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Yo radicels, how's the double life going?

Red Shambhala

Red Shambhala

Death to America
Nov 10, 2017
So fellow radicels who have to wear a mask most of the time because they believe in radical ideas such as putting all billionaires with US citizenship into Siberian gulags or that women aren't superior to men, how's the double life going? 

I'm bursting with rage here, I feel like burning from inside. Having to wear a mask all the time and pretend that I support all that shit is killing me. But I feel totally helpless, trapped like in a Kafka novel. And of course, the alternative is pretty much being threatened by homelessness. There's just no escape, even the shittiest jobs, like, I don't know, at McDonald's require you to play along with this totalitarian system.
Not me. I would be executed under any communist Government. I love freedom of thought. And you probably would be executed too. But Maybe thats what youre aiming for so...
But i think ive read a french book about an incel and his chad brother called (translated to spanish) Las Partículas Elementales. Is that what you mean by particule elementaire?
Never reveal your powerlevel
Communism = Judaism

IsolationHurts said:
Not me. I would be executed under any communist Government. I love freedom of thought. 

And historical materialism ("Marxism") offers the best explanation on why "freedom of thought" came into existence after the citoyens, the citizens of the free cities, used the capital that was a result of new modes of production to get rid of the aristocracy and eventually replaced feudalism with capitalism. Having an interest in the free exchange of ideas and in the sciences that enabled them to come into power in the first place, they obviously supported freedom of thought and idealized it against the resistance of the aristocracy. Later, they required well-educated citizens to compete with the citizens of other nations. 

However, the monopolized US ruling class of today, freed from all serious and soon from any military and economical competition at all (hence their desire to destroy Russia and China), is also freed from the necessity to have mature and educated citizens, who could compete with, say, the scientists of other nations and enjoy a prosperity that would prevent them from attempting a revolution as they wanted to try out another system of another country that seemed to work better for another people. In the age of US monoimperialism, citizens subjects can easily be infantilized again. 

With all power now in the hands of a monopolized ruling class, "freedom of thought" is as unnecessary as having different nation states. Hence, borders are getting destroyed just like freedom of speech, freedom of thought and the entire education sector. 

As for the leftists of today: Richard Dawkins once had the genius idea of describing memes ( ideas, religious and cultural norms, etc.) as cultural analogues to genes; both replicating, mutating and responding to selective pressures. Some having an advantage to replicate, some having a disadvantage to replicate. I don’t know his exact wording anymore but he says something along the lines of “turned up speakers.” Teachers, college professors, journalists, “activists”, artists and creative nu-media types are essentially the “meme replicators” of the ruling class; the latter handing the former “turned up speakers” so they replicate those (and only those!) memes the ruling class likes. So there are selective mechanisms at play here at least since the 50s or so, that are responsible for the fact that what you get from leftists today is SJW, feminists, essentially rainbow capitalists (capitalism with gender quotas, rainbow imperialism, etc.)

Anonymous said:
Communism = Judaism


Judaism is a religion like other religions. It's not that religions are inherently bad, it's just that the "good" religions have the fundamental flaw of not being able to justify unjust class domination the same way "bad" religions are able to. So the religious traditions that have survived, including Judaism, are always those that support throwing crumbs to the peasants (individual charity) but strictly oppose changing a system that prevents this pervert wealth gap we see today. The other thing they hate is sex for pleasure which is also the reason why this insignificant minority of homosexuals is always persecuted so much. Homosexuality is obviously sex for pleasure and not for procreation. Judaism is no exception to this rule: a religion that justifies class dominion, is opposed to changing the socio-economical order, and opposed to sex for pleasure. And since it is a bronze age religion, it depicted God as a king with generals / archangels. 

Christian antisemitism , I suppose you'Re a Christian antisemite, is one of the weirdest phenomenons, since Christianity was obviously a failed attempt to reform Judaism and the earliest Christian texts clearly focus on Jews. Jesus himself said that he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. When a non-Jewish woman begged him to heal her daughter, he said that it would be unfair to take what is for the children of God and throw it to the dogs. (Matthew 15:21-28)

Of course, on the other hand, you later have this idea introduced that Christians are the actual sons of Abraham in Abraham’s seed which is Christ. You have Jesus talk about the Synagogue of Satan in what seems to be the Gospel that was written last (John), later than Matthew, Mark and Luke. You have this whole concept of a once ethnic people of God now being a spiritual and multi-racial people of God in which there is neither Jew nor Gentile for they are all one Christ Jesus. The Bible, no matter how you read it, essentially divides humanity into two ethnic groups: Jews and all the rest simply lumped into one collective, characterized by the fact that they are “Gentiles” and not Jews who are “beloved for the sake of their forefathers, for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” This weird relationship to Jews is not despite but because of the Bible, and the Bible is such a mess that Christians will never develop a normal relationship with Jews, and either worship that race or esoterically satanize it.

