Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

It's Over You are stuck forever like this.



OG failure
Oct 1, 2019
I am one of very few incels here that has normie friends and I want to tell you meeting with them showed me how hopeless my situation is. Missing crucial development steps like getting a gf or partying during teenage years fucks you up forever. YOU CANNOT RECOVER FROM IT.
All my friends got their first gfs and sex at the age of 15, since middle school they were partying and doing wild stuff (of course I was never invited) and only recenty I started meeting with them again. You know what they told me? That now they are 20 and they need to become more serious and they expierenced everything. Literally what they said. Were they trying to tount me knowing I'm a virgin? I don't know but I haven't expierenced anything and it's already too late. You understand me? I cannot move further.
Natural evolution of human mind is:
  1. Childhood - innocence and fun
  2. Teenage years - sexuality and fun
  3. 20s - getting serious and hard work
  4. 30s-40s - misery and more hard work until you fucking die
Now here's the thing, if you miss a second step there is no way you can advance past that point, you will be forever stuck in a child-like mindset. YOU ARE FUCKED UP FOREVER MY FRIEND. THE WINDOW OF OPPURTUNITY IS FOREVER CLOSED.
You will always be like a child compared to friends who "expierenced it all". No matter how much more money you will have than them they will mog you by default.
For me it's double hard because I grew up without a father. I am a pussy. I don't know anything about cars, I've never been to a fight, I don't know what hard work and responsiblity is. I am double or even triple fucked. But infinity * 3 is still infinity.
Thinking about rope more and more. My finals are approaching. Let's say I pass them, what next? Three years of studying subject I am not interested in? Then 40 years of work I am not interested in? And that's the best case scenario. There is big possibility I fail my exams and won't be able to study anything, disappointing my family and friends/
I'm so fucking anxious right now, yesterday I had a panic attack again and I almost threw up now I feel the same.
my best advice to you is hooker-maxx and find a way to make passive income
once u miss the teen love stage it's really hard.
even dating someone who has experience and had over 10+ cocks in her and you will never be her first is shit
that is if you betabux
my best advice to you is hooker-maxx and find a way to make passive income
I don't have money to get a hooker. Besides if my friends learned they would make fun of me till I roped.

BTW I think they are taunting me cause they are talking non stop about sex and how easy it is to get girls of course they are all chadlites I;m not sure if they are making fun of me or are just stupid
You miss out in that time period, you miss out forever.
I don't have money to get a hooker. Besides if my friends learned they would make fun of me till I roped.

BTW I think they are taunting me cause they are talking non stop about sex and how easy it is to get girls of course they are all chadlites I;m not sure if they are making fun of me or are just stupid
Stop hanging out with your ”friends” if they taunt you constantly.
once u miss the teen love stage it's really hard.
even dating someone who has experience and had over 10+ cocks in her and you will never be her first is shit
that is if you betabux
That's the thing. I look at girls my age. They all hAD BODYFRIENDS ALREADY AND I DIDN'T (GIRLFRIEND NOT BOYFRIEND)
Stop hanging out with your ”friends” if they taunt you constantly.
you think it's a good idea? they are my only chance to be with another human being I don't want to be all alone
As an incel you only get to experience 1st and 4th steps.You remain a child mentally forever but have to work shitty jobs to survive.Childhood was our peak buddy boyos,it's over
that song became sorta of a meme due to overuse, this one is a better funeral song

the king is dead long live the king
As an incel you only get to experience 1st and 4th steps.You remain a child mentally forever but have to work shitty jobs to survive.Childhood was our peak buddy boyos,it's over
Very true, incels who didn't even get to expierence normal childhood have it the worst

