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Blackpill You can get away with murdering a woman if you're Chad

  • Thread starter Atavistic Autist
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Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

During Robert Chamber's trial for strangling a woman to death, a female juror became so enamored by his chiseled jaw and tall personality (6'5) that his murder charge got overthrown. According to the assistant district attorney in Manhattan at the time, the female juror "fell in love with him [and] refused to discuss the evidence for nine days." So rather than risk a hung jury and go through a retrial, the state granted him a plea bargain in which he was merely convicted of first degree manslaughter; but he ultimately received a sentence typical of the even lesser charge of second degree manslaughter (5-15 years in prison).

This was not an aberrational instance of a case being botched by a biased juror, but rather a product of the omnipresent Halo Effect. Chambers attracted a cascade of female groupies who obsessed over him (even though the reason he strangled his victim, Jennifer Levin, is because she was a "bitch" who "wouldn't leave [him] alone"), and the media generally gave him the benefit of the doubt whilst scrutinizing Levin as having brought her fate upon herself.

"[The Groupies] hung all over him, fawned all over him."
A New York Daily News headline read: "How Jennifer Courted Death." Levin's reputation was attacked, while Chambers was portrayed as a Kennedy-esque "preppie altar boy" with a "promising future."

Suicidefuel for Jewcels. An Aryan Chad killed a Jewish woman who was crazily lusting over him in Jew York City, and the Jewish judicial system (not a generalization; the assistant district attorney mentioned above, Linda Farstein, was herself Jewish) couldn't manage to prosecute him capably. All while their own Jewish media 'mired him. JFL.

I bet feminists have written about Chamber's starstruck juror and his female groupies as women "possessed by patriarchy," and have taken his light sentence to be evidence of "male privilege," but they should acknowledge that their own foid nature is to blame for the excesses of Chad.
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Funny how you think the justice system is professional in its decisions but find out it's not
Funny how you think the justice system is professional in its decisions but find out it's not

O, my sweet summer sweaty, I am not naive. I am sharing this case because it's relevant to this board but has never been posted on it. I have deleted the exclamation point in my title because it has given you the wrong impression and made you pissy.

You think the US justice system is unfair? Oh boy. There is nothing more corrupt than the Colombian judicial system.
Judges are bribed during the trial and the killer walks away free on the same day.

The difference being that America is supposed to be the pinnacle of human civilization. For a civilized society, the American jewdicial system is particularly despicable.

For example, let's turn to The New York Daily News -- a rag mentioned in the OP. In 1992, ownership of it was transferred from one Jew to another, Robert Maxwell.

Robert Maxwell was a UK media mogul who was also a Mossad agent. In addition, he was the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was Jeffery Epstein's girlfriend and helped him to recruit young JBs to have sex with!

If an incel had sex with JBs, he'd be sentenced to 20 years in prison at least, but Jeffery Epstein got off incredibly light in a Jew York court and Ghislaine Maxwell got nothing! At the moment they're both free (though separated). And not just free, but thriving.

Ghislaine Maxwell runs a Clinton Foundation affiliated charity that was active during the 2016 election, The TerraMar Project. Its mission is "preserving the oceans," which is a passion that Ghislaine acquired during her days of riding on her father's yacht -- the Lady Ghislaine (named after her). Coincidentally, her father died on this yacht and all the evidence points to the theory that he was assassinated on it for going rouge in his covert Mossad work.

What a huge web of Jewry and corruption and treachery (but I repeat myself).
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O, my sweet summer sweaty, I am not naive. I am sharing this case because it's relevant to this board but has never been posted on it. I have deleted the exclamation point in my title because it has given you the wrong impression and made you pissy.
I didn't mean "you" as in yourself, OP, I meant you as in me, you, other people, most of society
I didn't mean "you" as in yourself, OP, I meant you as in me, you, other people, most of society
JFL, I thought this might have been the case after I made my post, but for some reason I defaulted to thinking you were belittling me. I guess it's because I'm an insecure inkel.

