Someone make a world cup mega thread
JFL if you don't like watching Chads show off their superior genetics.
FTFY, do you see how retarded it is now for you to call yourself incel and watch sports. Think of how idiotic and masochisitc it is, from your academic years you watched chad win at life, you go out into the world to work or buy something to eat and you see chad winning at life out with his GF/Wife, and as your form of entertainment you now choose to watch Chad show off and win both figuratively and literally JFL how mentally cucked are you that you still subscribe to normie pastimes as though you're trying to "fit in".
Seriously what kind of normie shit is this:
Watching soccer with family is a good cope.
Cope indeed, just seems like you're pretending as if you are a normal person and a "part of your family" when an actual incel would be the "black sheep" of the family, so guys like you are either fakecels kidding yourself you are incel or you are really that deluded that you've accepted a normie chad worship passtime as your form of entertainment, and you "enjoy" it with your family to make it even more normie like JFL.
In sports only one side wins, chad, even if their team loses they get paid hundreds of thousands to millions and still go back home to fuck the beautiful women in their lives. Supporting sports is literally supporting chad worship.
I hope the next ER takes place there, a guy just runs out onto the field pretending to "streak" on the field and when the players rush to tackle and surround him
BOOM, praise be unto Allah
, a bunch of chads go up in flames on
That ER would be legend