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Serious You are not free, if you're a wagie. You are a slave.



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019
Wagies, you volunteer your own slavery. You are not free. You are in a cage that you willingly entered. You speak ill against the narrative, you lose your job, your mortgaged home, and possibly your family (this one is a normie sexhaver problem). You talk back, you get fired and can't support your life. You speak honestly about what and how you feel and think, you get fired. You misgender someone and use the wrong pronoun, you get fired (and possibly prosecuted if you live in cucked countries like Cuckanada or Norcuckway).

You have no freedoms in the West. Your freedoms are illusory and granted by your authorities to placate, fool, and sedate you. You are as free as the people in power with the weapons and armies allow you to be free. Your freedoms that have been granted to you are irrelevant. You are free, because you are nothing. You are a slave whose sole purpose is to generate profit and taxes for the corporations and the state respectively. If you were something, you would be a threat, and you would then be arrested, jailed, or somehow limited against the state in your actions. Thus, paradoxically, the only truly free people are those whose resist the system and break from their control. In doing so, they become an enemy of the system and are truly restricted in their freedoms. Some live free of the system's control (high level crime syndicate members - mafia, bratva, cartels etc.), but the specter of the system's influence and power is always looming over them.

It's better to be a bandit, thief and criminal, than it is to be a slave.
Is he a wagie?
not only that but he also despises Neetmaxxxxxers and accuses them of being the cause of misandry instead of the other way around smh
criminals go to prison where they are brutalized
not only that but he also despises Neetmaxxxxxers and accuses them of being the cause of misandry instead of the other way around smh
The Absolute State.
The Absolute State.
yes and sadly it is not an isolated case, many such cases of "blackpilled" incels working for the system that wants them dead smh
Yes. We can only cope.
I mean I kinda like eating, so I'm perfectly willing to go to work each day LOL

Work pays for many quality copes, and I enjoy the fruits of labor

Also:- if you get fired, you go get another job...- been there; it's fine
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Can confirm spoke my mind about everything (white genocide, democrsts, schools, circumcicison)

Got fired within the week

Had another job lined up tho

Management really does have a god complex and they are most worthless people ever
B-But muh social contract! Muh stability of the social order!
The Leviathan needs YOU to function!
This is a high tier truthpill
You are a slave to the extent that you sacrifice your fitness and mating opportunities for the benefit of another man or men. If you give everything and receive nothing then you are a true slave but most exist somewhere on the spectrum between fulling benefitting others and themselves.
Okay this dude is just plain crazy- :feelskek:

Mouthin' off like that at work, pshhhh

I was leaving the job anyways so who gave a fuck?

People are going to have to face the elephant in the room some day.

Freedom of speech is for anywhere, thats how people got cucked even work culture. And you can bet your ass some old, vile, boomer snownigger ratted on me lol
Wagies, you volunteer your own slavery. You are not free. You are in a cage that you willingly entered. You speak ill against the narrative, you lose your job, your mortgaged home, and possibly your family (this one is a normie sexhaver problem). You talk back, you get fired and can't support your life. You speak honestly about what and how you feel and think, you get fired. You misgender someone and use the wrong pronoun, you get fired (and possibly prosecuted if you live in cucked countries like Cuckanada or Norcuckway).

You have no freedoms in the West. Your freedoms are illusory and granted by your authorities to placate, fool, and sedate you. You are as free as the people in power with the weapons and armies allow you to be free. Your freedoms that have been granted to you are irrelevant. You are free, because you are nothing. You are a slave whose sole purpose is to generate profit and taxes for the corporations and the state respectively. If you were something, you would be a threat, and you would then be arrested, jailed, or somehow limited against the state in your actions. Thus, paradoxically, the only truly free people are those whose resist the system and break from their control. In doing so, they become an enemy of the system and are truly restricted in their freedoms. Some live free of the system's control (high level crime syndicate members - mafia, bratva, cartels etc.), but the specter of the system's influence and power is always looming over them.

It's better to be a bandit, thief and criminal, than it is to be a slave.
You’re right about everything you said — absolutely nailed it mate.

But I have no choice. If I lose my job I will be homeless. I’m trapped.

If there was any other way there is no way I’d be suffering like this. I was working from 8 til 10:30 pm today and it makes me want to kill myself. And the worst thing is I still can’t afford a home or to get ahead.

