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Blackpill Women don't call us misogynistic because we are incels



Nov 7, 2017
They call us misogynistic for having them all figured out.

They don't hate ugly men, not at all. Why would they? Ugly men give them whatever they want, without women having to do anything in return.

They hate us because we know they treat ugly men like shit, simply because we are ugly.

They hate us because we know the treatment we get is all because of looks.

They hate us because we know the rules that apply to us, doesn't apply to men that are good looking.

They hate us not because we exist, but because we see right through their lies.

They hate us because we tell other ugly men the truth about their superficial nature.

Women are more superficial than men are, the myth that men only care about looks needs to die already. Scientific studies have already determined this is true.

Our looks aren't the problem, the problem is that we know we get treated differently simply because of our looks.

I hate superficial whores, I hope they all suffer like they make us ugly men suffer.
This is so sad can we kill whores and cucks ?
This is so sad can we kill whores and cucks ?
There should be a law for this. We should take matters into our own hands to ensure a future without whores and cucks.
who cares what they call ?
First, we need manpower. We need to overthrow the existing cucks in "power."
Indeed. I wish for nothing more than for every traitorous, cucked politician to be hanged, and for every normie cunt to walk around in perpetual fear of getting shot by the next incel saint.
They call us misogynistic for having them all figured out.

Giga IQ Curry.

Women aren't even inherently opposed to misogyny. "Misogyny" mostly just translates to traditional conservatism and/or the idea of being a sex slave in the harem of a super Chad. Virtually if not even literally all women are socially hypergamous, sexually submissive/masochist.

Fear turns them on, power makes them want to submit. White women love Trump, black women would love a black Trump. What turns them off is not fear and violence, but low-status. This is why "incel" has become an insult among cunts and their cucks: because it signals low-status. Also, it is telling how they call men they hate "creepy." They always use insults that evoke disgust (creepy, strange, weird) rather than insults that evoke fear. Women see low-status men basically like disgusting little insects they want Chad to stomp on and exterminate. They want us to commit suicide or to be desexed, invisible working bees in some ghetto factory, an Amazon concentration camp, locked away from the public. It's not that women are inherently opposed to violence (they love high-status men inflicting violence on low-status men!), it's just that an incel who goes down swinging feels to them like a nasty insect, Kafka's bug, jumping right into their face.
who cares what they call ?

We have to clear up misconceptions.

Mount Kilimanjaro IQ

A wise person, I like that.

Indeed. I wish for nothing more than for every traitorous, cucked politician to be hanged, and for every normie cunt to walk around in of getting shot by the next incel saint.

One can only dream... A world without degeneracy. I'd love to help out. Maybe we have to convince Kim Jong-un to nuke the west.

Giga IQ Curry.

Women aren't even inherently opposed to misogyny. "Misogyny" mostly just translates to traditional conservatism and/or the idea of being a sex slave in the harem of a super Chad. Virtually if not even literally all women are socially hypergamous, sexually submissive/masochist.

Fear turns them on, power makes them want to submit. White women love Trump, black women would love a black Trump. What turns them off is not fear and violence, but low-status. This is why "incel" has become an insult among cunts and their cucks: because it signals low-status. Also, it is telling how they call men they hate "creepy." They always use insults that evoke disgust (creepy, strange, weird) rather than insults that evoke fear. Women see low-status men basically like disgusting little insects they want Chad to stomp on and exterminate. They want us to commit suicide or to be desexed, invisible working bees in some ghetto factory, an Amazon concentration camp, locked away from the public. It's not that women are inherently opposed to violence (they love high-status men inflicting violence on low-status men!), it's just that an incel who goes down swinging feels to them like a nasty insect, Kafka's bug, jumping right into their face.

