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Blackpill Women have so many options, that any flaw is a death sentence



The Meeks shall inherit the Earth
Mar 19, 2018
Balding? She has hundreds of guys who aren’t bald pining after her, so what chance do you have?

Short? See above, replace bald with short.

Scrawny / framecel? Again, no need to ever consider you, she has a catalogue of men available that are taller, more built, and probably better looking.

Not super NT? Next.

This is the actual cause of inceldom. Women’s options have exponentially increased since as recent as 2007, her dating pool jumped up from the men she’s mostly in contact with in real life, to every man in a 50 mile radius via Tinder. ANY micro-flaw can doom you completely with women, because they have nigh unlimited options.

If you aren’t the total package, just stop trying.

You can’t even hope to compete with physically superior specimens, which is what women actually care about. They don’t care about your job, or hobbies, or personality, your entire worth is boiled down height, frame, dick size, and hair. That’s all you are to women, a piece of rotten meat hanging in the meat market right next to fresh prime cut beef. You are an inconvenient speedbump on the road to finding a genetically superior man.
:blackpill:. the hilarious part is so many guys still cope. my irl friends talk about trying to go out to pick up girls even though they've barely dated anyone before, are not NT, are manlets/ugly. they honestly believe they have a chance and when i burst their bubble they laugh and say stop being so cynical then we go out and nothing happens then they go home and start coping again.
the only thing that can save you is chad face
They are served everything on a golden platter.
They are served everything on a golden platter.
:blackpill:. the hilarious part is so many guys still cope. my irl friends talk about trying to go out to pick up girls even though they've barely dated anyone before, are not NT, are manlets/ugly. they honestly believe they have a chance and when i burst their bubble they laugh and say stop being so cynical then we go out and nothing happens then they go home and start coping again.

The definition of insanity.
first of all they care about looks.
The problem is all females are severely flawed
I was just thinking this myself!

I looked at myself in the mirror today. I saw a 3/10. But is that really so bad? I'm white, have hair, and really there's nothing physically wrong with me. I'm 5'8" and chubby -- small flaws -- but so what?

Oh but my social skills must be horrible! Then I thought about it... I'm polite, a good listener, I can joke a little bit, and can put together a few paragraphs coherently. I'm thoughtful and of average intelligence. In fact, I'm probably better at socializing than most women.

I am poor, so that is a flaw, but many women are just as unemployed and poor. I still have a bit of spending money, and besides that I am ambitious.

I'm a perfectly adequate specimen of the human race. There is no good reason why I should be poison to women. But that's the way things are now. Above-average is just barely good enough for low-quality women; a 3/10 like me is genetic trash.
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However good you are , she can find an identical version of you that’s either taller, has broader shoulders, better looking, more hair, bigger dick, more money, etc etc the list goes on forever. Gigachad? She’ll find another gigachad with green eyes. The dating pool for a girl is effectively her entire continent. Can you even compete with the men on your block? If she’s hot enough that NFL athletes would cum all over her face, that’s your competition

Good luck! Remember to smile and just be yourself!
Its brutal. But its true.
I've said it before your odds of winning the lottery are higher than getting a gf in the west nowadays for this reason alone.

At least the lottery is impartial and you can play the odds and still have a chance, with foids there is no chance, zero, she can and will find someone better than you so you'd better be perfect in every way or it's game over.

The amount of choice foids have is staggering, you can't even begin to imagine the options available to them.

I've done tinder experiments larping as a foid to scope out my male competition and it was unreal the matches you get.

It was Chads everywhere who mog you in every conceivable way possible, and the matches just keep rolling in nonstop all day too.

So pack it in, you can't win not even by playing the numbers game, you aren't even in the game to begin with.
They absolutely care about your bank account though
Guess you need to lurk more and see the homeless chad experiments
I've said it before your odds of winning the lottery are higher than getting a gf in the west nowadays for this reason alone.

At least the lottery is impartial and you can play the odds and still have a chance, with foids there is no chance, zero, she can and will find someone better than you so you'd better be perfect in every way or it's game over.

The amount of choice foids have is staggering, you can't even begin to imagine the options available to them.

I've done tinder experiments larping as a foid to scope out my male competition and it was unreal the matches you get.

It was Chads everywhere who mog you in every conceivable way possible, and the matches just keep rolling in nonstop all day too.

So pack it in, you can't win not even by playing the numbers game, you aren't even in the game to begin with.
Still money coping I see. You still got a thing or two to learn
Homeless Chad gets more pussy than millionaire incel manlet.

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