics) and the truecel rate would drop to almost 0 after about a year. Only the exceptionally mentally ill would remain incel after a year or so.

If anything, incels are more likely to have the polar opposite problem...they don't know when to give up. I'm of course basing this on incels I have known in real life. They think the next thing they do will get them a gf, and when it doesn't, they move on to the next frivolous endeavor. They'll also keep trying to talk to a girl when she's clearly not interested, and in some cases will keep trying with a girl who already rejected them. But eventually they lose motivation, again, unless they are exceptionally retarded. My large number of rejections is a testament of my low IQ, but in my defense I found it difficult to STOP cold approaching at first because I felt like life was just passing me by and that I needed to reach the critical milestones people frequently discuss on this forum and lament the fact that they missed out on. Most people strongly believe they have far more power and control over outcomes than they really do, and it's generally only through a lot of trial and error that they finally come to terms with the fact that they are not in fact the main character in an anime where with enough training they'll defeat the bad guy and accomplish their goals.
Really well said. It's all about feedback loops and personal experiences. Carrot on a stick, Motivation, Effort, all these things stem and interconnect with one another.
LOL at self hating incels. This is literally how normies want us to feel for being ugly when you can literally make them suffER.
Just dont hate yourself when you get rejected by everyone and everything in society theory (and are a failure in everyway)
Because you are genetically weak, you had to cower in fear your entire life to get by. Avoiding conflict was the only way to survive. You became skillfully invisible as a way to cope, but now you are so invisible you are lost in plain sight. But above all, you are fundamentally weak. When you face challenges you just wanna kill yourself. Suicide is your first instinct. You second instinct is to masturbate it all away. You don't have what it takes to best a normal man at anything, not even with words, because you lack the will, the spirit, the drive. You have nothing in you at all, not even the knowledge that you have nothing to lose, because you just want to hide in a corner to masturbate it all away that badly. You know where you belong-- you belong at the bottom, with an oppressor's foot stomping at your back.

And the weakest part of you, is that desire TO STAY WEAK. You actually WANT to be the weakest incel in the room. To stay helpless, because you have been so traumatized by everything that happened, that you feel that extreme self-victimization is the only way to stay safe.

Romans 10:9

New International Version

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

There is hope ,never forget
do you really think chad isn’t a harrowing tool to the phantom trap pioneer and generational pygmies when rubbing out a fat happiness session devoid of mids and reality sex inherited script and whispers, “smeg peg me mama” in the open crisp of the manufactured womb abysm? the type of chad described secretly loathes himself. the only difference is he can afford to seem punctually functional (until there’s a way for him to use his functional punctuality to find a coarse extension to all that, like manifesting a needle as his long lost member in the haystack) and normal in society

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