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Serious You aren't cucked for wanting love from a woman

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I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
You aren't cucked. It's just that your parents, the media, and everyone around you sold you on a lie that on paper sounds amazing. You've probably heard wholesome stories of your parents "in love". You've probably have read a book, or watched something that showed some fantastic, deep romance that made you think, "I want that." You've seen couple after couple in public, holding hands, embracing, kissing. You've heard of and seen couples doing cute shit. It probably made you feel a little bit sick emotionally to see that. All you wanted is more than a best friend. You wanted a partner. A soulmate. Your other half.

But of course, it's all a lie. You know this. Women don't care about personality. They don't care about being a loyal, loving wife to go on adventures with you, have children and lovingly raise them. They care about looks, most. They care about getting gangbanged by tens, maybe even hundreds of Chads and the genetic elite of men. They are hypergamous. Even the least attractive women have access to men more attractive than you. And even with personality, they prefer evil, dark triad men who do not care about them. Who abuse them. They aren't all "manipulated" into abusive relationships like feminists may tell you. No, these negative emotions are the apex of masculinity. To be masculine is to be dominant, and women love to be dominated (by Chad). They not only don't like average and below men, but also men being anything other than some emotionless, stoic hardass. You must suffer in silence to be respected by her. She will not ever be a shoulder to cry on, or one to comfort you when you feel down or stressed. You have to do that for her, but good fucking luck doing that with her and not severely damaging your relationship. Being cheated on seems inevitable for guys. Oh and if you have to resort to betabux, she'll divorce you and take everything.

You were sold a lie. Really, only your mother can love you, and even then that is not a guarantee. It's justified to be upset about this. It truly does suck that your fairytale romance that you read in some manga or watched in some anime is simply not possible, because women are not wired to be that way. While all couples love conditionally, women love men entirely conditionally. You won't be loved for you, You won't be loved because you make her smile, because you make her laugh. You're only "loved" for your looks, your status, how masculine of a man you are. Any of these disappear and your relationship is doomed. Men are nothing but a tool to women. Chads are nothing but an expensive toy to show off to her girlfriends to make them jealous. Oh yeah, that's another thing. Women really like men that other women like. It makes her feel special since she was chosen out of a bunch of other thots.

Don't feel bad about wanting love. Don't feel bad if someone here calls you a simp or a cuck because you prefer a loving relationship over just pumping and dumping a bunch of girls you'll never see again the following day. Everyone wants to be loved. Even the ones that say they don't, probably did at some point. Love, on paper, is a beautiful thing. It's a shame that only men seem capable of it. Even then, I lack a lot of real world experiences and most of my thoughts are from stories I've read. So I cannot explicitly confirm or deny any of this. But it often really does seem that women are that way when women have ignored and rejected you all your life.

But yeah. You are not an idiot for wanting love. You deserve to be loved. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

PS don't feel ashamed for fantasizing about "less masculine" things with women, like wanting to be held, spooned, lay your head in her lap after a bad day, want to be protected by her, role reversal/mommy gf stuff. There's nothing wrong with desiring a partner that cares and supports you.
but if you're into her fucking you with a strap-on whatever I'm sorry but that shit is weird
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love is a biological instinct so no it isn't our fault. It is our fault however if we approach and obvious whore and get rejected. We should know we aren't chads we have no place to speak women with such high makeup skills.
your threads always make make me feel depressed
Cucked for wanting love from chad's cumbucket
It would be nice if anime level unconditional love and romance existed IRL but it's just a lie put up to please Chad. :soy: also use it as en excuse to try debunk the blackpill.I would say you aren't cucked for wanting affection, which is basic Human desire, just keep in mind is not something that really exist in today's world
It would be nice if anime level unconditional love and romance existed IRL but it's just a lie put up to please Chad. :soy: also use it as en excuse to try debunk the blackpill.I would say you aren't cucked for wanting affection, which is basic Human desire, just keep in mind is not something that really exist in today's world
I mean tbh it's not just anime this unrealistic portrayal is found

Man it hurts really bad. I really wish men and women weren't so different, especially in their wants in sex/relationships.

Can only hope for some sort of VR girl or whatever the fuck I can talk to and cuddle with n shit
This post summarized:
Women don't fall in love with your personality at first sight, but they can develop some attraction towards you if you're a darktriad psychopath. Being desired (wanting to feel loved for your looks) is not cucked, because being desired means you're an egoist and don't care much about sex. You care more about validating your ego.
only your mother can love you
Why would your mother love you? She's no different than other women.
This post summarized:
Women don't fall in love love with your personality at first sight, but they can develop some attraction towards you if you're a darktriad psychopath. Being desired (wanting to feel loved for your looks) is not cucked, because being desired means you're an egoist and don't care much about sex. You care more about validating your ego.

