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RageFuel Women shouldn't be allowed to drive



I am not a player. I am just a spectator
Jan 19, 2019
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This is your typical foid driver.Many lives are in her hands and she just texts the chad without paying any attention to the road.

all the driverlicensecels should get one and mog these whores on the road
They should only be allowed to be housewives and shop for the household. Alternatively they could all be purchasable property, but for that society would need to change drastically to be able to deal with stray foids and to keep the supply of foids high through government breeding facilities.
I think foids are allowed to drive in even saudi arabia now
Femoids shouldnt be allowed to do many things
Women shouldn't have any rights they should be kept in cages naked like wild animals in zoo
I would normally agree to this if the fact that men cause more driving accidents than women wasn't a thing.
Women shouldn't have any rights they should be kept in cages naked like wild animals in zoo
Yes and the government should hand them out for providing males in society
Females should not even exist. We as man have to reach the status of a god. I will do it. I will become a perfect creature in mind and body. My mere existence will destroy every female close to me.
I would normally agree to this if the fact that men cause more driving accidents than women wasn't a thing.
Women cause more accidents, but men cause more accidents that involve death.
Saudi Arabia got cucked.
I don't know what conclusion I should come to then.
ye br0 men shouldn't drive and put their lives into the hands of mentally unstable creatures:soy:
That you're a faggy IT cuck.
That doesn't make any sense, If men's crashes are more prone to kill people in comparison to women but women crash more but it's less deadly isn't this "balanced"? For instance if women crashed more and killed more then it would be logical to say they shouldn't be driving. But I guess your 2 brain cell dumbass can't understand what i'm trying to say. You literally might as well say ban men and women from driving and let Ai drive if we're so fucking retarded. If we're basing the logic of "if x crashes x should be banned from driving".
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It's a scientific fact that a woman's hand-eye coordination is much slower and not as developed as a man's. In addition, it is scientifically proven that a normal woman just does not possess the IQ of a normal man. It is also obvious that a woman is physically weaker and more frail than a man.
It is scientifically verified that a woman is pretty much inferior to a man in every aspect of existence.

Conclusion is don't let them drive. Make them walk.
ye br0 men shouldn't drive and put their lives into the hands of mentally unstable creatures:soy:
Or maybe only let women drive and if they're more prone to crash they might wipe themselves out as they'll only injure their own species
That doesn't make any sense, If men's crashes are more prone to kill people then women but women crash more but it's less deadly isn't this "balanced"? For instance if women crashed more and killed more then it would be logical to say they shouldn't be driving. But I guess your 2 brain cell dumbass can't understand what i'm trying to say. You literally might as well say ban men and women from driving and let Ai drive if we're so fucking retarded. If we're basing the logic of "if x crashes x should be banned from driving".
Calm down, soyboy redditor. Children can drive, any dumbass can drive. Women shouldn't be allowed to drive because they have no business leaving their home in the first place.
Calm down, soyboy redditor. Children can drive, any dumbass can drive. Women shouldn't be allowed to drive because they have no business leaving their home in the first place.
yes call someone a soy because they're thinking logically, your whole point was basically "One set of people that do more harm don't deserve to drive", yet they both do different types of "harm". One is less but worse, the other is more but not as worse. In an ideal setting you'd be correct, women shouldn't even have the same schooling as men and be taught to cook and clean and care like in the old days.
Or maybe only let women drive and if they're more prone to crash they might wipe themselves out as they'll only injure their own species
I would not want to get drivingmogged by foids.Plus it would take some time for them to die off.Would rather just take a gun and do it myself:feelsohh:
yes call someone a soy because they're thinking logically, your whole point was basically "One set of people that do more harm don't deserve to drive", yet they both do different types of "harm". One is less but worse, the other is more but not as worse. In an ideal setting you'd be correct, women shouldn't even have the same schooling as men and be taught to cook and clean and care like in the old days.
Pay attention, redditor whiteknight. Read my first post in this thread. It was me correcting your claim that men cause more accidents. That's it. I didn't start this thread and I don't think women shouldn't be allowed to drive based on the number of accidents they cause.