But the alternative (homelessness) seems even worse. God I wish I could NEET. I wish I grew up in another time before everything went to fuckin shit.
Freedom of speech is for anywhere
You may need to brush up on your freedom of speech laws.- In the U.S., the First Amendment only means that the government can't restrict your freedom of speech.-

It doesn't apply to employers, who can require you to conduct yourself a certain way as a condition of employment.- It doesn't apply to property owners, so for example that's why a shopping mall can restrict your clothing or your speech while you're on their property.-

You can prattle on about racism or whatever in a public place, but that right isn't guaranteed in other places.
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You may need to brush up on your freedom of speech laws.- In the U.S., the First Amendment only means that the government can't restrict your freedom of speech.-

It doesn't apply to employers, who can require you to conduct yourself a certain way as a condition of employment.- It doesn't apply to property owners, so for example that's why a shopping mall can restrict your clothing or your speech while you're on their property.-

You can prattle on about racism or whatever in a public place, but that right isn't guaranteed in other places.
Ya ya same kind of fucks that try to prohibit the 2nd amendment too. That's why they do it under the guise of ((private social media)) companies. Free speech, we either have it or dont. Which we dont. Until men, (most likely white men because shitskins LOVE slavery) speak the truth in public, at work, and wherever social media allows FREEDOM OF SPEECH this shit will get worse

Plus the government DOES retaliate against ppl especially on this site and thats why ppl got say (in vidya game) so they don't get swatted by the cops

Employers can suck my dick on everything else too. Job was shit. Workers were shit. They couldn't retain employees because of shit job AND work.

Management in this country is definitely trying to destroy the world along with Jews, Baby Boomers, etc. And quite frankly they deserve the ppl they get
I came to the same realisation like 2-3 years ago when they started firing people just for slightly disagreeing with the woke narrative. That how everyone is a subject to the system and those in power. In corporations, in government, its the same everywhere. Those guys pretty much decide what is moral, what is wrong and you can't do shit about it.
If there was any other way there is no way I’d be suffering like this. I was working from 8 til 10:30 pm today and it makes me want to kill myself. And the worst thing is I still can’t afford a home or to get ahead.

But the alternative (homelessness) seems even worse. God I wish I could NEET. I wish I grew up in another time before everything went to fuckin shit.
Have you thought about joining communes? It could be a viable alternative, but you give up many modern amenities.
I think that I lost any remains of my barely existed dignity during wage slavery.
Absolutely dehumanizing experience.
Wagies, you volunteer your own slavery. You are not free. You are in a cage that you willingly entered. You speak ill against the narrative, you lose your job, your mortgaged home, and possibly your family (this one is a normie sexhaver problem). You talk back, you get fired and can't support your life. You speak honestly about what and how you feel and think, you get fired. You misgender someone and use the wrong pronoun, you get fired (and possibly prosecuted if you live in cucked countries like Cuckanada or Norcuckway).

You have no freedoms in the West. Your freedoms are illusory and granted by your authorities to placate, fool, and sedate you. You are as free as the people in power with the weapons and armies allow you to be free. Your freedoms that have been granted to you are irrelevant. You are free, because you are nothing. You are a slave whose sole purpose is to generate profit and taxes for the corporations and the state respectively. If you were something, you would be a threat, and you would then be arrested, jailed, or somehow limited against the state in your actions. Thus, paradoxically, the only truly free people are those whose resist the system and break from their control. In doing so, they become an enemy of the system and are truly restricted in their freedoms. Some live free of the system's control (high level crime syndicate members - mafia, bratva, cartels etc.), but the specter of the system's influence and power is always looming over them.

It's better to be a bandit, thief and criminal, than it is to be a slave.
even worse if ur a sperg loser wagie. the abuse is going to be 10x worse. so cucked.
Have you thought about joining communes? It could be a viable alternative, but you give up many modern amenities.
Not really, but maybe it could work. Aren’t those people like Tera wokies usually? I think my sister tried to get into one once and was denied lol. Tbh I haven’t really thought about it but I’ll do some internet searchin. Thanks mang :feelsYall:
the most based people in this system are those at the top (slave maters) and the bottom (liberated neets). those in the grey are getting thier soul sucked by lucifer
Female "wagies" are free, it is literally a choice for them. They can choose to work or choose to have a man be their slave and spend his money. It's absolutely brutal, for a man work is life, it's survival, for a toilet it's a mere hobby she does to get her social cocaine.
Wagies, you volunteer your own slavery. You are not free. You are in a cage that you willingly entered. You speak ill against the narrative, you lose your job, your mortgaged home, and possibly your family (this one is a normie sexhaver problem). You talk back, you get fired and can't support your life. You speak honestly about what and how you feel and think, you get fired. You misgender someone and use the wrong pronoun, you get fired (and possibly prosecuted if you live in cucked countries like Cuckanada or Norcuckway).

