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Experiment Worst region for incels in the US?


  • West

  • Southwest

  • Midwest

  • Southeast

  • Northeast

  • Alaska

  • Hawaii

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Oct 7, 2018
West by far. Elliot really had no chance..
West, because of Chadfornia
Probably northeast. West would win if it were just California, but the Mormon belt is also there, and as a Mormon you have much better prospects of getting looksmatched virgin (or at least low mileage) wife.
Commiefornia, but Jew York seems equally brutal.
Southeast got 2 votes :feelshehe: because of Miami?
Probably northeast. West would win if it were just California, but the Mormon belt is also there, and as a Mormon you have much better prospects of getting looksmatched virgin (or at least low mileage) wife.

As someone who has lived in Utah and around Mormons this is true and not true at the same time. A lot of foids get married young/as virgins(though there are still huge sluts) but they tend to marry their highschool sweetheart Chad bf instead of their looksmatch. Incels still get treated like shit there but they also get marriage shamed because no foid will marry them and if you aren't married by at least your late 20s its seen as loserish. At least you aren't virgin shamed, though its not much better getting "RRREEE you don't have kids and are not married" shaming you get instead.
As someone who has lived in Utah and around Mormons this is true and not true at the same time. A lot of foids get married young/as virgins(though there are still huge sluts) but they tend to marry their highschool sweetheart Chad bf instead of their looksmatch. Incels still get treated like shit there but they also get marriage shamed because no foid will marry them and if you aren't married by at least your late 20s its seen as loserish. At least you aren't virgin shamed, though its not much better getting "RRREEE you don't have kids and are not married" shaming you get instead.
I got to know some American foid missionaries in my city some years ago, they were giving free English classes to try to lure people to be converted in the local Mormon church here. Since I was pretty much the only Brazilian who could speak enough English to communicate in a normal paced conversation, they ended up somewhat close to me during the classes (although they of course they never ever gave me any IOIs whatsoever).

I just checked the Facebook of a blonde one from Idaho and she's engaged with a guy who's slightly below her looksmatch and significantly balding, it was lifefuel for me to see that tbh. But I quit trying to be a Mormon because I knew as a Brazilian Mormon without much money I'd never ever have a chance to snatch an American white virgin foid as a wife. Even getting an ugly local used-up mulatto whore would already be above expectations.

Not to mention I never really believed Mormonism, if regular Christianity is already difficult enough to believe in, let alone that.
I got to know some American foid missionaries in my city some years ago, they were giving free English classes to try to lure people to be converted in the local Mormon church here. Since I was pretty much the only Brazilian who could speak enough English to communicate in a normal paced conversation, they ended up somewhat close to me during the classes (although they of course they never ever gave me any IOIs whatsoever).

I just checked the Facebook of a blonde one from Idaho and she's engaged with a guy who's slightly below her looksmatch and significantly balding, it was lifefuel for me to see that tbh. But I quit trying to be a Mormon because I knew as a Brazilian Mormon without much money I'd never ever have a chance to snatch an American white virgin foid as a wife. Even getting an ugly local used-up mulatto whore would already be above expectations.

Not to mention I never really believed Mormonism, if regular Christianity is already difficult enough to believe in, let alone that.
I wish I could like mormons more but after being forced to live with them I hate them with a passion.
I wish I could like mormons more but after being forced to live with them I hate them with a passion.
How did you manage to escape Mormon confines? Are your parents still Mormons?
As someone who has traveled all the regions except Alaska and Hawaii I can tell you that they're all shitty for an incel from the way people treat you. You might as well pick a location based on the taxes, demographics, and weather preferences. Culture and dating scenes aren't something an incel can fit into. Although NYC takes my pick as the top worst place to live. Shit weather, shit people, shit road infrastructure, always loud, expensive as all hell, lots of crime, city taxes, tons of liberals, no real space... I'll take a small town any day.
Northeast, the taxes, weather, hypergamy, etc.
Texas is utter hell
I lived in TX for 13 years and there is a serious population issue now with all the people moving in from other states. My parents are above Austin and if I wanted to get car insurance in that area the company would charge me $430 per month for minimum liability with a vehicle that's only worth $5000. Fuck. That.

I also prefer up north because cold weather > HOT AS SATAN'S ASS CRACK 10 MONTHS A YEAR.