They shouldn't be allowed to drive because they should stay at home and do what women have done for thousands of years. Giving women rights was a mistake and that includes driving.
I hope I won't have to repeat myself, but you're a dumb newfag redditor which means I will.
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For instance if women crashed more and killed more then it would be logical to say they shouldn't be driving.

No, they should not drive because they are not worth it. Why should I get constantly mogged by females? It is disgusting and it has to stop.

Women shouldn't be allowed to drive because they have no business leaving their home in the first place.

Pay attention, redditor whiteknight. Read my first post in this thread. It was me correcting your claim that men cause more accidents. That's it. I didn't start this thread and I don't think women shouldn't be allowed to drive based on the number of accidents they cause.

They shouldn't be allowed to drive because they should stay at home and do what women have done for thousands of years. Giving women rights was a mistake and that includes driving.
I hope I won't have to repeat myself, but you're a dumb newfag redditor which means I will.
No, they should not drive because they are not worth it. Why should I get constantly mogged by females? It is disgusting and it has to stop.
Yes,over thousands of years they have done nothing but just birth babies,and they should stick to that,they don't deserve the access to getting jobs,driving cars.Men have invented and built everything
It was me correcting your claim that men cause more accidents.

Even if this is true, it has other causes. For example, in Germany 94% of the commercial drivers are still men. of course it is more likely that there might happen some accident involving a truck. Also, it is about biology. We as men has no tool to unleash our energy anymore. This is why manly drivers are more merciless. That reminds me of the one theory lesson in driving school.
It's a scientific fact that a woman's hand-eye coordination is much slower and not as developed as a man's. In addition, it is scientifically proven that a normal woman just does not possess the IQ of a normal man. It is also obvious that a woman is physically weaker and more frail than a man.
It is scientifically verified that a woman is pretty much inferior to a man in every aspect of existence.

Conclusion is don't let them drive. Make them walk.
It's no secret men are superior drivers when it comes to controlling the vehicle in difficult situations and being able to do certain things with a vehicle. Better hand eye coordination, spacial awareness, ability to process fast information (racing, rally.)
Driving in cities and on highways doesn't require special driving skills. You have three pedals, a stick and a wheel and the vehicle is usually moving relatively slowly. It can't be any more basic than it is. Most Americans only have a gas and brake pedal, no stick.

Women are better at following strict traffic rules because they're higher inhib and they're afraid of speed in general. Men are more likely to break rules on purpose, more likely to drink and drive, more likely to do lower inhibition actions. Women are generally conformists. They follow what they're told whether it's in education, workplace, politics etc.
Pay attention, redditor whiteknight. Read my first post in this thread. It was me correcting your claim that men cause more accidents. That's it. I didn't start this thread and I don't think women shouldn't be allowed to drive based on the number of accidents they cause.

They shouldn't be allowed to drive because they should stay at home and do what women have done for thousands of years. Giving women rights was a mistake and that includes driving.
I hope I won't have to repeat myself, but you're a dumb newfag redditor which means I will.
You're not making any sense again. You said I was a cuck because I said I can't come up with the conclusion that women shouldn't drive because the new statistics you showed me showed that neither women or men are actually "better". Because male crashes are more deadly, but "rarer" and female crashes are more abundant, but not as deadly. So logically I can't say "women are worse, or men are worse". I don't understand how you're criticizing me for my claim, which you yourself seem to agree with by saying

"I don't think women shouldn't be allowed to drive based on the number of accidents they cause."

So you agree that accident statistics are not a good point to use for getting rid of woman's rights to drive. Your fucking dumbass literally went around full circle to just end up agreeing with what I said earlier. I guess you're a cuck too for not saying women are shittier drivers due to these statistics alone?

"They shouldn't be allowed to drive because they should stay at home and do what women have done for thousands of years. Giving women rights was a mistake and that includes driving."

