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Would you care if the girl enjoys herself?



Feb 9, 2018
If you eventually managed to have sex, would you care if the girl cums/enjoys herself?
I don’t think I would care tbh, I would probably enjoy it more if it was painful and not fun for her.
Normies can detect that and that’s why you’re incel. Meanwhile good-looking rapists are beloved by some of those same normies.
i'd make her cum at least 3 times, or try my very best to.
If you eventually managed to have sex, would you care if the girl cums/enjoys herself?
I don’t think I would care tbh, I would probably enjoy it more if it was painful and not fun for her.

Yeah. I mean if you make her enjoy it chances are, she'll fuck you again.
Yes I would care and she should enjoy it
Nope, ideally she'd be circumcised.
Yes so she would come back for more.
Yes I would lick her feet and eat her pussy and ass if she wanted me to.
why would I care? She's not entitled to have enjoyable sex
At this stage I wouldn’t give a fuck about even having sex with a femoid. I lost my virginity to an escort a month or so ago and it was crap. I’m in my late 30s, it’s far too late for me to ever have a positive view of women or sex.
At this stage I wouldn’t give a fuck about even having sex with a femoid. I lost my virginity to an escort a month or so ago and it was crap. I’m in my late 30s, it’s far too late for me to ever have a positive view of women or sex.
What did you not enjoy about escortceling?
This is why a big sufficient dick is crucial, not having the ability to pleasure a girl is death sentence, if she's not enjoying it, it means I failed as a man. this crucial for companionship,marriage,ltr,
And having sex more than once with the same girl
This is why a big sufficient dick is crucial, not having the ability to pleasure a girl is death sentence, if she's not enjoying it, it means I failed as a man. this crucial for companionship,marriage,ltr,
And having sex more than once with the same girl
Yeah but dick size is just a cope for basement dwelling incels like us.
Yeah but dick size is just a cope for basement dwelling incels like us.
Nope, big dick will equal confidence and low inhibition, Imagine having a monster 9incher, I would be on omegle, waving my anaconda over the webcam. Also irl I would be a big time degenerate
Nope, big dick will equal confidence and low inhibition, Imagine having a monster 9incher, I would be on omegle, waving my anaconda over the webcam. Also irl I would be a big time degenerate
I can easily get to 8 inches in a span of 1,5-2 years and I am still a high inhib socially awkward guy. The only thing that would give me confidence at this point is a prettier face and height
tbh i wouldnt mind not cumming from sex if it means my oneitis♥ enjoys my penis and only mine and will love me
Of course yes, i dont stop fucking until the bitch cums or my muscles gets paralised.

Do the woman cum > Yourself cum.

I could say more here but im afraid of getting banned by bragging @_@
I stop once the girls cums and don’t even finish myself.
What did you not enjoy about escortceling?

I found sex lame and boring. My dick could barely feel anything through then condom... sure maybe I’ve destroyed all the nerve endings with years of desth grip... it just seemed pointless.
I found sex lame and boring. My dick could barely feel anything through then condom... sure maybe I’ve destroyed all the nerve endings with years of desth grip... it just seemed pointless.
I feel you a lot of former virgins say this, were you able to nut?
So many cucks ITT.
Depends on the context.
Nah. Also, if any of you ever escape remember to never perform oral
if it was an LTR, but those don't exist in current year.

theres some blackpill stat pic showing 90% of sluts orgasm during rape cant find it now though
That is impossible since I am dickcel.
No, I only care if I get off. Female orgasm is disgusting and degenerate anyway. But if the sluts manages to get one, whatever, I won't stop her.
My "excellent" english will not let me express this point perfectly. Ayn Rand talked about the selfishness of empathy. You earn something by doing something good, even if it's something immaterial like a heartwarming sensation/feeling.

What's important is not the fact that the woman is feeling pleasure. What's important is the validation of make her having a orgasm. Knowing that you are physically capable of it.
Making a cunt orgasm is an ego boost.
Yes if there was a chance of fucking her again or if I plan on joining there social circle for later fucks because otherwise you will get mocked and ruin any future chances. No if its just some random hookup (like if that could ever happen lol)
My "excellent" english will not let me express this point perfectly. Ayn Rand talked about the selfishness of empathy. You earn something by doing something good, even if it's something immaterial like a heartwarming sensation/feeling.

What's important is not the fact that the woman is feeling pleasure. What's important is the validation of make her having a orgasm. Knowing that you are physically capable of it.
Making a cunt orgasm is an ego boost.
kek nice sig
My biggest concern is coming across as at least a little bit experienced, just to keep the attraction going. I would love to please a foid and make her cum lots.

With hookers, I am focussed on myself but I put in effort to be a good john, smell good and be polite etc.
I'd imagine making a women cum would make you feel quite powerful, I'd do extensive oral and fingering
I don't care about such trivial things tbh.
Not really, depends on the realationship though

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