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Serious Word of advice for youngcels

All that matters is pain relief. Suicide is only recommended for those who are already dead, for them life has become unsustainable. I agree with your quote, total nonexistence is unattainable because everything went from "essence to acts".
Not everyone feels as much pain and agony as you do, each reality has its factors, there are people at peace with themselves (even though they know they are inferior in certain circumstances), and all this because they are contemplative. Suicide is not necessarily recommended, it is a choice of those who wish to express themselves with the end of consciousness in an anthropocentric way. A dead person does not commit suicide, because he is already organically dead, motionless, he stops talking nonsense according to his opinions. And there is no unsustainable life, life is a biological architecture, bioscience, etc... IT REMAINS as ecofuturism. The rest are complexes (whether in the form of divination or perplexity) assigned especially by the individual, in this case you... How much complex existentialism.
Whats ur life plans kina? Ldar and then what? Because for rest of us its ldar till *rope*

Live until you die, maybe due to age or unforeseen events along the way, I don't know. But I will not attribute one more pain to my bewildering sea of agony.
So what? I won't get to experience any of that after death once my consciousness ceases to exist.
Exactly, “so what”, but it's still life, that's what I'm referring to, I'm not saying you should care, I'm affirming the existence of this ecofuturistic life. Mind you, I'm not here to interfere with your possible suicidal cause, as I don't specifically care about that, do what you wish. But, I'm certainly making a rational analysis, and it's true, because the majority here may even attempt suicide, as I said before, but they may end up failing, and if they try again, it will be in a more rethought way, or perhaps simply not try, that's all. And I said, at the end of the day, it's coping.
Not everyone feels as much pain and agony as you do, each reality has its factors, there are people at peace with themselves (even though they know they are inferior in certain circumstances), and all this because they are contemplative. Suicide is not necessarily recommended, it is a choice of those who wish to express themselves with the end of consciousness in an anthropocentric way. A dead person does not commit suicide, because he is already organically dead, motionless, he stops talking nonsense according to his opinions. And there is no unsustainable life, life is a biological architecture, bioscience, etc... IT REMAINS as ecofuturism. The rest are complexes (whether in the form of divination or perplexity) assigned especially by the individual, in this case you... How much complex existentialism.
You die and your atoms are recycled to create beings. Other organisms will be supplied by your corpse, being reabsorbed by nature. Is this what you meant by ecofuturism?

Life is more than just survival. Just because your vital functions are minimally maintained (almost failing) does not mean you are alive. Without a reason for being, there is no reason to continue. Humans need a noetic sense to justify physical or emotional pain. Since suicide is the antagonist of suffering, one must find elaborate ways to mitigate pain as much as possible in order to die. Generally undertaken in the combination of several medications, which require effort to acquire.
@Kina Hikikomori I'm also in the hikikomori situation and being cooped up at home makes me lose track of reality. I can't discern between memories of the past and the present moment. If you accidentally leave the house, your brain will vibrate, and it will be a strange sensation of your brain trying to readjust itself.
You die and your atoms are recycled to create beings. Other organisms will be supplied by your corpse, being reabsorbed by nature. Is this what you meant by ecofuturism?

Life is more than just survival. Just because your vital functions are minimally maintained (almost failing) does not mean you are alive. Without a reason for being, there is no reason to continue. Humans need a noetic sense to justify physical or emotional pain. Since suicide is the antagonist of suffering, one must find elaborate ways to mitigate pain as much as possible in order to die. Generally undertaken in the combination of several medications, which require effort to acquire.
Yes, that's what I mean by ecofuturism.

You are also right that life is more than “surviving”, it really is. When you said that in the absence of reason to be an ontologist there is no reason to continue, you are also right... So let's attribute another factor mentioned by you, the noetic sense as the reason for this, and this noetic sense would minimize your suffering , and what would that be like?! Now, don't cause yourself any more pain, don't attribute any more agony to your agony, and to do that would be trying to be better than yourself, so as not to do unpleasant things, like murder, robbery, anyway... That's already a big step , whatever else you want according to your range, just look for it, or don't, if you don't want it. But, if your “noetic” sense is a choice that will attribute more pain to yourself (indirectly), in this case suicide, then do it too, I can't stop it, it's your choice, but you can also choose not to do it. . ..

...And wouldn't THAT in itself be contrary to its supposed "noetic" meaning (whatever that is)? Look, you're running away from and maximizing your own emotional pain, but if it's your expression, that's okay, express yourself like that, express your pain in pain rather than actually in a state of less pain.

You said that suffering is antagonistic to pain, negative.

If suicide were seen as a direct antagonist to suffering, it would be the definitive and permanent solution to any experience of pain or discomfort. However, this ignores the fact that suffering is an inherent part of human existence and that minimizing it is an ongoing process. Suicide, therefore, eliminates the possibility of dealing with suffering.

The logic that suicide antagonizes suffering may be flawed, as it fails to consider other possibilities, as it permanently interrupts the ability to experience any form of relief or resolution. Therefore, it is not a “noetic” sense as you say.
@Kina Hikikomori I'm also in the hikikomori situation and being cooped up at home makes me lose track of reality. I can't discern between memories of the past and the present moment. If you accidentally leave the house, your brain will vibrate, and it will be a strange sensation of your brain trying to readjust itself.
This is already working for me, I deal with pain like this. That's my "way".
IF you have the chance, get over your traumas and fuck ups by your late 20s maxx, because in your 30s, the mental disfigurement becomes too great to fix. I am experiencing this right now. I've been permanently fucked over by too many years of trauma, failure, and stagnation. Whatever surgery or treatment you have to get done, do it quickly if you can before its too late. Don't wait endlessly hoping for things to get better on their own; things usually just get worse without serious and dramatic intervention and effort. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I have already made a post on this here but I'm making one again because this is really important.
You are in your 30's?
IF you have the chance, get over your traumas and fuck ups by your late 20s maxx, because in your 30s, the mental disfigurement becomes too great to fix. I am experiencing this right now. I've been permanently fucked over by too many years of trauma, failure, and stagnation. Whatever surgery or treatment you have to get done, do it quickly if you can before its too late. Don't wait endlessly hoping for things to get better on their own; things usually just get worse without serious and dramatic intervention and effort. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

I have already made a post on this here but I'm making one again because this is really important.
How do I get over trauma since the scar is still on my psyche
I bookmarked this. I'm 19 I'll come back to this thread from time to time.
Me too @wereq
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