I agreed to this indirectly, women shouldn't have the same "roles" or abilities as men, implying they shouldn't have the same rights. Because they are inferior in the abilities that one needs to drive, manage and operate machinery, logical reasoning, police force etc. They should've never been considered equal. But I guess you're going to twist what I said again to make it seem i'm from IT right? Fucking faggot
I would normally agree to this if the fact that men cause more driving accidents than women wasn't a thing.
Women cause accidents, men get blamed
Even if this is true, it has other causes. For example, in Germany 94% of the commercial drivers are still men. of course it is more likely that there might happen some accident involving a truck. Also, it is about biology. We as men has no tool to unleash our energy anymore. This is why manly drivers are more merciless. That reminds me of the one theory lesson in driving school.
It doesn't matter. It's a fact that men are involved in more dangerous accidents and it's all to do with higher testosterone and lower inhibition. Interestingly, though, women die more in car accidents, at least in the US.
It's a fact that men are involved in more dangerous accidents and it's all to do with higher testosterone and lower inhibition.

Indeed. This is what I meant by saying ''driving merciless''.
So you agree that accident statistics are not a good point to use for getting rid of woman's rights to drive.
Finally you understand, fag. It took you long enough. I knew I would have to repeat myself. Yes, I don't care about driving accidents. I never implied women shouldn't be driving because they cause accidents. I think you're just an ADHD faggot who doesn't keep track of who he's replying to. They shouldn't be allowed to drive because they shouldn't have jobs in the first place. They should stay at home and take care of their children, maintain the household and so on.
Your fucking dumbass literally went around full circle to just end up agreeing with what I said earlier.
Again, read my first comment in this thread. It's not that hard. My first reply to you was correcting your statement that men cause more accidents. I called you an IT cuck because you argued in favor of women driving.

I couldn't have known you actually don't want women to drive or so you claim now after being called out. You disagreeing with OP and claiming that men cause more accidents clearly implies you otherwise don't have a problem with women driving because they're "safer" drivers than men.

If you said "I disagree, OP because men cause more accidents, but women still shouldn't be allowed to drive because x" I wouldn't have replied to you, but you went out of your way to sound like an IT fag. That's what made you sound like a reddit cuck. Tell me this doesn't read like a typical reddit cuck comment. The wording and everything too.


I don't for a second buy the bullshit you wrote here when replying to me:
"They shouldn't be allowed to drive because they should stay at home and do what women have done for thousands of years. Giving women rights was a mistake and that includes driving."

I agreed to this indirectly, women shouldn't have the same "roles" or abilities as men, implying they shouldn't have the same rights. Because they are inferior in the abilities that one needs to drive, manage and operate machinery, logical reasoning, police force etc. They should've never been considered equal. But I guess you're going to twist what I said again to make it seem i'm from IT right? Fucking faggot
This is how IT infiltrators usually reveal themselves. They slip up because they get triggered and when they get called out they desperately try to agree with everyone else.
>yeah bro definitely, women shouldn't be allowed to drive or have rights haha

You made no effort to make your point clear from the start. If you actually don't want women to drive, you'd make some effort to imply it in your first comment because the first sentence you posted in this thread makes you sound like a redditor. Someone who posts here genuinely would be aware of this.

This is exactly how reddit infiltrators behave on this site. They tend to be vague and usually spout generic blackpill lingo to fit in, but quickly slip up when a thread triggers them on a personal level. I know your next reply will be "I was being logical, being incel doesn't mean I deny statistics, just because I disagree with some things doesn't mean I'm IT" etc. Of course it doesn't make you necessarily an infiltrator, but it's all about the subtle things, wording.


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I called you an IT cuck because you argued in favor of women driving.
I couldn't have known you actually don't want women to drive or so you claim now after being called out. You disagreeing with OP and claiming that men cause more accidents clearly implies you otherwise don't have a problem with women driving because they're "safer" drivers than men. That's what made you sound like a cuck and I don't for a second buy your bullshit you wrote here:

I couldn't give a fuck if you believe what I wrote, you're twisting the definition of what a cuck is and making it relative to what you want to think women are/should be doing. I've seen multiple incels on here say that foids should have the same "rights" and be able to do the same shit as men do. I've seen countless posts about how women should be limited on their rights. Neither or these are cucked. Are you trying to imply that a cuck is simply someone who agrees with the notion of giving a foid a "right" to something? For instance if you claimed that foids shouldn't be allowed to idfk, go into STEM. or have the right to being managers or operators. And I disagree, am I a cuck? This is like IT. Just call anyone who says something about average male and female iq a fucking incel. sick logical skills.

