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WWIII is Coming BTW



Nov 8, 2017
ItheIthe said:

US, UK and EU, Saudi Arabia, Israel VS China, Russia, NK, Iran?
if I get conscripted and they give me a weapon I will kill every cuck around me, allied or not
Time to give wamen drafting rights. Put them on the front lines. Feminist equality.
I highly doubt this is going to spark WW3
If WWIII does break out I will go to prison if they mandate service. I REFUSE to serve this degenerate wasteland.
lonelyistheworld said:
Time to give wamen drafting rights. Put them on the front lines. Feminist equality.
nausea said:
if I get conscripted and they give me a weapon I will kill every cuck around me, allied or not
I will do the same except with chads thrown into the bodycount too
nausea said:
if I get conscripted and they give me a weapon I will kill every cuck around me, allied or not

That's the spirit.
Unlikely. The US spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined. They could obliterate anybody. If there is a WW3 it will be a nuclear war.
I hope so. I'd like to be nuked in the opening exchange, which is very likely, or be drafted and sent to a kill zone. I'll be glad to be put out of my misery early without needing to sui. If I survive, I can go into politics on a nationalist platform.
cope. This world is too cucked now.
Genetically superior chad must be drafted.
Nuclear bomb ended any chance of a world war. Chads will never die in battle, there will always be competition over women. Incels will always lose.
I wouldn't mind defecting to fight for Syria or the Norks or even the chinks. Might have a better chance getting a girl on their side, and it might be fun to go on a sanguine rampage killing western normals.
KV- said:
Nuclear bomb ended any chance of a world war. Chads will never die in battle, there will always be competition over women. Uncles will always lose.

Not true at all. Muslim countries will use nukes eventually. They believe it is their duty to bring about the return of the 12th Imam. Really, I'm all for speeding up the Second Coming, this world is hopeless anyway. But it will be Christ who returns.
Looks like I'm going to have to think of a way to avoid getting conscripted into the army; no way I'm going to fight for this country, fuck off...

Most incels and I are already facing our own battles, our societies...
There's going to be no world war 3 but I wish there was.
Israel won't. Israel has one of the most effective fighting forces in the world. I don't trust or like the jews but damn i respect Israel and its fighting capabilities and its hard line racial ethnostate policies. Thing is though. The main beef will be Saudi Arabia Vs Iran. Saddam Hussien was the stabilising force. A bullwark between both major middle eastern powers. When Bush II removed Saddam he set in motion a chain of events which will lead to an all out middle eastern war.

Iran might have been under sanctions for decades. The vastly superior American funded and supported Iraq could not defeat Iran in the 1980's. The Persians are not some backwards Arab piss pants. They are almost as capable in combat as whites are. Plus the Iranians have fought with near suicidal tenacity. Such as the mass suicide young Iranian men embarked on walking through Iraqi mine fields to make gaps for the Iranian army to launch counter attacks through in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980's. The Western armed and backed Saudi Arabia despite spending untold billions begged for assistance from the Americans after the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait and parts of Saudi Arabia before Gulf War 1. If they could not defend themselves from the Republican guard then they have no chance against the revolutionary guard of Iran. Who could probably walk right through Iraq unopposed to the Saudis borders now Iraq has a pro Iranian regime who depend on Iran and Hezbollah because the Iraqis can't fight for shit.

Wikileaks even showed the Saudis were pressuring the Bush admin to let Israel attack Iran. KSA is a basket case. Its oil reserves are dwindling. Arabs are for the most part, lazy and low IQ. Most subsist on welfare provided by the enormous oil wealth in the Gulf. Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are dwindling. All technical services in the Gulf are provided by westerners. Everything from maintain aircraft, IT infrastructure. Even electricians and accountants are generally from the west. All manual labour is done by south Asian slaves from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia. etc.

If an Iranian/Hezbollah proxy force like IS became active in KSA the house of Saud will fall. This is a country that executes people for witchcraft, usery and other sins yet most of the house of Saud are promiscuous homosexual play boys and everyone in the kingdom knows it.

Problem is, is once the fighting starts the US will move in and the Chinese and Russians will be in on the action next. It could very easily escalate into WW3. The other flashpoint could just as easily be Venezeula. Believe it or not its the country with the biggest proven oil reserves anywhere in the world now. The collapsing communist regime is extremely anti American after the failed CIA coup in 1998. Obviously the Americans won't stay out if Venezuela asks for Russian or Chinese assistance. The Chinese have conquered most of Africa without firing a shot and brought up its resources at fire sale prices. They will move into the middle east and Latin America next with Russian help. The Russians will likely believe attempting to gain regional allies in the US back yard will divert US attempts to surround it with NATO puppet regimes and US military bases on its borders.

