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Women can SHATTER you without SAYING A WORD



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
I'm not saying anything you don't know but I got another reminder today. Read the BOLD text if you have ADHD.

On walking into the office, as usual, I'm immediately faced with the 10/10-SMV, 5/10-bones, makeupmaxxed, stylemaxxed receptionist. If you have never worked in an office before or don't get much social interaction or can't read social cues, I'll just let you know that some acknowledgement of the person you come face to face with as you enter the building is seen as polite, good social etiquette.

I noticed a while back then when I would say "hi" to her on entering -- not whiteknighting, I KNOW she thinks I'm subchad gaschamberfodder -- she would give me the classic "eww" look but heavily disguised under a veil of work-imposed politeness. She would barely muster a "hi" back to me. She tried her best to avoid eye-contact. You could tell just how uncomfortable she was with my being near.

I have since been taking my cues from her (read that, CuckTears, did you?) as to how much investment I put in. I don't greet her with any expectations of reciprocal-emotion, or anything. Her greetings have become seemingly less "bothered" as time as gone on. That veneer of work-imposed politeness has almost completely gone.

Well, this morning, I said a low-volume "hi" -- I've been reducing my politeness and acknowledgement of her just to the point of avoiding awkwardness. While giving me the same "ew ugly" look, less diguised than ever, she barely mouthed "hi" at all to me. I think her bottom lip MAY have moved. It's really hard to describe. You have to be ugly to feel it. But I have been interacting with people everyday for decades. I know uncomfortableness, disdain, revulsion, evolutionary fear, hatred, when I see it.

Remember, this is not me asking her on a fucking date, this is me walking past. Her hatred of me is made even more manifest when I see her in the kitchen. Most other people will at least ONCE, acknowledge you, even without eye-contact. Their body language shows relaxedness, ease with you existing nearby. But with her, the tension is AWFUL. She doesn't risk even looking in my general DIRECTION. I can only describe it as walking past a mound of horseshit with flies around it and trying to avoid looking at it. I'm that mound of horseshit to her.


Women ABSOLUTELY HATE HAVING TO BE NEAR SUB5 MEN. Because women are emotional, their emotional response to your sub5 looks convinces them, practically that you are guilty of some WRONG. You give them a sense of UNEASE and they are blinded to the fact that their unease is down to your face because emotions are clouding their feminine brains.

I gave up approaching women when I got blackpilled cuz I knew that the definition of madness was trying the same thing with the same face. But even if you don't approach, MERELY PRESENTING YOURSELF is considered an "APPROACH" of sorts and thus triggers HOSTILITY, DISGUST and REVULSION from women.

Fucking hell man.

I am a polite guy. I am not part of the "hate-all-femoids" gang here. She is not rejecting my """""""""personalEteehee xxx"""""""". I can't keep getting rejected for merely walking into the building. Starting tomorrow, it will be awkward cuz once I start, I'll have to keep it up and it's not good to build enemies at work (she hates me anyway), I will pretend to be gazing at my phone, too busy to look up. This is probably what she wants anyway, judging by her behaviour. Women don't want to be forced to look a sub5 male in the eyes.
Just avoid women as a subhuman
incelman said:
Just avoid women as a subhuman

The sentiment is legit af but you probably don't speak from experience working in an office. The question is more: how does one avoid women in a way that doesn't get you seen as some sort of socially-inept, penis-having aggressor and thus fired. It's a delicate balancing at once you leave education.

I know that one of the top rules as a blackpilled subhuman is to avoid eye-contact with women. I just didn't know how to navigate the social situation where you would be seen as awkward for doing so. But as I said at the end of my post, I found a way. You're 19 yeah? I wish I knew all this shit back when I was a youngster.
FACEandLMS said:
The sentiment is legit af but you probably don't speak from experience working in an office. The question is more: how does one avoid women in a way that doesn't get you seen as some sort of socially-inept, penis-having aggressor and thus fired. It's a delicate balancing at once you leave education.

I know that one of the top rules as a blackpilled subhuman is to avoid eye-contact with women. I just didn't know how to navigate the social situation where you would be seen as awkward for doing so. But as I said at the end of my post, I found a way. You're 19 yeah? I wish I knew all this shit back when I was a youngster.