"You disagreeing with OP and claiming that men cause more accidents clearly implies you otherwise don't have a problem with women driving because they're "safer" drivers than men."

Because Op was clearly referring to women being shittier drivers for the reason as to why they shouldn't be able to drive. Which was implied by showing a video of a negligent whore texting and not giving a fuck. With this Op was trying to say "Since women are shit drivers, we shouldn't let them drive". Not fucking societal roles retard. That's not the same thing. In this current, society. I do not see a problem with women driving because they aren't "worse" or "better" than men based on crash/accident statistics. You said it yourself, accident statistics are not enough. I never said this society model is the best, nor did I say it's the ideal until later which I said the ideal is for roles to be further implemented in our society, not ignored. But since you want to try to mix what Op was trying to say with his video, and what you're saying. You're simply going to assume that I was talking about the ideal society too (WHICH YOU FUCKING DID JFL). Even though I wasn't because this theoretical ideal society is never going to be implemented. So I thought it served no purpose in being mentioned. Because that's not reality. I could've easily said "Although in an ideal society women shouldn't be able to drive" It serves no purpose because Op wasn't talking about theoreticals. So no, there isn't really a "point" in mentioning that. But I guess you're going to twist what I said again right?
Police are more willing to side with women than men after an accident, the statistics may be skewed.
Police are more willing to side with women than men after an accident, the statistics may be skewed.
Also foid police are more willing to stop men and assume they are drunk.
Are you trying to imply that a cuck is simply someone who agrees with the notion of giving a foid a "right" to something?
Yes. Your true beliefs are starting to surface now. Why are you continuing on about this? Yes, you're a cuck if you want women to have the same rights as men.
For instance if you claimed that foids shouldn't be allowed to idfk, go into STEM. or have the right to being managers or operators. And I disagree, am I a cuck?
Of course. That's typical cuck behavior.
This is like IT. Just call anyone who says something about average male and female iq a fucking incel. sick logical skills.
You're making it worse for yourself.

Bottom line is, you're not genuine and this very reply proves it. Why are you so passionate about this? You're arguing now that you shouldn't be called a cuck if you want women to have the same rights as men. This is the exact reason things are the way they are for us. It's the reason the world is degenerate.
>y-y-you're not a cuck if you want women to have the same rights as men bro

Honestly, I'm aspie as fuck and you had the upper hand in this argument because I did sperg out and call you an IT cuck, but it's clear my intuition was right. You really are a cuck.
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Yes. Your true beliefs are starting to surface now. Why are you continuing on about this? Yes, you're a cuck if you want women to have the same rights as men.

Of course. That's typical cuck behavior.

You're making it worse for yourself.
So what do you think of the many users who said they didn't want a removal of rights for foids or a society "segregation" of foids? And outright said the idea isn't good? Are all of those guys cucks too?

Bottom line is, you have no genuine point and think the term "cuck" is objective, while at the same time using your subjective lens to define it and use it with other people.

I'm arguing because it's enjoyable. You're having just as much as a good time as I am because you're replying back to me
So what do you think of the many users who said they didn't want a removal of rights for foids or a society "segregation" of foids?
They're cucks, simple as that. These "men" are the reason things are the way they are. Giving women certain rights was the biggest mistake in the history of western civilization.
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Even if this is true, it has other causes. For example, in Germany 94% of the commercial drivers are still men. of course it is more likely that there might happen some accident involving a truck. Also, it is about biology. We as men has no tool to unleash our energy anymore. This is why manly drivers are more merciless. That reminds me of the one theory lesson in driving school.

