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Blackpill Women are the primary motivators for men to create progress and development in society



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
[UWSL]At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you have 10 houses, you can only live in one house at a time. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 cars, you can only drive one car at a time.[/UWSL]

Therefore, men never chase resources for PRACTICAL USE of the resources ITSELF. The reason Men chase resources is because of what resources attract: WOMEN.

A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.

that’s the reason men aggressively chase wealth and power, why else would a man be buying 10 houses and 10 cars? If it wasn’t for the purpose of using his wealth to attract women, he would be satisfied with living in a one bedroom apartment, eating basic food, wearing unbranded clothes and driving an average car.

A mans desire to attract a woman leaves him with no choice but to innovate, invent, facilitate progress and development in society, in order to generate wealth so that women will consider him a viable partner for sex/reproduction. Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Men chase women because women hold the keys to reproduction, women are the ones who give birth to our children who represent the next generation which will carry on society once we’re gone.

[UWSL]This is the reason that Wars have been fought throughout history by men in order to create a safer, more secure and more pleasurable life for [/UWSL][UWSL]Women and children, on the back of the hard work and sacrifice made by men. Women have always been the primary motivators of men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]

If men cannot be creators Of society, they will be destroyers of society.

Now It’s up to society which role they want us to follow.
Not this horseshit again, stop giving women so much credit.
ME SAD NO FOID WANT ME :feelsrope::feelsUgh:
women are main motivation for men.
Only for plebian simp men.
True enlightened aristocratic warriorcels have no need of women and no concern for their vanities.
The desire to impress women is inherently feminine and should be subjugated.
All true great works were never made to pamper women.
Cope. It's the exact opposite. My fellow men are my primary motivators. Women just drag me down.
hoarding resources doesn’t ‘advance civilisation’. the science nerds do and they get bullied
Not for me. I motivate my own self. I guess I'm different from you guys.
This personal interests/drives are (to some degree) separated from women.
[UWSL]Things you actually want to do (like following your interests/passions - like drawing/making music/etc.) can be done still. But for me the motivation to do anything but the bare minimum for everything else (e.g. for things I don't have an internal drive towards) is simply not there - like working for others extra-hard to realize a common goal or improving community life. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]If society owes me nothing, I (in turn) owe society nothing.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]A society like ours will ultimately lead to more and more people leading solipsistic/atomized lifes or (even worse) doing shit to themselves/others, the only way to levitate the stress of this modern dystopia is connecting with like-minded individuals both off-and online and cope-/interestmaxxing. On the individual plane there is still some hope, but for most of society there isn't.[/UWSL]
Cope. It's the exact opposite. My fellow men are my primary motivators. Women just drag me down.
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A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.
Women are really the driving force of expensive dining and travels. They love socializing, going to places, eating out, shopping etc while a lot of guys prefer to stay at home. Men are just far more introverted and prefer smaller social circles often being satisfied to just hang out with the woman or a few friends.
[UWSL]At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you have 10 houses, you can only live in one house at a time. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 cars, you can only drive one car at a time.[/UWSL]

Therefore, men never chase resources for PRACTICAL USE of the resources ITSELF. The reason Men chase resources is because of what resources attract: WOMEN.

A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.

that’s the reason men aggressively chase wealth and power, why else would a man be buying 10 houses and 10 cars? If it wasn’t for the purpose of using his wealth to attract women, he would be satisfied with living in a one bedroom apartment, eating basic food, wearing unbranded clothes and driving an average car.

A mans desire to attract a woman leaves him with no choice but to innovate, invent, facilitate progress and development in society, in order to generate wealth so that women will consider him a viable partner for sex/reproduction. Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Men chase women because women hold the keys to reproduction, women are the ones who give birth to our children who represent the next generation which will carry on society once we’re gone.

[UWSL]This is the reason that Wars have been fought throughout history by men in order to create a safer, more secure and more pleasurable life for [/UWSL][UWSL]Women and children, on the back of the hard work and sacrifice made by men. Women have always been the primary motivators of men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]

If men cannot be creators Of society, they will be destroyers of society.

Now It’s up to society which role they want us to follow.

