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RageFuel Women are sugarshowered, and men are the strenuators. But does this apply to Chads never?



Jan 2, 2018
Men strenuate when they are of lesser sexual marketplace vantage point (SMVP) than women.
But the game is different for men than women.
For men, it is easier to get cucked because female hormonal primality wants domination.
Guys just want a good support/ fucking cushion.
So essentially it makes every girl easier to be the sugarshowered than to be the sugarshowered.
And men are strenuating to receive it.

This is what I really don't understand. Egoism is the main source of it. There is always the strenuation to achieve friends.
Nothing good in life exists without strenuation. Even if you approach friendship with the same air of friendliness/ love/ compassion... then you're gonna get hit really hard in the heart and realize that peopel dont' give a shit about you unless you have primal value. That is what in of itself creates the darkness that enshrouds mankind in the fog of violence/ corruption/ bile/ hatred/ etc.

We have a sense of belonging we need as a species. You can either make it come through strenuation, or you can make it easy, and have everyone be comforting rebounders for eachother. Respectful receptive rebounding is what we commonly need in society. Strenuation centric substance that rests on the realm of competence/ dominance/ tyranny substance hierarchies for attraciton like Looks, money, status just make this world a primal/ disgusting/ unwholesome place.

Chads will be the first, but this is the reason that when women carry the walk of a relationship, and men follow.
Because men have whiteknight impulse, and want to beta provide, and make women feel like their faithfulness is a resounding substance unique to them.
Chads can be disqualifiers. but it can apply to them if with the right girl obviously. 2018 is making this woman's world. but not for long until the west collapses from too much leniency.
I didn't understand.
Either too high IQ or too low IQ for me.
wtf did I just read. can't tell if it's because I'm still drunk or if it's you.
Yes, women will do this for Chads regularly. Putting the word "sugar" in there should make you conjure up images of women going to the movies with Chad and paying for it, happens a lot.
its only natural for people to always seek things/people with value... thats why I say love is so rare because people who truly love someone goes against his nature and can accept someone regardless of his value

Men strenuate
Strenuate is not a real word.

sexual marketplace vantage point (SMVP)
What is this supposed to be?

female hormonal primality wants domination
Ambiguous. Wants to dominate (and what) or to be dominated (and by what)?

So essentially it makes every girl easier to be the sugarshowered than to be the sugarshowered.
Easier to be X than to be X. And what is sugarshowering?

This is just the first few lines. I didn't bother reading the rest.
Where are you from?
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Strenuate is not a real word.

What is this supposed to be?

Ambiguous. Wants to dominate (and what) or to be dominated (and by what)?

Easier to be X than to be X. And what is sugarshowering?

This is just the first few lines. I didn't bother reading the rest.
Where are you from?
Strenuate. Well, there is such a thing as phonetic rhythm in a language. It's the reason that we put an "n" after a because a glottal stop would break the phonetic flow of our language if it hit a vowel.
Because it sounds like a real word, since it follows the phonetical rhythm rule. If I made it sound like Gorbago, then it wouldn't sound English.
It's a PRR word with an easily gaugeable context. It's strenuous.


SMVP is your vantage point on the sexual market place.
Where if you're a girl in a place full of men, then that gives you more advantage than if you were a bunch of girls with a handful of guys. There's more to go around to divvy up the guys' attention. And so they go along with that.

FHP wants women to dominate the sexual market place because they are hormonally wired to be presentable to attract the best guys, and to be the most distinct ot htem in all the feminine ways that htey are supposed to matter.
Look at the way they do makeup. They are getting ready for presentation when there's guys all around them who they could be with. So they're lying and waiting. They know they could get any guy. They're saving themselves. Showing their innate hypergmay. It implies that they know that other women have the similar taste in men they do or else they wouldn't be looking ot be presentable for hte guy she's trying ot get with. THey must be saving themselves for the certain guy also. Which implies that women know evolution is pretty hypergamic.
Women are desiring, but end up settling for beta buxxing. But they desire alpha status.

