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Blackpill Women HATE the fact that this forum has women's nature SUSSED



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
Admittedly, there is a lot of edgyposting, hyperbole and venting on this forum, and a lot of CuckTears mistakes that for how everyone here feels 100% of the time and acts when interacting with people. "Even if you don't say misogynistic things IRL, cuz you say them online, you must feel them, thus you must display them unknowingly when outside. I know how you behave better than you do!" etc. There are some basement-dweller theories here, some bad anatomy posts, overgeneralizations and lot of latching onto an idea and running with it and denying events that don't agree with your adopted world view, e.g. "Since women only want chads, any woman dating a subchad is cucking him with alphas on the side derp derp derp".

All that aside, when you break the looks redpill and our knowledge of women down to their base elements, it's generally true what we say:

- Women deny and downplay how much looks play a part in their mate-selection because they respond to our arguments emotionally or with their personal anecdotes rather than looking at the general trend/biology.
- Women generally fuck around with goodlooking guys in their youth and then maybe settle for a safe beta guy when it becomes clear that Chad doesn't commit.
- Women can date up and date a lot of guys due to the male sexdrive, hypergamy, supply-and-demand.
- Being an ugly man and trying to date women is life on max_difficulty mode.
- Women find it harder to pairbond if they have been promiscuous in their past.
- The dating market is skewed in women's favour (Tinder, male thirst, sexual harrassment laws, feminism), etc.

And more.

All of that is based on facts, biology, observable reality, and the consensus of so many men. We know this. We are not bluepilled. We are not controlled opposition. And cucktears and women hate this. They would not have a problem with us if we were discussing which coffeeshops to take women to on dates, which compliments to pay women, which classes to join to get access to women. No. What they hate is us having women SUSSED, FIGURED OUT, UNDERSTOOD. It's like we've exposed their true nature. We have unzipped the "tall man" suit to discover it's actually two ugly midgets one standing on the other.

Women hate men discussing how to get better access to sex (that's PUA's goal although it fails pretty much) and what women's true nature is like (MGTOW, looks redpill). Now I didn't watch that Mel Gibson movie What Women Want, but my impression is that women generally liked it, thus, I guess that it was some bluepill about women just wanting a loving, caring guy. If the movie had shown how women will do anything for Chad, then women would feel exposed and would have hated it. if it showed "cheatcodes" to get women into bed (so they can lie there having orgasms), they would have found it misogynistic.

And because women can't for them life of them logic, they can't counterargue our fundamental points. They instead pick out the edgy posts and strawman the whole community to death with their emotional posting and basic sarcasm.

TLDR: Women wouldn't hate this place so much if our theories were wrong, bluepilled and painted them in a better light. They need to get fucked right in the pussy.
Posts like this will never be featured on cucktears. You just ended them in a few short paragraphs
Agreed. Too bad they keep bluepilling themselves while painting this community purely as wicked misogynists. Logic is not their strong suit.
Yes and that's why they manipulate the cucks to attack us because they're afraid that the truth might spread in society. They really don't give a fuck about those cucks and hate them even more than us, but they need them at the moment to destroy us because we're a threat to them.
A mensa level iq post.
This should be stickied.
That’s why they are hating on MGTOW anything that resents women is incel to them they even go on r9k and /fit/ and pull threads from there
@sargentincel sticky this please
I mean this is a solid post but most men knew this shit for decades, it's just that they never banded in a community like this one or MGTOW where they can freely share their opinion without being publicly ostracised. Men always knew this, they were just afraid to speak out.
Exactly, same thing as somebody that gets angry when you point out something you know he did wrong but he won't admit. He knows what he has done, and he knows it's wrong, but since he won't admit it he resorts to getting angry and shouting nonsense, since he's unable to form a logical argument against the accusation.

Women know their shallow nature and are aware of it. But they're unable to change it since it is both biologically hardwired and induced by this degenerate society, so they resort to getting angry when you point out how things are.
High Iq post.

Cucktears wont even sticky this because there cherry picking the edgy posts
Einstein IQ post.

The bottom of the barrel / failed normies on cucktears will not address this.
Tfw not a woman so I dont get mad at incels. Worst feeling ever.
Yes and that's why they manipulate the cucks to attack us because they're afraid that the truth might spread in society. They really don't give a fuck about those cucks and hate them even more than us, but they need them at the moment to destroy us because we're a threat to them.
Admittedly, there is a lot of edgyposting, hyperbole and venting on this forum, and a lot of CuckTears mistakes that for how everyone here feels 100% of the time and acts when interacting with people. "Even if you don't say misogynistic things IRL, cuz you say them online, you must feel them, thus you must display them unknowingly when outside. I know how you behave better than you do!" etc. There are some basement-dweller theories here, some bad anatomy posts, overgeneralizations and lot of latching onto an idea and running with it and denying events that don't agree with your adopted world view, e.g. "Since women only want chads, any woman dating a subchad is cucking him with alphas on the side derp derp derp".