My memories of Texas consist of always being a sweaty pig without exerting any physical energy, tropical levels of humidity, year round bugs such as flies getting into the house, low wages, millions of mexicans, and so many liberal retard trump haters from other states who kept moving here because they got priced out of their democrat shithole.
west, including alaska probably because the male population is higher there
How did you manage to escape Mormon confines? Are your parents still Mormons?
I'm not mormon and never was. My parents aren't Mormon either. I just went to a boarding school in Utah for a year.
I'm not mormon and never was. My parents aren't Mormon either. I just went to a boarding school in Utah for a year.
Oh I see. Did you suffer prejudice for not being a Mormon?
California seems like an incels worst nightmare warm weather year round so no excuss to stay inside women that wear practically nothing on beaches rich arrogant assholes constantly reminding you your low status no wonder ER went ER
Oh I see. Did you suffer prejudice for not being a Mormon?

yes (though once I got mistaken for Mormon and was helped by it. My parents were going 80 in a 50 zone while visiting but we didn't get in trouble since the cop thought he recognized me from temple jfl). They would get pissy if you mentioned not being a mormon/disagreed with them over one of their dumb rules. Whats worse is that most don't even follow all of them. I remember at least twice pointing out something had caffeine in it (Mormons can't drink caffeine) and the dumb fucks just said "no it doesn't" even though it said on the side of the bottle it did. Naturally even though we were not a Mormon school students were banned from drinking caffeine. They even tried saying we weren't allowed to drink it on home passes but my parents let me because they aren't dumb mormons.
California seems like an incels worst nightmare warm weather year round so no excuss to stay inside women that wear practically nothing on beaches rich arrogant assholes constantly reminding you your low status no wonder ER went ER
I dont know but i bet my life it is worse
Commiefornia, but Jew York seems equally brutal.
How bad is NYC compared to Chadfornia?
It depends honestly. The time of day, location etc. Anything above 110 street in Manhattan you should be fine. lf your in the Times Square ,34 street area up and down that area your in for really bad time. Especially on Friday and Saturday night. In the summer, places like the Javits Center will trigger you. Anywhere outside of downtown Brooklyn you should be fine. Queens you should be fine too. Not sure about the Bronx or Staten Island but you should be fine. Its Manhattan that you should be concerned about. Especially in the tall buildings area.
West because of Chadifornia, otherwise it would be the South because of all the sports chads and stacies
The worst state is Nebraska.
Alaska is nice bec. it has good weather.
West because of Chadifornia, otherwise it would be the South because of all the sports chads and stacies
Midwest/South are the only areas where there's lots of sparsely populated areas. That would be the best chance to find girls that aren't chatting with a zillion guys.
No place is safe for a incel.
As someone who has traveled all the regions except Alaska and Hawaii I can tell you that they're all shitty for an incel from the way people treat you. You might as well pick a location based on the taxes, demographics, and weather preferences. Culture and dating scenes aren't something an incel can fit into. Although NYC takes my pick as the top worst place to live. Shit weather, shit people, shit road infrastructure, always loud, expensive as all hell, lots of crime, city taxes, tons of liberals, no real space... I'll take a small town any day.
Just as I would expect. The entire US is pretty bad. I would say the worst city is either LA or NYC. Can't decide.
All of America is bad. Hollywood and sports have taken over.

If you aren't chad or tyrone, forget about America. Either you won't slay, or you will end up in a shitty marriage because the foids are constantly exposed to the celebs and athlete gods. You have better chances elsewhere. That's just the hard truth.
The entire west coast is hell on earth not just for incels but to anyone sane. Really tho any highly liberal place and big cities are the worst regions for incels. Leftists are the most discriminatory and racist group in the history of earth, you don't want to live among liberals even other liberals don't want to live among them.
the D.C. area is an absolute shithole for hypergamy, women don't settle for anything less than GIGACHAD
The west has marijuana
Voted Alaska because of isolationism and less foids
Kind of a flawed question (or at least with the use of that specific map) as it groups California in with states like Idaho and Wyoming.

I think California, Oregon and washington state should be "west coast" and states like wyoming, idaho, montana etc. should be "deep west".

I think states like montana would be better for an incel. Lots of open space and from what I'm told people are generally pretty laid back, at least compared to metropolitan areas.

Voted Alaska because of isolationism and less foids

Isolationsim is only bad for incels trying to "ascend". If you want to LDAR and have peace and quiet it's actually preferable. Also Alaska gives all of it's citizens money every year from oil revenue (about $2000 per year). If it weren't for the climate it would probably be the best state for an LDAR incel.
I'm not an American but from what I've heard the Inland western states like Idaho and Montana aren't too bad while the north east is just 100% shitty.
Big cities are always going to be bad. It's not really a matter of region.
I don't live there but I'd imagine the north east is most progressive, white, feminine, most similar to western Europe and therefore the worst place for incels. I've heard California is also quite progressive but since there are so many beaners and chinks there I'd imagine their culture traditionalizes the entire social climate a lot and makes the competition easier(since ethnics are uglier than whites).

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