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Experiment Would you throw a truck load of babies down a cliff for better genetics?



Jan 2, 2018

I would. If it would make me 12/10

Say you had to go to a hospital wing nursery where newborns are being kept, you put them all in burlap sacks, then you go to a certain part of the grand canyon, where a lamp is highlighted. Throw them all by the genie lamp. The genie appears, then you pick one celebrity, or list off traits you want and the genie will grant them all. Would you?
No, I´m not bad looking... just a social mess and anti-PC in a PC country
No that's too evil for me. Throwing a hypergamous cock carousel riding stacy into the grand canyon for chad looks may be a different story.
What about throwing a couple of roasties ? That I can do.
No but there's definitely alot of adults I'd do that to.
I'd happily bomb a mosque for a better face, for example, and not feel any remorse
Brother, I would smash their heads with a hammer if it meant resetting my life in a better body.
Yeah, because the moment I look like Chad everyone will forgive me for all wrongdoing.
I haven't lost my humanity yet.
No but there's definitely alot of adults I'd do that to.
I'd happily bomb a mosque for a better face, for example, and not feel any remorse
Of course you would target a mosque you cuck.
I would rape a baby for 1 inch height 1 inch girth and 1 inch length
id do it for nothing. i wish someone had done me such a kindness at birth. i can't think of a more philanthropic act

i don't get why people value baby's lives so much anyways. an adult has way more to lose than a non-sentient baby
Yes if I could get away with it of course.
No, but I'd throw a bunch of femoids down a cliff (not infants though... that's fucked up). I care more about an innocent life than some cunt who made it. That's why I'm against abortion, I'd rather save the baby and kill off the bitch. Women have no accountability anymore, therefore, if I can make their lives harder, I sure will.
I'd kill adults for no change in genetics. However, babies I can not, as they have not wronged me in any way. I could not justify my actions, no matter how corrupted my morals became.
Yes, who gives a fuck. They already hate me by default anyway

but i wouldn't throw them down a cliff, i'd shoot them in the head twice to make sure they're really dead, i don't want to cause them any unneeded suffering.
I would if it were all femoid babies and even if it wouldn’t bring me anything.
No way. I'm not that fucking evil.
No. They'd have to be people I know are bad to be tempted with doing that. Babies are the definition of innocence. Fucking monsters on this forum jeez.
I would do so in theory but in practise it will be difficult for me to go through with
No but there's definitely alot of adults I'd do that to.
I'd happily bomb a mosque for a better face, for example, and not feel any remorse
I mean hell, I’d bomb a mosque even without that guarantee
I would if no consequences, a baby have no experience that he will lose, no attachment, no angst, no fears, no regrets. Plus most babies won't be a chad, and i think the life of an incel or an average male is low quality nowadays.

I would do it anyway if given the chance. This world has enough people as it is.
I would throw a ship container with babies in hell for 1 point tbh
I would do it for the power to hurt roasties and normans without going to jail. I wouldn't do it for "better genetics" though.
1 chad is worth more than half of the lives in cambodia. I would have gone to a nursery in a ghetto neighborhood. What's to be gained from those kids? A couple of obese black women who can't do shit and maybe a basketball player? How many of those are in the world? A million? eh.
i would do anything for a bigger dick
No there to innocent
No, wtf? Starving children in Africa could eat those babies
No, wtf? Starving children in Africa could eat those babies
Har har har. You create comedy by defaming the dignity of people who put shit to proper use. "No, that is wrong, I would utilize it this way". Oh wait, you helping kids in africa eat instead of helping them grow their own food is indicative of you thinking they're too stupid to starve, so you just feed them and let them breed more piccaninnies. So essentially, you're making a joke by asserting the dignity of putting something to good use, when in reality by african babies eating other babies, you're not being immoral. This is ammoral, and for you to make an addendum not out of the immorality of it, then that creates an ironic contradiction of the convention, and thus making it funny. As you are retarded/ illogical to be so lost on giving ppl their due concern of morality. Instead you're feeding african kids, while that ALSO being ironic. Because feeding them doesn't encessarily help them either. The dignity of giving them love is ironic because it'll take a lot more than that to fix africa/ the people.

That is not immoral, it's a waste of resources (lawl), give to people, and it will not be a waste notwithstanding the fact they're niggers (lawl).
Har har har. You create comedy by defaming the dignity of people who put shit to proper use. "No, that is wrong, I would utilize it this way". Oh wait, you helping kids in africa eat instead of helping them grow their own food is indicative of you thinking they're too stupid to starve, so you just feed them and let them breed more piccaninnies. So essentially, you're making a joke by asserting the dignity of putting something to good use, when in reality by african babies eating other babies, you're not being immoral. This is ammoral, and for you to make an addendum not out of the immorality of it, then that creates an ironic contradiction of the convention, and thus making it funny. As you are retarded/ illogical to be so lost on giving ppl their due concern of morality. Instead you're feeding african kids, while that ALSO being ironic. Because feeding them doesn't encessarily help them either. The dignity of giving them love is ironic because it'll take a lot more than that to fix africa/ the people.

That is not immoral, it's a waste of resources (lawl), give to people, and it will not be a waste notwithstanding the fact they're niggers (lawl).

First of all, dont you ever speak to me like that again you fucking faggot


The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.
The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.
Fail insight. Autsight. Lawl. Mundane life grinds don't pose a problem to me. I make money like all fuck out bruh. I ain't gonna be wageslaving. I wasn't even trying to offend but you get defensive as if I am because that's what your failcel ass is so used to ^^

No but there's definitely alot of adults I'd do that to.
I'd happily bomb a mosque for a better face, for example, and not feel any remorse
Glad you're banned. :D

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