You have no freedoms in the West. Your freedoms are illusory and granted by your authorities to placate, fool, and sedate you. You are as free as the people in power with the weapons and armies allow you to be free. Your freedoms that have been granted to you are irrelevant. You are free, because you are nothing. You are a slave whose sole purpose is to generate profit and taxes for the corporations and the state respectively. If you were something, you would be a threat, and you would then be arrested, jailed, or somehow limited against the state in your actions. Thus, paradoxically, the only truly free people are those whose resist the system and break from their control. In doing so, they become an enemy of the system and are truly restricted in their freedoms. Some live free of the system's control (high level crime syndicate members - mafia, bratva, cartels etc.), but the specter of the system's influence and power is always looming over them.

It's better to be a bandit, thief and criminal, than it is to be a slave.
Just a follow up, I think what you’re suggesting about freedom is on the money.

Nobody is even reasonably free — you can’t even say mean words to people (unless they’re part of an acceptable target group like us) without losing your job.

Seriously if I said “trans women are not women” and refused to refer to the train I work with by their “preferred pronouns” I would get canned immediately. Well if I was lucky maybe I’d get some “sensitivity training” first but I doubt it. You also would get banned off of every major social media platforms.

That example really demonstrates how bad things have gotten when the powers that he can just make up blatantly false things and if you do not comply you will be punished.

It’s not passive either because it’s effectively a compelled speech law where they force you to use certain pronouns. That’s just one example honestly.

But yeah there was a quote I saw somewhere where they basically said:
> “if your job cant buy the smallest house in town, that's not a job. that is servitude.”

And that’s where the majority of Americans are right now. We are serfs not citizens

And the cherry on top is the nuclear family is dead and most young men have no reasonable romantic prospects and zero prospects of ever having kids or their family or their own home at that. And nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.

1984 and The Emperors New Clothes were indeed prophetic stories. Sadly the largest voting block don’t care because they “got theirs” and women don’t care either because they are enjoying their new dominant power. Add to this how every westernized economy has been building up enormous debts for decades now to keep the train going and inflating currency and I don’t see how this ends well. Probably eventually things will have to change (I hope) but it might not be in my lifetime. Could be too late for us. I dunno, maybe nobody knows nothing including me.
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Female "wagies" are free, it is literally a choice for them. They can choose to work or choose to have a man be their slave and spend his money. It's absolutely brutal, for a man work is life, it's survival, for a toilet it's a mere hobby she does to get her social cocaine.
Nailed it mate — women actually get a choice now. Men do not. You’re gonna have to work. Women do not want a stay at home husband, they want a man they is higher educated and higher earning than them. We know things from the many surveyed and studies have been done on the subject.

Nobody ever talks about how in the old days where women were expected to be wives and mothers than men also had expectations on them too. They did not have a choice but to work and they did not have a real choice to be a stay at home parent. And the thing is that still basically hasn’t changed.

If the barbarians at the gates it is still men that will be made to fight. If a couple wants to have kids in most cases the wife is not happy with the man being the stay at home parent, etc. Nothing changed for us, but they gained a real choice. Seriously why does everyone focus on how “evil” and “horrible” being a stay at home parent was for women? 1) that’s not even true and 2) now nobody is having kids in western countries and wages have been obliterated due to labor competition.

People will say it’s all cost of living and wages for why kids don’t happen and they’re partially right but it’s also true that career women who pursue higher education overwhelmingly have fewer or no kids. So what happens when every woman is doing that? Feminism is suiciding our own country and destroying one of humanity’s core drives for happiness and contentment (a family of your own).
Everyone is forced into a job this post is dumb af
Everyone is forced into a job this post is dumb af
If you're "forced" into it, then you're a slave and not free, dumbass. :feelskek: :feelshaha: :feelstastyman:
Just a follow up, I think what you’re suggesting about freedom is on the money.

Nobody is even reasonably free — you can’t even say mean words to people (unless they’re part of an acceptable target group like us) without losing your job.

Seriously if I said “trans women are not women” and refused to refer to the train I work with by their “preferred pronouns” I would get canned immediately. Well if I was lucky maybe I’d get some “sensitivity training” first but I doubt it. You also would get banned off of every major social media platforms.

