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Yes, asking for her phone number is being criminalized



Dec 7, 2017

The crackdown comes after surveys show virtually all French women have been harassed on public transport, in the street or elsewhere at some time.

France’s new leader, President Emmanuel Macron, has pledged to end this during his election campaign this year.

Only a few countries, including Belgium and Portugal, have banned such behaviour.

The UK and others have broader laws against harassment in general but none so specific.

Some lawyers believe men should only be prosecuted when police officers witness an offence.

Others say women should be able to file criminal lawsuits against offenders at a later date.
how long until being ugly in public is going to be illegal for men?
What you get for voting in Grannyfucker lmao.
I somehow don’t believe this will apply to Chad.

Nothing ever does..
Poor women. They have to deal with living in a world where every guy isn't Chad
Paternity tests are illegal in france... Jfl
Paternity tests are illegal in france... Jfl
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How can anyone deny that women have a better position in society than men? JFL, you can even now be put in jail for talking to them if they don't like you. Also, this is the same country which banned paternity tests for men. And also banned the niqab - something to think about for far-rightcels who insist cucks love Islam.
Just what the fuck is the end goal? To make it impossible for men to approach? Why? This will only end in a ridiculous birth dearth whichcwomen will blame on men for being undesirable. Stuff like this makes me rage :feelsree:

Don't worry, foids can just hit up sperm banks for some Chad semen. All sponsored for in the future by sub-8 men paying taxes to get cucked. :soy:
Just a quick question. What right of recourse does a married man have if his wife goes behind his back to get impregnated by Chads semen/sperm either at a sperm bank OR a male escort since the sex buyer law doesn't apply to women?

Am I living in the twilight zone or something?

All men should have every and any right to spot check their children and see if they're theirs.
Also using deception to deceive her husband. Does the married man have the right to get a DNA test there & then if he says the child doesn't look like him as they're supposed to within the 1st year.
I somehow don’t believe this will apply to Chad.

Nothing ever does..
If chad does it it's a friendly gesture, if an incel does it it's a criminal offence.
JFL at the west
Being incel will be illegal, they will come for us.
Just fucking genocide us already ffs
Just what the fuck is the end goal? To make it impossible for men to approach? Why? This will only end in a ridiculous birth dearth whichcwomen will blame on men for being undesirable. Stuff like this makes me rage :feelsree:
To make it impossible for ugly men to approach
Lmao these white bitches are so entitled, they don't know what true suffering is
france seems like its the most cucked country in europe tbh or sweden.
next up to be banned are sub 4 men, in 10-20 years it'll be sub 8.
Just what the fuck is the end goal? To make it impossible for men to approach?


Women only needed men to approach them in the past because they had no other means. Now they have tinder, and that means men approaching them in real life has become nothing more than an annoyance to them. On the bright side, laws like this will probably red pill more and more men while making it more obvious what women actually think of them.
in the future women are going to walk in public with like some device that makes them look like a featureless pink oval bubble, so you know that they are women and that you shouldn't push them around, but you also can't see their face, make eye contact or bother them.
they turn it off very briefly when buying something then turn it back on until they get home to BF/social media.
in the future women are going to walk in public with like some device that makes them look like a featureless pink oval bubble, so you know that they are women and that you shouldn't push them around, but you also can't see their face, make eye contact or bother them.
they turn it off very briefly when buying something then turn it back on until they get home to BF/social media.

Google Eyeglasses, which soyboys loved :soy:, will be the first step to doing this. Except women will not be burdened with having to disguise themselves, but instead all sub-8 men will be forced to download a software which disables showing femoids except for a pink bubble, with mandatory electric shocks if you stare too long at the bubble. Of course, Chad will not be subject to this.
Google Eyeglasses, which soyboys loved :soy:, will be the first step to doing this. Except women will not be burdened with having to disguise themselves, but instead all sub-8 men will be forced to download a software which disables showing femoids except for a pink bubble, with mandatory electric shocks if you stare too long at the bubble. Of course, Chad will not be subject to this.
that wouldn't surprise me if something was put in the firmware of those things so you couldn't record women properly, since that was the main controversy about them: some incel being creepy with the record function
so once again chad wins.
Shouldn’t this be lifefuel? If stupid shit like this happens it brings awareness to people about the black pill.
Just what the fuck is the end goal? To make it impossible for men to approach? Why? This will only end in a ridiculous birth dearth whichcwomen will blame on men for being undesirable. Stuff like this makes me rage :feelsree:
cope they wont even complain, they wont even care, they are have hundreds of men on their phones and plenty of chads to fuck, in their minds theyre better off without any of us
Shouldn’t this be lifefuel? If stupid shit like this happens it brings awareness to people about the black pill.
Never underestimate the stupidity of liberals, I haven't seen any frenchmen outraged at the fact that paternity tests are now banned
Never underestimate the stupidity of liberals, I haven't seen any frenchmen outraged at the fact that paternity tests are now banned
True forgot about that.
I don't understand why you think this is something crazy, approaching has always been SOCIALLY illegal forever, if you run cold approaches you are instantly a loser, you are put into a "social jail" where you may only speak to other "criminals". If anything, this is just the bloated government being slow and not morphing to the reality fast enough. I mean look how long it has taken them to do this... hahaha

if you thought that this lowers your ability to get women by any means, remember the only thing that would do that is if they started to make laws that required your face to be surgically disfigured for commiting such "social crimes", such as looking at a foids ass as an ugly low value male. punishment? your nose gets bent to the side. you said you got a boner before? your left ear gets lowered 1/3 of an inch. someone called your name and as you moved your eyes to where the sound was coming from it passed over a stacy? one of your eye sockets gets made bigger/smaller than the other one, etc.
France is a cucked shithole anyway.
They're gonna start complaining no one asks for their phone numbers now.

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