Why would your mother love you? She's no different than other women.
My mother has done a lot from me from teaching me life skills, caring for me when I'm sick, is always really happy to see me, and is the only female on this earth who's ever said the words "I love you" to me

Can't say that about any other woman (though the life skills part would be weird coming from a gf)

And to say I don't care about sex is inaccurate. I want sex and sometimes I get so horny I can't stand it. I just want to have sex with someone I like and who feels the same way about me instead of having mindless, empty casual sex with someone I probably couldn't stand to see the following morning.
My mother has done a lot from me from teaching me life skills, caring for me when I'm sick, is always really happy to see me, and is the only female on this earth who's ever said the words "I love you" to me

Can't say that about any other woman (though the life skills part would be weird coming from a gf)
I hate this sexual competition.
She hasn't referred to any of those things regarding me. I've never even been asked about grandkids or anything. Both my parents have told me they could care less about grandkids.

Even then the out of shape part isn't bad, a mother caring about her son's health isn't a bad thing at all

My mom has even fought for me when no teacher at middle school would help me from constant, awful bullying by going to the police (who was a woman, funny enough, who empathized with me when I told her what was going on as she had a younger brother with autism who's had issues with bullies) who literally went door to door to tell these kids to stop or there'd be big trouble.

Sure we have our disagreements (what kid doesn't have with his parents)

And this is my step mom btw so she isn't even blood family. I would say my real mom betrayed me when she decided overdosing on painkillers and dying would be more fun than being around me and my dad.
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I mean tbh it's not just anime this unrealistic portrayal is found
Yeah lies like this extend to pretty much all means of communication from anime to books to tv series

Man it hurts really bad
I Know man, it happened to me as well to see scenes like this and seethe hard at the characters asking myself why can't i esperience like this.The truth is that in reality romanticism by foids is just another consequences of physical attraction to Chad, but people can't deems to understand this and so the lie goes on

Can only hope for some sort of VR girl or whatever the fuck I can talk to and cuddle with n shit
I also hope for some ricecel to invent something like this.Don't know if we will get to have it in our lifetime though
Both my parents have told me they could care less about grandkids.
Possibly because being 23 years old means that your parents no longer have the audacity to ask for them.
a mother caring about her son's health isn't a bad thing at all
I don't think mothers care about their children at all. They only care about what their children can provide for them. Mothers see their sons as future betabuxxers that will take care of them when they are old and decrepit.
Possibly because being 23 years old means that your parents no longer have the audacity to ask for them.

I don't think mothers care about their children at all. They only care about what their children can provide for them. Mothers see their sons as future betabuxxers that will take care of them when they are old and decrepit.
lol what? Mothers ask even older kids about when grandparents are coming, and outside of unwanted pregnancies most people at my age aren't having kids

And yeah you should take interest in their health when they get older if they aren't shitty, abusive parents. If that's the case then you should tell em to fuck off.

Man don't call yourself an authority on her love for me, fuck off with that shit
And yeah you should take interest in their health when they get older if they aren't shitty, abusive parents.
"shitty" and "abusive" are social constructs. You could have been born in a cannibalistic tribe in the amazonian rainforest and being a good, non-abusive person would be considered bad. I don't see why I should take interest in something that was made by society. I only care what's in it for me.
Man don't call yourself an authority on her love for me
Why shouldn't I? My words are wrong? My theory that people are cynics and care only about what's in it for them is wrong? Why is it wrong?
"shitty" and "abusive" are social constructs. You could have been born in a cannibalistic tribe in the amazonian rainforest and being a good, non-abusive person would be considered bad. I don't see why I should take interest in something that was made by society. I only care what's in it for me.

Why shouldn't I? My words are wrong? My theory that people are cynics and care only about what's in it for them is wrong? Why is it wrong?
Okay that's your opinion but don't make assumptions about my mom and my relationship with her and state your opinions are law.
Agreed.But you need to control that.
Thank you for that reminder tbh. Romantic fiction usually portrays people loving each other genuinely, for reasons other than looks (even though the looks are also there most of times).

Rin from Kodomo No Jikan for example loves her teacher even though he's much older, a virgin, a guy with barely any self-esteem who's always second-guessing himself and thinking he's not cool enough to be loved by her, a social retard unable to read moods, a schizoid mentalcel who can't really talk about his feelings or even do as little as stay in touch when they're away from each other. And even though Rin is an extremely attractive young lady who has plenty of other men, younger, better-looking, etc, interested in her.

She loves him no matter what, she doesn't even think of another man for even a second, she waits for him, etc. Such love doesn't exist. It's literary fiction. Needless to say, such love will never, ever, in a trillion years, exist for an ugly incel.
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OP is really a wholesome poster. Sadly this forum degrades too much into looks obsession and hating foids. In the end it is just a result od us being unwanted rejects.

Nobody of us wanted it to end that way.

Anime romanticists unite!

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