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you can looksmax with makeup like foids YES YOU CAN



Jul 24, 2024
eyelid tape can give you hunter eyes

use kohl like arab chad moggers to emphasize your eyes

use contour for your nose and cheekbones and jawline

give yourself masculine dark triad eyebags to shorten midface

draw a better hairline and eyebrows with makeup pencils

foundation and concealer and highlighter to hide any weird lines or spots on your face

i haven’t tried any of my advice yet because my ugly femcel mom doesn’t have any makeup for me to steal also my masculinity as a 5’6 framelet is already so fragile i can’t risk it but is anyone here brave enough to try and send us pics?
Also femcels don't exist GrAY
What make up do i have to use for height ?
eyelid tape can give you hunter eyes

use kohl like arab chad moggers to emphasize your eyes

use contour for your nose and cheekbones and jawline

give yourself masculine dark triad eyebags to shorten midface

draw a better hairline and eyebrows with makeup pencils

foundation and concealer and highlighter to hide any weird lines or spots on your face

i haven’t tried any of my advice yet because my ugly femcel mom doesn’t have any makeup for me to steal also my masculinity as a 5’6 framelet is already so fragile i can’t risk it but is anyone here brave enough to try and send us pics?
i haven’t tried any of my advice yet because my ugly femcel mom doesn’t have any makeup for me to steal
If you really wanna try makeupmaxxing (fag) just buy from store and say ur buying for ur sister/gf (lie)
My mom is a bluepill whore she doesn’t even bother to beautify herself even though that’s a foid’s only value in life but it’s okay at least there’s no chance for me to be attracted to her
My mom is a bluepill whore she doesn’t even bother to beautify herself even though that’s a foid’s only value in life but it’s okay at least there’s no chance for me to be attracted to her
I'd be worried if you were attracted to her
bro wtf is this shit, my asymmetry is so fucking bad all of this is useless. Are you 12?
My mom is a bluepill whore she doesn’t even bother to beautify herself even though that’s a foid’s only value in life but it’s okay at least there’s no chance for me to be attracted to her
did you come here from ChinkTok?
fuck off you’re blue like blue pilled retard im gray like silver like second best like my position in life SADGE
Then why are you on an incel forum retard. Also what does being bluepilled have to do with being attracted to your own mother you disgusting fuck.
I'd need someone to cinvince me wearing makeup isn't gay before I'd even consider this shit
nobody is going to be able to tell if you do it well just like how simps can’t tell a woman is drowning in 5 pounds of makeup
I'd need someone to cinvince me wearing makeup isn't gay before I'd even consider this shit
Who gives a shit if it's gay if it works

Same niggas who say that shit probably don't use skincare

Women fraud all the time why shouldn't you
You only notice bad makeup

Most females In public places where makeup
It doesn't stand out because most women use it, if a guy used it, it would stand out more
You only notice bad makeup

Most females In public places where makeup
he’s a simp he can’t tell 99% of women have makeup and shapewear and wigs and eyelash extensions and butt pads and push up bras and heels to fraud their looks
she’s not gonna reject you in the bedroom when you take them off
She'd claim rape jfl "I can't believe I nearly had sex with a manlet". To be fair could work for slays but for a long term relationship it wouldn't
he’s a simp he can’t tell 99% of women have makeup and shapewear and wigs and eyelash extensions and butt pads and push up bras and heels to fraud their looks
Why do all this fuckery if you have to take it off at the end of the day. Isw man foids are retarded if it's over it's over don't try to fraudmaxx.
She'd claim rape jfl "I can't believe I nearly had sex with a manlet". To be fair could work for slays but for a long term relationship it wouldn't
height is good for social capital and if you pick a nice girl she would not mind
I would wear eyeliner and that's about it. Anything other than that on a guy is overboard.
I dont think theres a single Gen Z Western girl that would take a below 5'8 as her Boyfriend.

I constantly get mogged by all keepers I see at the park. They are all at LEAST as tall as me (6'0).

So i dont think makeup makes much difference. For me I might considering my bad uncurable acne to hide with a bit but really im not much of a makd up Fan anyway. Feels more like a clown.

Also cant stand clown like girls. Like these anime cosplayer girls with 1 inch thick face mask.
the fucking state of .is

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