Anything else? You guys lack such obvious insight.
I didn't understand.
Either too high IQ or too low IQ for me.
wtf did I just read. can't tell if it's because I'm still drunk or if it's you.
This was kind of just text spittle for me from my brain. This place didn't really respond to my last post which was more insightful. So this confirms my wordage of the title gave a better impression.
its only natural for people to always seek things/people with value... thats why I say love is so rare because people who truly love someone goes against his nature and can accept someone regardless of his value
But there is always something valuable about that person. Something distinct. Eximial, like even if you're a mother, and you have a son, then the fact the boy is her son is the condition in which she loves.
There is no unconditional love.
The nature of it is such a prevailing force, and to remove it would be something that people selfishly don't want to change because the people in power get to make the deciisons and they live a life lofty enough for us not to sweep humanity clean, and create a new species in its place.
Strenuate. Well, there is such a thing as phonetic rhythm in a language. It's the reason that we put an "n" after a because a glottal stop would break the phonetic flow of our language if it hit a vowel.
Because it sounds like a real word, since it follows the phonetical rhythm rule. If I made it sound like Gorbago, then it wouldn't sound English.
It's a PRR word with an easily gaugeable context. It's strenuous.
What were you trying to say here? I don't have an issue with how the word is pronounced, just with the fact that it's not a real word. There's 183 mentions of "strenuate" on Google, less than for "frumny" which is a word I just made up.
And what is Gorbago? And is PRR supposed to stand for?


That's not a real dictionary.

SMVP is your vantage point on the sexual market place.
There's fewer than 150 mentions for "marketplace vantage point" as a phrase on Google, so it turns out marketplaces don't have vantage points.

FHP wants women to dominate the sexual market place because they are hormonally wired to be presentable to attract the best guys, and to be the most distinct ot htem in all the feminine ways that htey are supposed to matter.
Guess what: hormonal primality isn't a thing either. You probably meant hormonal primacy which is a phrase that sort of makes sense but I've never heard it before, probably because there are many better ways to say whatever it was you were trying to say.

And you didn't explain what sugarshowering is and what you were trying to say here:
So essentially it makes every girl easier to be the sugarshowered than to be the sugarshowered.

Anything else? You guys lack such obvious insight.
Your poor English is why you don't understand why what you wrote is gibberish. Maybe you should improve your command of the language before you start making up your own words and concepts.

This was kind of just text spittle for me from my brain.
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What were you trying to say here? I don't have an issue with how the word is pronounced, just with the fact that it's not a real word. There's 183 mentions of "strenuate" on Google, less than for frumny which is a word I just made up.
And what is Gorbago? And is PRR supposed to stand for?

That's not a real dictionary.

There's less than 150 mentions for "marketplace vantage point" as a phrase on Google, so it turns out marketplaces don't have vantage points.

Guess what: hormonal primality isn't a thing either. You probably meant hormonal primacy which is a phrase that sort of makes sense but I've never heard it before, probably because there are many better ways to say whatever it was you were trying to say.

And you didn't explain what sugarshowering is and what you were trying to say here:

Your poor English is why you don't understand why what you wrote is gibberish. Maybe you should improve your command of the language before you start making up your own words and concepts.

lmao. colloquialities impact lexicalities. The lexical inventory of english is always in flux. The dictionary we use is 60% archaic, but a lot of the expresionalities/ gesticulations/ witticisms are words. Yolo is a colloquial witticism. It could be in the dictionary.
Fucking new-key-lar instead of nuclear can be in the dictionary.

I am using a vague definition and hoping you colloquially glean what I mean by it.
Again, primality is another connotation of something that I use.
Like when freud/ jung coin their own terms to explain their philosophies, I have to do something similar.

Yes I did, read again. I said sugarshowering = someone who is giving goods/ grace to one side of the relationship. That is what can be implied here.

Maybe you should fall away from your autism and realize the expression behind wordology. If someone is gesturing to you, say an ethnic, saying rectangle house, and you're on a farm, are you going to misread it just because they didn't say it was a barn?

PRR is an acronym I used to describe the phonetic rhythmic rule of english. If a word sounds like a word, with the rhythm of english's phonetics, then it may as well be communicated, although not lexically correct.
Firstly/ irregardless. They don't have lexical value, but they have colloquial/ dialectal link. Terms are coined this way in real life. Language evolves.

