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It's Over Worst bullying you got?



Mar 3, 2018
For me getting my school stuff fucked up and thrown on the ground, then getting beat up and strapped to a tree with rope.

>just fight back you cuck

The people who did it to me are white, I would just get suspended
Wasn't really bullied, people just stopped interacting with me the older I got. Somehow I almost wished I would get bulled, that's how invisible I felt.
I wasn't bullied, people just ignored me
I got beaten by five guys with bats and sticks and they tried to stab me but ı took my revenge afterwards
Mostly insults, mocking, and slights. Anyone who ever tried to physically bully me never got far
I got beaten by five guys with bats and sticks and they tried to stab me but ı took my revenge afterwards

Keep in mind I was very small growing up, most girls would mog me. Also very shy.

Elementary/Middle: Group of Stacies used to regularly pick on me during lunch by pinning me down on the ground as I squirmed. Calling me names etc. One got her orbiter to start a fight with me.

Middle: Was forced to sit next to/around a couple of brutal Stacies and a mixture of Chads and normies twice a week in a particular class. Taking the piss out of me was regular entertainment for these Stacies. To their credit the Chads and normies didn't join in, but they did laugh along with the Stacies mockery.

Middle: Roastie (backed up by her two friends) used to address me as "ugly" and made me answer to that name or I would get hard smacks across the face. Would also make me do things like tie her shoe, wipe dirt off with my sleeve.

Middle/High: Stacey would love to pretend to like me for her and her friends amusement. Forcing me to link arms with her and parade me around as her "boyfriend".

These are all just the "continuous" bullying instances, had a lot more one offs from both genders.
i wasnt ever bullied but i would've stomped a bitch out
I got picked up and literally choked.
I was never really bullied because my city's school system was pretty tame, but in 6th and 7th grade people used to randomly fuck with me in the hall ways and on the bus. Cause you know I'm pretty much the least intimidating a male can get, so if you felt like randomly being an asshole to someone you could count on me not doing anything about it. Also dude if you're not white and the people who did that to you were, don't even bother fighting back, just tell the school. Unless you live in a really old fashioned area, the school is gonna be determined to crack down on anything that could be considered racial.
When I was in high school I was a pacifist. I believed deeply that violence was the refuge of the weak minded. So I refused to fight. I felt it was beneath me.

Massive mistake of course. I was then a target for everyone.

In the last two years, one day I snapped and pushed one of them down a flight of stars from behind. He left by ambulance, and I was never identified because he seemed to have lost his short term memory when his head smashed the concrete.

After that I was suddenly emboldened by how easy it was. The next time someone challenged me, I beat the shit out of them. The next six months was a series of suspensions and the continual threat of expulsion. Each time they let me back in the school, I would wait until I could strike one of my tormentors while they were alone. I got five this way, but only three reported. So another six off weeks missed of class work. It really helps that I’m 6’3” and my dad taught me to fight. I’m still amazed I was never arrested.

Then it all went wrong. Got ambushed walking to the ag block by four. Took out two and then suffered a significant hit. They got me on the ground and were kicking the shit out of me while I tried to shield my head. Thankfully Mr. Dunn ran out and pulled them off.

After that I stopped attaching, and people stopped disrespecting me. I enjoyed the last year and a half of high school more than any other time in my life. I was still a social outcast, but I didn’t feel like I was hunted every day.

If I ever have kids I will encourage them to fight. Weakness is not respected in this world. It just makes you a target.
I wish i was "bullied" again, physically wise. It's fun, and I LOVE hurting people when I have a reason to.

Got almost expelled and suspended 2 times in middle school, they learn quick I tell ya.
Some dudes tried to bully me in the first 1-2 months of me being at my new school, but I just made jokes at my own expense anyways so they gave up pretty quickly.
Elementary/Middle: Group of Stacies used to regularly pick on me during lunch by pinning me down on the ground as I squirmed.
In all seriousness did they simply hold you down for a few minuets, because that sounds pretty pointless to me
Keep in mind I was very small growing up, most girls would mog me. Also very shy.

Elementary/Middle: Group of Stacies used to regularly pick on me during lunch by pinning me down on the ground as I squirmed. Calling me names etc. One got her orbiter to start a fight with me.

Middle: Was forced to sit next to/around a couple of brutal Stacies and a mixture of Chads and normies twice a week in a particular class. Taking the piss out of me was regular entertainment for these Stacies. To their credit the Chads and normies didn't join in, but they did laugh along with the Stacies mockery.

Middle: Roastie (backed up by her two friends) used to address me as "ugly" and made me answer to that name or I would get hard smacks across the face. Would also make me do things like tie her shoe, wipe dirt off with my sleeve.

Middle/High: Stacey would love to pretend to like me for her and her friends amusement. Forcing me to link arms with her and parade me around as her "boyfriend".

These are all just the "continuous" bullying instances, had a lot more one offs from both genders.
Why haven't you shot up your school?
Got pushed into a shallow ditch face first outside of school during bus loadup with half the school watching. They all laughed.
In all seriousness did they simply hold you down for a few minuets, because that sounds pretty pointless to me
Well they are foids, pointless things are their expertise.

Would also make me do things like tie her shoe, wipe dirt off with my sleeve.
I'm sorry you went through this but I gotta ask since all of this seems like it could have some sexual undertones, do you think you developed any fetishes from all of this?
I'm sorry you went through this but I gotta ask since all of this seems like it could have some sexual undertones, do you think you developed any fetishes from all of this?

Definitely, I can only get off to femdom these days. And it's been that way since I figured out how to masturbate.
Bullies and foids made jokes on me multiple times during middle and high school. I experienced real physical bullying very few times. But this was more about mental than physical pain

First time i was beaten up, right after school ended by local chav/gopnik.

Second time group of rednecks charged me and my friend in country area.
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Had both Stacie's and Chad bully me.. beat the shit out of this one cunt in vocational school. Most of my bullies were wiggers/race traitors. Karma works strongly around me. Had this guy when I was 20 something bully me on FB for being "retarded" (autism isn't the same thing) dude was huge. Found out he was a kiddie diddler and he offed himself. Good riddance.
Keep in mind I was very small growing up, most girls would mog me. Also very shy.

Elementary/Middle: Group of Stacies used to regularly pick on me during lunch by pinning me down on the ground as I squirmed. Calling me names etc. One got her orbiter to start a fight with me.

Middle: Was forced to sit next to/around a couple of brutal Stacies and a mixture of Chads and normies twice a week in a particular class. Taking the piss out of me was regular entertainment for these Stacies. To their credit the Chads and normies didn't join in, but they did laugh along with the Stacies mockery.

Middle: Roastie (backed up by her two friends) used to address me as "ugly" and made me answer to that name or I would get hard smacks across the face. Would also make me do things like tie her shoe, wipe dirt off with my sleeve.

Middle/High: Stacey would love to pretend to like me for her and her friends amusement. Forcing me to link arms with her and parade me around as her "boyfriend".

These are all just the "continuous" bullying instances, had a lot more one offs from both genders.

Holy shit that sounds so fucking brutal, you did not deserve this at all. Did you ever do something to retaliate or for them to actually hate you ?
Why did you never fight back ? Also what country or region do you come from ?

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