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Would you rather escape Inceldom but all other Incels stay Incel OR you stay Incel and all other Incels escape Inceldom?

What would you choose?

  • You escape Inceldom and get a GF but all other Incels continue to suffer

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • You remain as the last lonely Incel but all other Incels escape Inceldom and get GF's

    Votes: 27 47.4%

  • Total voters
i'll take one for the team
I want what is best for all of us but ultimately I have to put myself first.
Greater good, I'm old anyway too late for me
Become a martyr. But before I died I’d go ER on cucktears
Sorry guys, but every man for himself
Of course I'll choose to escape
6 years ago that would be a hard question but I'm not a Jesus Christ anymore. All of you could fucking die, you're just letters in the internet for me.
If every former incel in the world would bum me a dollar for it at least I'd be a rich lonely incel
Goodbye boyos, I'm ascending. The only reason is that I know y'all would turn into degenerates, and I don't want you to become degenerates.
6 years ago that would be a hard question but I'm not a Jesus Christ anymore. All of you could fucking die, you're just letters in the internet for me.

I can't get attached to anyone. Especially in the net.
Serious question... Have you been diagnosed with autism? It's an autistic trait.
sorry guys, im becoming a a chad
I have to put myself first, sorry.
You escape Inceldom and get a GF but all other Incels continue to suffer - 53.3%
You remain as the last lonely Incel but all other Incels escape Inceldom and get GF's - 46.7%

WTF, this is why I say most of you fuckers here are egoists, and the only difference between you and chad is that you are less attractive, you like to speak as though you're somehow better than normies "deep down", especially the "anti-degeneracy squad", but you aren't. At least there are still some good ones here, I don't even see how the first one is a choice, the second one is THE ONLY CHOICE.

1. You could save the lives of millions of men, and being incel is only bad because you lack access to sex (well for me, don't care much for the companionship part of romantic relationship, no "feelings" really in me at this point). Just fuck prostitutes, so you get to live on as the legendary God emperor of incels, incel jesus that sacrificed himself for everyone, and the only downside is that you have to pay for sex.

2. You idiots who chose the first one aren't thinking this through, and probably aren't very detail oriented, I like how most of you become so blue pilled at the drop of a pin, like all the black pill knowledge just falls right out of your head the slightest chance you get to escape, even a damn thought experiment made you forget important OBVIOUS FLAWS in the first choice. OP might as well just rename the thread to - "Who here is actually just a failed normie and not really black pilled".

Here's some obvious flaws that shows how bad your foresight is (to those who chose a random whore over your brothers in arms), the choice only states that YOU GET A GF:

IT DOESN'T STATE HER LEVEL OF ATTRACTIVENESS (Could be selling out your comrades for a 1/10 land whale smh lol)
IT DOESN'T STATE THAT SHE'LL EVEN HAVE SEX WITH YOU ON A CONSISTENT BASIS (or how long you'll have to wait to get it)

Its vague and open ended (and I believe it is like that on purpose), you guys are jumping ship so easily without any guarantees.

>Inb4 - "Well all those things you listed are assumed to obviously be part of the deal"

No they aren't, the most i'll give you is the sex part, because very rarely will a woman even be your GF unless she wants to have sex with you, but her never leaving you or cheating on you is not a guarantee, and her attractiveness level is not even stated.

This is some sad shit, I expected to see the results extremely skewed in the other direction, THE RIGHT DIRECTION

Some of you here are rightfully incel, you're really just terrible individuals
You escape Inceldom and get a GF but all other Incels continue to suffer - 53.3%
You remain as the last lonely Incel but all other Incels escape Inceldom and get GF's - 46.7%

WTF, this is why I say most of you fuckers here are egoists, and the only difference between you and chad is that you are less attractive, you like to speak as though you're somehow better than normies "deep down", especially the "anti-degeneracy squad", but you aren't. At least there are still some good ones here, I don't even see how the first one is a choice, the second one is THE ONLY CHOICE.

1. You could save the lives of millions of men, and being incel is only bad because you lack access to sex (well for me, don't care much for the companionship part of romantic relationship, no "feelings" really in me at this point). Just fuck prostitutes, so you get to live on as the legendary God emperor of incels, incel jesus that sacrificed himself for everyone, and the only downside is that you have to pay for sex.