It also explains why SJWs crave the very white cocks they rant against. Same thing with ethnic SJWs. These whores will bend over backwards for white cock and they will rant until they get their daily dose. Absolutely disgusting, self-hating whores.
One can only dream... A world without degeneracy. I'd love to help out. Maybe we have to convince Kim Jong-un to nuke the west Jerusalem, Tel aviv, Jew York, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Paris and London
Truth is only good if it benefits them
Yes, I have always believed this anyway. They hate us because we expose them for what they really are Selfish, hollow beings.
First, we need manpower. We need to overthrow the existing cucks in "power."
Blackpill China's leftover men might be a good start to gain manpower
Quality post.
No, they hate us for wanting to pass on our shitty genes
They would be perfectly fine if we were all asexual slaves while they form harems with Chads.
Its just nature for them to want the high lms men to ensure survival of both they and their offspring, not some ugly low status autistic loser that cant get out of his house without being socially isolated from everyone else.
Tl;dr just rope or ER as a non chad it is our destiny as genetic failures.
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Truth is only good if it benefits them

Yep. Double standards having assholes.

Yes, I have always believed this anyway. They hate us because we expose them for what they really are Selfish, hollow beings.

High IQ curry.

Why do you live in the west.

Because your ancestors put my people through misery. We have the right to benefit from the things you stole of others.

Blackpill China's leftover men might be a good start to gain manpower

High IQ idea. We must tell Chinese men about this. With them by our side, we could change the world.

Quality post.

Thanks bro.

No, they hate us for wanting to pass on our shitty genes
They would be perfectly fine if we were all asexual slaves while they form harems with Chads.
Its just nature for them to want the high lms men to ensure survival of both they and their offspring, not some ugly low status autistic loser that cant get out of his house without being socially isolated from everyone else.
Tl;dr just rope or ER as a non chad it is our destiny as genetic failures.

Women are put off by our ugly looks anyway, but that's not the reason they hate us incels. Sure, they have a disdain towards ugly men, but it's not enough to border on actual hate. Unlike with incels, as a group we expose them as hypocrites.
this is what ive been saying.

basically pretty much offensive to them
Yep. Double standards having assholes.

High IQ curry.

Because your ancestors put my people through misery. We have the right to benefit from the things you stole of others.

High IQ idea. We must tell Chinese men about this. With them by our side, we could change the world.

Thanks bro.

Women are put off by our ugly looks anyway, but that's not the reason they hate us incels. Sure, they have a disdain towards ugly men, but it's not enough to border on actual hate. Unlike with incels, as a group we expose them as hypocrites.
My people didn't steal shit, you low IQ Pajeet.
Who are your people, cumskin?

You're smarter than I though, catfish man.
Better cumskin than shitskin. Do you need to wonder why Europeans hate your muddy kind. You are like cockroaches. Ungrateful leeches that shit in the streets like subhuman savages. You all will get deported and sent back to Shitholeistan soon enough.
Better cumskin than shitskin. Do you need to wonder why Europeans hate your muddy kind. You are like cockroaches. Ungrateful leeches that shit in the streets like subhuman savages. You all will get deported and sent back to Shitholeistan soon enough.
Answer my question, salty cumskin.
everyone pick up an AK-47
Better cumskin than shitskin. Do you need to wonder why Europeans hate your muddy kind. You are like cockroaches. Ungrateful leeches that shit in the streets like subhuman savages. You all will get deported and sent back to Shitholeistan soon enough.
Take it easy there junior
everyone pick up an AK-47
ok fbi
Better cumskin than shitskin. Do you need to wonder why Europeans hate your muddy kind. You are like cockroaches. Ungrateful leeches that shit in the streets like subhuman savages. You all will get deported and sent back to Shitholeistan soon enough.
the siege of vienna 2.0 soon in shaa allah :feelzez:
No, they hate ugly men that buy them shit even more. Females have absolutely no respect for them, and don't even see them as men. They string them on as long as possible without a care in the world.
Cumskin isn't an insult that exists. Shitskins would love to be white.

Keep coping cumskin. Now stop derailing my thread.

everyone pick up an AK-47

I bet they are too heavy for people like Solitarian_Cuck. :lul::lul::lul:

That's true.

Only deathniks like you do, do not lump in that category, bro.

