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Women-Only Island



Voidcel: Friendless Truecel
Jan 13, 2018

The stress of working and having to interact with sub-7 men is too much, time to go to a woman-only island!


Feminism is a cancer.
That'd be the perfect place to go ER at. Just inflitrate and lay waste on all the females.
Plus, feminists would opt for a men-only island considering they fight for equality. Top kek.
yep feminism doesnt even make sense anymore, women have more power then men.
yep feminism doesnt even make sense anymore, women have more power then men.
That's what feminism really is: making sure women get more privileges than they already have.
Need to organize a group of incels to embark on an expedition to that island to.......

someone who gets it. men need to wake up tbh

The average male is too bluepilled. Even if they don't agree with feminism, they will pretend to do so in the hopes of getting SJW pussy. Kek.
Of course theyre free to invite males for sex.

There will be a chad valley
Best ER spot to go to.
Best ER spot to go to.

Usually, attempts at matriarchal establishment are met with dismal results. Would-be Amazons end up in hunger, poverty and regression to primitive technology. This was observed in both natural long-term matriarchal societies as well as new-age dyed armpit nose ring wearing feminist experiments.

Never go ER there. You wouldn't want to spoil foid opportunity to embarrass themselves. Plus it would be the perfect media storm for them.
It would be a dysfunctional mess filled with a bunch of roasties who gossip about each other and fight constantly because they can't agree on what color the carpets should be. Then imagine once the trannies start wanting to come too and the massive debate between TERFs an non-TERFs and shit. Good lord lmao. Watching a live stream of all this unfold could be funny as shit as well as a cautionary tale on what happens when females are given power.
Roth picks the visitors herself. Those interested should be prepared for a vetting process via the organization’s website.
So what does Roth look for in a visitor?
“The number one, number one thing that’s important for me is that you have an amazing personality — like upbeat, cool personality — because you’re on [an] island,” Roth says. “That’s what’s going to make it fun and exciting for everyone.”"

Lol, what kind of high school shit is that, you have to be one of the cool, fun-to-be-around kids to hang out on the island? "Toxic femininity" I guess...
lol at this..how easy would it be to overpower them and turn them into slaves that build, cook, clean and sex you? Not very hard at all. I propose we go there spec-ops style as well (it is ok if they have women cops all we need is a mask for pepper spray, kek)
Usually, attempts at matriarchal establishment are met with dismal results. Would-be Amazons end up in hunger, poverty and regression to primitive technology. This was observed in both natural long-term matriarchal societies as well as new-age dyed armpit nose ring wearing feminist experiments.

Never go ER there. You wouldn't want to spoil foid opportunity to embarrass themselves. Plus it would be the perfect media storm for them.
Exactly what I was about to post. Just let them fail at setting up and maintaining a complex infrastructure without the help of any man. I'm sure they'll cheat and use trusted orbiters.
Exactly what I was about to post. Just let them fail at setting up and maintaining a complex infrastructure without the help of any man. I'm sure they'll cheat and use trusted orbiters.

Exactly... This is going to fail for sure. Women can't get along even with Chad and beta arbiters. They are beyond toxic when you put them together. Probably will go out of business after the infinite supply of venture capital funding from betas goes to nothing.
Someone mentioned how Chads would be invited, I agree. It’d probably be Chads get day passes and rotating crews of sub-7 male workers get day/night passes in a restricted area where they only cook and serve the women and are monitored by surveillance cameras and audio. God forbid a sub-7 initiates a non-food related conversation.
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There was actually a European show that did this. They put men and women on an island with limited supplies for survival. In a nutshell, the men got together and built their own civilization by teamwork and hard work, while the women just fought and used up all the supplies for vanity purposes. The producers were shitting themselves over this so they put 3 men on the female island and they got pissed when they got there and then they proceeded to do all the work while the females watched them. So yes, men are better than women.

Read more here: http://www.returnofkings.com/32053/this-accidental-experiment-shows-the-superiority-of-patriarchy

LOL, so these cunts will spend men's money to have their little getaway and then will say how incredibly feminist they are.

Also, watch them get torn apart by other shitlibs because their little shindig excludes trannies.
LOL, so these cunts will spend men's money to have their little getaway and then will say how incredibly feminist they are.

Also, watch them get torn apart by other shitlibs because their little shindig excludes trannies.

Don't worry, they'll include trannies when they notice that you can't open a jar of pickles just by being Wiccan.
This is great as it's in my home country, an island with no male security or numale cucks to stop me from going on a wanton raping spree.

they already tried that
This is bullshit.

The buildings and infrastructure there were built by men, but women will get praise if it's even half-successful. Meanwhile, if it fails, it will be because the oppressive chains of masculinity are far-reaching, and not even a vagisland is far enough away from muh patriarchy.
Damn that guy on the Dr. Phil show dropped the black pill on the audience.
This is bullshit.

The buildings and infrastructure there were built by men, but women will get praise if it's even half-successful. Meanwhile, if it fails, it will be because the oppressive chains of masculinity are far-reaching, and not even a vagisland is far enough away from muh patriarchy.

You can’t lose as a female in 2018.
Incels should do a D-Day style raid on this island
They'd all die of starvation within a month.
Imagine what would they do to a subhuman trash like me if i stepped a foot on that Island.
Imagine what would they do to a subhuman trash like me if i stepped a foot on that Island.

They’d whack you like a piñata until you burst.
I think a special someone needs to do some sanitary work there.
The women there will be old hags, for UScels think “The View”, UKcels have “Loose Women”.
nothing because you're invisible to women lmao. fuck
They kick normies and attractive men out of the Island, imagine what would they do to a trash like me lol.

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