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Experiment Worst country for incels


This is the average pumper and dumper in Brazil
Brazil isn't the worst. Here you can careermaxx and betabux because women are gold diggers, the only problem are the cucked divorce laws. Plus the country has promiscuity culture and not high beauty standards or many Chads and moggers depending on where you live, so most people can get laid. I'm tired of seeing men who would be considered incels and sub5 in any 1st world country here pumping and dumping hoes left and right due to having money and being thugmaxxed and tattoomaxxed.

I imagine western europe and south korea are the most brutal. SK women hold the highest standards, are the most feminist and the men there are required to looksmaxx and surgerymaxx to ascend. Moggerlands has the highest number of Chads per square kilometer so most normal people are incels by default there.
My Korean female classmates were bullies so yeah I can agree with you about Korean foids
Most more or less developed countries have everything in favour of women, especially divorce and child support cases.
But here they have to be extra bad especially regarding child support because the corrupt government doesn't want to give free gibs to anyone, including single mothers.

A new law that they are trying to approve Implies that just by proving the man has an affective bond to the child (meaning he doesn't even have to be the biological father, live together with the mother or have an sexual affair with her) he will have to pay child support. At this point the government may as well make a mandatory betabux conscription so the males of the country pay child support without even being related to the mother or the child.
I wouldnt say theres a worst one. every single society hates incels but the way they express it is different. but if I had to pick Id say any arab country since sand culture values masculinity above all and not fitting the genetic requirements would cause you to get bullied and hated by sandniggers
south Korea makes men lose years of there lives because of mandatory military service, lets bitches get years of advantage of the money and jobs
((((((South Korea))))))
I shall advocate for my country, Italy.
- Feminism got extremely powerful in the last quarter of the century but at the same time men are still expected to fulfill their traditional roles. Old duties, no privileges. Women are whores like everywhere else in the West. Since 1978 we got millions of abortions.
-Crazy unemployment rates and wages stuck in the 90s, mean lots of males are stuck living at their parents home until after 30. These little boys are "competing" with financially stable 40 years old males for 20-30 years old pussy.
-Lots of male deaths on work and suicides
-Macho and mafia culture means females idealize Dark Triad and toxic males more than in other countries. We have to "compete" regularly with gorillas like this one

-Immigration is like 95% young black males.
-Urbanisation and aging population means lots of incels are living in literal ghost cities with no women of their age to begin with
-Almost the entire country is surrounded by beaches and this doesn't help the incel's mental health.
For deathnics: USA, the land of hubris and pornocracy.
For locals: some ayrab shithole, or chinkland with NPC denizens.
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This is the average pumper and dumper in Brazil
Imagine losing the sex war to THAT.
I wouldnt say theres a worst one. every single society hates incels but the way they express it is different. but if I had to pick Id say any arab country since sand culture values masculinity above all and not fitting the genetic requirements would cause you to get bullied and hated by sandniggers
Good observation, and bear in mind the religion there promotes polygyny and foreign converts (white/white-passing preferably), arabs are the butt-end of this specie, and the cucks of their own religion.
So, what do you think? Personally, I think it's my country due to the extreme foid privilege + extremely high standards for a man + extremely high ratio of chads
I heard Germany is pretty much the same. Also Finland.
However, you can't beat South Korea with 0,72 fertility rate.

Germany has legal prostitution, so I don't know what these faggots are talking about. They must want to betabux like normies.
I shall advocate for my country, Italy.

-Crazy unemployment rates and wages stuck in the 90s, mean lots of males are stuck living at their parents home until after 30. These little boys are "competing" with financially stable 40 years old males for 20-30 years old pussy.

I never got this practice of being a woman's living ATM. I never wanted to do that shit even before I became black pilled, something about having to give my money to some entitled cunt like I would a prostitute makes no sense to me, why not just get a prostitute instead and cut all the emotional validation pretentious bullshit?
I never got this practice of being a woman's living ATM. I never wanted to do that shit even before I became black pilled, something about having to give my money to some entitled cunt like I would a prostitute makes no sense to me, why not just get a prostitute instead and cut all the emotional validation pretentious bullshit?
Well then consider this point too:
-Prostitution in Italy is completely unregulated. This means the average experience is awful and extremely dangerous, too. If you want a decent whore, you have to pay multiple hundreds of euros.
So, what do you think? Personally, I think it's my country due to the extreme foid privilege + extremely high standards for a man + extremely high ratio of chads
I heard Germany is pretty much the same. Also Finland.
However, you can't beat South Korea with 0,72 fertility rate.

