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WTF with all these MEGACOPES being disguised as "Black pills"?



Nov 8, 2017
The biggest one, which is always presented as a blackpill is "women aren't capable of love. Even Chad is being used". This is a massive cope in order to make you feel Chad has it bad in some way too. No. Women are truly capable of unconditional love, and have a legit sweet, funny, innovative, caring and warm side. The only difference is that there is a look treshold for women to be like that, or they will be the polar opposite. LOL at thinking that women "uses" Chad for ulterior status motives. Women genuinely LOVES chad, she will even pay for his shit if he happens to be broke, she will submit to him, be actually supportive and caring if Chad has life/emotional problems and even make sacrifices for him, selflessly. This crap that women aren't capable of love and being actually good in order to believe that chad is being fucked by "female evil nature" too has to stop, really. The true blackpill is that Chad knows a completely different side of women. 

Another one is "Face is not important if you have monster dick, blackpill for dickcels", or "dick is not important if you have 8/10 face, women will orgasm with your face, chad gets away with small dick blackpill". BOTH things are important, and if you are subhuman in any of these two, it's game over. The incel will never get to show his monster dick, and will be labelled as freak at best. The tiny dicked ultraChad will be brought down by women because of the dick.

Other big cope is thinking that if you were born some years before, your situation would be different, that current "degeneracy" is a big blackpill. Sexual selection and attraction instincts were the same ALWAYS. If you don't get genuine attraction from women, you wouldn't have gotten it before. Validation is all what counts, so being born into a patriarchal era or having societal norms change wouldn't mean shit. This is even without addressing all the rest of the lookism issue.

Another recent cope is to bash twink prettyboys for getting women. There are 2 possible options here, and none is something good. The first is that you cope because you could beat up the twink easily, but the main factors are FACE and HEIGHT. If you beat up twink chad, instead of alpha you will be labelled as monster and people will go to take care of Chad. The other option, is that you deem that the twink is subhuman/ugly and it enrages you that he somehow got a woman, which makes you a lookist/appealing-to-nature piece of shit, not different than the staceys you bash.

Stop labelling BLUEPILLS as blackpills, please.
Zyros with dem black pills. I cringe when I see people write "women don't love Chad."
Never understood that either. I've run into enough drug addicted Chads who get drove around and their habit paid for by their GFs. It's where the stereotype of women wanting to fix men comes from, all that means is marrying a dumb Chad.
the blackpill will be someone sharing all your sub4 pictures from lookism here
Zyros said:
The biggest one, which is always presented as a blackpill is "women aren't capable of love. Even Chad is being used". This is a massive cope in order to make you feel Chad has it bad in some way too. No. Women are truly capable of unconditional love, and have a legit sweet, funny, innovative, caring and warm side. The only difference is that there is a look treshold for women to be like that, or they will be the polar opposite. LOL at thinking that women "uses" Chad for ulterior status motives. Women genuinely LOVES chad, she will even pay for his shit if he happens to be broke, she will submit to him, be actually supportive and caring if Chad has life/emotional problems and even make sacrifices for him, selflessly. This crap that women aren't capable of love and being actually good in order to believe that chad is being fucked by "female evil nature" too has to stop, really. The true blackpill is that Chad knows a completely different side of women. 

How can it be "unconditional love" if they only love Chad for his looks/genetics?
Love is an illusion. It's all about looks, money, and status. That's the real blackpill.
A woman’s feeling of “love” is simply an evolutionary psychological behaviour mechanism to ensure that the best genes survive. A femoid will tolerate all kinds of abuse from chad because his genes are healthy and he will produce fit, disease-resistant children which ensures the survival of the species. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. And the only factors that really mater here are FACE AND HEIGHT. When a femoid is engaged with a tall and handsome man, her brain releases oxytocin, which is a hormone which creates the feeling of “love”. But it’s all just chemistry; she is simply following biological programming in the same way a dog salivates when he sees his dinner go into his bowl. This is why PUA bullshit doesn’t work for ugly/short men. You cannot make a femoid fall in love with you from words or behaviour.
Zyros said:
Other big cope is thinking that if you were born some years before, your situation would be different, that current "degeneracy" is a big blackpill. Sexual selection and attraction instincts were the same ALWAYS. If you don't get genuine attraction from women, you wouldn't have gotten it before. Validation is all what counts, so being born into a patriarchal era or having societal norms change wouldn't mean shit.