It's just so hard to imagine that something as simple as sex, they expierenced at the age of 15-16 and it happened naturally. They don't even think about it. Just as you don't really think about the first time you rode a bus. Imagine if you never could ride a bus (or car for chads with driver license). This is our life. We can never expierence something so simple and easy for others.
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I am one of very few incels here that has normie friends and I want to tell you meeting with them showed me how hopeless my situation is. Missing crucial development steps like getting a gf or partying during teenage years fucks you up forever. YOU CANNOT RECOVER FROM IT.
All my friends got their first gfs and sex at the age of 15, since middle school they were partying and doing wild stuff (of course I was never invited) and only recenty I started meeting with them again. You know what they told me? That now they are 20 and they need to become more serious and they expierenced everything. Literally what they said. Were they trying to tount me knowing I'm a virgin? I don't know but I haven't expierenced anything and it's already too late. You understand me? I cannot move further.
Natural evolution of human mind is:
  1. Childhood - innocence and fun
  2. Teenage years - sexuality and fun
  3. 20s - getting serious and hard work
  4. 30s-40s - misery and more hard work until you fucking die
Now here's the thing, if you miss a second step there is no way you can advance past that point, you will be forever stuck in a child-like mindset. YOU ARE FUCKED UP FOREVER MY FRIEND. THE WINDOW OF OPPURTUNITY IS FOREVER CLOSED.
You will always be like a child compared to friends who "expierenced it all". No matter how much more money you will have than them they will mog you by default.
For me it's double hard because I grew up without a father. I am a pussy. I don't know anything about cars, I've never been to a fight, I don't know what hard work and responsiblity is. I am double or even triple fucked. But infinity * 3 is still infinity.
Thinking about rope more and more. My finals are approaching. Let's say I pass them, what next? Three years of studying subject I am not interested in? Then 40 years of work I am not interested in? And that's the best case scenario. There is big possibility I fail my exams and won't be able to study anything, disappointing my family and friends/
I'm so fucking anxious right now, yesterday I had a panic attack again and I almost threw up now I feel the same.

I agree that once you miss those crucial developmental phases you can't get them back

Where I disagree is the implication that there is only one path in life (normie path) and you have to do X steps in X order, for example look at #4 in your list - "30s-40s - misery and more hard work until you fucking die"

You said this like its what you're supposed to do, I don't want that shit JFL

The best thing about the black pill is it opening up your mind to alternative paths

Besides if my friends learned they would make fun of me till I roped.

If having people "make fun of you" is worse than being a permavirgin to you, then you are blinded by your ego, are they even really your "friends" or are you just their token loser for their group, someone they can look at and always feel good because "at least I'm not that guy"

I'm not a religious person at all, but there is some wisdom in religious texts, there are many verses in the bible about the problems that come with "being unequally yoked"

You can NEVER be TRUE FRIENDS with people who outclass you in everyway, friendship is something shared by equals and maybe near equals, its never shared by people who are vastly difference in their "stages" in life, you are deluded yourself thinking these guys are your real friends, and based on what you just said, you are ironically going to keep holding yourself back, and living by normie rules for their sake, even though it is to no benefit
I agree that once you miss those crucial developmental phases you can't get them back

Where I disagree is the implication that there is only one path in life (normie path) and you have to do X steps in X order, for example look at #4 in your list - "30s-40s - misery and more hard work until you fucking die"

You said this like its what you're supposed to do, I don't want that shit JFL

The best thing about the black pill is it opening up your mind to alternative paths

If having people "make fun of you" is worse than being a permavirgin to you, then you are blinded by your ego, are they even really your "friends" or are you just their token loser for their group, someone they can look at and always feel good because "at least I'm not that guy"

I'm not a religious person at all, but there is some wisdom in religious texts, there are many verses in the bible about the problems that come with "being unequally yoked"

You can NEVER be TRUE FRIENDS with people who outclass you in everyway, friendship is something shared by equals and maybe near equals, its never shared by people who are vastly difference in their "stages" in life, you are deluded yourself thinking these guys are your real friends, and based on what you just said, you are ironically going to keep holding yourself back, and living by normie rules for their sake, even though it is to no benefit
There is wisdom to your words. Ego is stopping me from doing many things. I can never decide between anything. Maybe I should burn all the bridges with my friends and family. But I am afraid of ending worse than now.
I don't have money to get a hooker. Besides if my friends learned they would make fun of me till I roped.

