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Blackpill Women are more obsessed with sex than men



Jan 31, 2023
Just think about it. They spend 1 hour every day applying make-up just to get the attention of Chad.

They spent countless money on surgery. They diet and go to the gym much more than men etc... meanwhile Chad doesn't give a shit and look like a hobo.

They even pay fucking money to travel to Chad to to fuck him.

For men sex is 1 activity among many. For women it is THE activity. They can't get fucking enough of it. They are utterly obsessed with it.
Foids are the ultimate hypocrisy they say shit like "Don`t objective me" :foidSoy: or "I don`t dress up for men i dress up for myself":foidSoy: then proceed to wear fakeup,heels and dress like a slut all for Chads attention sometimes i wonder if foids are even aware of how fucking stupid the shit they say is
Just think about it. They spend 1 hour every day applying make-up just to get the attention of Chad.

They spent countless money on surgery. They diet and go to the gym much more than men etc... meanwhile Chad doesn't give a shit and look like a hobo.

They even pay fucking money to travel to Chad to to fuck him.

For men sex is 1 activity among many. For women it is THE activity. They can't get fucking enough of it. They are utterly obsessed with it.
Why do you think virgin is an insult for men used by foids? Because they think sex is the most important thing in life
Yes, you are correct .
For us sex is like shitting but when we are unable to satisfy this basic need we are going crazy.
Foids are the ultimate hypocrisy they say shit like "Don`t objective me" :foidSoy: or "I don`t dress up for men i dress up for myself":foidSoy: then proceed to wear fakeup,heels and dress like a slut all for Chads attention sometimes i wonder if foids are even aware of how fucking stupid the shit they say is
Why do you think virgin is an insult for men used by foids? Because they think sex is the most important thing in life

A bit mad that no one ever points this out about foids, I always find it so obvious. Why else would you wear fakeup if you are ''confident about yourself'''? Simple, for attention. Particularly from chad, since foids know that they're fugly on average without such an advantage.

Why do they spend so much on clothes, hair treatments, mani/pedicure and all that bullshit? To look good. And why would you want to look good other than to attract the opposite gender? I often wonder why most people are so retarded they never ask themselves these things. A single look at reality would tell you that women are the ones who are most obsessed with sex. And yet, they reflect by saying men are the desperate monkeys who seek it most. Worst part is some normies believe it.
Attention is like oxygen for them
Just think about it. They spend 1 hour every day applying make-up just to get the attention of Chad.

They spent countless money on surgery. They diet and go to the gym much more than men etc... meanwhile Chad doesn't give a shit and look like a hobo.

They even pay fucking money to travel to Chad to to fuck him.

For men sex is 1 activity among many. For women it is THE activity. They can't get fucking enough of it. They are utterly obsessed with it.

Sex is the only thing that makes foids valuable, which is why they are obsessed with it and try so hard to be sexually desirable. Without sex, they’d just be deadweight.
Just think about it. They spend 1 hour every day applying make-up just to get the attention of Chad.

They spent countless money on surgery. They diet and go to the gym much more than men etc... meanwhile Chad doesn't give a shit and look like a hobo.

They even pay fucking money to travel to Chad to to fuck him.

For men sex is 1 activity among many. For women it is THE activity. They can't get fucking enough of it. They are utterly obsessed with it.
yes exactly.
The first thing to recognize is that women are the ones who created the whole "all men want is sex" meme. Before the 1800s, women were viewed as more sexual than men.

The second thing you an do is to enter any place of female discourse, like r/twoxchromosomes, open a spreadsheet, or grab a piece of paper and create four columns called "men evil," "my vagina," "sex," and "misc."
Then go on the aforementioned subreddit and just scroll through threads for an hour and place each thread you see into one of the four categories. You will find that almost everything women talk about is sex, their pussy and men being evil to them (self victimization).
Another basic argument that follows logically from what even soys believe, is that that women would end up having more sex than men, regardless of lower sex drive. The reason is simple:

Imagine two people, James and john. James is a fatso and has 50% more hunger on average than John. However, James can literally not get food unless he pays most of his salary for it. He has to bribe the baker to give him food. And even then, the food is medicore. Over time, James just get's used to eating no food or only shit food. James sometimes watches hours of others eating food until he gets the feeling he is kinda satisfied.