It's not about how many results there are on google. it's if it can be not formally, but informally/ outside of constructed language constraints as a unit of conversation/ pinning down a thought.
Gorbago was an example of somehting that doesn't follow the rhythmiuc rule of english. So it would be hard to use. As an onomatopoeia of something maybe.
Yeah, if you're not trolling maybe you should take some cognitive test or an MRI to make sure you don't have a train bumor or something.
Yeah, if you're not trolling maybe you should take some cognitive test or an MRI to make sure you don't have a train bumor or something.



  1. 1.
    relating to an early stage in evolutionary development; primeval.
    "primal hunting societies"synonyms:original, initial, earliest, first, primitive, primeval"the primal source of living things"

    I.E. when I say primarchy, I mean primtive hierarchy.
    The thing that women esteem primitively, like men do. That is, things that come descended from our reptillian/ neolothic/ regressive personalities.
    Things that do not suit the modern sensibility filtration that is paired with creativity/ civilization.
    Things that are individualistic/ uncommunal/ etc.
    Looks, money, status, selfishness, selectiveness, cuntishness, etc. Cuntishness isn't in the dictionary but that doesn't mean it isn't inferentially a definition lmao.

    Lexicon based definitions
    Inference based definitions.

    Cunt-(qualities of characteristics of)-(state of condition), the state or condition of things that have the qualities/ characteristics of cunts.
    Is that hard?
So when I talk about hormones, then I am saying that primal
Primal-ity (
Definition of -ity

: quality : state : degreealkalinitytheatricality
Quality state of primality

Suffix for hormonal now,

-al. a suffix with the general sense “of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character of”

So when you piece it together (hope you're still follwoing)

The quality/ state of primal elements/ aspects/ things/ situations, pertaining to the hormones women have naturally.

Idk, if you got a better way to state it off some overly formal armchair professor I'd love to hear it. We live in a bluepill world dude. Just like jung or freud. They were the first of their kind to define this shit so they had to build on some of the most advanced languages to help them. Term coining.
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Idk, if you got a better way to state it off some overly formal armchair professor I'd love to hear it. They were the first of their kind to define this shit so they had to build on some of the most advanced languages to help them. Term coining.
You are either bad at English or have some cognitive impairment. Either way, I'm behind on my Saturday night LDARing so I'll leave you to your primality of sugarshowering strenuation.
You are either bad at English or have some cognitive impairment. Either way, I'm behind on my Saturday night LDARing so I'll leave you to your primality of sugarshowering strenuation.
Ha witticism (to deter the credibility for me thinking this is a rational course for you to do)/ fake constraint LDAR. So this is the point where you choose to insulate yourself from your incompetence by projecting patheticness on the situation.
No, I'm not bad at english. I'm trying to use english to convey concepts your formality of english can't. sad.
Anyway, you're just trying to contrive a deadlock for the continuation of this conversation.
Deadlock devising.
Laidbacker, trying to say "oomph my shaturrdurday night need attendin to, u bad at ingwish, no can cuntinu bai"
Ha witticism (to deter the credibility for me thinking this is a rational course for you to do)/ fake constraint LDAR. So this is the point where you choose to insulate yourself from your incompetence by projecting patheticness on the situation.
No, I'm not bad at english. I'm trying to use english to convey concepts your formality of english can't. sad.
Anyway, you're just trying to contrive a deadlock for the continuation of this conversation.
Deadlock devising.
Laidbacker, trying to say "oomph my shaturrdurday night need attendin to, u bad at ingwish, no can cuntinu bai"
Ugh. Here's how to say that next time:
Ha, you're trying to be funny and pretending to have better things to do to save face because you can't understand me.
See? Less words = better.
realize the expression behind wordology.
Please stop making words up. @Angry_runt is right for saying that you're making little sense. You're not Shakespeare: you don't just make shit tons of words up with an inconsistent and nonsensical writing style.

I appreciate your original post, but the repeated arguments between the two of you is ridiculous and it is clear that you are not a great writer who makes up the occasional word (that make sense in line with the stem/tense etc) of the words.

Using big words to try to affirm your point is something akin to what an autistic 12 year old would say when he says that Minecraft is better than roblox due to 'titanium core processing and gamma radiation'. It doesn't make as much sense, despite you using big words like a big boy, than saying: "it runs faster because of lower latency."

Your limited use of the same enormous (it doesn't quite fit does it?) words show a lack of control in language and formality in context. It shows a clear misunderstanding of synonyms and an obsession with using giganormas (I can make up words, right?) words to 'impress' others.
Please stop making words up. @Angry_runt is right for saying that you're making little sense. You're not Shakespeare: you don't just make shit tons of words up with an inconsistent and nonsensical writing style.

