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LifeFuel Working out genuinely helps



May 14, 2019
Bit of a cope I guess, but if you put in the effort working out and eating well, it does make a big difference in your mood as well as your appearance. I know this is some fucking normie level shit but it is true. feel free to share some workout routines and diets in the comments
Wont fix my check bones or height
Yea it definitely helps your mood, but it really doesn't help ur appearance unless u are apart of the genetic elite males
Bit of a cope I guess, but if you put in the effort working out and eating well, it does make a big difference in your mood as well as your appearance. I know this is some fucking normie level shit but it is true. feel free to share some workout routines and diets in the comments
I dont give a fuck on apperiance. I think many other do the same. Too much resentment to like the idea of being happy normie.
Only time working out helps you is if you have Chad genes but it was covered up with fat
Won't fix my face.

Edit: or skin tone
The mood-wise benefits get cancelled out by the foids dressed like whores at the gym, and by the lack of life improvements from working out. Better than being fat but I haven't worked out in over a month.
Whatever pays the bills.
Tbh it worked very well for about a year because I could see rapid progress (used to be auschwitzmode), but I never got rid of my hate towards working out. I despise it so much that I quit completely after about 5 years of slow decline, every second of it felt fucking miserable tbhngl.
I envy people like Schwarzenegger who feel euphoric during a workout.
If youre not Chad, then foids just see you as a tryhard manlet that only does it for sex
It's not going to fix my shitty genetics.
Bit of a cope I guess, but if you put in the effort working out and eating well, it does make a big difference in your mood as well as your appearance. I know this is some fucking normie level shit but it is true. feel free to share some workout routines and diets in the comments
I 100% agree with you,I went from 250 to 220 and I feel great. I have alot more energy because of it and I plan on dropping more weight to 190. Idk if it works good the other way around.
I used to work out quit regulary about a year ago, i can't really say that it ever made me feel much better about myself though
I 100% agree with you,I went from 250 to 220 and I feel great. I have alot more energy because of it and I plan on dropping more weight to 190. Idk if it works good the other way around.

good on you man, its worth the effort for yourself if not for anybody else. its your life and if losing that weight made you feel good, stick at it
cope. I've been gymcelling off and on for the last 7 years. it has no plus side. in fact, I would even say its COUNTER productive to a positive mood, as you have to ponder all your efforts and work equaling out to the same shit if you had just sat in your room
good on you man, its worth the effort for yourself if not for anybody else. its your life and if losing that weight made you feel good, stick at it
i just hate how people talk so bad about gymmaxxing
I know so many dochebag chads that work out, the one giant steroid asshole in my school works out and is a giant steroid hunk
Only works temporarily until I see reflection of my face again.Imagine having chad face and getting dopamine rush everytime you look in a mirror :feelsbadman:
Thats the only thing working out fixes lol

No it doesn't. Diet fixes that. You don't lose weight from working out. It's a very common misconception about exercise.
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It makes you feel superficially good - ie proper hormones etc

But it cannot give you the essential feeling of value that an LTR/casual sex/social validation does.
Bit of a cope I guess, but if you put in the effort working out and eating well, it does make a big difference in your mood as well as your appearance. I know this is some fucking normie level shit but it is true. feel free to share some workout routines and diets in the comments

How? How do I do this please tell me. I am not going to gym just to be laughed at by all the faggots coz I don't know how to do the exercises. I have nobody to show me. Dafuq do I do then>?

Also elab on eating healthy.
it doesn't improve my mood at all
yes, it's great to lose weight and become fit and have more reasons to talk to other men, absolutely do it.

as a reliable mood enhancer though, it doesn't have staying power at all. you need actual attention and good interactions with people.
I try to go running at least twice a week because it really does help my mood when I do it, but the temptation to just stay at home is usually too strong. I feel visceral disgust when I have to be around people at the gym and my knees can't handle running outside on tarmac right now because I gained weight and lost all my progress LDARing on jewpills. I'm doing core work and stretches to try to ease myself back into it, I want to get back to running 20 minute 5ks.
Working out doesnt help my face or autism
It does indeed help your appearance, just not nearly enough to get over other critical factors. Turning yourself from a 3 to a 3.5 is probably not worth the effort if looks are your driving factor. But, if feeling better, physically, is your driving factor, lifting and a reasonable diet are crucial. The most reliable ways to improve your life, IMO.
"muhh wont fix x, muuh wont fix y" It's better to be a fit muscular incel than a fatcel or too slim. Gym helps a lot in the mood and you really feel great in the end. Don't do this thinking about in woman or to "fix" something, do it like a cope and you will get better.
Burning calories (exercise) and just not consuming the calories (diet) are both ways to loose weight.

