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Venting Would you hit a foid?



Big Papí
Jun 11, 2018
On the inside I really want to sometimes. But I’m too high inhib to do it. One time my sister and her annoying ass friend wouldn’t leave my space and when I went away for a minute they went on my computer and opened my porn history and we’re laughing at it when I came back. I was so mad I threw a shoe at my sister. I respect guys who hit foids
I would only hit a foid in self defense. Otherwise i have no reason. Im notna violent abusive person.
If she attacked me, then yes. If you want to act like a man, I’ll treat you like one.
Ive always beat the crap out my sister's growing up.
I would block a foid who is gonna slap me and then hit her with a spinning kick.
Only in self defense and if it were strictly necessary, I'm not a violent person
i would judo chop flip flop clip clop a bitch into the next dimension if she gave me reason to
Hitting in terms of knocking her the fuck out, hell no.
But I wouldn't hesitate to show her who's boss.
Blackpill: foids love to be hit by hot tall guys

Foid subconscious thought process is something like this:
- I’m being hit by a hot tall guy
- he’s my boyfriend
- these are hot girl problems
- I have hot girl problems
- I’m a hot girl. Tall hot guys want to fuck me. I’m winning..

Ugly girls don’t have these “problems”.. being an ugly girl is orders of magnitude worse than being hit or raped or whatever..

Apply the same logic to rape and rape accusations. The underlying text is that a foid is experiencing hot girl problems, so she must be part of the hot girl club and “ugh why do all boys want to fuck me, life is hard as a beautiful girl” and “I’m so hot guys would risk jail just to get up in my holes, my life is hard, I’m a victim, follow me on Instagram”
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Probably. But I don’t hit anyone unless provoked.
If she provoked me then yes bro
There is no need to write the question as future declension.
I've hit my sisters before, never really out of anger but if they really annoyed me I would just punch then in the arm or sumn (didnt happen often). Closest I've ever gotten to actually hitting a foid was when I "restrained" some bitch who tried to rip me off in highschool (inb4 chad I was selling her paraphanlia and she tried to cut me short so i just grabbed her and got her to cough up my cash, looking back I'm lucky I didnt get a rape allagation)
Volcel if wouldnt
Depends, self defence is a good situation to hit anyone to be honest.
By the way, yeah looking through someone's computer is kind of a dick move.
I've hit my sisters before, never really out of anger but if they really annoyed me I would just punch then in the arm or sumn (didnt happen often). Closest I've ever gotten to actually hitting a foid was when I "restrained" some bitch who tried to rip me off in highschool (inb4 chad I was selling her paraphanlia and she tried to cut me short so i just grabbed her and got her to cough up my cash, looking back I'm lucky I didnt get a rape allagation)
Wtf, I would have beat the shit out of anyone trying to steal my stuffs.
ill use my dick to settle these matters instead of my fists
this year I severly beat a foid at the bus stop.
she was smoking (against the law) and I asked her not to.
she said she gonna continue in spite, so I started saying hadouken repeatedly
near her every 3 seconds, for about 2 minutes when the dumb cunt finally had enough and attacked me,
and managed to scratch my face, but soon enough she was on the ground with me punching her face repeatedly.

the bus pulled over and 2 white knights separated the fight.
when I got to work all the foids thought I had raped someone because of the bloody scratches on my neck and face.
Would love to, but no matter what, the cops are gonna take her side. And if there are negroes in the holding cell I'm put in, that's an automatic ass rape.
I wanna bitchslap noodlewhores hard accross the face with a dead slimy fish
I'll hurt anyone who threatens me
Ive always beat the crap out my sister's growing up.

Same, but with my sister and cousin. I didn’t go out of the way to do so, they would antagonize me. Of course their side was always taken

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