BTW I think they are taunting me cause they are talking non stop about sex and how easy it is to get girls of course they are all chadlites I;m not sure if they are making fun of me or are just stupid


The way I look at it, its not fair to my normie friends to have to pretend were "still on the same wavelength" not to mention they'd have to go out of their way not to make me feel bad, like arrange something that would have been a double date into just us going out when they wanted to spend time with their GF, etc

Its also not fair to myself, for me to force myself to pretend as if I'm on the same wavelength as them, and were on the same path, and that I should have to put up with the various normie tier conversations about relationships, parties, etc that I know I can't related to

So I distanced myself from those friends, and nothing happened, people grow apart, its normal, there's no point in forcing yourself, you are only doing yourself a disservice, and not only that, wasting time and effort

If any of my normie friends invited me out I would not bother, because I am already too far behind in life to even spend my time like that, I have to work on "making it", I don't have time for "hanging out"

The way I look at it, its not fair to my normie friends to have to pretend were "still on the same wavelength" not to mention they'd have to go out of their way not to make me feel bad, like arrange something that would have been a double date into just us going out when they wanted to spend time with their GF, etc

Its also not fair to myself, for me to force myself to pretend as if I'm on the same wavelength as them, and were on the same path, and that I should have to put up with the various normie tier conversations about relationships, parties, etc that I know I can't related to

So I distanced myself from those friends, and nothing happened, people grow apart, its normal, there's no point in forcing yourself, you are only doing yourself a disservice, and not only that, wasting time and effort

If any of my normie friends invited me out I would not bother, because I am already too far behind in life to even spend my time like that, I have to work on "making it", I don't have time for "hanging out"
thank you for your advice brothers
I think I will do just what you wrote
it's pointless, this is no friendship, they hang out with me just to feel better about themselves anyway. And the stuff they say, I don't know if they are doing it on purpose or just don't realize how it makes me feel. Regardless I think I'm only losing on those relations. I need to focus on myself and self improvement. Maybe try religion or kabbalah, I don't know, anything to make me feel better.
I need to focus on myself and self improvement

Maybe try religion or kabbalah, I don't know, anything to make me feel better

Religion is not self improvement, its the absence of it, religion is literally about feeling good about existing and ignoring all of your problems, focus on building wealth, everything you have in life that you enjoy is rooted in money, you wouldn't have internet if you (or someone) wasn't paying for, nor food, or water, or anything that you enjoy

Religion is just cope, if you jump from one time wasting cope to another you might as well just stick to what you are doing now, the end result with be the same

Am I saying you should never become religious no, but priorities have to be in order, whats the point of being a suicidal, sex starved and broke "religious guy", you really think being religious will make you happy then?

You have to solve your objective problems first before you focus on subjective ones


Religion is not self improvement, its the absence of it, religion is literally about feeling good about existing and ignoring all of your problems, focus on building wealth, everything you have in life that you enjoy is rooted in money, you wouldn't have internet if you (or someone) wasn't paying for, nor food, or water, or anything that you enjoy

Religion is just cope, if you jump from one time wasting cope to another you might as well just stick to what you are doing now, the end result with be the same
kabbalah is more like philosophy, and it seems very true especially if we consider that reality = simulation = dream
This is why having normalfag friends is more of a pain than an advantage,you shouldn't have friends that have nothing in common with you.

Don't believe the stupid "dieversiteee and different opinions are good" meme that foids love and preach while fucking arab and slav chads.
kabbalah is more like philosophy, and it seems very true especially if we consider that reality = simulation = dream

You are proving my point already


What the fuck does that have to do with any of your problems in life?

I don't understand how guys like you end up like this, you are literally just trying to "monkey branch" from one cope to another, your life will be one endless yearning and complaining and this rate

None of that religious shit matters, it has nothing to do with how your bills are paid, how you are fed and clothed, how you have a place to stay, nothing
You are proving my point already


What the fuck does that have to do with any of your problems in life?