But maybe any place with a fucked up female to male ratio
I never got this practice of being a woman's living ATM. I never wanted to do that shit even before I became black pilled, something about having to give my money to some entitled cunt like I would a prostitute makes no sense to me, why not just get a prostitute instead and cut all the emotional validation pretentious bullshit?
normshit love to cuck themselves
south Korea makes men lose years of there lives because of mandatory military service, lets bitches get years of advantage of the money and jobs
that’s the sole purpose of the mandatory conscription tbh
any third world country, ukraine/russia
So, what do you think? Personally, I think it's my country due to the extreme foid privilege + extremely high standards for a man + extremely high ratio of chads
I heard Germany is pretty much the same. Also Finland.
However, you can't beat South Korea with 0,72 fertility rate.
South Korea is unbeatable with the most extreme wagecuck and studycuck culture in the entire world and unparalleled rates of inceldom and feminism
Any east /sea country as a native
South Korea would be my guess for worst country but any westernized country is going to be hell for sub5s.
sweden denmark or basically any viking country where everyone is 6'2"+
@FinnCel , thoughts?
So, what do you think? Personally, I think it's my country due to the extreme foid privilege + extremely high standards for a man + extremely high ratio of chads
I heard Germany is pretty much the same. Also Finland.
However, you can't beat South Korea with 0,72 fertility rate.
Any latin american country. (Ultra NT shitholes.)
Can you post example of a chad from your country?
Im Honduran, dont have pics ATM, but for you to get an idea, Chads here are ultra NT, Thugmaxxed Tallcunts or White Passing PrettyBoys. (Latter mostly on upper class social circles.)
Most treacherous foids, least attractive men (among whites), poverty and cucked culture
Not exactly a country but Southern California is probably Hell on Earth for incels. No wonder ER snapped.
south Korea makes men lose years of there lives because of mandatory military service, lets bitches get years of advantage of the money and jobs
Yet they still cry about "muh wagegap" and "muh patriarchy" lmao

YES TO THE WAGE GAP, Just go back to the fucking kitchen if you don't like it
Yes it's fucking brutal @sulpuda
Yet they still cry about "muh wagegap" and "muh patriarchy" lmao

YES TO THE WAGE GAP, Just go back to the fucking kitchen if you don't like it
The more the birth rate falls, the more foids use it as a basis for implementing feminist policies. However, even though astronomical amounts of money have been poured into subsidizing childcare costs and preferential policies for women, the birth rate has continued to decline. They say it's because of lack of support, but I don't know what level of support is appropriate.

The wage gap occurs because foids spend time and money learning complete nonsense such as women's studies and gender studies instead of learning the knowledge necessary for society, such as STEM. Imagine you are an entrepreneur. If you pay low wages to a highly capable foid, she will move to a company that pays decent wages. Because of this process, if we assume that the abilities of men and foid are the same, the average wages will naturally become the same. If this process doesn't work, it means that foids are either uneducated or naturally stupid compared to men.
The more the birth rate falls, the more foids use it as a basis for implementing feminist policies. However, even though astronomical amounts of money have been poured into subsidizing childcare costs and preferential policies for women, the birth rate has continued to decline. They say it's because of lack of support, but I don't know what level of support is appropriate.

The wage gap occurs because foids spend time and money learning complete nonsense such as women's studies and gender studies instead of learning the knowledge necessary for society, such as STEM. Imagine you are an entrepreneur. If you pay low wages to a highly capable foid, she will move to a company that pays decent wages. Because of this process, if we assume that the abilities of men and foid are the same, the average wages will naturally become the same. If this process doesn't work, it means that foids are either uneducated or naturally stupid compared to men.
That's all fucking pointless. In reality SK is dying out because foids refuse to breed with Asian men.
So, what do you think? Personally, I think it's my country due to the extreme foid privilege + extremely high standards for a man + extremely high ratio of chads
I heard Germany is pretty much the same. Also Finland.
However, you can't beat South Korea with 0,72 fertility rate.
Are you from the United States?
The Netherlands
True, here the cutoff for manlet is 6'1 because overyone is a giant here, men who'd be average elsewhere would be dwarves here. Foids here a taller on average then men from some southern European countries it's fucking brutal man.
True, here the cutoff for manlet is 6'1 because overyone is a giant here, men who'd be average elsewhere would be dwarves here. Foids here a taller on average then men from some southern European countries it's fucking brutal man.
Are you from Netherlands?
Are you from Netherlands?
Yeah sadly, feels like the average zoomer height is 6'4 at least here, fucking get height mogged by 15 year olds. I'm 6'3 myself but it means fuck all thanks to being a burn victim and looking like a draugr from skyrim because of that. Well that and not being NT and being mentally fucked as well.
Yeah sadly, feels like the average zoomer height is 6'4 at least here, fucking get height mogged by 15 year olds. I'm 6'3 myself but it means fuck all thanks to being a burn victim and looking like a draugr from skyrim because of that.
Were you attractive before burning?
Were you attractive before burning?
Well I was 5 so it's hard to judge since I only have a handful of pictures from that time, but based on what others have said, it could have began for me, sadly that glimpse of hope died the moment my house burned down. Most brootal thing is the fact my sister still has a bf despite having giant scar on her cheek.
Well I was 5 so it's hard to judge since I only have a handful of pictures from that time, but based on what others have said, it could have began for me, sadly that glimpse of hope died the moment my house burned down. Most brootal thing is the fact my sister still has a bf despite having giant scar on her cheek.
How does the average guy look in Netherlands. Are they chads on average, ignoring the height?

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