John on the other hand does not have this problem. Yes, John is less hungry than James, but John literally has people shove food into his mouth in public. In fact, this is so extreme that John has acquired learned behaviors to avoid randos shoving food in his mouth - he only lets 20% of the population do it and when it comes to the other 80%, he sets up loops to jump through before they can do it, to avoid being annoyed by them.

John has never experienced a time when he could not immediately satisfy his hunger. There is always someone around shoving food in his mouth if he just lets them.

So, which of these two, James and John, ends up eating more food? James, who can't even get food unless taking extreme measures, or John, who has to literally develop a defensive stance to avoid people shoving food in his mouth.

Now, all this aside, even in sexual science they are now more and more recognizing that women's sex drive is similar to mens (shocker). Here I quote this paper, which I will attach:
The research reviewed here indicates that many gender differences in sexuality are smaller than researchers once thought. The majority of gender differences in sexual behaviors and attitudes are small, indicating that within-gender variation is larger than between-gender variation in reported sexual behaviors and attitudes. When gender differences do exist, research suggests that they are a product of gender differences in biological factors, societal power differentials, and social pressures to respond according to assigned gender roles.

Despite the research suggesting that men and women are similar in many aspects of their sexual expression, researchers continue to emphasize gender differences, rather than similarities, in sexuality. Exaggerating gender differences may lead to a number of social and sexual problems. Conforming to strict gender roles limits one’s sexual expression. For example, women who have a strong sexual desire may be derogated for having multiple sex partners or engaging in casual sex.
-"Gender Differences in Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors: A Review of Meta-Analytic Results and Large Datasets"
Jennifer L. Petersen & Janet Shibley Hyde, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Note that the text highlights that sex is seen as nasty and degenerate, which may be behind our foid worshiping culture is trying to avoid portraying women as sexual beings. As it says, this may push researchers into denying or downplaying evidence for stronger than expected female sexuality. We have seen this in other research too, like on this forums must-read threads on female body-count doubling on fake lie-detector tests:

In that study we get a classic example of what I just described. Confronted with evidence of women being whores and as sexual as men, the researchers scramble to excuse their own findings away to save their worldview:

"This pattern should be interpreted cautiously because the overall interaction between participants sex and testing condition was not significant."

Finally, in the 2013 re-run of the original 2003 lie-detector study, it was found that:

“Women are reporting significantly more partners than the men.”
"Fisher said the findings should raise flags with researchers who use surveys to study sexuality "
"The average age of the study participants was 18, and the overwhelming majority of them were white."
"It was unclear why, 10 years later, women were now reporting that they had a greater number of partners than men"

We also saw the same excuses pop up when they found in another study that women are aroused by literally everything, regardless of what their stated sexual orientation was. This included monkeys, lesbian sex, gay sex between men etc:

"There's the possibility that genital response for women is not necessarily imbued with meaning about her sexual interests," says Chivers. She also emphasized that her findings do not imply women harbor a latent desire for lesbian sex or bestiality."

This tendency, to explain away findings that contradict their presuppositions about women and men, is so prevalent that is has been recognized by researchers themselves. I made a thread about the respective data here:

So yeah, like I have said 10000 times before, this is not a fight over data, this is a fight over worldviews. Their apriori assumptions about women prevent them from acknowledging data that contradicts their assumptions. And among these apriori presuppositions is the idea that men are the more sexual gender, that men are brutish beasts that lust and hunt after women, like predators, while women are coy, conflict-avoidant and only want kind, soft missionary sex with a loving partner who protects them from da ebil worldd out deree waaaaaaa sniff sniff :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

In reality any quick study of romance novels, porn statistics, studies on which partners AHEM women pick will reveal a female preference for danger, conflict, rough hardcore sex and so forth.

But enough of this. I have a vague memory in my mind that @WorthlessSlavicShit wrote about something like this in a thread, how they accidentally discovered women having same sexual partner count as men or something idk.
Foids literally do shit that is objectively written in "Origin of Species" of Darwin.Sexual intercourse and procreation is the only biological objective and only purpose for them technically speaking.
yes exactly.
The first thing to recognize is that women are the ones who created the whole "all men want is sex" meme. Before the 1800s, women were viewed as more sexual than men.

