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Experiment Would people irl be surprised if you uses incels.co?

If people irl knew you use incels.co, would they be shocked?

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honestly, the results are ruined because everyone assumes that because they're ugly everyone expects them to be here, no not at all. if you act bluepilled irl then nobody will think you go here
Are religious girls in your church groups noticeably different from 'normal' girls at school/work?
I have no (personal) contact with church girls (barely exist here) and no contact with girls at work (none exist).
But of the Christian (young) women I know, my impression is, they are very kind and more feminine than the average. But I know one young woman, who talked about abortion like it would be debatable.
The church is not part of culture like America here in Germany, so the people who go to church are mostly more dedicated to Christ and faith.
How do you rhyme Christian teaching with the fundamentally materialist perspective and male identitarian ethos in incel forums? I'd say the materialist and identitarian perspectives are inherently unchristian in about every assumption made about morality, the world, God and the afterlife.
What is male identitarian ethos? When it means talking as a male pro-male, then I don't see something wrong with it currently. Genesis speaks:
1.Mo 3:16 To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase your labor pains; with pain you will give birth to children. You will want to control your husband, but he will dominate you.”
To bring men (back)into power is the right way.
Where I would may have problems to love a (imaginary) wife, like Christ has loved the Church (a command in the New Testament), but this is beyond the realms of possibility anyway.
Mom, dad, brother, sisters, and a few friends, but I didn't tell all of them my username.
You just told them you use incel forums and they accepted it? Do they know what’s on incel forums?
I am absolutely hideous and subhuman, 100% truecel with a face that just looks like it was designed for the rope... People can just glance at me irl and know I post here. I look like someone who should be mercy killed in a gas chamber.
You just told them you use incel forums and they accepted it? Do they know what’s on incel forums?
I showed them the site and some threads, but I told them it was mostly about the blackpill and not about not being able to get free sex.
I showed them the site and some threads, but I told them it was mostly about the blackpill and not about not being able to get free sex.
Do they know what the blackpill is?
Do they know what the blackpill is?
I told them it was about hypergamy, and western sluts only wanting chads while using non-chad's tax money from the cucked government.
I told them it was about hypergamy, and western sluts only wanting chads while using non-chad's tax money from the cucked government.
Is your family blackpilled or bluepilled?
Yes. they would probably all ghost me in an instant

I’ve told some of my friends that I go on this site, and one of them has an account here but he’s not using it anymore.
Just out yourself as an incel theory
They think money is the most important, and talent. They never told me being a soyboy will get me pussy.
Talent. I guess I better guitarmaxx
Most athletes started at age 5
Those are lies to make everyone else give up.

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Random people outside would. My family wouldn't be
No because I am very ugly
I am rice, and NEVER inteact with women. I would be surprised if they were surprised.
Just because you’re ugly doesn’t mean ppl will assume you go on here. Most ugly people hate this forum
No, I'm the exact kind of person you'd expect to post here.
Fakecel if anyone would give a shit about you enough to give a shit.
Probably since I'm ugly and will say blackpilled stuff from time to time
I have no (personal) contact with church girls (barely exist here) and no contact with girls at work (none exist).
But of the Christian (young) women I know, my impression is, they are very kind and more feminine than the average. But I know one young woman, who talked about abortion like it would be debatable.
The church is not part of culture like America here in Germany, so the people who go to church are mostly more dedicated to Christ and faith.

What is male identitarian ethos? When it means talking as a male pro-male, then I don't see something wrong with it currently. Genesis speaks:
1.Mo 3:16 To the woman he said, “I will greatly increase your labor pains; with pain you will give birth to children. You will want to control your husband, but he will dominate you.”
To bring men (back)into power is the right way.
Where I would may have problems to love a (imaginary) wife, like Christ has loved the Church (a command in the New Testament), but this is beyond the realms of possibility anyway.
We need to reform christianity.
The only people I talk to irl are my parents, and I doubt that either of them would be shocked, given my age and lack of any experience with females at all. My dad is probably ashamed of me, he always seems to think the worst about me.

I'm also 90% sure that my dad believes I'm a pedophile, given some of the weird shit he's said to me, which is funny because when I was a teenager he was also obsessed with the idea that I'm gay (despite me having to tell him at least 20 times that I'm not). Also it's ironic considering lolis aren't what I like at all, most of the shit I fap to consists of something like 2D muscle girls and femdom stuff jfl. It's all because I purposely don't display my attraction to women, and I'm uncomfortable talking about it.
I'm also 90% sure that my dad believes I'm a pedophile, given some of the weird shit he's said to me, which is funny because when I was a teenager he was also obsessed with the idea that I'm gay (despite me having to tell him at least 20 times that I'm not). Also it's ironic considering lolis aren't what I like at all, most of the shit I fap to consists of something like 2D muscle girls and femdom stuff jfl. It's all because I purposely don't display my attraction to women, and I'm uncomfortable talking about it.
My parents glanced at my laptop once and probably saw a thread from here with the word "pedophilia" in it and now they think I'm a pedophile when it couldn't be further off.

I guess I can't say I'm surprised they made such a quick association given the fact that I'm ugly, used to have a pretty bad lazy eye, and still have eye asymmetry (droopy eye lid).
No one knows me in real life( except my parents) I'm a ghost basically everywhere. Though with a few more incel rebellions, my public image might transform from a ghost to a suspected manlet terrorist.
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I guess I can't say I'm surprised they made such a quick association given the fact that I'm ugly, used to have a pretty bad lazy eye, and still have eye asymmetry (droopy eye lid).
Yeah the core of these assumptions is probably just lookism tbh.
Well if we assume that the people i interact with in rl, know about the existence of incels and this forum. I'm guessing they wouldn't be very suprised by me having a account on here.

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