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Experiment Would you stop the moon and save mankind?

Which would you do?

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Why a shitty game?
Filled with shitty boring Aonuma puzzles.

As is typical of Aounuma you literally have to complete various puzzles at the very beginning of the damned game to get your sword back along with your human form.

It was awful.

Like most of the rest of Aonuma's dreck it's shitty sales figures only reflected its overall awfulness.

Also it took place in Termina and NOT Hyrule which only proves how much Aonuma hates the Zelda series and is the absolute wrong choice to head up its development.

That said though the concept of an apocalyptic end of the world doomsday scenario which MM had is again a good concept.

It was just poorly executed is all.
I would be very happy and go full low inhib in those 3 days.
the West is lost theres nothing to save
Is there no self-sacrificing involved? You'd be a huge chad for saving the world
No. It's nature's choice.
You have been banned and screenshotted on IT for inciting violence
Brutal way to go.
Also jfl says the guy with a profile centered around a serial killer.
Yes, to end the suffering of starving kids
Filled with shitty boring Aonuma puzzles.

As is typical of Aounuma you literally have to complete various puzzles at the very beginning of the damned game to get your sword back along with your human form.

It was awful.

Like most of the rest of Aonuma's dreck it's shitty sales figures only reflected its overall awfulness.

Also it took place in Termina and NOT Hyrule which only proves how much Aonuma hates the Zelda series and is the absolute wrong choice to head up its development.

That said though the concept of an apocalyptic end of the world doomsday scenario which MM had is again a good concept.

It was just poorly executed is all.
So because it had a weird prologue it sucked?

I thought the dungeons were pretty good.
So because it had a weird prologue it sucked?

I thought the dungeons were pretty good.
No. The whole game sucked.

I was just pointing out that what Aonuma typically does from the very beginning of "Aonuma Zelda" is take away/keep you away from your sword and any satisfying arcade combat whatsoever.

He is on record as hating Zelda 1 on NES and everyone that despises Aonuma's take on Zelda knows why that is ie because he can't "hack it" so to speak. That style of gameplay is far too difficult for him. Its telling that his on record favorite thing about another classic pre Aonuma Zelda game that being LTTP on SNES is "cutting the bushes/grass".

What the fuck???

And Nintendo thinks THIS guy is the one to put in charge of Zelda???

Anyway the video below should explain things better for you than perhaps I ever could. Its also important to note that Aonuma Zelda isn't just "one puzzle" its a series of "disguised puzzles" ie before Aonuma Zelda dungeons were combat oriented mazes NOT shoot eye here or move statue there puzzle fests.

Now certainly there were move block puzzles in pre-Aonuma Zelda games but the argument of people such as myself is such puzzles were very mild, very few and very simplistic NOT egg head level events like say for example that HORRIBLE puzzle Aonuma made in Twilight Princess in the snow dungeon level. You pretty much have to be a math genius to complete that boring overly complicated piece of shit puzzle without a guide.

I'll stop the moon, but pic related.
The second option is which one i can relate
No. The whole game sucked.

I was just pointing out that what Aonuma typically does from the very beginning of "Aonuma Zelda" is take away/keep you away from your sword and any satisfying arcade combat whatsoever.

He is on record as hating Zelda 1 on NES and everyone that despises Aonuma's take on Zelda knows why that is ie because he can't "hack it" so to speak. That style of gameplay is far too difficult for him. Its telling that his on record favorite thing about another classic pre Aonuma Zelda game that being LTTP on SNES is "cutting the bushes/grass".

What the fuck???

And Nintendo thinks THIS guy is the one to put in charge of Zelda???

Anyway the video below should explain things better for you than perhaps I ever could. Its also important to note that Aonuma Zelda isn't just "one puzzle" its a series of "disguised puzzles" ie before Aonuma Zelda dungeons were combat oriented mazes NOT shoot eye here or move statue there puzzle fests.