Use "one" instead of "you," even if it makes you one sound soy tbh.
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During Robert Chamber's trial for strangling a woman to death, a female juror became so enamored by his chiseled jaw and tall personality (6'5) that his murder charge got overthrown. According to the assistant district attorney in Manhattan at the time, the female juror "fell in love with him [and] refused to discuss the evidence for nine days." So rather than risk a hung jury and go through a retrial, the state granted him a plea bargain in which he was merely convicted of first degree manslaughter; but he ultimately received a sentence typical of the even lesser charge of second degree manslaughter (5-15 years in prison).

This was not an aberrational instance of a case being botched by a biased juror, but rather a product of the omnipresent Halo Effect. Chambers attracted a cascade of female groupies who obsessed over him (even though the reason he strangled his victim, Jennifer Levin, is because she was a "bitch" who "wouldn't leave [him] alone"), and the media generally gave him the benefit of the doubt whilst scrutinizing Levin as having brought her fate upon herself.

Suicidefuel for Jewcels. An Aryan Chad killed a Jewish woman who was crazily lusting over him in Jew York City, and the Jewish judicial system (not a generalization; the assistant district attorney mentioned above, Linda Farstein, was herself Jewish) couldn't manage to prosecute him capably. All while their own Jewish media 'mired him. JFL.

I bet feminists have written about Chamber's starstruck juror and his female groupies as women "possessed by patriarchy," and have taken his light sentence to be evidence of "male privilege," but they should acknowledge that their own foid nature is to blame for the excesses of Chad.

This guy mogs Meeks into oblivion. That jawline...
JFL chad mogs us in everything, even misogyny.
And he looks like an ice blooded killer to boot. If his bones were a little different foids would have been getting creepy vibes from him left and right.
Good looking serial killers can have any woman they want.
O, my sweet summer sweaty, I am not naive. I am sharing this case because it's relevant to this board but has never been posted on it. I have deleted the exclamation point in my title because it has given you the wrong impression and made you pissy.

The difference being that America is supposed to be the pinnacle of human civilization. For a civilized society, the American jewdicial system is particularly despicable.

For example, let's turn to The New York Daily News -- a rag mentioned in the OP. In 1992, ownership of it was transferred from one Jew to another, Robert Maxwell.

Robert Maxwell was a UK media mogul who was also a Mossad agent. In addition, he was the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was Jeffery Epstein's girlfriend and helped him to recruit young JBs to have sex with!

If an incel had sex with JBs, he'd be sentenced to 20 years in prison at least, but Jeffery Epstein got off incredibly light in a Jew York court and Ghislaine Maxwell got nothing! At the moment they're both free (though separated). And not just free, but thriving.

Ghislaine Maxwell runs a Clinton Foundation affiliated charity that was active during the 2016 election, The TerraMar Project. Its mission is "preserving the oceans," which is a passion that Ghislaine acquired during her days of riding on her father's yacht -- the Lady Ghislaine (named after her). Coincidentally, her father died on this yacht and all the evidence points to the theory that he was assassinated on it for going rouge in his covert Mossad work.

What a huge web of Jewry and corruption and treachery (but I repeat myself).
stop using Jews as a scapegoat you coping incel hateful conspiracy theorist
Autism for not understanding obvious satire. My avi is literally a picture of Mengele br0
This whole thread is autistic, beginning with me, but that comes with both good things and bad things :feelskek:
JFL, a Chad can shoot up a daycare and no one will bat an eye.
Umm sweaty he has great personality and at least is not inkel :soy:
He's now living with one of the women in the video he filmed MOCKING the person he killed. No empathy. Then they'll say it's your personality is why you're alone. What fucking bullshit
He's now living with one of the women in the video he filmed MOCKING the person he killed. No empathy. Then they'll say it's your personality is why you're alone. What fucking bullshit
He was, until he got arrested again for taking part in a cocaine operation. He won't be released until 2024 :feelshaha:

I tried to find the video of him mocking his victim but even though it was publicly broadcast, it isn't easy.
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He was, until he got arrested again for taking part in a cocaine operation. He won't be released until 2024 :feelshaha:

I tried to find the video of him mocking his victim but even though it was publicly broadcast, it isn't easy.
I bet he will be slay after releasing.fuck.
Chad’s get away with just about everything.
Not quite getting away scot-free eh?
If I could strangle a woman and get 5-15 years of state sponsored NEETdom and a full thugmaxx scholarship in return, that'd be a pretty good deal.