I appreciate your original post, but the repeated arguments between the two of you is ridiculous and it is clear that you are not a great writer who makes up the occasional word (that make sense in line with the stem/tense etc) of the words.

Using big words to try to affirm your point is something akin to what an autistic 12 year old would say when he says that Minecraft is better than roblox due to 'titanium core processing and gamma radiation'. It doesn't make as much sense, despite you using big words like a big boy, than saying: "it runs faster because of lower latency."

Your limited use of the same enormous (it doesn't quite fit does it?) words show a lack of control in language and formality in context. It shows a clear misunderstanding of synonyms and an obsession with using giganormas (I can make up words, right?) words to 'impress' others.
"Big word" is an arbitrary assessment for the language units that are used to pin my words together. And the shades of what constitute them vary by subjectivity.

Witticism in your minecraft/ roblox thing doesn't really pertain. but I guess the dudebro in me would ha-ha at it if I was just as uninsightful as you are.

I can choose to break my concepts down piece by piece, and give piecemeals about my personal terms and incorporate them here, but honestly it would just waste my time. If you can't glean what I'm talking about then it seems intellectually disingenuous, and that you're just attempting to pull away from using your own inferentiality to just make a contrived critique.

i add suffix by suffix trying to cram the concepts in one unit, rather than splather on several. You may even say that is the TRUE brevity, and you guys are quasi extravagant/ pretentious/ superfluous.

You are not engaging on a reasoned basis. It does not seem like you have the attention span/ mutuality capacity to feel/ hear/ read my entire argument on this. It's not like I can dm you. You are in bash-leaning mode. Not in heed-leaning mode.
Trying to offer a reasoned argument/ basis for people is irrelevant when they're unwilling.

Carl Jung didn't just compose his own coined terms, but he also had to coin concepts that rung similarly with the impression from a certain word. like the shadow for instance. It didn't have quite the similar, heavy, new age connotation he saw in it until he imposed it himself. I'm not really different. Some things like what I am trying ot say didn't precede me, but they need to be said.
Ugh. Here's how to say that next time:

See? Less words = better.
Didn't encapsulate everything I wanted to put out though. So, strawmanning. Clown makeup sprayed strawman.
Unless you think that kind of brevity is what I SHOULD use, but, nah.
The fucking plebs here jesus christ
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"Big word" is an arbitrary assessment for the language units that are used to pin my words together. And the shades of what constitute them vary by subjectivity.

Witticism in your minecraft/ roblox thing doesn't really pertain. but I guess the dudebro in me would ha-ha at it if I was just as uninsightful as you are.

I can choose to break my concepts down piece by piece, and give piecemeals about my personal terms and incorporate them here, but honestly it would just waste my time. If you can't glean what I'm talking about then it seems intellectually disingenuous, and that you're just attempting to pull away from using your own inferentiality to just make a contrived critique.

i add suffix by suffix trying to cram the concepts in one unit, rather than splather on several. You may even say that is the TRUE brevity, and you guys are quasi extravagant/ pretentious/ superfluous.

You are not engaging on a reasoned basis. It does not seem like you have the attention span/ mutuality capacity to feel/ hear/ read my entire argument on this. It's not like I can dm you. You are in bash-leaning mode. Not in heed-leaning mode.
Trying to offer a reasoned argument/ basis for people is irrelevant when they're unwilling.

Carl Jung didn't just compose his own coined terms, but he also had to coin concepts that rung similarly with the impression from a certain word. like the shadow for instance. It didn't have quite the similar, heavy, new age connotation he saw in it until he imposed it himself. I'm not really different. Some things like what I am trying ot say didn't precede me, but they need to be said.

Didn't encapsulate everything I wanted to put out though. So, strawmanning. Clown makeup sprayed strawman.
Unless you think that kind of brevity is what I SHOULD use, but, nah.
The fucking plebs here jesus christ

Yeah, if you're not trolling maybe you should take some cognitive test or an MRI to make sure you don't have a train bumor or something.

Get well soon boyo:feelstastyman:
too high iq to me to even translate it in my mind to slavlanguage and then understand what you were saying :what:

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