I don't know, even without sexual validation, I think it would be an overall improvement for some incels to be born as a Viking raider, raping and pillaging and getting validation from exerting power over others, taking sex as opposed to getting it, etc. There is some truth to the other timeline or ancient history being a better life for incel. However, overall I agree that genuine validation is key and genuine validation doesn't give a fuck about epochs or eras.

fukmylyf said:
Love is an illusion.

Love is very real, in the sense that it is measurable in the exchange of neurotransmitters between synapses, bloodflow to particular areas of the brain, etc. Love is tangible, physically bound. The illusion is that love is something ethereal and otherworldly and not just a chemistry set in your brain.
blickpall said:
Love is very real, in the sense that it is measurable in the exchange of neurotransmitters between synapses, bloodflow to particular areas of the brain, etc. Love is tangible, physically bound. The illusion is that love is something ethereal and otherworldly and not just a chemistry set in your brain.

This. Love = oxytocin.

blickpall said:
Love is very real, in the sense that it is measurable in the exchange of neurotransmitters between synapses, bloodflow to particular areas of the brain, etc. Love is tangible, physically bound. The illusion is that love is something ethereal and otherworldly and not just a chemistry set in your brain.

For sure. My point was that it's ultimately conditional when it comes to romantic relationships.
this is pure cope. especially for indian women.
no indian woman will EVER take care of a chad for any long period of time.

All indian men she dates must be perfect in every way looks, money, status, confidence.
Just looks only will not cut it.

And even then, she will leave u if you fail in any way and got after the bigger chadpreet.
fukmylyf said:
blickpall said:
Love is very real, in the sense that it is measurable in the exchange of neurotransmitters between synapses, bloodflow to particular areas of the brain, etc. Love is tangible, physically bound. The illusion is that love is something ethereal and otherworldly and not just a chemistry set in your brain.
For sure. My point was that it's ultimately conditional when it comes to romantic relationships.

It's hard to feel romantically/chemically attracted to someone when they're not attractive.

But we have to overcome that.
fukmylyf said:
How can it be "unconditional love" if they only love Chad for his looks/genetics?
Love is an illusion. It's all about looks, money, and status. That's the real blackpill.

Take away “money” and “status”. It’s ALL LOOKS.

Femoids don’t love betabux. They might marry one eventually, but they never love him.
fukmylyf said:
For sure. My point was that it's ultimately conditional when it comes to romantic relationships.

Do you mean like how unconditional love doesn't exist?

If we limit it to romantic relationships, I do think that this is true for the most part, although I suspect we will never know for sure because no ethics board would allow a true study on this, nor can I imagine a way to implement the scientific method accurately in such a study. It is proven that the brain is functionally different during the "honeymoon" phase and after it. Some people claim that "true love" starts after the thrill and excitement of the "honeymoon" phase, when for some the chemical fallout and loss of true passion kills the relationship and leads to r/deadbedrooms while in others it leads to 50+ years married happily married in the nursing home couples. However, there is something to said about the "old flame" phenomenon that seems to transcend barriers of time and consequent attraction. As I said though, no study has been done on the subject to my knowledge (nor is it really feasible) so ultimately we can theorize and conjecture but can't know for sure.
Dr. Zyros giving out blackpills like it's nothing
Less of us would be incels in an earlier time period. Out Norman
MayorOfKekville said:
Take away “money” and “status”. It’s ALL LOOKS.

Femoids don’t love betabux. They might marry one eventually, but they never love him.

I'm not fully convinced tbh. I believe in the power of conditioning. You can train a dog to be loyal.
You should make a post about how every girl somehow manages to always get Chad dick, hence why she never will date a looksmatch, so for below average incels it's "over". Such a defeating mentality that can really cripple the way you interact with people. Logic being - if the 3/10 will go for Chad, why should Chad (or even Chadlite) care when he has all these better options? Therefore, whilst yes they would rather go for Chad, Chad won't go for them which is why they just settle with someone closer to their looks. Same way that a chadlite would want a top tier roastie but if he can't find one, he'll just settle with a looksmatch, i.e. pretty much 90% of guys in relationships.
Twinky lachowski may get attention from women, but men hate that kind of guys.
I've been working my job for years now and I got a woman here who works while her husband(met him he is a chad) fixes cars sometimes for money but stays at home and watches college football all day.
Women do love chad and will move mountains for him.
Hell a woman could get the powers of a god and she would appoint chad to be her husband and king.


