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Experiment You guys decide: Should GrAYs be banned for saying they are women or fags?

You guys decide: Should GrAYs be banned for saying they are women or fags?

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You're already allowing women and fags here, who cares.

Pretty common sense ngl. Like @gymletethnicel's is a pretty obvious example of satire if you know it's a copypasta but some random graycel coming in here making a post about how he's an FtM truecel should be sent right back to /b/. :lul:
This is basically my stance on it as well. When you have random newfag GrAYs coming in and saying that shit "it's just a joke bro" is not a valid defence. That may as well be the Nuremberg defence. Either they're serious and hoping it'll pass off as Schrodinger's shitpost, or they're trolling. In either case they should be banned.
Just ban them. Jokes are supposed to be funny and saying "I'm a woman" isn't funny.
I’m thinking we need a crackdown on this shit but what do I know? :feelshehe:

Once they are banned over this almost ALL of them PM and claim to be joking but the problem is they shouldn’t be making jokes like that to begin with if they’re not an established member where we can tell the difference and let them slide. :society:

So if you guys enjoy their “joking” or agree with me they should have no right to “joke” in this way until they are better known let me know in the poll! :feelsclown:
We must do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to stop this place from becoming like /r9k/
What's the """joke"""? What's the punchline?
Depends on context and if its just a joke that is relevant to the topic being discussed, if they are joking they will make it obvious
Are artists able to tell if someone is joking? Autists
Women have no business here in the first place and they would not have good intentions. The whole world caters to them anyway, but nobody except this place caters to us.

As for fags it's a bit complicated, but from experience it seems they usually do not contribute in any way so they should be permabanned as well.
I used to be more moderate and I even supported allowing ugly ethnic top gay incels in the far distant past. But we must not allow this place to become like /r9k/ at any cost
I think it's bad worthy though if one jokes about being a foid unlike a fag I think unbanning shouldn't be ruled out but should require some verification to unban like an audio recording saying something to verify it or a piece of paper with their username being held. they should censor out their face users should not dox themselves and they should be given instructions to delete EXIF data
I’m thinking we need a crackdown on this shit but what do I know? :feelshehe:

Once they are banned over this almost ALL of them PM and claim to be joking but the problem is they shouldn’t be making jokes like that to begin with if they’re not an established member where we can tell the difference and let them slide. :society:

So if you guys enjoy their “joking” or agree with me they should have no right to “joke” in this way until they are better known let me know in the poll! :feelsclown:
Anyone should be banned for saying they’re fags or women unless it’s an obvious joke
Why is it happening in Florida :worryfeels:
Say no to the double F’s!
shiver me timbers u fat nigger thats why i fucked ur mother
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: silly grayfag
Empowering Saudi Arabia GIF by Hello All
It's not funny and there is no reason to joke about it, I have always respected the rules and I walked on eggshells as a gray, let others do the same.
We have enough idiots shitting up the forum as it is.
I’m thinking we need a crackdown on this shit but what do I know? :feelshehe:

Once they are banned over this almost ALL of them PM and claim to be joking but the problem is they shouldn’t be making jokes like that to begin with if they’re not an established member where we can tell the difference and let them slide. :society:

So if you guys enjoy their “joking” or agree with me they should have no right to “joke” in this way until they are better known let me know in the poll! :feelsclown:
Behead them not in minecraft
We shouldn't normalize it, but take it serious.
Let them talk and engage them, maybe you can talk them out of it.
If they actually are attracted to other males, then they get out. Ask questions.
If it is a joke, then where is the laughter or the obviousness.

We are all prisoners, one big sausage party, I mean it is only obvious gays will join this virgin heaven to save one to ascension. Like adopting a black kid from starvation.
So don't turn your back to them (literally), butt pill:blackpill: it for a different kind of heaven.

Ye idk, temp ban seems like they get another chance to be an infiltrator.

Give them a chance to be honest so ask it.
Greys are more likely to talk early on.

No tolerance and insta ban or more proof then decide.
Make a choice and delete this thread if you mind them reading this tbh
Ban this shitfuck
You all go on so much about greys I start dreaming about aliens. No fags no trans. And all furries can die they literally work in IT. They have the entire internet you soyboy cuckfucks! Where are we supposed to go? These “outliars” will be the death of our space to breathe and express ourselves.
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haha no way xD

When you dream so much and talk without a clue,
Please ascend, and take a grey with you.
am i an established member brocell?
I'm putting you on ignore

I got unbanned because im neither a foid or a homosexual
GrAYs think this is discord where blocking is a threat :feelskek: :feelskek:
Depends on context and if its just a joke that is relevant to the topic being discussed, if they are joking they will make it obvious
GrAYs are too risky to allow them the benefit of the doubt. and besides, we don't need users who are only here for keks
What the fuck is this retarded question? Should we or should we not prosecute murderers?
Also what the fuck does being gray have to do with anything? Saying that you are a foid or homosexual has always been a bannable offense, regardless of who is the perpetrator.
Yes: Giving the current state of the forum & the influx of new users we have had, it would be best to take more harsher & decisive measures to ensure we can maintain some semblance of stability.

Many of the new GrAYs who do this are either:
-14-15 y/o who are LARPing as Incels online
-IT infiltrators

As such, I concur that we need to enforce these measures more harshly, starting with this new implementation.
actually now that i think about it, i don't think i've ever actually seen a youngcel on these forums. i am a 2024cel though so i could be wrong
but atleast i dont LARP as a foid and beg to be unbanned :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshaha:
Trannies OUT. Simple as. Are you serious Big Link?

I know you're a BBC fetishist but come on man. No need to sink that low just remove them will you?

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