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Venting You don't convert other people to being "incels", inceldom is not an ideology



MSTOW for life
Jun 16, 2019
Was discussing with some simp on 4shit and he accused me of gaslighting and that is a tactic that us incels use to bring people to our side. But what this brainlet does not seems to understand is that there is nothing like "bringing" to our side, you don't choose be an incel, sure, we from this forum are women haters, fuck them.
But outside here there are many many incels that do no hate those cunts, who simp for them, but yet they are incels, because they want non paid sex and can't get for multiple reasons.

That's why virgin but not incel is idiotic, you don't have to partake in muh toxicity or ideology to be one, if you don't like the word incel because of reasons call yourself a sexless loser, because that's what you are, we are in the same side not because we choose, what you believe or not is irrelevant, not an ideology, but a condition.
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It isn't, the blackpill is, being incel is not a requirement to be blackpilled. Idk why normies don't want to understand that, maybe it's just to marginalize us more
How stupid do you have to be to not be getting free sex and still thinking you're not an incel. That's like someone on fire thinking "It may be hot, but I'm not burning."
No idea why anyone would be willingly going into this. This is not a condition/philosophy you experience by choice.
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Normans have this tendency to corrupt the value of words into a bivalent system of good and evil, their minds cannot grasp language as a descriptive tool, only as a prescriptive one.
Was discussing with some simp on 4shit and he accused me of gaslighting and that is a tactic that us incels use to bring people to our side. But what this brainlet does not seems to understand is that there is nothing like "bringing" to our side, you don't choose be an incel, sure, we from this forum are women haters, fuck them.
But outside here there are many many incels that do no hate those cunts, who simp for them, but yet they are incels, because they want non paid sex and can't get for multiple reasons.

That's why virgin but not incel is idiotic, you don't have to partake in muh toxicity or ideology to be one, if you don't like the word incel because of reasons call yourself a sexless loser, because that's what you are, we are in the same side not because we choose, what you believe or not is irrelevant, not an ideology, but a condition.
These idiots have propped up the strawman that "incel" means you believe in "black pill theory", but that's like saying someone who is black must believe in pan africanism, one is something you believe the other is something you are.
"Incel" is a state of being. "Balckpill" is a scientific theory or an ideology if you would. There are "Incels" who believe in many different things and have different outlooks. Peopl who say we are "converting" people to "incels" believe in "I may be an virgin, but at least I'm not an incel" shit.
How stupid do you have to be to not be getting free sex and still thinking you're not an incel. That's like someone on fire thinking "It may be hot, but I'm not burning."
Legit. They act like we recruit people and that to be incel, one must identify as incel. If you want to have sex, but you’re not having sex, then by definition you’re incel.

same dumbass shit they say about how huwhite supremes “recruit” people into their cult.
Was discussing with some simp on 4shit and he accused me of gaslighting and that is a tactic that us incels use to bring people to our side. But what this brainlet does not seems to understand is that there is nothing like "bringing" to our side
Yes there is, it's called "blackpilling".

you don't choose be an incel
We all make life choices which in some way influence our opportunities, though for the most part those opportunities are shaped by genes not how hard you study/work

we from this forum are women haters, fuck them
I don't hate women in general, I just hate how most foids' hypergamous instincts overwhelm their supposed moralness.

But outside here there are many many incels that do no hate those cunts, who simp for them, but yet they are incels, because they want non paid sex and can't get for multiple reasons.
Fun fact: you can still SIMP for a girl and hate her at the same time.

