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Blackpill Women aren't happy even with chads



Mar 24, 2018
Everyone can agree that it's impossible to find a partner who's 100% perfect in every single way because of the innate differences between men and women which men being the rational of two genders can understand and live with however it's not the same for women.

Women live in a fantasy disney princess world where they believe that the perfect chad exists and they will eventually find him and be in a committed relationship with him which couldn't be farther from the truth. This simple fact leads to women being unhappy in relationships even with chads once they find a single flaw in him.

Men can deal with this issue simply because they understand that they will never find a perfect gf so once they start seeing flaws in their partner it doesn't bother them as much. This isn't the case for women they can't deal with it.

Once they find something that they don't like in their bf no matter how insignificant it is which will happen sooner or later even if it's a chad it will bother them to the point where they will sabotage the relationship or monkey branch to a better chad. And this cycle will continue until they hit the wall and the only options left for them are betabuxx deluxe which will turn them into bitter roasties who hate their betabuxx partners because in their delusional brains they think they deserve a perfect chad that doesn't exist.

Even if a perfect chad existed he would never commit to being in a relationship with 99.9% percent of women but of course women being the delusional narcissists that they are think they deserve someone like that.
Let them drown in the sea of hypergamy.

I think the caveat here is that they barely like men at all. Chad is there to just fill foids animalistic lust and he's a nice status item to show to other women to make them jealous
Whitepill not blackpill.
Foids suffering from their stupidity gives me lifefuel
Off topic but, military or mercenaries
I'm assuming your talking about stalker? Neither are good or bad really it's just a matter of perspective.
But in personal opinion, wich one do you prefer
True but also cope, once Chad is satisfied with one foid he just finds another. It’s unlikely that the foid is the first one to break a relationship off if he is a true chad
True but also cope, once Chad is satisfied with one foid he just finds another. It’s unlikely that the foid is the first one to break a relationship off if he is a true chad
It depends if the chad is dating down by a large margin but mostly they just pump and dump beckies and have ltrs with stacies who have access to chads at any time but yeah it doesn't make a difference for either of them since they can get sex and relationships on demand
But in personal opinion, wich one do you prefer
I don't really care about them. Free stalkers are the best
they just want dog knot
Women aren't happy if they are free.
Women are only content when they can turn their brains off and just do what they are told.
They are too arrogant to admit it now that they ARE free, but again it's all about emotions.

In a patriarchal society, women FEEL like they have no choice, so they are happy because they stop fighting it and just do what they are told free of all accountability and responsibilities.
Everyone can agree that it's impossible to find a partner who's 100% perfect in every single way because of the innate differences between men and women which men being the rational of two genders can understand and live with however it's not the same for women.

Women live in a fantasy disney princess world where they believe that the perfect chad exists and they will eventually find him and be in a committed relationship with him which couldn't be farther from the truth. This simple fact leads to women being unhappy in relationships even with chads once they find a single flaw in him.

Men can deal with this issue simply because they understand that they will never find a perfect gf so once they start seeing flaws in their partner it doesn't bother them as much. This isn't the case for women they can't deal with it.

Once they find something that they don't like in their bf no matter how insignificant it is which will happen sooner or later even if it's a chad it will bother them to the point where they will sabotage the relationship or monkey branch to a better chad. And this cycle will continue until they hit the wall and the only options left for them are betabuxx deluxe which will turn them into bitter roasties who hate their betabuxx partners because in their delusional brains they think they deserve a perfect chad that doesn't exist.

Even if a perfect chad existed he would never commit to being in a relationship with 99.9% percent of women but of course women being the delusional narcissists that they are think they deserve someone like that.
I think there is almost as bug of a problem for males in the opposite direction tbh. Most are abused cucks who will just sit there and not stand up for themselves because they are scared of losing access to pussy or getting divorce raped.
Hiroshima Nagasaki level BP here
The Jews have opened the Pandora's box that is the mind of a foid and society will face the consequences of that
They are loyal to Chad, until ´Mr.1% better´ shows up.
Brutal HypergamyPill
The Jews have opened the Pandora's box that is the mind of a foid and society will face the consequences of that
Sexual revolution should have never happened.
Doesn´t surprise me, if Jews were involved.
Realistically women could evolve overtime to prefer lower quality men so they can have a better mate, it will just take 20,000 years of evolution.
Realistically women could evolve overtime to prefer lower quality men so they can have a better mate, it will just take 20,000 years of evolution.
The state provides for them and even ugly landwhales can make a decent living from onlyfans, camwhoring etc. so there's no initiative for them to do that
They are only happy with Tyrone
The state provides for them and even ugly landwhales can make a decent living from onlyfans, camwhoring etc. so there's no initiative for them to do that
Ah, low IQ moment, I had not thought of that, very true, there's no incentive really to change.
they just want dog knot
After that book I read by a woman about how to have sex with your dog, I believe that.

