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JFL Women peak in their 30s you inkwell!



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
Posted by IT user lpatchcat

“Easy. Woman contunie growth well onto our 20's. We literally peak in our 30's. We develop mentally faster as well. Our life is a roller coaster of changes that dont stop. Also you have to count for late bloomers, way to early bloomers, and more.

Sadly the one thing that wont change, is an incel/pedo will still proposition you at a extremely young age. Your first dickpic or worse will be at least age 5.”

JFL at this retard. Is he serious?! Studies have shown that women peak in desirability at 18 or 20.

Then some retard says “muh cougars”. So? Some men are attracted to prepubescent girls but that’s still rare. Cougars existing doesn’t mean that women are attracted to youth. Cougars are rare and okcupid shows that women aren’t attracted to youth. Then he calls me a pedophile for saying that attraction to 16 year olds is normal. Pedophilia is a predominant attraction to prepubescent children so that’s one thing he got wrong. also a study has shown that physical SMV in women reaches maximal peak at 16 and stays there through young adult years.

And before the IT cucks say “bUt ThOsE aRe DaTiNg wEbSiTeS. MeN oN tHeRe dOn’T hAvE tHe SaMe SeXuALiTy aS rEaL LiFe”. Actually, men on dating websites have the same exact sexuality as men irl. There is no evidence that men on dating websites are attracted to different age groups than men irl. Many men use dating websites, so if a dating website shows men being into young women, then men irl are into young women. men are diverse in what type of hair color they like in women or what height they prefer in women but we don’t pick and choose what age group we find most attractive. So as a result, men will usually find youth most attractive because chronophilia (aka sexual attraction to a specific age group) is something we cannot pick and choose and is innate unlike preferring blonde over brunette or blue eyes over brown eyes. Men on dating websites don’t have a different sexuality than men irl. They have the same type of innate sexuality. Both online and offline men are usually heterosexual and usually have the same innate sexuality and chronophilia as each other
Yeah sure. These whores peak in their 30's after riding the cock carousel and fucking dogs and Chads. Peaking her means ready to date down and settle with a betabux because these whores are too low IQ to earn money themselves so they have to leech off a bluepilled simp. FUCKING DEGENERATES.
Women peak at the lowest age of consent in the world.:feelsLSD:
Another logical post with sources that's gonna fly above IT heads. Can't resonate retards anyways.
Humans rot fast, both men and women, our peaks are short lived. By 30 women are already passed their peak, it's too brutal for most women to admit, they can't handle reality.
Yeah sure. These whores peak in their 30's after riding the cock carousel and fucking dogs and Chads. Peaking her means ready to date down and settle with a betabux because these whores are too low IQ to earn money themselves so they have to leech off a bluepilled simp. FUCKING DEGENERATES.
Another logical post with sources that's gonna fly above IT heads. Can't resonate retards anyways.
They’re just gonna do mental gymnastics in my head to “debunk” my argument. Just a bunch of feminazi white knights. Every man would think a 18 year old woman is hotter than a 35 year old woman
I'm sorry dude, I think IT live in your head rent free.
Yeah sure. These whores peak in their 30's after riding the cock carousel and fucking dogs and Chads. Peaking her means ready to date down and settle with a betabux because these whores are too low IQ to earn money themselves so they have to leech off a bluepilled simp. FUCKING DEGENERATES.
Lol this

they also ride out the time and hope to find a simp who is also weathered down by time into having a low libido so she doesn't have to put out as much.
Humans rot fast, both men and women, our peaks are short lived by 30s women are already passed their peak. It's too brutal for most women to admit, they can't handle reality.
Men peak physically later at late 20s in my opinion. For women it’s late teens early 20s
Men peak physically later at late 20s in my opinion. For women it’s late teens early 20s
I'd agree that men physically peak around 5 years later.

On a SMV we probably peak 15 years later than women because of money and status.
Sex by 18 or rope
Sex with an 18 year old woman is much better than sex with a woman in her 30s
I'd agree that men physically peak around 5 years later.

On a SMV we probably peak 15 years later than women because of money and status.
Yep. Men have enough resources and wealth in their late 20s and they lost their young boy face. Women aren’t as attracted to youth. Men in their late 20s can attract many younger women
Women peak at the lowest age of consent in the world.:feelsLSD:
You can really see how fucked the social structure of the West is when the settling age is in the 30s.
Humans rot fast, both men and women, our peaks are short lived. By 30 women are already passed their peak, it's too brutal for most women to admit, they can't handle reality.
"Women peak in their 30's"
Women at the age of 16:
Roast beef
You can really see how fucked the social structure of the West is when the settling age is in the 30s.
Single mothers in their 30s everywhere
just get with a used up roastie that's unable to bear children bro
Jfl funniest part is they are all single mothers.
So much for personality btw.
IT think our personality is why we’re virgins even though most foids irl prolly don’t know about how we act online
even high tier stacies do loss attractiveness, unless she's on fakeup.
Even gigastacys don’t age well
just get with a used up roastie that's unable to bear children bro
Women reach their fertility peak at early 20s not 30s. Fertility plummets in their 30s
IT think our personality is why we’re virgins even though most foids irl prolly don’t know about how we act online
Exactly, most of us are high inhib fuckers who don't go around calling all females we see whores.
The personality meme is retarded along with IT.
Women peak when they are teens. It's all downhill from there.
Women peak at the lowest age of consent in the world.:feelsLSD:
Foids peak the minute puberty is over. It’s downhill from there
From what I observed, that 'glow' teens have starts to fade when they enter mid 20s or so.
Exactly, most of us are high inhib fuckers who don't go around calling all females we see whores.
The personality meme is retarded along with IT.
And many of them have “GoOd PeRsOnALiTiEs” but are still virgins
From what I observed, that 'glow' teens have starts to fade when they enter mid 20s or so.
What “glow”?
And many of them have “GoOd PeRsOnALiTiEs” but are still virgins

What “glow”?
What having a good personality gets you as an incel-tier male is becoming an orbiter while chad gets to fuck her regardless of his personality.
What having a good personality gets you as an incel-tier male is becoming an orbiter while chad gets to fuck her regardless of his personality.
And they say misogyny is a turnoff for foids. But studies show even feminists like sexist men
Women peak in their teens
IT are braindead, not one second and no normal people IRL will say that the average 30 yo woman is better looking than 20 yo
IT are braindead, not one second and no normal people IRL will say that the average 30 yo woman is better looking than 20 yo
A lot of 30 year old men will say they prefer 30 year olds over 20 year olds but they’re lying and are afraid to be called a “creep”
LOLOLOL no they dont.
They say that shit because they delude themselves into thinking they got a wife in her prime
man how can you even spend waste brainpower arguing against this?

when someone has degenerated to the point where he posts things like "women peak on their 30s" you know there's no going back
In terms of pure looks and sexual capability, women peak generally ages 13 to 24
Girls peak in early 20s, while men peaks in late 20s.
They can keep saying it but deep down no one believes it.

Look at Emma Watson now compared to 10 years ago lol

Bitch every single male you'll ever meet will ALWAYS prefer the 18 year old (cause that's legal at least) over anything older ever you old, boring, worthless, disgusting Roastie.

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