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Would you rather be Chad that works in construction or Angel Di Maria?

Chad or Angel Di Maria

  • Total voters


Nov 16, 2017
poll motherfuckaz

this is A[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ngel Di Maria[/font]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]he plays soccer/football for Paris St. Germain and Argentina national[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ULTIMATE QUESTION[/font]
pretty tight guys

anyone with more in-depth explanation?
Being a construction worker is sexually appealing.
How is this even a question?
Chad easily.
Chad is love
Chad is life
NekoStance said:
What do you mean?

Chad looks or incel looks? How is that a question? I would rather work as a "feces inspector" Chad than an incel subhuman millionare. If I looked like that guy, I would kill myself in an instant.
obviously Di Maria, he enjoys life, he gets laid easily, he has insanely huge social circle of succesful people, he gets to choose whatever he wants to purchase etc

not even debatable
Chad, chad, chad, chad, chad, chad!!!
Di Maria obviously. When you have THAT level of status you're getting laid regardless.

It's not even remotely close.
Soccer player.

If you pick poor chad you are dumb.
itsOVER said:
Di Maria obviously. When you have THAT level of status you're getting laid regardless.

It's not even remotely close.

But imagine having Chad's face and body, that beats any money.

I wouldn't trade my current looks for Angel Di Maria and his career, as I'd just end up killing myself,
CopingGymcel said:
You made him look like a 12 year old.

Do you still do tinder experiments? It would funny to see how many matches my morph gets.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Do you still do tinder experiments?  It would funny to see how many matches my morph gets.

Of course I can do it. I'll make a thread with the results (without your face of course).
CopingGymcel said:
Of course I can do it. I'll make a thread with the results (without your face of course).

I mean my Angel Di Maria morph I just posted.

I'm already running tinder morph game with my own pic.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
I mean my Angel Di Maria morph I just posted.  

I'm already running tinder morph game with my own pic.

With his morph? Looks too unreal, probably wouldn't get any matches.
CopingGymcel said:
But imagine having Chad's face and body, that beats any money.

I wouldn't trade my current looks for Angel Di Maria and his career, as I'd just end up killing myself,

Look, the guy gets laid with 10s every night. He does a couple of hours training a day then every Saturday is idolised by millions. He'll retire by 35 and will be able to sit in his McMansion having foursomes with the hottest girls on the planet. He'll have the money for the best medical care when older, and so will still be fucking chicks long after Chad the construction worker has had a heart attack and is in the ground. It's not like he's gonna get cucked so often as the girl wouldn't risk losing out on the opportunity to be with him and his stacks of cash. And if he does, who the fuck cares, he can replace her with a new model quality girl with a click of his fingers.

Most everyone looks like shit from age 40, even Chad. Di Maria will be banging 18 year olds all his life, while Chad eventually is gonna need to settle for some ex-Stacy unless he's one of the rare few David Beckham tier Chads who peak in their 30s and 40s. And if he's working on a construction site, that lifestyle is gonna erode his good looks pretty fast.

This aint even close and we just look like retards for even discussing it.
itsOVER said:
Look, the guy gets laid with 10s every night. He does a couple of hours training a day then every Saturday is idolised by millions. He'll retire by 35 and will be able to sit in his McMansion having foursomes with the hottest girls on the planet. He'll have the money for the best medical care when older, and so will still be fucking chicks long after Chad the construction worker has had a heart attack and is in the ground. It's not like he's gonna get cucked so often as the girl wouldn't risk losing out on the opportunity to be with him and his stacks of cash. And if he does, who the fuck cares, he can replace her with a new model quality girl with a click of his fingers.

Most everyone looks like shit from age 40, even Chad. Di Maria will be banging 18 year olds all his life, while Chad eventually is gonna need to settle for some ex-Stacy unless he's one of the rare few David Beckham tier Chads who peak in their 30s and 40s. And if he's working on a construction site, that lifestyle is gonna erode his good looks pretty fast.

This aint even close and we just look like retards for even discussing it.

Doesn't matter. If I looked like that, I would commit suicide regardless. Face = life.

Picking Chad is such an easy choice, it's not even close.
CopingGymcel said:
But imagine having Chad's face and body, that beats any money.

I wouldn't trade my current looks for Angel Di Maria and his career, as I'd just end up killing myself,

another fakecel here, fuck sake, anyone's gona take care of this forum or what

itsOVER said:
This aint even close and we just look like retards for even discussing it.

everyone who picks chad is coping hard
If it wasn't for his loooooong midface I would pick Angel Di Maria.