Idolizing someone doesn't mean you idolize every aspect, so you can still be critical.
You mean all the training and exercises that i paid good money for, to become an incel was a big waste of money?
You mean all the training and exercises that i paid good money for, to become an incel was a big waste of money?
In some sense, my high school experience was unironically an incel recruitment.
What we have here is a mechanism for sharing Blackpills. And one has to live a life of inceldom to truly understand the worth of the truth.I would not even come across this forum if I was not suffering. I would have found all the studies , all the articles nonsensical and valueless if I was not an incel.
The inceldom finds you. If it doesn't then you are not a true incel.
It isn't, the blackpill is, being incel is not a requirement to be blackpilled. Idk why normies don't want to understand that, maybe it's just to marginalize us more
Anything that hates woman deserves slander and marginalize us more. Remember you just can't hate woman
"Was discussing with some simp on 4shit"

well that's where you fucked up.
blackpill is a state of existence, a caste
I would say get off 4chan, it's literally Reddit-lite at this point. 4chan (and most of the general chans except wizardchan and 8chan to some extent) is full of braindead, water on the brain retards and newgen fucking normie niggers now, tbh. I stopped browsing it a long time ago for those reasons. I think most people who browsed the site like a decade ago stopped too.

Even like six or seven years ago, most 4channers would have agreed with you if you decided to spout some based and blackpilled content in like /r9k/ or some shit. Modern 4chan mainly consists of dumb fucking cunts who don't receive enough attention, so they go and psyop all the based boards with their retarded bullshit, and then go on /soc/ to extort money from low value, incel-in-denial simps. Then there is all the tranny and porn threads, which are probably posted by actual glowies (not to mention, it has been proven many times that glowies have started to use 4chan in the past five years as a testing ground for their psyops to encourage mass shootings and such, and, ironically enough, I saw 4chan becoming more Reddit-y five years ago, and that's when I stopped browsing it).

I loathe all of those, but the worst part is the droves of bluepilled, incel-in-denial dorks who spout typical IncelTears platitudes if you try to defend any views that are overtly blackpilled. The last time I went on /r9k/, I saw those platitudes being spouted quite a bit. Not to mention all the gaslighting and the negating of personal experiences.

Count me out. :feelstrash:
We don't need to recruit or "indoctrinate" people, they come here of their own volition because they've realized that they don't stand a chance. The more our society gravitates towards degeneracy, the more incels there will be. Why didn't incels exist thousands of years ago? Because back then, foids didn't have the right to choose. Even when arranged marriages became far less common, they basically had to settle for some guy who lives in the same town as them because they were pressured to get married before hitting the wall. There used to be actual consequences for being an entitled cunt.

Nowadays, Foids can be as picky as possible, having endless amounts of men to choose from at the click of a button. Our current sexual marketplace has left men primarily at their mercy, having to meet a number of insane requirements just to get a chance with your average landwhale. Even guys who we'd describe as "normies" are having a harder time than before, having to spend 24 hours on sites like Tinder just to get a single match. Everywhere I look I constantly see lonely men complaining about how hard dating is for them, with some countries having almost nonexistent fertility rates because of of the men there have given up rather than deal with all of the bullshit.

Our numbers will only continue to grow with each passing year, and foids have no-one to blame for that but themselves.
They NEED to claim it is an ideology so that they can blame our condition on us. They can't admit that they built a society in which a considerable amount of men have to endure a life of misery because of the way they look. Their narrative on social justice, equality, non-discrimination and so on would collapse.
It isn't, the blackpill is, being incel is not a requirement to be blackpilled. Idk why normies don't want to understand that, maybe it's just to marginalize us more
Tbh calling the blackpill an ideology puts it on even ground with any other line of thinking. As if it’s equal to other theories. The blackpill is objective reality. Calling it an ideology is like calling the laws of physics an ideology.
inceldom is an involuntary position, and the blackpill is the truth/explanation about why we're in such situation
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Tbh calling the blackpill an ideology puts it on even ground with any other line of thinking. As if it’s equal to other theories. The blackpill is objective reality. Calling it an ideology is like calling the laws of physics an ideology.
Blackpill is just a set of pre-estabilished ideas that are validated by many proofs, so yeah, its an ideology, though its doesn't means the blackpill can't explain reality.

Its not, physics has no pre-estabilished set of ideas, its just a subject that, using the scientific method, has the goal to explain natural phenomena regarding forces of nature and matter. Blackpill wouldn't be classified as an ideology if it had no pre-estabilished set of ideas (meaning the proof would preced the ideas). I agree with the blackpill for sure, but this comparison is not the best one to make
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