It is true. Men aged 18 - 25 are the biggest risk due to drving like they're in f1. Also most likely to drive drunk. I was over 1200 quid a year for insurance on my first car, a shitty 1.2 litre engine because of my age at the time.
Sounds cucked.
That's because it is cucked. This retard has dug a hole for himself. I admit I was aspie ITT, but ultimately it turns out I was right. @Numb is a certified cuck.
I'm good at spotting cucks, but I usually have to make them angry first and then they start talking about shit no one even mentioned.
>b-bro women should have the same rights, they're our equals, this doesn't make me cucked bro
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That's because it is cucked. This retard has a dug a whole for him. I admit I was aspie, but ultimately it turns out I was right. @Numb is a certified cuck.
The word cuck doesn't revolve around what you think, did you see the one user who wanked off to a pic of a dead e girl and sent it to her mother? And some posts outright criticized the action. With your logic, you can literally say they are cucks because their "moral" limits aren't as low as the other guys. Your logic is shit @anon Wheres your cuck rubric? Define what cuck is

I never said they were our out right equal. I said in that regard, of crash statistics. They are. Because that's what the statistics are saying, neither of them is better. So I can't say they are worse
The word cuck doesn't revolve around what you think
The word itself doesn't matter. Again, typical reddit behavior. Arguing about the meaning of a word, usually it's "cuck" that triggers redditors. It's all the same. Redditor, IT, numale, cuck, soyboy. You know exactly what it means, though.
did you see the one user who wanked off to a pic of a dead e girl and sent it to her mother? And some posts outright criticized the action.
Depends on the girl in question. That girl was a slut and her parents did a poor job of raising her.
you can literally say they are cucks because their "moral" limits aren't as low as the other guys.
You could say they are cucks because things are never completely straighforward like that. If the girl in question was a good virgin who saved herself for marriage, sending those messages to her mother would have been wrong because she clearly did her duty as a woman and raised her daughter properly to not be a degenerate. Good behavior from women should be reasonably rewarded if anything.
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This is my last post IIT. I'll end this argument by presenting you with how inconsistent and full of shit @Numb is.
When I first called him out, he said:
I agreed to this indirectly, women shouldn't have the same "roles" or abilities as men, implying they shouldn't have the same rights. Because they are inferior in the abilities that one needs to drive, manage and operate machinery, logical reasoning, police force etc. They should've never been considered equal. But I guess you're going to twist what I said again to make it seem i'm from IT right? Fucking faggot

Then a few replies later he goes full cuck mode and starts going on about how men who support female equality are not cucks. Here is his reply:
Are you trying to imply that a cuck is simply someone who agrees with the notion of giving a foid a "right" to something? For instance if you claimed that foids shouldn't be allowed to idfk, go into STEM. or have the right to being managers or operators. And I disagree, am I a cuck?

I didn't have to "twist" anything, he did it all by himself. He believes allowing women to be managers is not cucked. This fucking faggot is implying he supports women in managerial positions. I'm sure he'll say he doesn't say that anywhere, but he clearly implies it. You don't have to say something word for word to make your beliefs known.
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This is my last post IIT. I'll end this argument by presenting you with how inconsistent and full of shit @Numb is.
When I called him out, he said: "I agreed to this indirectly, women shouldn't have the same "roles" or abilities as men, implying they shouldn't have the same rights. Because they are inferior in the abilities that one needs to drive, manage and operate machinery, logical reasoning, police force etc. They should've never been considered equal. But I guess you're going to twist what I said again to make it seem i'm from IT right? Fucking faggot"

Then a few replies later he started going on about how men who support female equality are not cucks. "Male feminists are not cucks bro." Here is his reply:
I gave you a hypothetical. That's not the same thing, ideally women should do different things than men. But if someone says something else that doesn't mean they are a cuck (I mean something different doesn't automatically mean cuck, incase you're going to twist what I said again). Again multiple forums users don't agree with the whole "limit foids rights" yet they are not cucks. But you're calling them cucks based on your subjective perspective on what's supposed to be done. How does this make sense? So I said, if I theoretically disagreed, am I a cuck? And you said yes. So with this I can assume that you're basing what a cuck is on your own terms. On what you think. Not what it actually is. And you're manipulating the term to try to win this by saying i'm IT because I disagreed with your subjective view on how it should work.

> Good behavior from women should be reasonably rewarded if anything.