But an inkel like me would get life in prison without the possibility of parole. Not even the death penalty either (because we're worth it :soy:).
Judges are bribed during the trial and the killer walks away free on the same day.

That's still better than letting a murderer off the hook because his face makes your no no square tingle in excitement. At least brides are logical.
just lol at letting foids be judges
Toughts on hybristophilia
fuark atleast the jews got cucked tho
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Durante el juicio de Robert Chamber por estrangular a una mujer hasta la muerte, una miembro del jurado quedó tan enamorada de su mandíbula cincelada y su alta personalidad (6'5) que su cargo de asesinato fue anulado. Según el asistente del fiscal de distrito de Manhattan en ese momento, la miembro del jurado "se enamoró de él [y] se negó a discutir las pruebas durante nueve días". Entonces, en lugar de arriesgarse a un jurado en desacuerdo y pasar por un nuevo juicio, el estado le concedió un acuerdo de culpabilidad en el que simplemente fue declarado culpable de homicidio en primer grado; pero finalmente recibió una sentencia típica del cargo aún menor de homicidio en segundo grado (entre 5 y 15 años de prisión).

Este no fue un caso aberrante de un caso arruinado por un jurado parcial, sino más bien un producto del omnipresente Efecto Halo. Chambers atrajo una cascada de fanáticas femeninas que se obsesionaron con él (aunque la razón por la que estranguló a su víctima, Jennifer Levin, es porque ella era una "perra" que "no lo dejaba en paz"), y los medios en general le dieron él el beneficio de la duda mientras escudriñaba a Levin como si hubiera provocado su destino sobre sí misma.

Combustible suicida para Jewcels. Un Chad ario mató a una mujer judía que lo deseaba locamente en la ciudad judía de York, y el sistema judicial judío (no es una generalización; la asistente del fiscal de distrito mencionada anteriormente, Linda Farstein, era judía) no pudo procesarlo de manera competente. . Todo ello mientras sus propios medios judíos lo 'enlodaban'. JFL.

Apuesto a que las feministas han escrito sobre el atónito jurado de la Cámara y sus admiradoras femeninas como mujeres "poseídas por el patriarcado", y han tomado su leve sentencia como evidencia de "privilegio masculino", pero deberían reconocer que su propia naturaleza foida es la culpable de la excesos del Chad.
View attachment 95417View attachment 95416View attachment 95418View attachment 95435

During Robert Chamber's trial for strangling a woman to death, a female juror became so enamored by his chiseled jaw and tall personality (6'5) that his murder charge got overthrown. According to the assistant district attorney in Manhattan at the time, the female juror "fell in love with him [and] refused to discuss the evidence for nine days." So rather than risk a hung jury and go through a retrial, the state granted him a plea bargain in which he was merely convicted of first degree manslaughter; but he ultimately received a sentence typical of the even lesser charge of second degree manslaughter (5-15 years in prison).

This was not an aberrational instance of a case being botched by a biased juror, but rather a product of the omnipresent Halo Effect. Chambers attracted a cascade of female groupies who obsessed over him (even though the reason he strangled his victim, Jennifer Levin, is because she was a "bitch" who "wouldn't leave [him] alone"), and the media generally gave him the benefit of the doubt whilst scrutinizing Levin as having brought her fate upon herself.

Suicidefuel for Jewcels. An Aryan Chad killed a Jewish woman who was crazily lusting over him in Jew York City, and the Jewish judicial system (not a generalization; the assistant district attorney mentioned above, Linda Farstein, was herself Jewish) couldn't manage to prosecute him capably. All while their own Jewish media 'mired him. JFL.

I bet feminists have written about Chamber's starstruck juror and his female groupies as women "possessed by patriarchy," and have taken his light sentence to be evidence of "male privilege," but they should acknowledge that their own foid nature is to blame for the excesses of Chad.
:reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :feelsUgh: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes: :lasereyes:
We need Hitler now

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