No, they hate ugly men that buy them shit even more. Females have absolutely no respect for them, and don't even see them as men. They string them on as long as possible without a care in the world.

They only hate those men if they expect sex for the people they buy them.
Keep coping cumskin. Now stop derailing my thread.

I bet they are too heavy for people like Solitarian_Cuck. :lul::lul::lul:

Only deathniks like you do, do not lump in that category, bro.

They only hate those men if they expect sex for the people they buy them.
I'm stronger than a streetshitting curry such as yourself. Poo colored grasshoppers LMAO.
Only deathniks like you do, do not lump in that category, bro.
If you had the choice to change your race and become white, would you reject that? Come on bro, do not lie to yourself.
There should be a law for this. We should take matters into our own hands to ensure a future without whores and cucks.

cucks are actual worse than whores because the enable and normalise the behavior of foids.
I'm stronger than a streetshitting curry such as yourself. Poo colored grasshoppers LMAO.

Fragile cumskin, I told you to stop derailing my thread. Unless you have something to add about the topic at hand, refrain from making me read your useless words. Thanks in advance.
If you had the choice to change your race and become white, would you reject that? Come on bro, do not lie to yourself.

Maybe it is hard for you to believe, but not all ethnics are self-hating deathniks.

cucks are actual worse than whores because the enable and normalise the behavior of foids.

Yes, cucks are the enablers of degeneracy. They think they will get a piece of whatever foid they are orbiting. Clueless fools.
Fragile cumskin, I told you to stop derailing my thread. Unless you have something to add about the topic at hand, refrain from making me read your useless words. Thanks in advance.

Maybe it is hard for you to believe, but not all ethnics are self-hating deathniks.

Yes, cucks are the enablers of degeneracy. They think they will get a piece of whatever foid they are orbiting. Clueless fools.
You talk like a real antifa cuck.
Maybe not all but most would definitely prefer to be white.

I am glad I am not one them. I am sure there are more people like me, bro. For instance, I doubt your parents would rather be white.
For instance, I doubt your parents would rather be white.
My mother often talks about how great it is to be light skinned and makes condescending comments about brown people. But yes, my father is not like that, he stands by his origin.
My mother often talks about how great it is to be light skinned and makes condescending comments about brown people. But yes, my father is not like that, he stands by his origin.

Light-skinned is not the same as white, bro. You are Turkish, correct? I have noticed that Turkish women tend to be more conservative, as opposed to Moroccan women. But, at the same time, they both dislike me, for being an ugly brown male.
Light-skinned is not the same as white, bro.
Yes that's true. I'm light skinned, but you recognize when you look at me, that I'm from the orient / middle east.
You are Turkish, correct? I have noticed that Turkish women tend to be more conservative, as opposed to Moroccan women. But, at the same time, they both dislike me, for being an ugly brown male.
That's true. Most Moroccan women I know are thots. As an Indian you should try it only with women from your own country of origin anyway. Unfortunately, you Indian guys are hated by pretty much all non-Indian women.
Incels are the biggest threat to modern women. If we turn enough cucks into blackpilled incels or at least blackpilled normies it's over for them.
Yes that's true. I'm light skinned, but you recognize when you look at me, that I'm from the orient / middle east.

That's true. Most Moroccan women I know are thots. As an Indian you should try it only with women from your own country of origin anyway. Unfortunately, you Indian guys are hated by pretty much all non-Indian women.

Us ethnics always have rugged features, so it is easy to distinguish ethnics based on looks. Europeans have a more refined look, you can easily distinguish between a Turkish person and an Italian person. Where are you from? Even Moroccan guys say Moroccan women are thots. And currywhores actually hate us, they prefer white guys over us.
Yes we need more manpowER
Where are you from?
I am of kurdish origin, from turkey. But I live in cuckmany.
And currywhores actually hate us, they prefer white guys over us.
Those who live in the West certainly do. Do the same thing I want to do. Leave the degenerate west and go back to your homeland. You will find it easier to find a wife there.

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