Almost any other flaw can be fixed via cosmetic surgery, but a long midface can't be fixed with any surgery known to man.
dr-problematic said:
another fakecel here, fuck sake, anyone's gona take care of this forum or what

I'm fakecel because I mog [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Angel Di Maria? Ok. [/font]
CopingGymcel said:
I'm fakecel because I mog [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Angel Di Maria? Ok. [/font]

if u mog di maria u r avg, and thats good enough for sex and rs
dr-problematic said:
if u mog di maria u r avg, and thats good enough for sex and rs

My social skills are garbage and I have no friends. Good luck to me. I will actively try to get laid when I get to single digit body fat, but for now, I am in the process of looksmaxing.
Anyone who is picking Chad is overrating looks. Yes, looks is the number 1 thing in 'normal' life (i.e. when normal, average people with average jobs meet each other).

But status is a huge thing, it's just most people don't have any so it's irrelevant. Take a look at the music band 'The Beatles' from the UK. All of them were ugly as fuck, and by all rights should have been incel. But girls went fucking wild for them every gig they went to. Why? Because of their massive status.

If you have celebrity level status looks is less important. Sure, for normal life looks is everything, but not if we're talking about multi millionaire football players.
itsOVER said:
Anyone who is picking Chad is overrating looks. Yes, looks is the number 1 thing in 'normal' life (i.e. when normal, average people with average jobs meet each other).

But status is a huge thing, it's just most people don't have any so it's irrelevant. Take a look at the music band 'The Beatles' from the UK. All of them were ugly as fuck, and by all rights should have been incel. But girls went fucking wild for them every gig they went to. Why? Because of their massive status.

If you have celebrity level status looks is less important. Sure, for normal life looks is everything, but not if we're talking about multi millionaire football players.

But imagine the dopamine rush you would get from just looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, it would be enough dopamine to last you throughout an entire month. Imagine girls who wet themselves from just walking past you. You would mog every single person around you and 100% of women would find you attractive. You guys underestimate the power of looks. Money can't buy the power and feeling that top tier looks gets you.
CopingGymcel said:
But imagine the dopamine rush you would get from just looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, it would be enough dopamine to last you throughout an entire month. Imagine girls who wet themselves from just walking past you. You would mog every single person around you and 100% of women would find you attractive. You guys underestimate the power of looks. Money can't buy the power and feeling that top tier looks gets you.

Who gets laid more? Di Maria.
Who fucks the higher quality girls? Di Maria.
Who will always be fucking high-quality girls, long after Chad is past his prime? Di Maria.
Who can buy whatever he wants? Di Maria.
Who will live longer, and thus fuck more? Di Maria.
If both Chad and Di Maria go for the same girl, who gets to fuck her? Yeah that's right, it's Di Maria. Di Maria literally gets to cuck Chad with his money and status.

You're focusing only on the money, and while that's important, the big equaliser here is status. Di Maria has such status...he's literally adored by millions and is a global superstar. At that point, it's status over looks.

This thread would be better if it compared say, a successful (but unknown) multimillionaire businessman vs Chad the builder. That's a closer battle.
itsOVER said:
Who gets laid more? Di Maria.
Who fucks the higher quality girls? Di Maria.
Who will always be fucking high-quality girls, long after Chad is past his prime? Di Maria.
Who can buy whatever he wants? Di Maria.
Who will live longer, and thus fuck more? Di Maria.
If both Chad and Di Maria go for the same girl, who gets to fuck her? Yeah that's right, it's Di Maria. Di Maria literally gets to cuck Chad with his money and status.

You're focusing only on the money, and while that's important, the big equaliser here is status. Di Maria has such status...he's literally adored by millions and is a global superstar. At that point, it's status over looks.

This thread would be better if it compared say, a successful (but unknown) multimillionaire businessman vs Chad the builder. That's a closer battle.

Doesn't matter who gets laid more, it's all about how having Chad looks makes you feel. I am sure the average Chad is happier than that rat. His incel genes and constantly working out (stressing his heart) won't make him outlive a Chad. 

I am sure a lot of girls would pick Chad over him. Just lol if you think hot girls don't reject him, fame doesn't completely change girls sexual preferences, for some, but not for all.

Chad's life > ugly professional footballer.


His wife is some old used up 4.5/10 roastie, just lol. You guys overestimate the power of fame.
Angel di maria, he get cucked from chad neymar and cavani, but i would get paid in millions so idgf
CopingGymcel said:
Doesn't matter who gets laid more, it's all about how having Chad looks makes you feel. I am sure the average Chad is happier than that rat. His incel genes and constantly working out (stressing his heart) won't make him outlive a Chad. 

I am sure a lot of girls would pick Chad over him. Just lol if you think hot girls don't reject him, fame doesn't completely change girls sexual preferences, for some, but not for all.

Chad's life > ugly professional footballer.


His wife is some old used up 4.5/10 roastie, just lol. You guys overestimate the power of fame.

his wife is 4.5 cuz hes been with her since begining and shes real, he could marry some 9/10 chick, but whats the point if itd be fake
CopingGymcel said:
But imagine having Chad's face and body, that beats any money.