2. You idiots who chose the first one aren't thinking this through, and probably aren't very detail oriented, I like how most of you become so blue pilled at the drop of a pin, like all the black pill knowledge just falls right out of your head the slightest chance you get to escape, even a damn thought experiment made you forget important OBVIOUS FLAWS in the first choice. OP might as well just rename the thread to - "Who here is actually just a failed normie and not really black pilled".

Here's some obvious flaws that shows how bad your foresight is (to those who chose a random whore over your brothers in arms), the choice only states that YOU GET A GF:

IT DOESN'T STATE HER LEVEL OF ATTRACTIVENESS (Could be selling out your comrades for a 1/10 land whale smh lol)
IT DOESN'T STATE THAT SHE'LL EVEN HAVE SEX WITH YOU ON A CONSISTENT BASIS (or how long you'll have to wait to get it)

Its vague and open ended (and I believe it is like that on purpose), you guys are jumping ship so easily without any guarantees.

>Inb4 - "Well all those things you listed are assumed to obviously be part of the deal"

No they aren't, the most i'll give you is the sex part, because very rarely will a woman even be your GF unless she wants to have sex with you, but her never leaving you or cheating on you is not a guarantee, and her attractiveness level is not even stated.

This is some sad shit, I expected to see the results extremely skewed in the other direction, THE RIGHT DIRECTION

Some of you here are rightfully incel, you're really just terrible individuals
Why the fuck would I need to care about anyone but myself? This isn't a hero contest.
i'm a selfish motherfucker lol goodbye
I'd only agree to be the only incel if they agreed to be Muslims and had a decent marriage with a decent woman, but otherwise, no.
Yeah I understand. Unfortunately most people on here want to be degenerates themselves..
Yeah I understand. Unfortunately most people on here want to be degenerates themselves..
That's why they're going to lose both lives, this and the afterlife. Imagine finally dying as an incel after 80 years of suffering like hell and then waking up in the real hell to continue your ride for eternity, kek.
I’ll take one for the team too

Fuck everyone who voted to escap. You basically just put pussy on a pedestal like a cuck. Guess it’s what some of you will ever be anyway.
Would all the escaped Incels become bluepilled normies or would they become blackpilled chadlites/high tier normies? I'd take myself over bluepilled cucks, but if society changed for the better I'd take one for the team.
Fuck y’all I’m trynna get my dick wet.

/s (kind of)
I’ll take one for the team too

Fuck everyone who voted to escap. You basically just put pussy on a pedestal like a cuck. Guess it’s what some of you will ever be anyway.
I'd get married and have kids if i could escape. However, most incels who would escape would engage in degenrate activites like foursome with whores and fucking any girl they see with no reason and behave like horny animals. Why would i suffer for anyone to do those degenrate, disgusting stuff ?
If I choose myself, then I'd be a beta.
If I chose others, then I'd be a cuck and others would be betas.

I'm going to go with C) Death to all slags and numales
Id remain incel then sui as i would have no one else but blackpilled articles. Kind of like being on SlutHate.
I like you niggas but there's no chance that I would choose to suffer for any of you. If you seriously would choose the second option, there's something very wrong with you.
If I escaped inceldom, I would come back eventually. Maintaining relationships is hard as fuuuuuuck. You have to be able to put up with so much to make it last.
Lead the beta male revolution.
I would free you all in an instant. No regret
Im mentally fucked beyond belief. Its over for me. I do it for the youngcels
That's why they're going to lose both lives, this and the afterlife. Imagine finally dying as an incel after 80 years of suffering like hell and then waking up in the real hell to continue your ride for eternity, kek.
It's over for kafircels.
They'll have to swallow the hellpill after they die. This will be 1000000000x harder to swallow than the blackpill.
Agreed. The hellpill is the worst pill of them all.
Gonna have to say
For me.

Stay Incel and let others escape.
depends on wether the others at least know what i sacrificed for them and show me gratitude. It would be horrible suicide fuel beeing the last lonely person left on earth, while there is no one left who can relate to you
I'd get married and have kids if i could escape. However, most incels who would escape would engage in degenrate activites like foursome with whores and fucking any girl they see with no reason and behave like horny animals. Why would i suffer for anyone to do those degenrate, disgusting stuff ?
The self-righteousness.

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