And what if I called you a cuck for this, because behavior that's supposed to be normal doesn't deserve a reward? Are you a cuck now? Why should a foid be rewarded for acting the way she's supposed to?
I didn't have to "twist" anything, he did it all by himself. He believes allowing women to be managers is not cucked. This fucking faggot is implying he supports women in managerial positions. I'm sure he'll say he doesn't say that anywhere, but he clearly implies it. You don't have to say something word for word to make your beliefs known.

one word, "if". I honestly think you're getting paranoid now
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But if someone says something else that doesn't mean they are a cuck.
If someone says they support female equality and women in managerial positions, it makes them a cuck. I don't see how this is shocking to you.
But you're calling them cucks based on your subjective perspective on what's supposed to be done.
There's very little subjective about the blackpill. The majority of users here agree that giving women equal rights was a mistake and it is indeed cucked.
So I said, if I theoretically disagreed, am I a cuck?
So with this I can assume that you're basing what a cuck is on your own terms.
Not just my own terms. This site has clear majority beliefs and opinions.
And what if I called you a cuck for this
You'd appear desperate. Good behavior in this context means only having one sexual partner in a lifetime (her husband.) Being reserved and decent at all times. Following gender roles (housewife, working with children.)
Sometimes you have to reward a dog if you want it to stay loyal and do things you want it to do.
Why should a foid be rewarded for acting the way she's supposed to?
The same reason you sometimes reward kids kids or dogs for being good. Women are no different. They're basically children. You're clearly reaching.
It was a hypothetical.
This is gold. Yeah, it sure was hypothetical. I don't think anyone is buying it, though.
How is "should I be called a cuck if I want equal rights for women" hypothetical? Do you even what that means? You can't just clearly imply you believe it's not cucked to support equal rights for women and claim "it's just hypothetical, bro." Hypothetical or not, you're defending male feminism.
Your intentions are clear.
>I was just pretending bro
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If someone says they support female equality and women in managerial positions, it makes them a cuck. I don't see how this is shocking to you.
There's very little subjective about the blackpill. The majority of users here agree that giving women equal rights was a mistake and it is indeed cucked.
You'd be surprised as to how many don't actually think traditionalistic concepts work or should be different. And the blackpill isn't about societal roles or traditionalism. It's about determinism/genetics, and truths. This is proof that you're changing what it means to make you seem more correct.

"The blackpill is a collection of uncomfortable truths about romance and dating. It has a large body of scientific evidence stemming from evolutionary biology and sociology."

You're not being genuine and are full of shit.


This is gold. Yeah, it sure was hypothetical. I don't think anyone is buying it, though.
How is "should I be called a cuck if I want equal rights for women" hypothetical? Do you even what that means?
Your intentions are clear.
>I was just pretending bro

Yes, to see what you thought "cuck" meant. You can call any hypothetical real it doesn't prove anything. You're twisting definitions and statements again.

The same reason you sometimes reward kids for being good. You're clearly reaching.

Children are not at the same cognitive level as adult foids. Why would an adult foid, be rewarded for something she's supposed to do. This never happened during the traditional era. Foids were supposed to be pure so they wouldn't end up in the streets because no man wanted to be with a slut during that era. So she relied on her virginity for her value. That isn't the same thing.

You'd appear desperate. Good behavior in this context means only having one sexual partner in a lifetime (her husband.) Being reserved and decent at all times. Following gender roles (housewife, working with children.)
Sometimes you have to reward a dog if you want it to stay loyal and do things you want it to do.

You thought you got me with this but you didn't. Foids used to remain pure to survive. They would be living with some homeless cunt in a slum if they didn't keep their virginity. It's for their own survival. This is not the same thing as a Dog, you can reward dogs to try to teach them new tricks. But do you think people reward dogs for not biting every day? No. It's the same with foids, she's not gaining anything by losing her virginity. She would be an utter retard to do that to herself because she knows her "value" would drop. She would not be able to get a good man of better than average quality if she did that. It's not the same thing.

And by the way, you're trying to make it seem like I "support" equality by using the hypothetical as a means to imply i'm with it. Again, nice try but that's not the case.
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