I would like to add that when it comes to the possibility of a middle eastern war. You should consider that apparently Saudi Arabia's reserves of fossil water which it uses to support its still expanding population with relatively high fertility is dwindling fast and probably in its last decade or two. They also expend enormous amounts of energy pumping water to the capital Riyadh in the middle of the country. Water has been a flashpoint for previous middle eastern conflicts. The 6 day war and the following Yom Kippur war was motivated by Israels need to secure its water resources. The river Jordan and the sea of Galilee are Israels main water sources and Israel was a leader in water rationing and conservation.

Likewise the Syrian war was partly motivated by grievances over Syria's extremely scarce water resources. There was a huge black market operation in Syria in illegal fossil water pumping. There were even lunatics growing cotton from it in the middle of the desert. Illegally. Cotton is one of the most water intensive crops there is.

I would also point out that while KSA is a Sunni majority country. The oil fields are actually mainly in Shia areas. Given the bloody nose IS has given Iran and its puppets. I really don't think its out of the realms of possibility that the Iranians could retaliate in kind. Just like the Saudis riled up minority Sunni groups to do its bidding in "Iraq".
commander_zoidberg said:
Israel won't. Israel has one of the most effective fighting forces in the world. I don't trust or like the jews but damn i respect Israel and its fighting capabilities and its hard line racial ethnostate policies. Thing is though. The main beef will be Saudi Arabia Vs Iran. Saddam Hussien was the stabilising force. A bullwark between both major middle eastern powers. When Bush II removed Saddam he set in motion a chain of events which will lead to an all out middle eastern war.

Iran might have been under sanctions for decades. The vastly superior American funded and supported Iraq could not defeat Iran in the 1980's. The Persians are not some backwards Arab piss pants. They are almost as capable in combat as whites are. Plus the Iranians have fought with near suicidal tenacity. Such as the mass suicide young Iranian men embarked on walking through Iraqi mine fields to make gaps for the Iranian army to launch counter attacks through. The Western armed and backed Saudi Arabia despite spending untold billions begged for assistance from the Americans after the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait and parts of Saudi Arabia before Gulf War 1.

Wikileaks even showed the Saudis were pressuring the Bush admin to let Israel attack Iran. KSA is a basket case. Its oil reserves are dwindling. Arabs are for the most part, lazy and low IQ. Most subsist on welfare provided by the enormous oil wealth in the Gulf. Saudi Arabia's oil reserves are dwindling. All technical services in the Gulf are provided by westerners. Everything from maintain aircraft, IT infrastructure. Even electricians and accountants are generally from the west. All manual labour is done by south Asian slaves from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia. etc.

If an Iranian/Hezbollah proxy force like IS became active in KSA the house of Saud will fall. This is a country that executes people for witchcraft, usery and other sins yet most of the house of Saud are promiscuous homosexual play boys and everyone in the kingdom knows it.

Problem is, is once the fighting starts the US will move in and the Chinese and Russians will be in on the action next. It could very easily escalate into WW3. The other flashpoint could just as easily be Venezeula. Believe it or not its the country with the biggest proven oil reserves anywhere in the world now. The collapsing communist regime is extremely anti American after the failed CIA coup in 1998. Obviously the Americans won't stay out if Venezuela asks for Russian or Chinese assistance. The Chinese have conquered most of Africa without firing a shot and brought up its resources at fire sale prices. They will move into the middle east and Latin America next with Russian help. The Russians will likely believe attempting to gain regional allies in the US back yard will divert US attempts to surround it with NATO puppet regimes and US military bases on its borders.

genius level post, agree 100% with your analysis

also well written
nausea said:
if I get conscripted and they give me a weapon I will kill every cuck around me, allied or not

Same. Just lol at fighting for Israel anyway
conspiracy cope. Look at global military spending and you will see who wins
Also a flashpoint to look for will be the South China Sea. The Chinese have had a policy of expansion here going back to the 1980's. When the British and Chinese began negotiations over the future of Hong Kong in the 1980's. The Chinese had already seized several of these reefs and other atolls in the South China sea. They were also considering or certainly talking about seizing Hong Kong by force if the British refused to cede it back. The most famous incident when the Chinese Navy gunned down the Vietnamese soldiers standing on the reef. It wasn't even above sea level. They were standing waist deep in water and the Chinese shot them dead and seized it anyway. That has now been turned into an artificial island which boasts a considerable landing strip.

