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"You are not entitled to sex"[Effortpost]



Nov 10, 2017
Women often respond to the complaints of incels by using this line. I agree with this, incels do not have any objective right to sex, but women likewise have no objective right to their own bodily autonomy. The truth is, the numerous competing ethical systems people have created were made for the benefit of the people creating it. For example, Mormon leaders undoubtedly benefited from polygamy since it gave them the most sex(but the less powerful males were also acting in their perceived self-interest; they wanted to go to Heaven). Similarly, communists often perceive the overthrow of the rich and the institution of equality as a objectively moral action, but this is really because they perceive themselves as part of the oppressed masses. This is demonstrated by the fact that people become more fiscally conservative with money.

The point is, females support this idea of their right to their own body not ultimately due to any deep philosophical conviction, but because they don't want to be raped or "harassed" by ugly men. In fact, much of feminism itself is just an academic justification of their self-serving instinct to fuck Chad and dump everyone else. As low SMV males, it would be wise for us to recognize that we are much more likely to achieve our own goals by acting as a group to get what we want, and not caving to female slave morality.
If incels are not entitled to sex females are not entitled to life and you know what that train of thought leads to. Women should really be more careful with the kind of logic they use, we all know that is not their strong suit.
All forms of ethics and are just rules put in place to benefit the makers of said rules. When I'm a lonely ugly incel, then I'll want forced sex to be legal. If I was a female, then I'd want it to be illegal. The reason people favor the female's benefit is because females are put on a higher pedestal, and they're worth much more in society than an undesirable male. People have more compassion for the group of people who are perceived as weak and delicate.
Correct. We are not entitled to sex. No one is entitled to anything. Which is why if i'm walking on the street and I see a woman getting raped, then I won't help. Because no one owes anything, right? I will not help physically or verbally.
Zielony4 said:
Correct. We are not entitled to sex. No one is entitled to anything. Which is why if i'm walking on the street and I see a woman getting raped, then I won't help. Because no one owes anything, right? I will not help physically or verbally.

Nailed it lmfao
rafaelvicuna3 said:
Nailed it lmfao

LOL. I was known for this quote, until people made it a meme on reddit. Funny thing is that they all got in trouble and I didn't.
Zielony4 said:
Correct. We are not entitled to sex. No one is entitled to anything. Which is why if i'm walking on the street and I see a woman getting raped, then I won't help. Because no one owes anything, right? I will not help physically or verbally.

Read r/deadbedrooms if you want to understand the true hypocrisy of women when they say this shit. It's a sub full of women who aren't getting fucked by their husbands and crying about it, somehow they're entitled to sex but we aren't.
Zielony4 said:
rafaelvicuna3 said:
Nailed it lmfao
LOL. I was known for this quote, until people made it a meme on reddit. Funny thing is that they all got in trouble and I didn't.

What are you talking about? How do you "get in trouble" from a meme?
rotting-alone said:
What are you talking about? How do you "get in trouble" from a meme?

Whoops, I meant on reddit. They all got suspensions for posting that. Banned accounts. I don't even think it's considered 'inciting violence' in the first place.
UncannyValley said:
All forms of ethics and are just rules put in place to benefit the makers of said rules. When I'm a lonely ugly incel, then I'll want forced sex to be legal. If I was a female, then I'd want it to be illegal. The reason people favor the female's benefit is because females are put on a higher pedestal, and they're worth much more in society than an undesirable male. People have more compassion for the group of people who are perceived as weak and delicate.

The problem is that people really act in their perceived self-interest rather than there rational self-interest. Many normie and even incel men support feminist ideas in the hopes of getting laid themselves, even though it's not going to work. That and our high sex drive keep us somewhat masochistic around women, to the detriment of incels.

Zielony4 said:
Correct. We are not entitled to sex. No one is entitled to anything. Which is why if i'm walking on the street and I see a woman getting raped, then I won't help. Because no one owes anything, right? I will not help physically or verbally.

Lol this was a great r/incels meme
jackbud said:
Read r/deadbedrooms if you want to understand the true hypocrisy of women when they say this shit. It's a sub full of women who aren't getting fucked by their husbands and crying about it, somehow they're entitled to sex but we aren't.
jackbud said:
Read r/deadbedrooms if you want to understand the true hypocrisy of women when they say this shit. It's a sub full of women who aren't getting fucked by their husbands and crying about it, somehow they're entitled to sex but we aren't.

I wonder the percentage of them that are landwhales.
mikepence said:
The problem is that people really act in their perceived self-interest rather than there rational self-interest. Many normie and even incel men support feminist ideas in the hopes of getting laid themselves, even though it's not going to work. That and our high sex drive keep us somewhat masochistic around women, to the detriment of incels.

Lol this was a great r/incels meme

LOL. You should have seen the reaction I got when I said that for the first time. The normie was triggered all like "oh my god I can't believe human waste like you exist." It was awesome, they didn't even have anything relevant to say.

thanks for the alert @spergcel but holy shit, my thread about boosting post counts is so accurate it's not even funny.
Lol, here's one of them. I like the one where he is in the bed better.

mikepence said:
The point is, females support this idea of their right to their own body not ultimately due to any deep philosophical conviction, but because they don't want to be raped or "harassed" by ugly men.

jackbud said:
thanks for the alert @spergcel but holy shit, my thread about boosting post counts is so accurate it's not even funny.

I miss the upvote feature as you can tell.
Females aren't entitled to not getting slaughtered when incels go ER.
Absolute truth right there.

Female objects don’t respect their own bodies at all. They simply don’t want to fuck ugly men. That really is as complex as it gets. The root of feminism is quite simply to avoid fucking ugly men. That’s all there is to it.
UncannyValley said:
All forms of ethics and are just rules put in place to benefit the makers of said rules. When I'm a lonely ugly incel, then I'll want forced sex to be legal. If I was a female, then I'd want it to be illegal. The reason people favor the female's benefit is because females are put on a higher pedestal, and they're worth much more in society than an undesirable male. People have more compassion for the group of people who are perceived as weak and delicate.
amen! no morals!
SaintMarcLepine said:
Females aren't entitled to not getting slaughtered when incels go ER.

Females aren't entitled to our protection sounds a bit less homicidal.
existentialhack said:
Females aren't entitled to our protection sounds a bit less homicidal.
Nothing wrong with femalecide.
Zielony4 said:
Correct. We are not entitled to sex. No one is entitled to anything. Which is why if i'm walking on the street and I see a woman getting raped, then I won't help. Because no one owes anything, right? I will not help physically or verbally.

Also, women are not entitled to respect, equality, equal pay, protection, welfare money, or a job via affirmative action. But I’ve never heard feminists say this.
Unfortunately morality has never been an asset to have. Most people as this thread make said act in accordance of their own interest and justify it through whatever morality for the script. Ultimately this is true in all aspects of life. The poor  want more rights and benefits regardless of it comes out of tax payers pockets because in their mind it is justified by a particular victim morality,. They don't care how it damage others and how many benefits they get, they will always want more and actively seek to better their situation. What ever situation best suits you tend to be most choice of morality
females are entitled to sucking my dick
Zielony4 said:
Correct. We are not entitled to sex. No one is entitled to anything. Which is why if i'm walking on the street and I see a woman getting raped, then I won't help. Because no one owes anything, right? I will not help physically or verbally.
I think you can legitimately get in trouble for this with police if you actively witness the crime and choose to do nothing (United States). Not 100% sure though.

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