All that aside, when you break the looks redpill and our knowledge of women down to their base elements, it's generally true what we say:

- Women deny and downplay how much looks play a part in their mate-selection because they respond to our arguments emotionally or with their personal anecdotes rather than looking at the general trend/biology.
- Women generally fuck around with goodlooking guys in their youth and then maybe settle for a safe beta guy when it becomes clear that Chad doesn't commit.
- Women can date up and date a lot of guys due to the male sexdrive, hypergamy, supply-and-demand.
- Being an ugly man and trying to date women is life on max_difficulty mode.
- Women find it harder to pairbond if they have been promiscuous in their past.
- The dating market is skewed in women's favour (Tinder, male thirst, sexual harrassment laws, feminism), etc.

And more.

All of that is based on facts, biology, observable reality, and the consensus of so many men. We know this. We are not bluepilled. We are not controlled opposition. And cucktears and women hate this. They would not have a problem with us if we were discussing which coffeeshops to take women to on dates, which compliments to pay women, which classes to join to get access to women. No. What they hate is us having women SUSSED, FIGURED OUT, UNDERSTOOD. It's like we've exposed their true nature. We have unzipped the "tall man" suit to discover it's actually two ugly midgets one standing on the other.

Women hate men discussing how to get better access to sex (that's PUA's goal although it fails pretty much) and what women's true nature is like (MGTOW, looks redpill). Now I didn't watch that Mel Gibson movie What Women Want, but my impression is that women generally liked it, thus, I guess that it was some bluepill about women just wanting a loving, caring guy. If the movie had shown how women will do anything for Chad, then women would feel exposed and would have hated it. if it showed "cheatcodes" to get women into bed (so they can lie there having orgasms), they would have found it misogynistic.

And because women can't for them life of them logic, they can't counterargue our fundamental points. They instead pick out the edgy posts and strawman the whole community to death with their emotional posting and basic sarcasm.

TLDR: Women wouldn't hate this place so much if our theories were wrong, bluepilled and painted them in a better light. They need to get fucked right in the pussy.
Women are pre-programmed to behave in this manner. It's not their fault. These actions are done subconsciously and not everyone is created equal. We just happen to be ugly and that's OK. If we were Chad we wouldn't think twice about making observations. Everyone plays an important role in life. We incels are coming up with revolutionary theories while Chad puts it into practice
Women are pre-programmed to behave in this manner. It's not their fault. These actions are done subconsciously and not everyone is created equal. We just happen to be ugly and that's OK. If we were Chad we wouldn't think twice about making observations. Everyone plays an important role in life. We incels are coming up with revolutionary theories while Chad puts it into practice


The men I talk with on a daily basis are much more opposed to looks theory, even though they are living in a sexual wilderness, being humiliated daily by better looking guys, they insist on believing in bluepill lies, clinging to exceptional cases of lucks cucks to prove his point.

Ugly Normies hate looks theory.
Women are pre-programmed to behave in this manner. It's not their fault. These actions are done subconsciously
When will you guys stop giving femoids the nature pussypass? You sound like a bunch of robots reciting these excuses. If I wreck a cunt's face then I say my male testosterone made me do it, you think normies will hand me the same excuse? You know what else is natural? Rape and murder, yet society fails to extend the same courtesy to men.

It's a concious decision to go on social media to slander us. It's a concious decision to lie about personality and looks. Yes, their initial hatred stems from instinct, but after that they choose to be this vile. They continue to go unhindered though, because they keep getting these pussypasses. Meanwhile everything us males do is evil and concious. Only men conviently have agency when society wants to slander us, never women. Fuck that. Us incels never get the nature excuse (despite how we're like an animal poked by a stick), so why should females?
Rockclapping.gif marvellously put. And your videos are great too man
Admittedly, there is a lot of edgyposting, hyperbole and venting on this forum, and a lot of CuckTears mistakes that for how everyone here feels 100% of the time and acts when interacting with people. "Even if you don't say misogynistic things IRL, cuz you say them online, you must feel them, thus you must display them unknowingly when outside. I know how you behave better than you do!" etc. There are some basement-dweller theories here, some bad anatomy posts, overgeneralizations and lot of latching onto an idea and running with it and denying events that don't agree with your adopted world view, e.g. "Since women only want chads, any woman dating a subchad is cucking him with alphas on the side derp derp derp".

All that aside, when you break the looks redpill and our knowledge of women down to their base elements, it's generally true what we say:

- Women deny and downplay how much looks play a part in their mate-selection because they respond to our arguments emotionally or with their personal anecdotes rather than looking at the general trend/biology.
- Women generally fuck around with goodlooking guys in their youth and then maybe settle for a safe beta guy when it becomes clear that Chad doesn't commit.
- Women can date up and date a lot of guys due to the male sexdrive, hypergamy, supply-and-demand.
- Being an ugly man and trying to date women is life on max_difficulty mode.
- Women find it harder to pairbond if they have been promiscuous in their past.
- The dating market is skewed in women's favour (Tinder, male thirst, sexual harrassment laws, feminism), etc.

And more.