The Chinese are following quite a clever strategy. They are turning all these Islands into air and naval bases. Similar to the US strategy in WW2 with the Island hopping strategy. Bringing their air bases closer and closer to Japan. Giving air cover for their fleet and allowing for the bombing of the home islands and interdiction of Japanese shipping. Its also probably more cost effective for them at the moment than a carrier fleet.

The modern US strategy in the South China Sea seems to focus on aircraft carriers. The British used air craft carriers when we were fighting the axis in the Mediterranean between 1941 and 1943 and a whole bunch of them got sunk. Including Ark Royal. The most important asset in the Mediterranean was the island of Malta. It was the unsinkable aircraft carrier. Despite repeated Axis bombing attempts it gave the allies the ability to maintain at the very minimum a state of no mans land in terms of air dominance over the area and later served as the basis of allied air superiority for countless military operations for years.

The US meanwhile has been buying ever more expensive air craft carriers. The Nimitz class carriers cost $8.5 billion a pop and manned by a crew of 5000 sailors and marines. The latest Gerald R. Ford carriers are even more expensive with a current cost of $10.5 billion a unit. These vessels have become so expensive that the US cannot afford to loose one in combat. The Americans think they're invincible. Well the British thought the same thing in 1938 and 4 years later the Japanese sank some of the Royal Navy's finest battleships with its naval air power and captured Singapore. There were more commonwealth soldiers defending Singapore than England. The Chinese are building ballistic anti carrier missiles. There is no conceivable defense from ballistic weapons of this type. They re-eneter the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds. When the US Navy engaged the Japanese at midway they lost the USS Yorktown. You should never put an asset on the board in war that you cannot afford to loose. If the US was smart it would build some bog standard cheap diesel powered carriers on the Nimitz blueprint. Run them with skeleton crews. Its much easier to risk those in battle than an $8.5 billion nuclear carrier.

In any case, the US seems to have this idea of "containing China". Yeah. Containing a country in its own back yard. Its treaties with Japan and Korea have been signed by administrations who don't know dick about Asia and the insane regional rivalries in the area. The Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese. They all HATE each other. They are nearly as irrational as the middle east. The US has binding treaties to defend these countries in the event war breaks out.

If a war starts in the South China sea it will be a catastrophic runaway situation and i predict the US will be badly humbled and suffer significant casulties for a victory. On the hope that cooler heads prevail before an all out nuclear exchange.

Bare in mind that tactically the west made a massive strategic error in trying to encircle Russia and isolate by adding tin pot mafia republics on its door step to NATO and funding insane hyper nationalist anti Russian regimes. Driving the Chinese and Russians together where previously there was a potential for war between these two powers as they hate each other. Undoing all the work the US did in unintentionally (to an extent) creating the Sino-Soviet split in the first place.

Zoidberg is fucking WOKE on geopolitics and history. Bravo!
nausea said:
genius level post, agree 100% with your analysis

also well written

Thankyou. I would also like to add:

When it comes to the possibility of a middle eastern war. You should consider that apparently Saudi Arabia's reserves of fossil water which it uses to support its still expanding population with relatively high fertility is dwindling fast and probably in its last decade or two. They also expend enormous amounts of energy pumping water to the capital Riyadh in the middle of the country. Water has been a flashpoint for previous middle eastern conflicts. The 6 day war and the following Yom Kippur war was motivated by Israels need to secure its water resources. The river Jordan and the sea of Galilee are Israels main water sources and Israel was a leader in water rationing and conservation.

Likewise the Syrian war was partly motivated by grievances over Syria's extremely scarce water resources. There was a huge black market operation in Syria in illegal fossil water pumping. There were even lunatics growing cotton from it in the middle of the desert. Illegally. Cotton is one of the most water intensive crops there is.

I would also point out that while KSA is a Sunni majority country. The oil fields are actually mainly in Shia areas. Given the bloody nose IS has given Iran and its puppets. I really don't think its out of the realms of possibility that the Iranians could retaliate in kind. Just like the Saudis riled up minority Sunni groups to do its bidding in "Iraq".

anon101 said:
conspiracy cope. Look at global military spending and you will see who wins

Worlds most powerful nation 1938: Britian
Worlds most powerful nation 1941: Britian
Worlds most powerful nation 1944: US/Soviet Union by leagues.

Look at what happened to the British in those years. We were nearly invaded. Lost most of our wealth and colonies and suffered enormous losses and humiliations all over the world. We were a completely spent force in 1945. The tides turn so quickly.