The second thing you an do is to enter any place of female discourse, like r/twoxchromosomes, open a spreadsheet, or grab a piece of paper and create four columns called "men evil," "my vagina," "sex," and "misc."
Then go on the aforementioned subreddit and just scroll through threads for an hour and place each thread you see into one of the four categories. You will find that almost everything women talk about is sex, their pussy and men being evil to them (self victimization).
Another basic argument that follows logically from what even soys believe, is that that women would end up having more sex than men, regardless of lower sex drive. The reason is simple:

Imagine two people, James and john. James is a fatso and has 50% more hunger on average than John. However, James can literally not get food unless he pays most of his salary for it. He has to bribe the baker to give him food. And even then, the food is medicore. Over time, James just get's used to eating no food or only shit food. James sometimes watches hours of others eating food until he gets the feeling he is kinda satisfied.

John on the other hand does not have this problem. Yes, John is less hungry than James, but John literally has people shove food into his mouth in public. In fact, this is so extreme that John has acquired learned behaviors to avoid randos shoving food in his mouth - he only lets 20% of the population do it and when it comes to the other 80%, he sets up loops to jump through before they can do it, to avoid being annoyed by them.

John has never experienced a time when he could not immediately satisfy his hunger. There is always someone around shoving food in his mouth if he just lets them.

So, which of these two, James and John, ends up eating more food? James, who can't even get food unless taking extreme measures, or John, who has to literally develop a defensive stance to avoid people shoving food in his mouth.

Now, all this aside, even in sexual science they are now more and more recognizing that women's sex drive is similar to mens (shocker). Here I quote this paper, which I will attach:

-"Gender Differences in Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors: A Review of Meta-Analytic Results and Large Datasets"
Jennifer L. Petersen & Janet Shibley Hyde, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Note that the text highlights that sex is seen as nasty and degenerate, which may be behind our foid worshiping culture is trying to avoid portraying women as sexual beings. As it says, this may push researchers into denying or downplaying evidence for stronger than expected female sexuality. We have seen this in other research too, like on this forums must-read threads on female body-count doubling on fake lie-detector tests:

In that study we get a classic example of what I just described. Confronted with evidence of women being whores and as sexual as men, the researchers scramble to excuse their own findings away to save their worldview:

"This pattern should be interpreted cautiously because the overall interaction between participants sex and testing condition was not significant."

We also saw the same excuses pop up when they found in another study that women are aroused by literally everything, regardless of what their stated sexual orientation was. This included monkeys, lesbian sex, gay sex between men etc:

"There's the possibility that genital response for women is not necessarily imbued with meaning about her sexual interests," says Chivers. She also emphasized that her findings do not imply women harbor a latent desire for lesbian sex or bestiality."

This tendency, to explain away findings that contradict their presuppositions about women and men, is so prevalent that is has been recognized by researchers themselves. I made a thread about the respective data here:

So yeah, like I have said 10000 times before, this is not a fight over data, this is a fight over worldviews. Their apriori assumptions about women prevent them from acknowledging data that contradicts their assumptions. And among these apriori presuppositions is the idea that men are the more sexual gender, that men are brutish beasts that lust and hunt after women, like predators, while women are coy, conflict-avoidant and only want kind, soft missionary sex with a loving partner who protects them from da ebil worldd out deree waaaaaaa sniff sniff :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

In reality any quick study of romance novels, porn statistics, studies on which partners AHEM women pick will reveal a female preference for danger, conflict, rough hardcore sex and so forth.

But enough of this. I have a vague memory in my mind that @WorthlessSlavicShit wrote about something like this in a thread, how they accidentally discovered women having same sexual partner count as men or something idk.
Nothing to say honestly
High IQ and S Tier reply
yes exactly.
The first thing to recognize is that women are the ones who created the whole "all men want is sex" meme. Before the 1800s, women were viewed as more sexual than men.

The second thing you an do is to enter any place of female discourse, like r/twoxchromosomes, open a spreadsheet, or grab a piece of paper and create four columns called "men evil," "my vagina," "sex," and "misc."
Then go on the aforementioned subreddit and just scroll through threads for an hour and place each thread you see into one of the four categories. You will find that almost everything women talk about is sex, their pussy and men being evil to them (self victimization).
Another basic argument that follows logically from what even soys believe, is that that women would end up having more sex than men, regardless of lower sex drive. The reason is simple:

Imagine two people, James and john. James is a fatso and has 50% more hunger on average than John. However, James can literally not get food unless he pays most of his salary for it. He has to bribe the baker to give him food. And even then, the food is medicore. Over time, James just get's used to eating no food or only shit food. James sometimes watches hours of others eating food until he gets the feeling he is kinda satisfied.