Burning calories is a meme. It does not help you lose weight.
I'm a big believer in "you are what you eat". That much I agree with. Does it raise SMV? Hell no. But my mood is much better when I am eating 1200 calories compared to when I'm binge eating constantly and eating 7000+ calories in a day (for example, during bad times, my room looks like this full of unhealthy and excess food). Obviously low body fat for men is ideal since it reveals bone structure, and diet is the largest factor in weight.

The main arguments again gyms by incels, which I largely agree with, is that the benefits you may gain fall far short of the work required to get them, if they can even be achieved at all. Gym is largely worthless if you don't have the right bone structure/frame. It takes hours and hours weekly in a gym (not to mention gym fees, extra food/diet supplements, training clothes/materials, etc,) just to get a small boost in SMV, when a simple (hypothetical) increase of 2" in height would do far more.

Also: https://looksmax.org/ might be your place if you really think the gym is worth it.

Burning calories is a meme. It does not help you lose weight.
Largely true. Losing weight is at least 90% diet, if not more. I lost 100lbs on and off over 6 years almost exclusively through diet.
I startes working out daily and eating / sleeping healthy ( and enough ) a couple days ago and mentally i already feel a lot better .
More relaxed , its a good feeling .
Working out isnt just for the looks ,
we should do it for health reasons .
tbh. Even if I know gymceling won't make a big difference in my SMV since face and height is far more important, I keep doing it because it increases my mood. It's better than doing drugs. It also makes you stronger. If you can be Chad, beat Chad.
Wish I could work out. Marfan’s syndrome limits the exercises I can do somewhat. Used to ignore my restrictions and do weight training anyway, but it wasn’t worth it bc Marfan’s also prevents any significant muscle mass from developing. I’ve met kids who are stronger than me
It actually does help me personally, I feel better and that's all that matters really
I disagree with the eating part. I have been living off of basically whole foods and I still feel like shit.

But I have not been working out. I do remember when I previously worked out I would get amazing endorphins rushes, but they were few and far between.
If two people have the same diet and body, but one exercises, he loses more weight than the one who didn't.

But that person would also be hungrier, which would cause frustration in many people.
If two people have the same diet and body, but one exercises, he loses more weight than the one who didn't.

Nope, the weight lost will be the same for both.
Yeah being healthy does feel good. Dosent always have to be about foids
it does increase your confidence levels , and making your body healthy has a positive impact on your self esteem but other than that you really can't do much about it aide from maybe scaring off chads if they tried to harass you or something
Sometimes you think it's just a waste of time because its not getting you any attention from women, but it's worth it just to be in better shape than the average white knight cuck.
yes, it's great to lose weight and become fit and have more reasons to talk to other men, absolutely do it.

as a reliable mood enhancer though, it doesn't have staying power at all. you need actual attention and good interactions with people.

legit studies found running (or anything that gets blood flowing through the whole body) enhances mood, recovery, even helps people score higher on memory tests following the running

the reason is blood flow makes your brain and body work better

but being a gymcel, lifting heavy in a gym doing no cardio is just gonna make you feel shitty
Wish I could work out. Marfan’s syndrome limits the exercises I can do somewhat. Used to ignore my restrictions and do weight training anyway, but it wasn’t worth it bc Marfan’s also prevents any significant muscle mass from developing. I’ve met kids who are stronger than me

How fucked is your heart?

Will it randomly explode if you exercise too hard?
legit studies found running (or anything that gets blood flowing through the whole body) enhances mood, recovery, even helps people score higher on memory tests following the running

the reason is blood flow makes your brain and body work better

but being a gymcel, lifting heavy in a gym doing no cardio is just gonna make you feel shitty

I know, I hate running because it supposedly raises cortisol and wears out your joints, so I do about 1 hour of brisk walking every day and climbing 9 flights of stairs most days, I figure that's enough 'cardio' without the bad effects of running.
the fastest and most effective pick me up that I have is to just do 30 pushups really fast, and it still doesn't do shit if I'm in the middle of an anxiety attack, the best it can do is turn an average mood into a good mood.
For quality of life maybe.. but why would you wanna live this miserable life any longer than you have to lol
yung cash register aka lil broomstick
Went down that road. Manlet deadlifting 500+ lbs. Nobody gives a fuck. Resorted to bloatmaxxing and ldar.

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