The vast majority of trailblazers and inventors have been chaste or men otherwise uninvolved with women. Men have a natural curiosity to understand the world independent of pussy.

Now, as for the standard worker bee drone, yes, vagina and family formation is the carrot and stick that results in widespread upkeep of society. However, its equally maladaptive since women are just as likely to push productivity in useless avenues such as fashion, social nonsense and the like. Also, women demand wealth transfer from men by child support and alimony for frankly doing nothing.

I've long since argued that even if women were a positive force for human advancement (and even then, through no effort of their own), they have now become obsolete and even regressive. They are now an impediment to human progress due to the lack of selection pressure (ie, their mating habits, behavior and preferences are stuck in the damn stone age).

For humans to achieve the next level of advancement they will have to either remove the shackles that is woman and heterosexual reproduction and/or evolve into something that is above these things.

It bothers me to no end that so many men, 'based and blackpilled incels' in particular, want to revert us to a state where they can blissfully be workhorses for women simply for a taste of vagina.
Chad just fuck wearing a clown outfit
[UWSL]Things you actually want to do (like following your interests/passions - like drawing/making music/etc.) can be done still. But for me the motivation to do anything but the bare minimum for everything else (e.g. for things I don't have an internal drive towards) is simply not there - like working for others extra-hard to realize a common goal or improving community life. [/UWSL]
[UWSL]If society owes me nothing, I (in turn) owe society nothing.[/UWSL]

Society is gynocentric, based on equality. You want equality; you destroy incentive for innovation or achievement. Our socialist, faggot-filled society actively punishes you for doing more or trying to improve your life as a man, so logically, we do the bare minimum. All motivation is a cost-benefit analysis, if someone values 15 mins of sticky friction over their freedom, that is their problem.

If I cannot reach my own personal limits for productivity, then good luck getting me to even care about the social "good".

Responsibility without authority is slavery, authority with no responsibility is tyranny.
Not this horseshit again, stop giving women so much credit.
what tf are you talking about. tell this to normies. they are the ones who are doibg this shit. you would have done the same if you were not Blackpilled subhuman
[UWSL]At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you have 10 houses, you can only live in one house at a time. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 cars, you can only drive one car at a time.[/UWSL]

Therefore, men never chase resources for PRACTICAL USE of the resources ITSELF. The reason Men chase resources is because of what resources attract: WOMEN.

A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.

that’s the reason men aggressively chase wealth and power, why else would a man be buying 10 houses and 10 cars? If it wasn’t for the purpose of using his wealth to attract women, he would be satisfied with living in a one bedroom apartment, eating basic food, wearing unbranded clothes and driving an average car.

A mans desire to attract a woman leaves him with no choice but to innovate, invent, facilitate progress and development in society, in order to generate wealth so that women will consider him a viable partner for sex/reproduction. Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Men chase women because women hold the keys to reproduction, women are the ones who give birth to our children who represent the next generation which will carry on society once we’re gone.

[UWSL]This is the reason that Wars have been fought throughout history by men in order to create a safer, more secure and more pleasurable life for [/UWSL][UWSL]Women and children, on the back of the hard work and sacrifice made by men. Women have always been the primary motivators of men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]

If men cannot be creators Of society, they will be destroyers of society.

Now It’s up to society which role they want us to follow.
nature cares about breeding. it created such mechanism that the male even while dying will try to reproduce. when the humble squid especially a young one is injured and close to death it release sperm in the hope of reproduce with some foid squid nearby.
its that simple. eat sleep and breed.
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I don't know why you guys are giving this post so much shit -- he pretty much hits the mark almost perfectly in at least some areas here.
Water is wet.

White men - "Let's build beautiful buildings, have brilliant architecture, and create wonderful cities - we need to impress white foids!"

Niggers - "Aww fuck it, why should I bust my ass to impress a fat niggress - the mudhut is good enough!"
Yeah, human nature, thats why every men is a simp these days, literally, shitton of men ready to die for women, xD
[UWSL]At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you have 10 houses, you can only live in one house at a time. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 cars, you can only drive one car at a time.[/UWSL]

Therefore, men never chase resources for PRACTICAL USE of the resources ITSELF. The reason Men chase resources is because of what resources attract: WOMEN.