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whogivesafucc said:
Dr. Zyros giving out blackpills like it's nothing

Fuck no. He's preaching exactly the same shit, word for word, since his early /r/incels days and people are praising him bc of lookism. While true geniuses like Alia unironically deserve the nobel prize in literature but never got much attention bc he didn't add his fucking face. The biggest blackpill is all the praise zyros gets for the 4565775 repeat of the same words.
modus_coperandi said:
Fuck no. He's preaching exactly the same shit, word for word, since his early /r/incels days people are praising him bc of lookism. While true geniuses like Alia unironically deserve the nobel prize in literature but never got much attention bc he didn't add his fucking face. He biggest blackpill is all the praise zyros gets for the 4565775 repeat of the same words.

Fuck no. He's preaching exactly the same shit, word for word, since his early /r/incels days and people are praising him bc of lookism. While true geniuses like Alia unironically deserve the nobel prize in literature but never got much attention bc he didn't add his fucking face. He biggest blackpill is all the praise zyros gets for the 4565775 repeat of the same words.

modus_coperandi said:
whogivesafucc said:
Dr. Zyros giving out blackpills like it's nothing
Fuck no. He's preaching exactly the same shit, word for word, since his early /r/incels days people are praising him bc of lookism. While true geniuses like Alia unironically deserve the nobel prize in literature but never got much attention bc he didn't add his fucking face. He biggest blackpill is all the praise zyros gets for the 4565775 repeat of the same words.

whogivesafucc said:
Dr. Zyros giving out blackpills like it's nothing
Fuck no. He's preaching exactly the same shit, word for word, since his early /r/incels days and people are praising him bc of lookism. While true geniuses like Alia unironically deserve the nobel prize in literature but never got much attention bc he didn't add his fucking face. He biggest blackpill is all the praise zyros gets for the 4565775 repeat of the same words.

Yeah, he does say the same shit. I also agree with you about Alia, he was underrated AS FUCK. Wonder why he's not here, he'd be the top poster for sure
Zyros said:
The biggest one, which is always presented as a blackpill is "women aren't capable of love. Even Chad is being used". This is a massive cope in order to make you feel Chad has it bad in some way too.

"Chad" is largely a meme, but female nature really IS the way we describe it here. 

The biggest cope is the idea that there are individual solutions for systemic problems. And women/feminism are a systemic problem. The idea that you could "trick" this systemic problem if only your upper canthal tiltus maximus were in an upwards 63° angle is as much a cope as the previous idea of tricking it by using silly PUA techniques was.

First, you had the individualistic PUA phase. Out of PUA came PUAhate and individualistic looksmaxing. And out of looksmaxing came a cynical, nihilistic approach to individually LDAR. Maybe it's because of this community is refusing to grow up, maybe it's because it's so heavily dominated by Americans and American kinds of individualism.

Admittedly, I see feminism and a gynocentric society as the main problem. I want the best possible life for the greatest possible number of men. This slavish idea that you can just as well kill yourself if you don't have a female is something I expect from a 16-year-old, but you gotta grow up eventually.

"Chad" is largely a meme. These kinds of invulnerable men hardly exist, if they exist at all. They are not above rape hysteria, gender quotas, a crumbling society and economy. Even if Chad had children, they'd grow up in a society that is falling apart. And Chad is not invulnerable, sooner or later, his health will fail as well, he will age as well. 

Having a stalker who is obsessed with your height is not the same as having someone who loves you.

I, and I hope at least some others here as well, do not need "Chad" to feel bad in order to feel better myself. Hence, I don't have to "cope", believing they have it bad, because the idea of them having it bad doesn't so simply make me feel good to begin with.
Jesus Christ...first of all, woman ARE capable of loving Chad but up to a certain age/extent. If a women has fucked too many Chads off Tinder, she will fuck him and then ghost him while feeling nothing. If that's her first Chad, and she is 4 points below him in looks, she will worship the ground he walks on. But obviously it's not as simple as "WOMEN WILL DO ANYTHING FOR CHAD PERIOD". That is flat out wrong.

Social degeneracy that comes with time is a real problem. If you want to understand the extent of this, go into rural areas which are less developed, less hypergamous, and less degenerate-basically a relic of a different time. You will quickly find that men are much happier, and are much more easily able to find their looksmatch. 15-20 years back it was the same deal in the cities. So you are just flat out wrong on this one.

Finally, prettyboy twinks are able to do well in general but they definitely have their niche. That means younger and nicer women. On the other hand, masc Chads will be far more appealing to older and bitchier/trashier women. But the biggest most absolute slayers are those who are inbetween-I am talking about guys like Kit Harington or Sean O'Pry.

You have an agenda and it's very obvious. You think you're very attractive and you want to feel like that makes you somehow intrinsically better than the rest of us so you try to debunk any argument against a shallow, looks-based worldview, which is what you advocate. Kindly fuck off bud.

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