Also consider that the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany. A lot of accepted wisdom goes out the window in battle.
@[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]commander_zoidberg[/font]
he shall be promoted to "theater-level strategy chief" of our army

wish we knew irl

I am an amateurish geopolitical enthusiast, but you are fully based man

Good. Bring on WW3 nuclear Armageddon. Every chad, stacy and roastie must die.
MayorOfKekville said:
Good. Bring on WW3 nuclear Armageddon. Every chad, stacy  and roastie must die.

I've studied nuclear war extensively and its really not something i want anything to do with. It will be dire if you are unlucky enough to survive.

nausea said:
@[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]commander_zoidberg[/font]
he shall be promoted to "theater-level strategy chief" of our army

wish we knew irl

I am an amateurish geopolitical enthusiast, but you are fully based man


Sounds cool. I've always wanted to lead an army against the normies in the name of kek.

I appreciate someone with a passion for history and geopolitics. I'm always trying to cram more in on the subject. Its an area of great failing for our leaders for a long time. I got interested in history when i was 12 or 13. I really began to cram geopolitics in about 2006 when i saw what a complete hash Iraq and Afghanistan had become and i started learning about them. Down the rabbit hole it was. I came the conclusion our leaders were entirely incompetent retards and the media were complicit in keeping people ignorant by telling them simple narratives. About the only people to lead the west who had a clue were Henry Kissinger and Tricky Dick Nixon despite themselves being vile individuals who fucked up stuff we're suffering the consequences from today.
I also can see another possible scenario:
Some rather small event happens in Israel or Palestine, for example a Israeli soldier shoots an unarmed Palestinian --> Palestinian mass protest --> The protests escalate and the Palestinians start rioting and attacking the police --> Some policemen lose their nerves and start shooting at protesters --> civil war between Israel and armed Palestinian groups --> The sorrounding Arab countries who still feel humiliated about their old defeats want to help their arab brothers and see the opportunity for revenge. They declare war on Israel --> Although beeing of excellent quality, Israeli army is now just outnumbered hopelessly. Israel is about to lose, and the world fears a genocide. USA has no choice and enters the war on Israeli side --> Now the two arch enemies of Iran are at war with muslim states. Although they don't really have much sympathy for arabs, they enter the war on the arab side --> Involvement of EU countries, other Muslim countries and north Korea questionable. In the worst case it is going to result in a full on war between the western world and the Muslim countries. I think nobody would be stupid enough to start a nuclear war though. Still, in any case, the casualties are going to be enourmous
commander_zoidberg said:

Worlds most powerful nation 1938: Britian
Worlds most powerful nation 1941: Britian
Worlds most powerful nation 1944: US/Soviet Union by leagues.

Look at what happened to the British in those years. We were nearly invaded. Lost most of our wealth and colonies and suffered enormous losses and humiliations all over the world. We were a completely spent force in 1945. The tides turn so quickly.

Also consider that the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany. A lot of accepted wisdom goes out the window in battle.

Its almost as if the countries that spent more got more power...
anon101 said:
Its almost as if the countries that spent more got more power...

Ah yes. Just throw money at things. Its certainly what the Pentagon thinks. The Pentagon did that in Vietnam and those little yellow bastards kicked the Yanks arses just like they'd kicked the Frenchies arses 15 years earlier. The Pentagon just committed the US to costs of some $1 trillion for the F35 program. A plane that is a useless turd. It lacks significantly behind the F15/F16/A10/F/A18 its supposed to replace. The Chinese also hacked Lockhead Martins systems. Stole the plans and reverse engineered a far cheaper superior copy while the F35 hasn't even entered full service yet.

The Pentagon thinks it will fight an enemy like the Chinese with a population of 1.3 billion and a significantly better industrial base than the US with such an expensive POS then. Good luck to it. When a $80-90 million a unit fighter plane is only achieving a 2-1 kill ratio over a fighter with a $27 million a unit price tag against a country which outnumbers it 4-1. You are going to get arse raped and they're going to skip the Vaseline.

There is a lot more than throwing money at things to maintaining power and achieving victory on the battlefield.

The US also has mostly been run by people who have an ignorance of history and an ignorance of local realities. US politicians and military leaders take pride in their own ignorance for the most part. Its how they got where they are. The British maintained the empire by living in these places and understanding the existing power structures well enough in order to exploit them, just like the Romans to an extent. The Yanks just bomb the existing power structure, bulldoze their houses and put McDonalds on them and then wonder why the places collapse.
The US would eradicate Iran if they tried to attack Israel.

MayorOfKekville said:
Good. Bring on WW3 nuclear Armageddon. Every chad, stacy  and roastie must die.

All the Chads and Chadlites choose to go to war and us incels refuse, lots of guys die, disproportionate female:male ratio, incels rejoice.
I want Rocket Man to wipe us all off this earth.

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