John on the other hand does not have this problem. Yes, John is less hungry than James, but John literally has people shove food into his mouth in public. In fact, this is so extreme that John has acquired learned behaviors to avoid randos shoving food in his mouth - he only lets 20% of the population do it and when it comes to the other 80%, he sets up loops to jump through before they can do it, to avoid being annoyed by them.

John has never experienced a time when he could not immediately satisfy his hunger. There is always someone around shoving food in his mouth if he just lets them.

So, which of these two, James and John, ends up eating more food? James, who can't even get food unless taking extreme measures, or John, who has to literally develop a defensive stance to avoid people shoving food in his mouth.

Now, all this aside, even in sexual science they are now more and more recognizing that women's sex drive is similar to mens (shocker). Here I quote this paper, which I will attach:

-"Gender Differences in Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors: A Review of Meta-Analytic Results and Large Datasets"
Jennifer L. Petersen & Janet Shibley Hyde, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Note that the text highlights that sex is seen as nasty and degenerate, which may be behind our foid worshiping culture is trying to avoid portraying women as sexual beings. As it says, this may push researchers into denying or downplaying evidence for stronger than expected female sexuality. We have seen this in other research too, like on this forums must-read threads on female body-count doubling on fake lie-detector tests:

In that study we get a classic example of what I just described. Confronted with evidence of women being whores and as sexual as men, the researchers scramble to excuse their own findings away to save their worldview:

"This pattern should be interpreted cautiously because the overall interaction between participants sex and testing condition was not significant."

We also saw the same excuses pop up when they found in another study that women are aroused by literally everything, regardless of what their stated sexual orientation was. This included monkeys, lesbian sex, gay sex between men etc:

"There's the possibility that genital response for women is not necessarily imbued with meaning about her sexual interests," says Chivers. She also emphasized that her findings do not imply women harbor a latent desire for lesbian sex or bestiality."

This tendency, to explain away findings that contradict their presuppositions about women and men, is so prevalent that is has been recognized by researchers themselves. I made a thread about the respective data here:

So yeah, like I have said 10000 times before, this is not a fight over data, this is a fight over worldviews. Their apriori assumptions about women prevent them from acknowledging data that contradicts their assumptions. And among these apriori presuppositions is the idea that men are the more sexual gender, that men are brutish beasts that lust and hunt after women, like predators, while women are coy, conflict-avoidant and only want kind, soft missionary sex with a loving partner who protects them from da ebil worldd out deree waaaaaaa sniff sniff :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

In reality any quick study of romance novels, porn statistics, studies on which partners AHEM women pick will reveal a female preference for danger, conflict, rough hardcore sex and so forth.

But enough of this. I have a vague memory in my mind that @WorthlessSlavicShit wrote about something like this in a thread, how they accidentally discovered women having same sexual partner count as men or something idk.
Your method literally prove :blackpill: this shit in terms of Maths and data.
Yeah it's really crazy how much money foids spend on cosmetic procedures, makeup, face creams, etc. It's even worse that they still do this when they have a husband and kids. They are always trying to signal their fertility to high status males even when they're "taken".
Water, this was common knowledge during the middle ages.
Water, this was common knowledge during the middle ages.
It was common knowledge in all of human history, except the last cucked 100-150 years where women succeeded in convincing men they are perfect innocent angels who fart rainbows.

Yeah it's really crazy how much money foids spend on cosmetic procedures, makeup, face creams, etc. It's even worse that they still do this when they have a husband and kids. They are always trying to signal their fertility to high status males even when they're "taken".
The latter is extremely disgusting. And the poor betabuxx hubby has no way to prohibit this visual cuckoldry practise, except for in Islamic countries, where either modest clothing (say, in Syria) or farcical means to hide the female body are taken. In the West, a Chad ofc would prohibit her GF/wife from indulging in such degenracy and she'd acquiesce.

I mean, no matter how dumb Islam in general is: it's combative stance vis-a-vis female vices is a laudable behaviour, simply too harsh. But life simply was harsh in the Arabia of the 7th century. Even very primitive people instintively got what the dwellers of our high-tech civilization have forgotten or rather: want to forget.
Yeah it's really crazy how much money foids spend on cosmetic procedures, makeup, face creams, etc. It's even worse that they still do this when they have a husband and kids. They are always trying to signal their fertility to high status males even when they're "taken".

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