A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.

that’s the reason men aggressively chase wealth and power, why else would a man be buying 10 houses and 10 cars? If it wasn’t for the purpose of using his wealth to attract women, he would be satisfied with living in a one bedroom apartment, eating basic food, wearing unbranded clothes and driving an average car.

A mans desire to attract a woman leaves him with no choice but to innovate, invent, facilitate progress and development in society, in order to generate wealth so that women will consider him a viable partner for sex/reproduction. Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Men chase women because women hold the keys to reproduction, women are the ones who give birth to our children who represent the next generation which will carry on society once we’re gone.

[UWSL]This is the reason that Wars have been fought throughout history by men in order to create a safer, more secure and more pleasurable life for [/UWSL][UWSL]Women and children, on the back of the hard work and sacrifice made by men. Women have always been the primary motivators of men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]

If men cannot be creators Of society, they will be destroyers of society.

Now It’s up to society which role they want us to follow.
All very true, but I feel we're beyond the point of returning back to the norms as this current society has in an irrational fool hearty decision process decided to abandon and force a majority of men into social sexual exile. At this point it is looking like a future era of male destroyers as a natural consequence of this current malignant manifestation, perhaps that is what is needed, for there is no creation without destruction and sometimes destruction is the best method of the creative process. At present I see no salvaging this current society or civilization whatsoever, it's beyond saving, its demise is an inevitable one. All the warning signs are there for anybody to see or observe but nobody wants to address the actual problems because of the inconvenience it would pose to the established orthodoxy of political correctness. In all of this destruction is the only inevitable reactionary response mechanism, it's practically guaranteed. :feelsjuice:
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Society is gynocentric, based on equality. You want equality; you destroy incentive for innovation or achievement. Our socialist, faggot-filled society actively punishes you for doing more or trying to improve your life as a man, so logically, we do the bare minimum. All motivation is a cost-benefit analysis, if someone values 15 mins of sticky friction over their freedom, that is their problem.

If I cannot reach my own personal limits for productivity, then good luck getting me to even care about the social "good".

Responsibility without authority is slavery, authority with no responsibility is tyranny.

[UWSL]At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you have 10 houses, you can only live in one house at a time. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 cars, you can only drive one car at a time.[/UWSL]

Therefore, men never chase resources for PRACTICAL USE of the resources ITSELF. The reason Men chase resources is because of what resources attract: WOMEN.

A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.

that’s the reason men aggressively chase wealth and power, why else would a man be buying 10 houses and 10 cars? If it wasn’t for the purpose of using his wealth to attract women, he would be satisfied with living in a one bedroom apartment, eating basic food, wearing unbranded clothes and driving an average car.

A mans desire to attract a woman leaves him with no choice but to innovate, invent, facilitate progress and development in society, in order to generate wealth so that women will consider him a viable partner for sex/reproduction. Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Men chase women because women hold the keys to reproduction, women are the ones who give birth to our children who represent the next generation which will carry on society once we’re gone.

[UWSL]This is the reason that Wars have been fought throughout history by men in order to create a safer, more secure and more pleasurable life for [/UWSL][UWSL]Women and children, on the back of the hard work and sacrifice made by men. Women have always been the primary motivators of men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]

If men cannot be creators Of society, they will be destroyers of society.

Now It’s up to society which role they want us to follow.
Soon the Japanese will build artificial women, they will be identical to the real ones in appearance, but they will be programmed to love you, this will replace the real woman, and not to mention the artificial uterus, that is, the woman will be a totally useless figure for society.
And it's the duty of an incel to not be like those men who feed on their girlfriends' narcissistic supplies.
Wasser ist nass
Honestly I agree with everything you said
Only for plebian simp men.
True enlightened aristocratic warriorcels have no need of women and no concern for their vanities.
The desire to impress women is inherently feminine and should be subjugated.
All true great works were never made to pamper women.
[UWSL]At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you have 10 houses, you can only live in one house at a time. It doesn’t matter if you have 10 cars, you can only drive one car at a time.[/UWSL]

Therefore, men never chase resources for PRACTICAL USE of the resources ITSELF. The reason Men chase resources is because of what resources attract: WOMEN.

