Many. They invaded north Spain, north Italy, the Balkans and Greece, eastern Europe, north Africa, even as far as the Middle East during the Crusades and such. everywhere pretty much. Then their descendants move around and spread their genes even further.
Of course the pure Germanic genes are diluted in the more far away places. Look up the Germanic expansion. Germanics are originally from southern Norway, southern Sweden, Denmark/Jutland, and northern Germany.
Blondism is EXCLUSIVELY a Germanic trait. If you are blonde and from somewhere else YOU DESCEND from Germanics whether recently or very long ago. Blue eyes are a result of various genes and mutations so there are multiple blue eye genes, but the Germanic light eye genes are also exclusive to them and most common among them and they are strong genes (look at racemixed people, the light eye genes many times are dominant over the shit eyes). Also very pale skin that TURNS RED under the sun is another Germanic trait.
This is pure fact boy, the Romans were describing the Germanics as such two thousand plus years ago. And back then Germanics were VERY pure to the point Germanic tribes were 100% blonde and blue/light eyed. After their expansion they brought back wives from other non-Germanic tribes and that among other occurrences reduced the 100% figure to slightly lower figures.
Germanics are the master race. I as a lowly southron accept this.