My thoughts on Marxists of any flavour summed up. I'm a fairly radical right winger myself. Although i'd prefer to deal with Jews and Islam by deportations, i don't consider them worth spilling blood over in any large ammount. I'd have the secret police disappear the worst of the Marxist trouble makers and SJW's/feminists. etc.
I'm the last person on earth anyone would suspect that I post the type of shit I post on incel forums. My co-workers think I'm borderline feminist kek.
I try to stray away from inciting hatred, but that sometimes happens theirs some venting involved, and also I try to stay away from life fuel threads. I'm more interested in connecting with other users personally and taking in some more blackpills of course.

Red Shambhala said:
There's just no escape, even from the shittiest jobs, I don't know, at McDonald's require you to play along with this totalitarian system.
Yep and that's the type of economy we live in. I wouldn't mind working (if we lived in that kind of situation), but theres aren't enough jobs where I live.

Like, how could we strive to live in those types of economies? Where isn't not enough jobs? And if jobs are being outsourced and replaced lol?

Either let everyone have the chance to work or change the system...
I used to pretend to be a communist too when I was an edgy 16 year old. This place isn't good for your mind, kid. You can't be incel if you're not even legal yet.
I express my ideas to anyone who asks. I don't care.
Just lol @ being incel yet caring about the plight of proletariat normies. Just lol @ being rejected by society at large yet holding any (popular) political positions at all.
i want a female holocaust
I guess minimising my interaction with normies and keeping away from the liberal shitholes of the internet helps
All billionaires should be gassed. It is ironic that anti-Semites promulgate the theory that communism is a Jewish conspiracy when cleansing the world of all its billionaires would effectively be a Holocaust by proxy.
communism is for satanists.. .. fuck you phaggot
commander_zoidberg said:

My thoughts on Marxists of any flavour summed up. I'm a fairly radical right winger myself. Although i'd prefer to deal with Jews and Islam by deportations, i don't consider them worth spilling blood over in any large ammount. I'd have the secret police disappear the worst of the Marxist trouble makers and SJW's/feminists. etc.

All power grows out of the barrel of a gun, as Mao Zedong so famously stated, and these guns NEED TO BE PAID. 

The idealistic education system of the Western bloc has taught students that Hitler only raise to power because he had a way with words and because there are flaws in a democracy you have to fix with censorship and "hate-speech laws" etc. This is all bullshit. All power grows out of the barrel of a gun that needs to be paid. The international capital financed Hitler, financed his party, financed his newspaper, financed the airplanes he could use to make the first modern election campaign. Why did they do that? Because they wanted Hitler to destroy Socialism that was a real threat back then. 

But this capital will not finance people like you again, because now the capital is monopolized and has no interest in sharp distinctions based on race, nation, religion anymore. The ideological and economical demands of monopolism and US world domination have turned nationalism, racism and all sharp religious distinctions based on an objective truth allegedly found in sacred scriptures into absolutely undesirable and unwanted nuisance factors. ONCE tools of the competing ruling classes of the PAST, they are now regarded as disturbing, interfering elements, only obscure groups of low-status men sometimes try to use to defend a little benefit that was once granted to them when there was still competition. But with the "impera" being sufficient and only one group ruling anyway, the "divide" is no longer necessary and wanted; so instead of "divide and conquer" you get this one-world dictatorship now where genderless, raceless, nationless, godless working nomads are kept like livestock and competing with each other over "jobs", always willing to work for lower and lower wages. Capital either goes to misery or it imports misery. Either "outsourcing" and/or open borders. Ideally both. 

Right-winger Alain de Benoist (who is an intellectual Frenchman and hence less popular than stupid Americans) summed it up when he said that "whoever criticizes capitalism while approving immigration whose working-class is its first victim, had better shut up. Whoever criticizes immigration but approves of capitalism, should do the same."

So, to sum up, the age of nationalism (and hence deportations) is over. In the long run, we will either have world communism (VERY unlikely, optimism was Marx's only real major flaw) OR will we have this kind of "new world over" were you'll have a one-world religion as the opium of an impoverished people who are all kept live livestock tied to assembly lines like the peasants back in the past were tied to land, rainbow-colored suicide nets, mikrochips, drones, cameras everywhere ... and, as I said, there won't be any place for your nationalism, racism or religious disticntions anymore, since LIVESTOCK is not supposed to fight each other over nation and race or make distinctiosn based on nation and race. So we'll all be "united" in peace .... not the beautiful kind of peace of course, only the absence of uprisings, revolutions and of (military) struggles (no one else to pay the guns) - The cemetery kind of peace: here rest in peace, all tribes and tongues and nations of the world…
I am mostly unsocial and somewhat socially awkward due to the isolation, but because of my creepy unattractive face people would not be so surprised if they found out that I despise femoids.
Im communist to, Bolshevik-Leninist (Trotskyst)

I need to do a topic about Socialism x Inceldom... but im too lazy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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