An incel should not work with other people
looking forward to this when i'm done studycelling, if i get hired that is.
I tried calling women out on this and they would just lie.

SATAN could jump at the first opportunity at your throath screaming rape\violence\sexual offence

SATAN could also throw her minions at you

both things happened to me
I know that feel Brethren. I fucking hate having to walk past Stacies, Especially a group of them.
Fucking hell, need to edit that post soon. I type like a thirdworld caveman when I'm typing fast in my lunchhour.
Invisible, is that you lad?
LOL at incelqueers not believing that women give men dirty looks solely because of their appearance. It happens all the time.
FACEandLMS said:
Remember, this is not me asking her on a fucking date, this is me walking past. Her hatred of me is made even more manifest when I see her in the kitchen. Most other people will at least ONCE, acknowledge you, even without eye-contact. Their body language shows relaxedness, ease with you existing nearby. But with her, the tension is AWFUL. She doesn't risk even looking in my general DIRECTION. I can only describe it as walking past a mound of horseshit with flies around it and trying to avoid looking at it. I'm that mound of horseshit to her.

This is how the majority of female coworkers have treated me.  It's also how most of the females that I happened to share a social circle with treated me.  It's like I'm a ghost to them.

Personally I'm used to it.  It shocks me when a girl DOESN'T treat me like i'm...invisible.
Sub8Hate said:
LOL at incelqueers not believing that women give men dirty looks solely because of their appearance. It happens all the time.

Those people are basement dwelling permavirgins(the males) and anti social shut ins(the females). They have no fucking idea what goes on in the world.

I know this feeling being brown. But I’m also socially awkward so I’d get paranoid that I did something wrong or weird when it’s just them being stuck up cunts.
NegroKing said:
Those people are basement dwelling permavirgins(the males) and anti social shut ins(the females). They have no fucking idea what goes on in the world.

I know this feeling being brown. But I’m also socially awkward so I’d get paranoid that I did something wrong or weird when it’s just them being stuck up cunts.

We should have an incel VS incelqueer rumble. We'll pick 10 of our best and take on their's.

TFW jacked gymcels dominate
Sub8Hate said:
We should have an incel VS incelqueer rumble. We'll pick 10 of our best and take on their's.

TFW jacked gymcels dominate

Considering the kinds of numales that post there, even 10 knajjds could beat the strongest IT members.

Just imagine knajjd and 9 alt costumes/recolors of him beating the shit out of 10 numales.
FACEandLMS said:
The sentiment is legit af but you probably don't speak from experience working in an office. The question is more: how does one avoid women in a way that doesn't get you seen as some sort of socially-inept, penis-having aggressor and thus fired. It's a delicate balancing at once you leave education.

I know that one of the top rules as a blackpilled subhuman is to avoid eye-contact with women. I just didn't know how to navigate the social situation where you would be seen as awkward for doing so. But as I said at the end of my post, I found a way. You're 19 yeah? I wish I knew all this shit back when I was a youngster.

Honestly you can go through work/school without saying a single goddamn word to anyone outside of your boss/professor and never make physical contact with anyone or with anything that they are also touching at the same time and you will successfully become the ghost.

A great movie to check out on the type of life I am proposing, just without the silent female companionship, of course:

She seems like a bitch. You should stop greeting her already.
Office politics, you will never ever ever ever win..