I wouldn't trade my current looks for Angel Di Maria and his career, as I'd just end up killing myself,
I swear, I can't tell how many people here are trolling or for real. Yeah, just kill yourself when you're a successful athlete with status, money and can get laid whenever the fuck he wants and is set for life.
CopingGymcel said:
Doesn't matter who gets laid more, it's all about how having Chad looks makes you feel. I am sure the average Chad is happier than that rat.
You're so disconnected from reality that I don't even know where to start. He has a loyal gf, an elite job, excellent health, status, wealth and a great social circle. Who cares about looks when they're irrelevant after you've attracted a loyal mate who you love, which he's done. At this point he's cruising
kms in both situations. i would hate being a football player and i would hate doing construction shit
dr-problematic said:
his wife is 4.5 cuz hes been with her since begining and shes real, he could marry some 9/10 chick, but whats the point if itd be fake

You know who it wouldn't be fake for? CHAD.
People here are really underestimating how hard it is to become a soccer pro in Europe in a prime club. I'm from a country where soccer is huge and I know people who played every second of their youth and didn't even manage to get into the third league (not one of them). Even if it doesn't manifest in his looks, this guy is genetic prime material, worth more than all our lives combined TBH.
Chad construction worker by far. Years ago there was this handsome ripped construction worker (and a few other fat ones) that were working on something in our neighborhood. All the neighborhood MILF's (many of whom were married to beta doctors and lawyers) were going on about how "sexy" the guy was and talking about having an affair with him. Just LOL if you think money will save you as an incel.
Redpill Robert said:
Chad construction worker by far. Years ago there was this handsome ripped construction worker (and a few other fat ones) that were working on something in our neighborhood. All the neighborhood MILF's (many of whom were married to beta doctors and lawyers) were going on about how "sexy" the guy was and talking about having an affair with him. Just LOL if you think money will save you as an incel.

JFL if you think most young Chads who have nothing going on for them other than their looks won't end up as 40 yo average fucks whose once great looks fade as fast as their dopamine level when they get older. Being old necessarily means being miserable especially if you're not rich while soccer stars in Europe are literally considered gods and people pray to them and build churches to worship their greatness. I prefer being more than a human.
Redpill Robert said:
Chad construction worker by far. Years ago there was this handsome ripped construction worker (and a few other fat ones) that were working on something in our neighborhood. All the neighborhood MILF's (many of whom were married to beta doctors and lawyers) were going on about how "sexy" the guy was and talking about having an affair with him. Just LOL if you think money will save you as an incel.

THIS! Chad is a god among men, us mortals cannot compare. I'd choose being able to mog 90% of the population over millions any day.
NuMale said:
JFL if you think most young Chads who have nothing going on for them other than their looks won't end up as 40 yo average fucks whose once great looks fade as fast as their dopamine level when they get older. Being old necessarily means being miserable especially if you're not rich while soccer stars in Europe are literally considered gods and people pray to them and build churches to worship their greatness. I prefer being more than a human.
Yeah, and when you're young you're in your prime. Not much matters after that (barring getting famous or something anyways) despite what copers say. Plus AGAIN women don't give a shit if a guy "has anything going for them" unless they're looking for a beta provider.
jagged0 said:
THIS! Chad is a god among men, us mortals cannot compare. I'd choose being able to mog 90% of the population over millions any day.

You know you wouldn't be Dorian Gray though? Every look into the mirror would make you feel a little worse, every day you can see your look fade away and on some day your prime will be just a vague memory. You'll just be a fucking construction worker.

Redpill Robert said:
Yeah, and when you're young you're in your prime. Not much matters after that (barring getting famous or something anyways) despite what copers say. Plus AGAIN women don't give a shit if a guy "has anything going for them" unless they're looking for a beta provider.

Most people here claim that they will instantly kill themselves when they get older because life past prime isn't worth it. But that's exactly what every edgy teenager says. I'm willing to bet that most here will be too weak and coward to actually do it and just live long miserable lives getting old and not even writing history while doing it.
BUMP because this guy was playing for his country just an hour ago. He didn't look bad at all.

It's funny that 60% chose some boring generic Chad tbh which I think is the wrong choice
I wonder if any would change their mind now
Wouldn't show my face on TV if I looked like him. Probably had a shitty childhood due to his looks and now after all the money/statusmaxxing this is what he had to settle for
FIFA Ballon dOr Gala 2014
Wouldn't show my face on TV if I looked like him
Major cope he's a multi-millionaire that plays football for his nation, all over the world. You're some coping nobody subhuman in your basement.
Major cope he's a multi-millionaire that plays football for his nation, all over the world. You're some coping nobody subhuman in your basement.
Ride his dick some more, I don't give a fuck about his wealth. Also this isn't about me vs him, it's him vs chad you mongoloid.
Chad. Construction isn't so bad if you get into a skilled trade.
Di Maria, all day. I'd kill to be as good as him at football.
Ride his dick some more, I don't give a fuck about his wealth. Also this isn't about me vs him, it's him vs chad you mongoloid.
Cope. Lol @ you saying that by your own retarded gay logic you are riding Chad's dick

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