That might be true, I guess. I was raised in an environment where formal education is very important, but looking at the current education system in the west with all of its bullshit, maybe it isn't as important as it used to be.
What are some things that you would look for in a girl who hadn't graduated HS?
Calling my perception of another person's intelligence a "je ne sais quoi" is I guess low-IQ or at least low-effort I suppose.
It probably is important to try and quantify something like that because if we rely on uncontemplated instinct then that could be prone to emotional influence where we idealize someone's traits for unrelated reasons.
It would probably come across in conversation: what she wants to talk about, how she talks about it.
I guess it's not just intelligence (least not in a narrow sense, though in a broader sense lately there have been "several intelligences" monikers like -emotional intelligence- etc) but also other values and just habits of interaction.
Formal education probably is important for the most part to success, but I don't think success alone is what we offer to a relationship.
If we complemented each other in a lot of ways and gave each other impetus to strive then upgrading to a HS diploma shouldn't be too hard.
Apparently I need to read the NHK manga because the anime-style Misaki I adore is different from the manga-style one, though I think I'll like her too.
Of course the black-pill is also finding out that the manga/LN more strongly implies that Satou ascended in HS meaning Misaki wasn't helping a lonely virgin just a lonely descended newcel who prob hadn't gone without sex more than 5 years. =/
Of course i would jfl, all women are dumb
There were some asian girls in my HS who did pretty well in math.
"All women" bullshit like this makes me think you're some IT plant here to drum up images of our alleged misogyny.
You registered two weeks ago?
Obviously NAWALT just because on average men have better math instincts.
He's probably an IT plant.
Also why does he capitalize the first letter of his sentence but not "i" twice?
its preferable for them not to be educated in anything I don't tell them to be educated in
This sounds moronic.
The ability to speak itself is an education.
You don't want her to know any words/language until she's met you and got permission?
It's a catch-22 because you can't give her permission to learn language until she has learned it.
Some things you just do to people for their own well-being, like expose them to useful info like language.
there are no women on stem lol
Yes there are, growing amounts AFAIK, though it's unclear how many match the average male student's passion or understanding.
This shouldn't even be a question. Educated whores are degenerate cunts while uneducated ones can be turned into trad wives.
I probably wouldn't like a 100% trad wife, trad wives can't play vidya with me because electricity hasn't been invented.
I really like Monika on many fronts because she is quite educated and she can look at herself and be self reflecitve which I think is a good quality to have.
guess I need to get around to watching LitClub, will put you on my list Neko
Educated woman = a woman with a large student debt.
not if daddy paid for it
Yes without second thoughts. Being loyal to me is enough also im stupid and uneducated.
Without intelligence how would you accurately assess if someone is loyal?
Also: RL dogs seem loyal but I don't want to marry a RL dog.
just because someone is not school smart doesnt mean he is socially and emotionally stupid and cant take care of himself
I agree with what you're conveying here, but choose to mock how you said it.
I think a clearer means might be something like "Being book-smart is not a prerequisite for emotional maturity, understanding social cues, or self-care".
I'm a great example of that because I did pretty decent in the maths/computers (til I went into LDAR mode) yet had and still largely have bad self-care habits, bad social instincts, and am what normies would call socially immature. I don't agree with the latter ob as I have different standards of what maturity is.
I mean I agree but I feel like school smarts is also a really huge aspect of a persons mentality
I think school-smarts themselves would acknowledge that this is a very wide field that should not be lumped together.
There are lots of other ways to build mentality aside from standardized curriculum.
I wonder if "she passed X courses" is just our lazy cheat codes to coming to conclusions about someone in an expedient way that doesn't require interacting with them much, or trusting our own witnessed judgment of who she presently is, as opposed to who educators thought she was.
A girl could get a PHD in electrical engineering and mog me mentally to hell, but then subsequently destroyed her brain via drugs (or maybe got in a car accident) and be an entirely different person.
Probably what we should be working on are ways to assess others, like at minimum being an active witness during passive interactions.
As long as she makes a good mother and proves that she's willing to take her time with kids, nothing else matters.
Taking time with kids doesn't necessarily mean you'd be a good parent though.
You could take your time teaching them BS.
Ultimate JB pill
I don't understand what you mean, explain?