Sounds like if you keep saying hi you will end up with a rape charge..
That takes me back to a time in highschool. Some short tomboy with a Chad haircut HATED me upon sight. I remember just walking into class and saw her looking at me strangely, I looked away and saw her still doing it. I knew she was disgusted by my face. I sat next to her in another class because I was partners with this other kid. The next day I saw my chair not in the right spot, I was thinking wtf? And got another chair. Next day same thing. I saw her looking at me nervously as I was walking to sit next to her in the back. My chair wasn't there again. I went to get another chair and when I turned around I saw her look into the air in an annoyed tone mouthing the word "fuck". That's when I realized she was the one doing it. That moment hurt so bad i almost cried. I never did anything or ever spoke to this person, hated just because I was ugly. day she gave up on moving it and we had to do a parthner assignment with the person next to us, and my partner was here. I was going to just do the work myself, but she asked to work with her. I barely responded to anything she said and hardly looked at her. I guess she ended up tolerating my presence as we did a few more assignments together. I avoided talking or looking at her as much as possible. Some other bitch in the class hated me and gave me looks of disgust too. Again, I had never even spoken to this person before. Just thinking back to these times brings extreme rage and anger to me.
Just ignore her, make no eye contact ever, use your phone as a disguise that you're busy. Seriously, I don't get how ignoring these cunts can even get you fired. I'm sure you can think of some creative ways to pretend you're too busy for interaction.
I know what it is like to be ignored just because of my looks. When your friends get greeted enthusiastically, whereas she won't be even paying any attention to you whatsoever. Today, I was sitting in the tram and two Eastern European girls were asking for help. I turned around because I thought they were addressing me, but instead, they addressed an old white man on the phone. That's right, they addressed the busy normie rather than the out-of-the-window-staring 2/10 subhuman. I got triggered. When he said he couldn't help them, but "maybe he can help", while pointing at me, I just shook my head without saying a word. That's what you get for ignoring somebody who could have easily helped you just because they are a) 2/10 and b) non-white.
Sounds like she's still perceiving you as a sexual entity tbh. Women usually lose their passive aggressive teeth even if your looks are totally subhuman when they can't even imagine you as some sexual being and a potential aggressor. I actively try to present myself as harmless whenever entering a professional workplace environment.
reminder that OP has had multiples lays and multiple girlfriends, is 6'3", bbc, works STEM, has a large penis
freakazoid said:
reminder that OP has had multiples lays and multiple girlfriends, is 6'3", bbc, works STEM, has a large penis

So what? He creates great content, is one of the most vocal preachers of the black pill, even normies watch his yt videos.
Ryo Hazuki said:
This is how the majority of female coworkers have treated me.  It's also how most of the females that I happened to share a social circle with treated me.  It's like I'm a ghost to them.

Personally I'm used to it.  It shocks me when a girl DOESN'T treat me like i'm...invisible.

freakazoid said:
reminder that OP has had multiples lays and multiple girlfriends, is 6'3", bbc, works STEM, has a large penis

He said he only had 1 girlfriend
freakazoid said:
reminder that OP has had multiples lays and multiple girlfriends, is 6'3", bbc, works STEM, has a large penis

I didn't have multiple girlfriends and also I'm uglier than you, guaranteed.

modus_coperandi said:
So what? He creates great content, is one of the most vocal preachers of the black pill, even normies watch his yt videos.

Thanks brah
Well I did it. I pretended to be on my phone, and I didn't remotely "check to see if she noticed I was ignoring her", or any halfarsed autistic shit. I straight-up erased her from my world. I felt empowered. I have the right to NOT BE REJECTED and NOT BE VIEWED WITH DISDAIN for merely walking into the office.

Maybe this is a microcosm of the feeling you get when acidfacing a Stacey.
FACEandLMS said:
Well I did it. I pretended to be on my phone, and I didn't remotely "check to see if she noticed I was ignoring her", or any halfarsed autistic shit. I straight-up erased her from my world. I felt empowered. I have the right to NOT BE REJECTED and NOT BE VIEWED WITH DISDAIN for merely walking into the office.

Maybe this is a microcosm of the feeling you get when acidfacing a Stacey.

The most pathetic part about all of this is that no one can pin women down. They lie like sociopaths and make their intentions very ambiguous. You have no idea why they hate you. 
And of course women have a natural halo in this society so anything they do cannot be perceived as being evil on their part. Cucktears is proof of that.
I don't see it surprising that women discriminate based on looks far more often than men.

Ugly subhumans are not even worthy of some respect, according to them.
Ryo Hazuki said:
Considering the kinds of numales that post there, even 10 knajjds could beat the strongest IT members.

Just imagine knajjd and 9 alt costumes/recolors of him beating the shit out of 10 numales.

I'd pay so much money to see this.
FACEandLMS said:
I'm not saying anything you don't know but I got another reminder today. Read the BOLD text if you have ADHD.