A man doesn’t need much to be satisfied in life, Our bodies are stronger than a woman’s, our bodies are made for hardship which is why unlike women our bodies do not require a great amount of luxury in order to feel comfort. We are happy with less in life.

However, women can’t live simple lives like men, they have high standards of living because their bodies (by nature) are built in such a way that require luxury in order to feel true comfort.

that’s the reason men aggressively chase wealth and power, why else would a man be buying 10 houses and 10 cars? If it wasn’t for the purpose of using his wealth to attract women, he would be satisfied with living in a one bedroom apartment, eating basic food, wearing unbranded clothes and driving an average car.

A mans desire to attract a woman leaves him with no choice but to innovate, invent, facilitate progress and development in society, in order to generate wealth so that women will consider him a viable partner for sex/reproduction. Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Men chase women because women hold the keys to reproduction, women are the ones who give birth to our children who represent the next generation which will carry on society once we’re gone.

[UWSL]This is the reason that Wars have been fought throughout history by men in order to create a safer, more secure and more pleasurable life for [/UWSL][UWSL]Women and children, on the back of the hard work and sacrifice made by men. Women have always been the primary motivators of men. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]

If men cannot be creators Of society, they will be destroyers of society.

Now It’s up to society which role they want us to follow.
women are takers of shit.
What a load of bullcrap. Some of the biggest advancements in humanity are made by 200 iq incel/volcel men
Not 100% on this. Females can be a primary motivator for men to simply work.

But a lot of men, even if (and especially if) fully sexually satisfied, wouldn't have anything else in life to worry about. Seems to me like they would be more likely to explore, invent, and advance civilization, even out of goodwill. Males waste a lot of energy doing whatever to get sex, but if they had sex already then they would want to expend energy elsewhere, in things that are less arbitrary and more productive (because it wouldn't be determined by whatever it is that females want them to do, which is usually uninspiring to say the least).

One example is, why do nerds work on ROMhacks? They're effectively producing another game for others to enjoy, but they do it for free. It's not going to get them sex either. But they do enjoy others experiencing what their mind has produced. A lot of these nerds such as myself are depressed from Inceldom, and would actually be more productive in areas such as these if Inceldom wasn't in the way.
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No they were not the primary motivation for men creating things the primary motivations for men creating things are creativity money and to make life easier none of those things have to do with women.
[UWSL]If [/UWSL][UWSL]Society rewards men with the ability to attract women, men will become valued contributors to society, but deny men the ability to attract women and watch as they become intent on destroying the society which they consider to be their enemy.[/UWSL]
Seems like a big cope to me. Most men are cattle, worthless simp retards who will kiss women's feet no matter how much they are shat on by their own "goddesses".

Most men are biologically (and not culturally) inclined to protect, worship and prioritize women. For every bitter incel, there are 10 simps (which include incels in denial) who basically dedicate their lives to women.
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High IQ post, but not only women. If there were no women around, men would compete against themselves, in order to mog and feel great.
TLDR: Women have only one job. Be a slut.
Not this horseshit again, stop giving women so much credit.
They choose what is going to exist in the future generations, they choose simps and cucks.

They have some tools to make this choosing: sexual selection and conceal ovulation.
Wrong, it's the possibility of getting women that motivates men. If there is no possibility, there's no motivation.
Society uses women as the carrot on the stick to convince/coerce men to advance their civilisation to higher levels.

Didn’t work in Africa and other third world countries :D
ME SAD NO FOID WANT ME :feelsrope::feelsUgh:
Literally what this forum is. I'm only here at this point for blackpill studies, interesting video links, and funny personal stories.
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Men through history chased power, status and wealth to show dominance over other men as women were a commodity that every man could acquire.
Only for plebian simp men.
True enlightened aristocratic warriorcels have no need of women and no concern for their vanities.
The desire to impress women is inherently feminine and should be subjugated.
All true great works were never made to pamper women.
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: jfl at this retarded coping, we are in an incel site, where everyone accepts desire to get laid is here and strong by simply having an acc, you still try to pose like some stoic mgtow cuck :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Yes bro, just deny your own biology bro, maybe one day you would even trick yourself.

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