my mom called me ugly to my face when she was drunk (hence why i know its the truth) and she will frequently bring up the phrase, "you were so handsome as a young boy" then sigh while looking at younger photos of me. im glad she is being honest with me but i feel she may think if she keeps telling me to get motivated and anti-ugly myself or...something?
but yea it's brutal when i overhear her talk to her friends or my aunts
mom: so yea how is Lucy doing?
Aunt: oh Lucy is doing great! she is pregnant with her second child and her husband got promoted to the firm hahahahahaa. And your son, umm....Pumkin I think he calls himself?
mom: well you know.....and how does Lucy's first child look like? does she resemble the father?
Aunt: OMG i'm so glad you asked she looks so much like Lucy blah blah blah...and blah blah blah....blah blah....
it's so obvious my mom redirects anything related to me and parrots back what the other person is talking about because there is nothing positive to say about me. the only thing her friends or my family know about me is that i'm a fat fuck and so when they give my mom anything they give her like cakes or cookies and shit cuz they know she can bring it home to her son (me) and he will eat it cuz he's a fatty fucking fat fuck
im not even joking i wish i was. my mom bought me a bag of mixed chocolates last week that a coworker gave her. it's in the fridge. i wish i was making this shit up. that's all they know about me. that im fat and bald and that i work from home. god dammit how depressed my mom must be to not have anything positive to say about me while all around her everyone else is Chad or Stacy (or at very least a normie with friends and stories to tell. i have nothing)