Realistically women could evolve overtime to prefer lower quality men so they can have a better mate, it will just take 20,000 years of evolution.
Lower quality as defined today. If they evolve to perceive actions and intelligence are sexy, our entire culture will change unrecognizably, and a new Harvard style hypergamy will happen.

Either way, women will still sit upon their mighty throne of pussy and allow only the best to breed with them. That's a fact about female nature that will never ever change if there is any sort of natural selection happening.

The state provides for them and even ugly landwhales can make a decent living from onlyfans, camwhoring etc. so there's no initiative for them to do that
That's right. I remember watching a female-lead podcast where one of the women among the guest speakers revealed how she was on benefits here in the UK and was able to escape poverty by creating an OnlyFans. This woman was not young, fat, and plain looking.

99.9% percent of women but of course women being the delusional narcissists
I think individualism has always been apart of female nature. It's only once their birth of their child do they tend to care for somebody other than themselves.

Women are always taking pictures of themselves 24/7. They cycle an entire wardrobe in a year. They spend hours making their faces better with makeup.
Women aren't happy if they are free.
Women are only content when they can turn their brains off and just do what they are told.
They are too arrogant to admit it now that they ARE free, but again it's all about emotions.

In a patriarchal society, women FEEL like they have no choice, so they are happy because they stop fighting it and just do what they are told free of all accountability and responsibilities.
High IQ post brother.

I just wanted to ask you to please use ,,,,,, between your sentences.
Women can NEVER be satifsfied, they will always find something to complain about
They can't enjoy anything because their dopamine receptors are fried.
They are extremely privileged and take everything for granted
who even cares it's so over
Everyone can agree that it's impossible to find a partner who's 100% perfect in every single way because of the innate differences between men and women which men being the rational of two genders can understand and live with however it's not the same for women.

Women live in a fantasy disney princess world where they believe that the perfect chad exists and they will eventually find him and be in a committed relationship with him which couldn't be farther from the truth. This simple fact leads to women being unhappy in relationships even with chads once they find a single flaw in him.

Men can deal with this issue simply because they understand that they will never find a perfect gf so once they start seeing flaws in their partner it doesn't bother them as much. This isn't the case for women they can't deal with it.

Once they find something that they don't like in their bf no matter how insignificant it is which will happen sooner or later even if it's a chad it will bother them to the point where they will sabotage the relationship or monkey branch to a better chad. And this cycle will continue until they hit the wall and the only options left for them are betabuxx deluxe which will turn them into bitter roasties who hate their betabuxx partners because in their delusional brains they think they deserve a perfect chad that doesn't exist.

Even if a perfect chad existed he would never commit to being in a relationship with 99.9% percent of women but of course women being the delusional narcissists that they are think they deserve someone like that.
Woman aren't happy... because nobody is happy. Men, however, have the good sense (usually) not to personally blame the people closest and dearest to them for their own misery and unhappiness. And women do not.
Woman aren't happy... because nobody is happy. Men, however, have the good sense (usually) not to personally blame the people closest and dearest to them for their own misery and unhappiness. And women do not.
I wonder why this faggot is banned
A good point with a very good explanation :feelstastyman:
If you’re having sex daily and after you break up get a new man who could you not be happy . Constant sex , validation, acceptance, ecstasy
If you’re having sex daily and after you break up get a new man who could you not be happy . Constant sex , validation, acceptance, ecstasy
Sure. I'm just saying that even as a chad you will get cucked. Sooner or later anyway
Everyone can agree that it's impossible to find a partner who's 100% perfect in every single way because of the innate differences between men and women which men being the rational of two genders can understand and live with however it's not the same for women.

Women live in a fantasy disney princess world where they believe that the perfect chad exists and they will eventually find him and be in a committed relationship with him which couldn't be farther from the truth. This simple fact leads to women being unhappy in relationships even with chads once they find a single flaw in him.

Men can deal with this issue simply because they understand that they will never find a perfect gf so once they start seeing flaws in their partner it doesn't bother them as much. This isn't the case for women they can't deal with it.

Once they find something that they don't like in their bf no matter how insignificant it is which will happen sooner or later even if it's a chad it will bother them to the point where they will sabotage the relationship or monkey branch to a better chad. And this cycle will continue until they hit the wall and the only options left for them are betabuxx deluxe which will turn them into bitter roasties who hate their betabuxx partners because in their delusional brains they think they deserve a perfect chad that doesn't exist.

Even if a perfect chad existed he would never commit to being in a relationship with 99.9% percent of women but of course women being the delusional narcissists that they are think they deserve someone like that.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Most foids are unhappy, miserable, and insecure. It's fucking hilarious because it's entirely made up in their delusional minds

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