That example really demonstrates how bad things have gotten when the powers that he can just make up blatantly false things and if you do not comply you will be punished.

It’s not passive either because it’s effectively a compelled speech law where they force you to use certain pronouns. That’s just one example honestly.
This is what I was getting at. Speech is the vanguard of freedom - the last bastion and line of defence for it. If your speech is controlled in any manner, then it's completely over for any supposed freedoms.

But yeah there was a quote I saw somewhere where they basically said:
> “if your job cant buy the smallest house in town, that's not a job. that is servitude.”

And that’s where the majority of Americans are right now. We are serfs not citizens

And the cherry on top is the nuclear family is dead and most young men have no reasonable romantic prospects and zero prospects of ever having kids or their family or their own home at that. And nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.
That's a very poignant saying and very accurate.

Destroying the nuclear family is the slow poison that destroys civilization. Once you remove that, you remove the strongest motivator for men in society to do anything for society.

1984 and The Emperors New Clothes were indeed prophetic stories. Sadly the largest voting block don’t care because they “got theirs” and women don’t care either because they are enjoying their new dominant power. Add to this how every westernized economy has been building up enormous debts for decades now to keep the train going and inflating currency and I don’t see how this ends well. Probably eventually things will have to change (I hope) but it might not be in my lifetime. Could be too late for us. I dunno, maybe nobody knows nothing including me.
Their children and grandchildren are paying the pound of flesh for their mistakes and apathy.
If you're "forced" into it, then you're a slave and not free, dumbass. :feelskek: :feelshaha: :feelstastyman:
No shit? Thats what lifr is we all are forced the thought of freedom is an illusion
There is no realistic alternative to waging as someone from the peon caste, incels don't have the low inhibition and status to become criminal, I consider manufacturing drugs but realized I have no friends or social network to push it and i'm not selling it via tor and all the crypto BS too much hassle.
Can confirm spoke my mind about everything (white genocide, democrsts, schools, circumcicison)

Got fired within the week

Had another job lined up tho

Management really does have a god complex and they are most worthless people ever
You just randomly said "circumcision should be illegal or legal" at fucking work? Why were you even talking about that shit in the first place?
You just randomly said "circumcision should be illegal or legal" at fucking work? Why were you even talking about that shit in the first place?
I talk about inceldom publicly and how my fucking snownigger parents made sure to chop off my dick before they fucked up everything else in my life.

If Im leaving the job who gives a flying fuck? I become a Redpill bazooka on my way out because they deserved it

That company is going to collapse in on itself and they fucking deserve because they are retards

Its freedom of speech in this country, if the Jew/Nigger/Baby Boomers control the language, they will ultimately control the mind. So in their stupid nigger Jew hive I throw redpills at all the normie sociopaths on my way out.

Im not going back to the job, so might as well inflict damage on all these normie sociopath accomplices. Maybe the truth spreads like a wildfire after, but ultimately I lose nothing
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I talk about inceldom publicly and how my fucking snownigger parents made sure to chop off my dick before they fucked up everything else in my life.

If Im leaving the job who gives a flying fuck? I become a Redpill bazooka on my way out because they deserved it

That company is going to collapse in on itself and they fucking deserve because they are retards

Its freedom of speech in this country, if the Jew/Nigger/Baby Boomers control the language, they will ultimately control the mind. So in their stupid nigger Jew hive I throw redpills at all the normie sociopaths on my way out.

Im not going back to the job, so might as well inflict damage on all these normie sociopath accomplices. Maybe the truth spreads like a wildfire after, but ultimately I lose nothing
Fucking based. I'm a bit more careful talking about it in public. And sorry you got circumsized. I luckily wasn't but I couldn't imagine not having any feeling in my penis.
Fucking based. I'm a bit more careful talking about it in public. And sorry you got circumsized. I luckily wasn't but I couldn't imagine not having any feeling in my penis.
The circumcision rabbit hole is what really set me off

Doesn't matter what time period, country, etc you grew up in

Cutting off BABIES private parts is insane

And we still have feeling, just like not what its supposed to feel

Pretty much it gives us smaller dicks, I was insecure about it until I started bathmatemaxxing

Pure evil this world is tho
The circumcision rabbit hole is what really set me off

Doesn't matter what time period, country, etc you grew up in

Cutting off BABIES private parts is insane

And we still have feeling, just like not what its supposed to feel

Pretty much it gives us smaller dicks, I was insecure about it until I started bathmatemaxxing

Pure evil this world is tho
Circumcision should be illegal.

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