Now certainly there were move block puzzles in pre-Aonuma Zelda games but the argument of people such as myself is such puzzles were very mild, very few and very simplistic NOT egg head level events like say for example that HORRIBLE puzzle Aonuma made in Twilight Princess in the snow dungeon level. You pretty much have to be a math genius to complete that boring overly complicated piece of shit puzzle without a guide.

So do you hate all new Zelda games? Is Ocarina of Time good? Wind Waker?
If the moon was falling to the earth in 3 days and destroy humanity and earth and only you knew how to stop the moon, would you stop the moon or let humanity die?

I would have mixed feelings because inceldom makes me wanna restart humanity
Just so I can do that then have some foid claim she did all the work because media is cucked? Nope.
If you wanna save humanity you're a cuck
Maybe if you were able to get credit for saving the earth you could statusmaxx, but I still picked 2 because fuck this gay world.
no not really also depends on how hungry I am if I am super hungry I might just stop it so I can go buy some food but if I am not hungry then let em get all squashed.
stop it so i can become emperor and rule over the living
So do you hate all new Zelda games? Is Ocarina of Time good? Wind Waker?
OOT is my favorite game in the entire series.

Yes, unfortunately Aounuma was one of its directors but people forget or don’t know that this game had four directors total and Aounuma being new to the series at the time was basically only tasked with dungeon design and a few other things that make me laugh since Aounuma fanboys who try to trash OOT and say the atrocious dogshit known as Wind Waker or Majoras Mask were better always seem to list Aounuma’s own “great accomplishments” in OOT’s development (without even knowing it) as their main major criticism’s and reasons for why the garbage solely directed by Aounuma ie WW/MM are supposedly better.

They bring up the in their opinion the atrociously designed water temple and Navi’s apparently very annoying to them “Hey listen!”nagging catchphrase behavior over and over again as reasons for why MM/WW are oh so superior in their tiny minds.

Yet getting to my point these sad little bastards otherwise known as Aounuma dicksuckers are utterly and completely unaware that Aounuma was responsible for not only Navi’s nagging whine that apparently bothered them so much but also every dungeon in the game including the water temple they oh so visciously supposedly hated.

MM/WW should be heavily criticized by even those people out there that loved their boring Aounuma puzzle based gameplay since both games were left glaringly unfinished ie believe it has been said by Aounuma himself I believe that MM was supposed to have four more temples and WW at least three more to help flesh out its story.

Now Nintendo could get away with the excuse that since MM was made nearing the end of the N64’s lifespan it had to be left unfinished because they were focusing on the GameCube but they have no viable excuse after that with WW. They can’t even credibly blame the overwhelming negative fan backlash to WW’s hideously ugly bait n switch graphical change over for it being left unfinished as it unlike MM was a Gamecube game released early in the system’s life but Nintendo fanboys being the pathetic sycophants that they are continued to give Nintendo a pass for this anyway.

The fact of the matter is every die hard MM/WW fan should’ve raised hell over the Wind Waker HD remake and MM3DS remakes still not being finished after all this time Nintendo had to do so and create new and finished content for them that would fully justify the remakes/remasters price points but Nintendo knows its loyal base of idiotic sycophantic fanboys will slurp up any dog slop they feed them without question and so MM and WW remain unfinished to this day.

And yes I already know the various excuses Aounuma later came out with about WW going unfinished but even if he and his team did combine three intended dungeons into one the game is still sorely lacking in content and there’s no reason at all Aounuma and Nintendo couldn’t of gotten one of their various lower level (apart from the main Zelda team) on the proverbial ball creating a plethora of new dungeons and island content that truly would’ve made a WW remake worth a buy, to not only it’s die hard fans, but even its longtime ardent haters, if for no other reason than to experience all the new game content.
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Welp, there goes mankind. :feelsokman:
I want the nukes to go off. Why would I stop the one thing that can do more than all of humanity's nuclear arsenal combined in one detonation?
I would say to earthlings "give me cute virgin gf and lots of money and maybe I'll save you"

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