All of that is based on facts, biology, observable reality, and the consensus of so many men. We know this. We are not bluepilled. We are not controlled opposition. And cucktears and women hate this. They would not have a problem with us if we were discussing which coffeeshops to take women to on dates, which compliments to pay women, which classes to join to get access to women. No. What they hate is us having women SUSSED, FIGURED OUT, UNDERSTOOD. It's like we've exposed their true nature. We have unzipped the "tall man" suit to discover it's actually two ugly midgets one standing on the other.

Women hate men discussing how to get better access to sex (that's PUA's goal although it fails pretty much) and what women's true nature is like (MGTOW, looks redpill). Now I didn't watch that Mel Gibson movie What Women Want, but my impression is that women generally liked it, thus, I guess that it was some bluepill about women just wanting a loving, caring guy. If the movie had shown how women will do anything for Chad, then women would feel exposed and would have hated it. if it showed "cheatcodes" to get women into bed (so they can lie there having orgasms), they would have found it misogynistic.

And because women can't for them life of them logic, they can't counterargue our fundamental points. They instead pick out the edgy posts and strawman the whole community to death with their emotional posting and basic sarcasm.

TLDR: Women wouldn't hate this place so much if our theories were wrong, bluepilled and painted them in a better light. They need to get fucked right in the pussy.
Women hate us simply because we are exposing them as frauds. All these lies that they propagate are simply due to increase their own sexual market value and sapping betaorbitors of their resources. We are taking their drug away from them and they are pissed
They hate us cos they ain't us!... well, not really, but they do hate us.
tbh females being shallow should be more mainstream but whiteknights and orbiters vehemently deny this fact.

I just want to see how crazy the hypergamy gets before people realise the nature of females let loose.
cucktears don't even read posts like this. they just skim over them and get to the edgy stuff. they cherrypick so hard its not even funny.
Females ignore everything that doesn't affect their status.

What puzzles me is that they think a small group of ugly males that they only see as potential betabux providers is a threat to their status.
women don't give a fuck what few sexually frustrated virgins have to say
It's not a direct threat to them now, but they're very afraid of it spreading, they don't want their true nature exposed for all to see. Deep down they know it's all true, that's why they act so emotional. They're afraid that their cuck white knight providers will be converted and turned against them.
High IQ post. It's not going to do anything to their community though, you know. This isn't an extremist post, but a logical one so therefore it has no worth on their sub.
I mean this is a solid post but most men knew this shit for decades, it's just that they never banded in a community like this one or MGTOW where they can freely share their opinion without being publicly ostracised. Men always knew this, they were just afraid to speak out.
I was actually thinking about it.. I was thinking about why women and cucks hate us... Number 1 because of edgy cherry picked posts, number 2 too scared of the truth.
Women are pre-programmed to behave in this manner. It's not their fault. These actions are done subconsciously and not everyone is created equal. We just happen to be ugly and that's OK. If we were Chad we wouldn't think twice about making observations. Everyone plays an important role in life. We incels are coming up with revolutionary theories while Chad puts it into practice
That's what I was saying in r/incels to not get the subreddit banned but was attacked. jfl
God tier post
Glad someone finally addressed the autism on this forum.
No need an entire wall of text, humans are attracted to other humans based on physical appearance, that's all, that is the truth, you don't need an entire theory/ reasoning and an essay to explain why humans need water to survive, we just do, same goes here.
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No need an entire wall of text, humans are attracted to other humans based on physical appearance, that's all, that is the truth, you don't need an entire theory/ reasoning and an essay to explain why humans need water to survive, we just do, same goes here.
but you do because femoids and cucks can't seem to grasp this simple concept
but you do because femoids and cucks can't seem to grasp this simple concept
If they keep denying or repressing reality then they will refuse to grasp it through an essay or a theory or whatever you can call it.
If they keep denying or repressing reality then they will refuse to grasp it through an essay or a theory or whatever you can call it.
Well it also makes it seem more intelligent which adds convincing power. And you got to agree it looks better than "sub 8 is death"
Well it also makes it seem more intelligent which adds convincing power. And you got to agree it looks better than "sub 8 is death"
True it is better than "sub 8 is death" but they'll mock us anyway, no matter how you put it.
True it is better than "sub 8 is death" but they'll mock us anyway, no matter how you put it.
can't argue there, humans ridicule what they can't understand and in this case refuse to
I mean, why else would you try to censor us? It's a common impulse in humans, shifting the blame to your accuser when you know that deep down they're right about you. If what we say didn't strike a personal chord, they'd simply dismiss us as insane and ignore us.
and to prove your point, never in a million years will cucktears refute this post.

if they do, its merely because we said they wont. they will continue to backpedal and spread their hypocrisy, whether in the forms mentioned here or different ones so they appear to have "outsmarted" you/us/incels.

it is the same steaming bag of damp horse feces every time, just in different colors.
women hate anything that is the truth since most of them are selfish lying cunts
Still waiting for this thread to appear on cucktears. Lol
An incel dating women is living life on max difficulty... so someone who is forced to be insulted so many times by femoids in high school they could make a book about it is living life on beyond insane difficulty?
Women on Reddit told me you can't choose who you are attracted to.
LOL, they don't give a fuck, they might get a little mad that we're pissing on their whole gender but they'll just have to close their tab and keep on doing what they're good at. Not every male knows about incels.is unfortunately

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