I don't understand how guys like you end up like this, you are literally just trying to "monkey branch" from one cope to another, your life will be one endless yearning and complaining and this rate

None of that religious shit matters, it has nothing to do with how your bills are paid, how you are fed and clothed, how you have a place to stay, nothing
what else do you suggest? man has to cope
Great read tbh
because it's either cope or rope and I'm all out of rope

OR actually solve problems in your life so you don't feel like coping, you are basically saying your only choices are to waste your time or kill yourself

Your life must be great, because no way you are tired of your own life and you still see coping as an option
pretty soon you will out of copes as well

I don't understand how guys don't get this, video games, anime, movies, etc will lose its "spark" overtime because you will become accustomed to it, and you'll be left yearning for the things you never experienced, and it may be too late at that point to ever get it
OR actually solve problems in your life so you don't feel like coping, you are basically saying your only choices are to waste your time or kill yourself

Your life must be great, because no way you are tired of your own life and you still see coping as an option

I don't understand how guys don't get this, video games, anime, movies, etc will lose its "spark" overtime because you will become accustomed to it, and you'll be left yearning for the things you never experienced, and it may be too late at that point to ever get it
There are so many problems in my life that whenever I try to fix one of them I not only make things worse but also make new problems. It's pointless.
There are so many problems in my life that whenever I try to fix one of them I not only make things worse but also make new problems. It's pointless.

Yeah its pointless, KYS
Yeah its pointless, KYS

I dont understand why these retards come onto this site just to complain whilst doing nothing to change their life, i dont think they realise that complaining about their problems isnt an actual solution to their problems.

Whats the point in complaining and doing nothing to change your life, better to kill oneself than to cowardly continue to live a shitty existence.

These retards are pretty much destined to commit suicide because of their mindset. They expect things to just go their way without any work/effort and expect everything to be given to them on a silver platter.

It's these incels who paint the rest of us as being "entitled". They fail to realise that nobody is entitled to anything and that we get from life whatever comes our way or whatever we take for ourselves.

The only way for an incel who lost the genetic lottery to gain access to women, is via acquisition of resources (money). Well guess what, nothing is going to come our way (unless we are born with an inheritance or get NEETbux) so in that case the only other option is to go out there and take resources for yourself (which requires work and effort).
Thanks god i don't have retarded normie friends tbh
Genetics are forever, yes. We are ded ends
My life is stux always
I am one of very few incels here that has normie friends and I want to tell you meeting with them showed me how hopeless my situation is. Missing crucial development steps like getting a gf or partying during teenage years fucks you up forever. YOU CANNOT RECOVER FROM IT.
All my friends got their first gfs and sex at the age of 15, since middle school they were partying and doing wild stuff (of course I was never invited) and only recenty I started meeting with them again. You know what they told me? That now they are 20 and they need to become more serious and they expierenced everything. Literally what they said. Were they trying to tount me knowing I'm a virgin? I don't know but I haven't expierenced anything and it's already too late. You understand me? I cannot move further.
Natural evolution of human mind is:
  1. Childhood - innocence and fun
  2. Teenage years - sexuality and fun
  3. 20s - getting serious and hard work
  4. 30s-40s - misery and more hard work until you fucking die
Now here's the thing, if you miss a second step there is no way you can advance past that point, you will be forever stuck in a child-like mindset. YOU ARE FUCKED UP FOREVER MY FRIEND. THE WINDOW OF OPPURTUNITY IS FOREVER CLOSED.
You will always be like a child compared to friends who "expierenced it all". No matter how much more money you will have than them they will mog you by default.
For me it's double hard because I grew up without a father. I am a pussy. I don't know anything about cars, I've never been to a fight, I don't know what hard work and responsiblity is. I am double or even triple fucked. But infinity * 3 is still infinity.
Thinking about rope more and more. My finals are approaching. Let's say I pass them, what next? Three years of studying subject I am not interested in? Then 40 years of work I am not interested in? And that's the best case scenario. There is big possibility I fail my exams and won't be able to study anything, disappointing my family and friends/
I'm so fucking anxious right now, yesterday I had a panic attack again and I almost threw up now I feel the same.

This is an extremely brutal post..
Rope is the solution
Ascend in highschool or its over.
you think it's a good idea? they are my only chance to be with another human being I don't want to be all alone
find new friends dumbass if you must have them some will be better than others
its over, we can never recover :feelsbadman::cryfeels:
this is the blackest pill of all

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