On walking into the office, as usual, I'm immediately faced with the 10/10-SMV, 5/10-bones, makeupmaxxed, stylemaxxed receptionist. If you have never worked in an office before or don't get much social interaction or can't read social cues, I'll just let you know that some acknowledgement of the person you come face to face with as you enter the building is seen as polite, good social etiquette.

I noticed a while back then when I would say "hi" to her on entering -- not whiteknighting, I KNOW she thinks I'm subchad gaschamberfodder -- she would give me the classic "eww" look but heavily disguised under a veil of work-imposed politeness. She would barely muster a "hi" back to me. She tried her best to avoid eye-contact. You could tell just how uncomfortable she was with my being near.

I have since been taking my cues from her (read that, CuckTears, did you?) as to how much investment I put in. I don't greet her with any expectations of reciprocal-emotion, or anything. Her greetings have become seemingly less "bothered" as time as gone on. That veneer of work-imposed politeness has almost completely gone.

Well, this morning, I said a low-volume "hi" -- I've been reducing my politeness and acknowledgement of her just to the point of avoiding awkwardness. While giving me the same "ew ugly" look, less diguised than ever, she barely mouthed "hi" at all to me. I think her bottom lip MAY have moved. It's really hard to describe. You have to be ugly to feel it. But I have been interacting with people everyday for decades. I know uncomfortableness, disdain, revulsion, evolutionary fear, hatred, when I see it.

Remember, this is not me asking her on a fucking date, this is me walking past. Her hatred of me is made even more manifest when I see her in the kitchen. Most other people will at least ONCE, acknowledge you, even without eye-contact. Their body language shows relaxedness, ease with you existing nearby. But with her, the tension is AWFUL. She doesn't risk even looking in my general DIRECTION. I can only describe it as walking past a mound of horseshit with flies around it and trying to avoid looking at it. I'm that mound of horseshit to her.


Women ABSOLUTELY HATE HAVING TO BE NEAR SUB5 MEN. Because women are emotional, their emotional response to your sub5 looks convinces them, practically that you are guilty of some WRONG. You give them a sense of UNEASE and they are blinded to the fact that their unease is down to your face because emotions are clouding their feminine brains.

I gave up approaching women when I got blackpilled cuz I knew that the definition of madness was trying the same thing with the same face. But even if you don't approach, MERELY PRESENTING YOURSELF is considered an "APPROACH" of sorts and thus triggers HOSTILITY, DISGUST and REVULSION from women.

Fucking hell man.

I am a polite guy. I am not part of the "hate-all-femoids" gang here. She is not rejecting my """""""""personalEteehee xxx"""""""". I can't keep getting rejected for merely walking into the building. Starting tomorrow, it will be awkward cuz once I start, I'll have to keep it up and it's not good to build enemies at work (she hates me anyway), I will pretend to be gazing at my phone, too busy to look up. This is probably what she wants anyway, judging by her behaviour. Women don't want to be forced to look a sub5 male in the eyes.

I feel your pain. The problem is that you are what we call: visual pollution. You are polluting her space with your disgusting face and body. Can you please stop bothering her and just not greet her. You are probbaly the lowest moment of her day: she has to make a lot of effort to face this pollution.
Celcelleclec said:
I feel your pain. The problem is that you are what we call: visual pollution. You are polluting her space with your disgusting face and body. Can you please stop bothering her and just not greet her. You are probbaly the lowest moment of her day: she has to make a lot of effort to face this pollution.

Ouch. Legit.
The evil gaze they give eats you inside and out. Women being insecure themselves; knows how to nit pick a mans insecurities out pretty well.
FACEandLMS said:
I felt empowered.

I understand it can be empowering to realize that you don't need to acknowledge her, but aren't you ultimately improving her life as well? You pretty much "learned your lesson" in her eyes, I wager.

Also, interesting use of the word microcosm. I had to look it up to make sure it was legit; learn something new every day ^^

Celcelleclec said:
I feel your pain. The problem is that you are what we call: visual pollution. You are polluting her space with your disgusting face and body. Can you please stop bothering her and just not greet her. You are probbaly the lowest moment of her day: she has to make a lot of effort to face this pollution.

Holy FUCK that was one hell of a fucking blackpill. All hail.

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